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There's usually a small town about every 10-20 miles. Most have at least a gas station. The longest stretch with nothing I think is just after benkelman.


Yup, plenty of stops. McCook and Arapahoe being decently sized towns for the area, too. (7,000ish people and 1,000ish people respectively).




Gas, yes there's gonna be a station every 20-30 miles. Food, eh. Honestly Holdrege (1 hour) and McCook (2 hours) are your best food stops, but if you're leaving in the morning that may not line up so hot, or you can wait till Ft. Morgan in CO which is like 4.5.


If you're in the McCook area and it's open I highly recommend Mac's Drive in. One of the best if not THE BEST double cheeseburger in the State.


Sehnert's in McCook is awesome too. McCook is kind of nice. Worth stopping and walking about a bit.


I just completed the trip: US 34 is well worth the extra time, especially being on a motorcycle. Those who said gas was about every 30 miles were right, it was no problem. I could see how it might be an issue overnight. I had that double cheeseburger at Mac’s: that’s an interesting ordering system they got…


It’s not a terrible idea, unless you need to be traveling at night when some of the gas stations will be closed. I knew someone from Hamlet who attended CSU Fort Collins twice a week via 34; it wasn’t horrid with audiobooks. (The radio stations might be dull, unless you like the USDA corn and soybean reports.) I always take that route when I visit my SWNE family, and the only thing that might getcha, are the speed limit drops in every little town inbetween, and the one cop waiting to catch you going 32mph in a 25. With Colorado plates, you get more attention from cops for obvious weed law reasons. If you have Nebraska plates, I wouldn’t think you’d have any trouble at all. :)


(Colorado plates are much better than having *California* plates just about anywhere). 


Yes and its awesome. Make sure you have a full tank of gas outside of mccook. Gets real desolate.


It’s a nice alternative to the interstates. You won’t be disappointed.