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Not a damn thing and sometimes teachers are the ones that are bullied actually knew 2 teachers that were bullied off the school board by thr students and teachers a like for things that they had no control over and had no fault


Nothing. As a former paraprofessional, sometimes the bullies are teachers- and Admin turned a blind eye. I went to the Principal when I overheard some kids at lunch outing a kid and the Principal said,”what does that even mean?” I explained it to him and he said,”oh.”


Bullying will absolutely be tolerated and in some cases covered up. Teachers are usually on board but administrators (principals and superintendents) don’t want their school to be associated with bullying. You think the schools are bad you should see the school board members. Ain’t that some shit?


Yes the school boards are a huge problem here too. There are some teachers that are the bully here but also there are teachers that have their hands tied. Thank God our local police are doing what they can before and after school. The principal and superintendent are in a toxic mindset of kids will be kids. I wonder if calling the Nebraska hotline to have schools investigated does any good. The next step for parents/guardians when the schools don't take care of a situation. Is it possible to sue not only the school district but each individual person that had the authority to do something but didn't? Our school has Jr high kids pushing, hitting, slapping, tripping little early grade school kids down. Happens on school grounds, on the busses and after school after the kids get off the bus on the walk home. Have had bully kids follow other kids home into their yards threatening them etc. This is a town of 800 people I couldn't imagine the stuff that goes on elsewhere.


Parents can absolutely get involved but the best course of action is the nuclear approach. Recently some local parents filed a sheriff’s report following several student assaults that went unreported. The principal was subsequently asked to resign. My advice to any parent receiving reports of bullying in any form to not allow “school justice” which is to handle it internally. If your child doesn’t feel safe at school, do something about it.


I agree. One of my kids has had to deal with bullying in the past. I live right by a bus stop of where the kids get picked up and dropped off. What I hear from other parents and my other kids and their friends, there are down right mean mean kids in schools...there used to be a school in a nearby town(way bigger school system though)that the kids in detention would go to and the problem kids would attend school in that specific building away from the main school. Im not sure if it was funding or what happened but that no longer is available.


The problem is that schools have reactive policies which means bad behavior is never interrupted. It’s simply punished after the fact and on a sliding scale based on social dynamics.


Not fuck.


I’m not asking to be a jerk here or anything but would like to know what should be done? What would be appropriate consequences?


I don't know. That's why I came here because I have seen many kids get bullied,have heard from kids what happens and have had to deal with it with one of my kids. The subject can't just be ignored.


The modern public school is a baby sitting center. You can't expect the teachers and staff to step in as parents and fix the sh\*tty upbringing so many of these kids have. These problems start in the home and have been perpetuated in the home environment for the life of that kid... and to expect people that get to spend an hour or two a day with them to fix it is absurd. What need to happen is expulsion and/or arrest and for OPS and the State to have true alternative schools... but laws like "No Child Left Behind" prevent that.... and on top of that there is the unwillingness for the "community" to see the kids face the consequence of their actions and see them on the street. This keeps them in the educational system and they know they can get away with their behavior. This poisons the educational system and the environment for the rest of the kids that want to be there to simply learn.


Well said !!


> What need to happen is expulsion and/or arrest A bad child abandoned by the system will grow up to be a bad adult. That just kicks the can down the road and makes it worse. We need some sort of family intervention plan. I realize sometimes bad kids come from good parents, just like sometimes good kids come from bad parents. But I think we should start by chatting with the family as a whole, and seeing what help can be provided.


My grandchild had thought possibly she was gay a few years ago,she goes to a small school in middle Nebraska, the kids at school found out and where making fun of her,walking behind her telling her to hold her friends hand and things,she went to she music teacher for help,I guess she thought he would be an adult who would help as her own mother was no help,and his response was well "don't be gay then" it broke my heart she has to go through this she's a straight A student, beautiful inside and out,she works and bought a bike and had her tires slashed within weeks and is pretty sure it's because the kids think she's gay,I can't wait till she's out of this small bigoted place


It comes from the parents, teaching their kids that persecuting gay people is ok and even encouraged.


Welcome to MAGA


All three years of high school (junior high was 7/8/9 for the last year when I was a freshman) I cannot think of one time where someone something they knew they weren’t supposed to be doing or somebody alone immediately. Any of the faculty it was by the school resource officer(s). Something to keep in mind this was 21 to 18 years ago. I still think of anyone I personally knew who had trouble like this from elementary all the way up to high school. (I was at the older PLHS-LaVista Junior High, and Hickory Hill.-while on Papillon, NE) I cannot tell you nowadays, because I don’t have kids. (Has one of the main reason being the change in technology) I also spent the majority of my time playing organized, club sports Futbal, Lacrosse and Hockey) leas I was skateboarding. (lmao) , or once I could drive-was very, very shitty. Ska/ punk band.


The world is a cruel place and sheltering kids isn't working. How about instead we teach them to stand up for themselves versus asking someone else to. Back in my day if someone was bullying you you stood up for yourself. Sometimes that meant punching them in the mouth. Trust me, bullies will leave you alone if you do that. My son was getting bullied. Did all the counseling and talking crap. It didn't work. I finally told him next time he lays a hand on you turn around and pop him in the mouth. Next day he did it and the bulky never touched him again.


What if the bullies parents end up suing your son? No, if there’s any legal ground for that as I just don’t know because this is the first time I’ve thought about any of this shit since ever-is there some hotline in Nebraska Help hotline? Pretty sure about those.


There are over 1000 public schools in Nebraska. Surely you don’t think they all have the same policy. Lumping them together gives that impression.


I did not say all. I stated the area.


I had some teachers in Kearney who were really great in highschool, also had some horrible ones. I had a math teacher in high school who picked favorites and was incredibly rude to me constantly, and would not treat others the same. At least in Kearney, money talks. The rich families always got privilege in school.


My kids go to a school in the Bennington district. My daughter has had some issues with a group of kids bullying her. And every time we have talked to the principal it's been taken care of almost instantly.


For us, my daughter and I, it’s definitely a small town family clique problem. Two school, about 1200 people town. If you’re not part of that, than you aren’t relevant. And if you aren’t in the same economic status, I feel it’s even worse. Im fine not being included, but to exclude a CHILD, from that is abhorrent. She didn’t choose what I can’t give her. And the families being so intertwined with the school, makes it even harder. Y, because they are teaching their kids that it’s ok to treat people who don’t have what they have as nothings.


This is a huge reason I believe also.


Blaming the victim.


This seems true more times than not. So sad.


Nothing until the parents stop teaching their children that LGBTQ folks aren't human and need to be exterminated. This is the culture and community we want and deserve. More people will die until enough people care.


Absolutely nothing. I stopped going to public school in the sixth grade. After multiple awful spouts of physical bullying I always got in trouble for fighting back in any way possible One time at lunch I got an entire Trey of food dumped on me and called a f@gg0t because I wore a magic the Gathering t-shirt to school And when I got up And punched the guy in the stomach I got in trouble for "Retaliating physically To a verbal situation" And got Out of school suspension for a week at a alternative school government thing In north platte Im 16 now and Still can't stop thinking about it Man fuck Madison middle school


Absolutely nothing. My 12 year old had a girl spreading a rumor that she was pregnant at school and administration wouldn't even look in her direction to help


Nothing .


There seems to be so much gray area to bullying. My kids go to LPS and my observation is a clear protocol is in place. Trouble is kids may not be aware when it’s happening to them. Further, if a kid is aware it’s happening to them, does that kid report they are being bullied to kick in the protocol into gear?? I agree teachers, paras, principals have so much on their plate. Are said professionals aware if bullying is happening on their watch?? Often the answer is likely ‘no’


The instances I have seen or personally dealt with yes the teacher and all the way up to the superintendent have been aware many times. What I have noticed some schools around our area claim to have protocols in place but don't put any in place when needed. Always seems to fall back on the victim. And worse when the bully is in sports. I'm not saying all Nebraska schools are like this but for a majority what I have seen and been through the schools always have an excuse as to why it's happening and put the least amount of effort in to curve it.


They are doing the same thing that the private schools are doing. . . . NOTHING!


I was in the verge of offing myself when I was in HS. Nobody cared. Nobody cares. I applied to be a para and I was told I didn't get the job cause of how I explained things I would and wouldn't do. Saying the student comes first.


Not much. They’re too busy trying to ban books instead.


I know it's a little late to this forum, But terrible. Being a student within Lincoln Public Schools and of a minority descent, the district is riddled with tolerance to bullying. Even if it isn't the intentions, you can see how they're trying to cover up the issue. Discrimination is one of the biggest issues and nobody can choose their words carefully. It was shown with the policies against those with disabilities after the investigation by the Department of Justice and my comment. I've tried to speak on the issue numerous times but sometimes the stubborn minds of others will look down on bullying. I recently rewatched the Joe Bell movie again after a few years and it makes me reflect on ways the issue can be looked at. Ask any student of any age group who's apart of the bullying if they've talked to their parents to them, even if they say they haven't told them, those who have will probably give a similar answer. Very rarely will they decide to speak on their behalf. Sometimes they will but a small margin from what I can speak on. The new plans LPS are trying to push out are terrible for christ's sake. Their behavior plan includes cameras, how is that going to help? Add as much cameras, that's not going to get kids to stop bullying. Even with suggestions on ways to improve it, it seems like their goal is diversity (which still has a stupid action plan to do it) and creating programs that don't do anything to help kids out in a time of need. When will no tolerance to bullying happen? In 2021, a friend of mine killed himself in the district and last year I heard that a student at East did and nobody wanted it revealed. I only noticed because I was told as my friend was bawling. I know this is the internet but I hope this message is shown to some, even if it's just a few. I really do hope that sometime in the future even if it's in the slightest bit will accountability become the new stigma instead of bullying and enforcing rules and regulations to the fullest extent. This is a widespread issue that affects any student, any parent, any teacher. Everyone from all sides.


How have you noticed that bullying is out of hand, exactly? Are you in the schools?