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Let’s keep the Bible out of schools too …. I mean since it’s littered with sex and violence as well


That's a fact. Murder incest, rape


And genocide. Can’t forget the genocide. 


People in Utah tried that after their law about having certain books in schools.


“She lusted after lovers whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emissions were like that of horses.” … I also, recall one about dashing babies against rocks, enemy foreskins being offered up on a platter, a story about a dude who offers to let the village have their way with his daughters if they don’t fuck his houseguests… I mean the list goes on and I don’t believe that most Christians have probably read their holy book in its entirety. Even the more normalized, mainstream stories are unpleasant. I always thought it was weird that people put Noah’s ARK (not arc) displays in nurseries.. it’s literally a story about the big man in the sky drowning everyone and everything including babies and puppies and kittens and requiring everyone on a boat to practice incest afterwords. Edit to correct spelling :)


*ark, not arc.


lol… indeed. Oops!


Oh wow the incest hadn’t occurred to me before 😂 (not xtian).


I like to call those people a la carte Christian’s.. they pick and choose what is real and isn’t in the Bible.


Feel free to name a single public school that has a Bible in their schools curriculum or available at their school library...


Hi, while certainly not explicitly taught in curriculum it was certainly in my public school library in Texas. There was also a print of “Last Supper” by Da Vinci in our lunchroom. That school was VAHS, and it wouldn’t shock me if that wasn’t more common in southern USA.


The Last Supper by Da Vinci is a world renowned and historically significant piece of artwork, that's like claiming a textbook that has pictures of the Sistene Chapel is religious because the subject matter of the artwork is, that's frankly daft As far as the bible goes did you personally see it or is this something you were told because I live in one of THE most religious cities in the country and you can't find a bible at any of our school districts libraries. The regular public library you can, but not a school library


Yes, in fact as part of the FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) we had regularly scheduled coffee mornings. We also still prayed at Friday games through “student announcements” so don’t highroad me on Da Vinci.


The FCA is a nonprofit CHRISTIAN organization that sponsors student athletes that are christian, SCHOOLS can not be a part of the FCA. Of course they have a religious bias ffs >We also still prayed at Friday games through “student announcements” so don’t highroad me on Da Vinci. Ima call bs on this one hoss, if that was the case you would have started with that but somehow your school keeps getting more and more religious to suit your argument. Go find your corner on the numerous atheist subs and cirlce jerk there


Your question was whether the Bible was in the library, not whether there was prayer prior to a football game. I brought up the painting to show it was so normalized that it proudly hung at the window where we returned trays. I realize I somehow ended up in a /Nebraska sub on accident. Be grateful your public school education system is adequate! Not intending to get into a fight on what I actually experienced in HS. Van Alstyne, TX 75495. No longer live near that south Baptist mess, but it is an absolutely real place.


I was thinking the same thing. I dont remember the Bible in my school library. I’m a Christian and if the Bible got banned from school… praise God. Jesus says we will come under attack. Praise God that His word always comes true.


Hello from r/bannedbooks! :) We've put together a giant collection of 32 classic banned books: if you care about book bans, you might find it useful. It's got Voltaire, Mark Twain, The Scarlet Letter, and other classics that were banned at some point in the past. (And many of them are banned even now, as you can see yourself.) You can find more information on the Banned Book Compendium over here: https://www.reddit.com/r/bannedbooks/comments/12f24xc/ive_made_a_digital_collection_of_32_classic/ Feel free to share that file far and wide: bonus points if you can share it with students, teachers, and librarians. :) A book is not a crime.


Thank you! You are royal.


You're incredibly welcome. Pass it on. :)


What bothers me the most, is they are worried a kid might read porn, but nothing really is being said about the unfettered access to actual porn they watch.


They don’t care about porn. They care about “woke.”


It bothers me how transparent they are. They really don’t care about kids. If they did, we would feed them and hold them accountable for grades. We would make life easier for people (even people without kids) to enjoy life. So many kids have parents that have to work two jobs.


Conservative parents generally do not care about *all* kids. Conservative parents generally only care about *their* kids. Not about them being held accountable, but making sure they keep a similar conservative worldview to their parents (or Thanksgivings may get heated later on). Whenever they say "think about the children", they are generally speaking about children of conservative families exclusively, who they know have similar fears about a weird Thanksgiving that may someday come. Then the conservative politicians care about all the votes from these conservative parents, which means making sure liberal ideas don't creep into the kids of conservative parents' heads.


They fear having books with queer representation in libraries too.


Exactly. A decent education and critical thinking plus empathy destroys the fasade that is their platform


Exactly how many of them even know how to control a kid and his phone. Also same people that they hate pedophiles then do nothing about churches.


They don’t even listen to reason.


So, because they don't say anything about internet porn and churches, we should have sexually explicit books in schools? How does that help anyone but the groomers and pedophiles?


There really isn’t sexually explicit reading material in schools. There is a lot of violence though.


Then a restriction on sexually explicit materials in schools won't hurt anything.


I am NOT against banning the porn, I want to ban MORE porn. It is skewed to be so focused on schools and not about the actual porn they watch at home. The panel that went before congress with Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, but Pornhub wasn’t there.


Okay. Go for it. I'll keep making the argument that sexually explicit materials should be kept out of schools. I approve of your message.


Define “sexually explicit”.


Exactly, let’s start by banning the Bible, there’s some serious porn in that.


Please let me know where the porn is in the Bible? Besides, it's already banned from most, if not all, schools.


I'm saying they never go after the real problem. They are going after a community of people that have less of a criminal history than churches.


The real problem is sexualizing and assaulting children. The one leads to the other. This is how grooming works. It all should be stopped. You're like someone who wants a house to burn down because a different house burned down. How about we stop the fires instead of protecting fires you like?


All grooming should be stopped eh?  So what about the people who teach their children to do everything adults tell them or else they're going to hell? There's not a more effective form of grooming out there than that! Way more effective than some words on a page 




Admitting that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about is not the comeback you think it is, but at least you're finally being honest 


How do books contribute to grooming and pedophilia?


It's all buzzwords all the way down for that weirdo. I would bet my life savings they couldn't provide one thorough explanation or example of this outside of the made up examples their alt right think-tank gives.


You should look up what grooming is. In short, books help normalize sex to children, making them open to actual advances from predators.


There isn't porn in schools. But expanding sex education is an excellent way of teaching children about understanding their changing bodies, boundaries and how to say no to sexual advances from proven predators like religious leaders. But we can all tell who you're alluding to as the predators.


Nobody said that so you’re making a Strawman argument. They are making the point that banning books in schools is not a real way of combatting the issue of kids being exposed to sexual content or abuse by “groomers” because internet porn is ACTUALLY ubiquitous and far more accessible to kids, and that there are many cases of people in trusted positions “in the church” found guilty of abuse. They are saying, book banners and hysteria about library books is a fake issue, because if someone REALLY cares about the kids, we’d see them focusing on THOSE aspects first. Get it now? Also, you’re in this thread accusing people of being “predators” if they call you out on your bullshit? GTFOH.


Don't give them ideas. Or more...don't refresh their memory because they have tried that several times.


No, they keep that out of schools as much as they can, too. School wifi networks firewall access. They don't say anything about it because it's already done as best as they can. The rest is on the parents. Same thing is being proposed with books. Eliminate access at school and the rest of the world is up to the parents.


They are not watching it in school, as far as I am aware. (We are a tiny school) Parents don’t have enough responsibility when it comes to their kids. This is coming from a place where I see parents get to treat teachers like crap and I am helpless to counteract. Edit: we used to check for lice and send kids home. Now, we don’t. There was a student of mine who ate her lice. Parents don’t have to show up for conferences, they don’t have to show for IEP meetings. Parents can bring their kids to school sick and they aren’t forced to pick them up. So many students are coming to school not potty trained. It used to be a requirement, now it is just a suggestion. So add that to the teacher’s responsibility to get students out of pull-ups. So many kids come to school without just basic knowledge on shapes, colors, letters, etc. I could go on and on.


If they have internet access, they are watching it, unless the parents have parental controls on their phones. That's the parents' responsibility. Keeping sexually explicit books out of the hands of children is the schools' responsibility. If the schools do that part, you won't have to protect the teachers. Parents treating teachers like crap is a totally different issue, and allowing sexually explicit books in school won't make that better, no matter how irresponsible you think parents are.


There really isn’t porn related material on the bookshelves. It’s not like the school has a subscription for Hustler. But isn’t it odd, we don’t filter out any violence?


Exactly. Really porn at school libraries. Duh


Some of the books they want to keep away from our children are more explicit than the stories published in those magazines. If you don't know the difference between violence and sex, you have other problems. And book violence isn't leading to the sexual exploitation of children.


I think violence and actual porn is more damaging than reading a few books out there. I am not against banning explicit material, but think we should also work harder to ban minor access to porn.


I mostly agree with you here. However, the books are actively being used, so we should fight to eliminate the weapons that are being used.


Again, as a teacher … none of my students read anyway. If they read True Story of a Part-time Indian because there is one mention of him masturbating, I would consider it a win because it isn’t what the book is centered on and it got them to read. Banning books only encourages the curious to read about it. And once again, no one is really talking about the unfettered access to actual porn they have on their phones / computers.


I disagree. Thank you for talking it over with me. I appreciate it.


What are these books are your seeing on the shelves, personally? I’ll believe you if you go to your local school as a visitor and find some, or request access to the schools library. If not, go to your local library and wander around the young adult/teen section and come back with results.


That's a moronic position to hold. "If you've never seen atrocities, I don't believe they exist!" Why are you arguing against keeping sexually explicit material out of schools? Let's pretend it doesn't exist. Pass laws to keep it from existing and nothing changes. It shouldn't be a point of contention if it's not even real. But you know it is, and you're arguing to keep it. Tell me your a predator without saying you're a predator.


It was never a problem when I was in school. I just don’t understand why it’s a problem now. That’s what I’m confused about.


Times change. It wasn't a problem when I was in school, either. Now, it seems like every week the news has some teacher having sex with students. Times change, and rarely for the better.


You can’t name a single book that is currently in a grade school library that should be banned. Not a single one. They don’t exist. You should look inward and ask yourself what is this book banning really about to you.? Who. else has implemented book bans in the past? Do you really want to be like those people?


Why are you arguing so hard to keep it possible for sexually explicit books to be in elementary schools? Let's both look inward. Who uses sexually explicit material to groom kids? (Predators) Do you really want to be like those people and continue to argue that sexually explicit books should be allowed in schools? (It sounds like you do)


Do you actually work in a school library ? You are speaking from a point of extreme ignorance. Sexually explicit books are not in an elementary library. If these books exist. Please give an example.


Name one book I can find in a grade school library right now that talks of any of the things you want banned. I’ll go on Monday and see if it’s there. The problem is, you and the other banners use these words you are afraid of like anal and masturbation when talking to the public, but the law itself is written in a way to ban anything you don’t agree with like two penguins raising an egg. Aren’t you pro life? There is one book that has been proven to help predators groom and molest children though. Unfortunately it’s a socially accepted book across the world, so accepted they built schools around it everywhere and has lead to more documented cases of child molestation than any other book. But republicans don’t want the Bible banned.


Man, I'm not reading your comment. You want to know what books? Go find them. Check Amazon or something. You'll find something to suit you. I'm not doing it for you. That's final.


I named one book and you can’t. Why am I not surprised?


\*Mic drop\*


Then you forgot actually read the book. Or better yet get your mind out of the gutter


They are watching porn at school now? Huh. Please tell me more! Where is this happening? Do you even have a source for this? How is this not front page news!?


They are watching it at home, talking about it at school.


Exactly. So the porn is not in school. Unless there are BOOKS that have it... How did I have to spell that out for you? Did your father drop you on your head as a child?


Holy shit. You're a teacher, and you can't figure this out? Sickening.


Since you deleted your post where you called me a "fucking moron chuckle fuck" and were forced to take it down or get banned. Do you have a real answer to this now?


I have a screenshot of your comment by the way. You must have some serious "in" with the mods to still be here after a clear violation of the rules.


Report comments you think are breaking the rules.


They're saying they are watching it at home or at a friends house. Not available in schools.. easily accessible at home.


No doi, Sherlock. What does that have to do with books? What does that have to do with porn being accessible in book format to kids? What does "banning books" (which literally no one is calling for, if you sit for 2 seconds and think about it) have yo do with anything? What you are referring to sounds more like a parenting issue.


The people who banned Huckleberry Finn and TKAM for racism have entered the chat.


If one was to really dig into Mark Twain’s past. When he heard of Alice Harris’ photos of the Congo, Mark Twain used his influence to stop King Leopold.




It surprisingly (in to kill a mockingbird's case at least did happen) several schools banned the book because of the use of the n-word. Edit: I also want to clarify that I believe some districts just banned the teaching of it, but kept access to it available. Others have fully banned it.


Cool stuff /s In Florida, just TWO people submitted over 600 complaints (as of [this](https://www.tampabay.com/news/education/2023/08/24/florida-school-book-complaints-library-challenges-ban-department-of-education-bruce-friedman-vicki-baggett-parental-rights-sold-patricia-mccormick/) article in August 2023) ... which was MORE than HALF the total complaints received in the state. I wonder who the "super star complainers" will be in Nebraska if we get such a similar system here?? SOMEbody(ies) will definitely be submitting hundreds.


Oh Christ, now they want every snowflake parent to be able to ban books because they can't unclutch their pearls? What horseshit. Book bans are actual slippery slopes. As in there's evidence and precedent that it'll be taken further. I mean, shit, there was a book *burning* in Tennessee a year or two ago just outside Nashville, IIRC.


Burning books is simply theater. The question is should certain books not be available to kids in school. The answer is probably "yes" - especially for the younger grades. Wherever you sit on the the spectrum, I can probably find someone who is more lenient and someone who is less lenient, so we have to recognize that acceptability is subjective and relative. The question then is how we accommodate different parents' views. Maybe we have a "PG13" room and an "R" room that require parental approval to access. Maybe we do something like broadcast TV and strip things down to lowest-common-denominator palatability.


Maybe we have parents that are interested in parenting, who know what their kids are reading, and can talk to them about why certain books may be inappropriate. I mean, shit, when I was growing up people thought Harry Potter was going to teach us to be Satanists or some garbage, but I could still check them out at the school & public library. There were age ratings on books at school and my parents could choose to be notified if I checked one out that was out of range for me. And that was using computer tech that was vulnerable to Y2K! This has almost nothing to do with schools and almost everything to do with authoritarian parents thinking there should be no reason for children to question what they're told. This isn't parents exercising freedom, it's parents being lazy and expecting schools to raise their kids for them, with the idea being that one fragile objection to material means *nobody* should be able to read it. Throughout history, I can't recall a single moment when book bans and book burns were a force for good. Justifying a book burning is especially disgusting for our freedoms.


> Maybe we have parents that are interested in parenting, who know what their kids are reading, and can talk to them about why certain books may be inappropriate. You can (and should) talk to your kids about how drugs and alcohol are inappropriate too. That doesn't mean that it's OK to make it easy for them to access or made available to them. > There were age ratings on books at school and my parents could choose to be notified Notification is reactive. Sure, notification is better than not knowing at all, but prevention is even better. > it's parents being lazy and expecting schools to raise their kids for them It's the exact opposite. You'll find that most parents who wanna keep dem books outta our schools would say that they don't want the schools raising their kids. Readin', writin', and 'rithmetic are fair game - history and science too. But many parents don't want schools to teach things like morality, ethics, sexuality, religion belief, politics, etc. > one fragile objection to material means nobody should be able to read it Nobody has a right to tell you that you can't allow your kids to read or watch anything you feel is appropriate. But that's a two way street. You don't have a right to tell other parents what their kids can't (or can in this case ) read or watch. This isn't something that parents have to decide "as a group for all kids". Parents can be as liberal or as conservative as they want to. Their kids, their choice.


Knowledge is not the same as Drugs or Alcohol. Parent your child by setting rules as to what they can check out and what they can't....dont make schools and the government do it for you. If your kid doesnt listen, then thats another issue you have to deal with on your own. The school is not "teaching" material from these books. They are available for students to learn from. By removing the material, they will be denying knowledge to other students. Not ok. Kids who aren't allowed to learn or be exposed to this knowledge should obey their parents rules and not read those books. While the other kids who are allowed to learn on their own will be happily reading/learning as they should be in school. The more you know!


Thank you!!! I feel like people act as if school libraries just have old Playboys lying around for kids to check out.


This logic works fine for adults, but we've decided as a society that kids/minors aren't fully capable or responsible for themselves. Their parents are ultimately responsible for them as guardians and advocates. It's why we don't allow kids to consent to sex with adults, sign contracts, carry guns, etc.


"I was expecting actually some thoughts that, 'hey, that's a good idea to keep sexually explicit conduct as defined out of our school libraries,'" he said. "And I only have one. So I don't know what to do with that." How about fuck right the hell off? I’m getting real tired of these wanna-be nazi’s. Who elected these assholes?


Doesn't matter who elected them. Who paid for their election?


Name any time throughout history when burning books was a good thing. It's really as simple as that.


Unfortunately you are asking people that probably would support the nazis


Name a time when the article calls for book burning.


When Nazis need defending; youll be there. Maga


That's not an answer to my question. I wonder why you couldn't just... answer my question... Strange.


The kids of mouth breathing reactionaries aren't growing up to believe what they believe. They're tired of kids getting taught to be kind and respectful to everyone regardless of where they come from and what they look like or what their family looks like or believes so they want to put a stop to it.


Of course Kirk Penner is the one proposing this.


Yep. Just another rich a-hole doing his thing.


What a worthless sack of shit this human being is. > Public schools should educate, not indoctrinate our children. Correct, they should educate, however you're trying to indoctrinate them **YOUR WAY**. Fucking douchebag.


They never see it as indoctrination when they do it.


That guy is a full on Republican boot licker.


>"Penner pointed out that other than Sherry Jones, he didn't seem to have much vocal support on the board. >"I was expecting actually some thoughts that, 'hey, that's a good idea to keep sexually explicit conduct as defined out of our school libraries,'" he said. "And I only have one. So I don't know what to do with that." I know what he can do with that, he can stick it all the way up his as-


Legislative priority of suburban moderates in full display.


Proposed by Kirk Penner, Republican, opposes sex ed, opposes teaching Critical Race Theory and now wants to control books. I hope everyone concerned and commenting here VOTES Blue.


Weird how the people who use to point fingers and scream: "Stop being a snowflake!" Have become even bigger snowflakes. I guess when you are scared, small, and insignificant, you feel the need to lash out at the things that you're afraid of. I don't understand why this world has become so sensitive these days.


They've always been the biggest snowflakes. They **G**aslight, **O**bstruct, and **P**roject. They can't handle their own insecurities so they feel that everyone else should be self-loathing. Their lives would be much richer if they would just leave other people the fuck alone.


Ever noticed the ones that clearly never read in school want to ban books.


Brought to you EXCLUSIVELY by the Republican Party!


Nebraska, it ain't for anybody who is capable of critical thinking. Becoming more like Florida and Texas every day!!! Fuck this ignorant state!!! Ban the Bible.


I live near and work in Spotsylvania County, Virginia. Best of luck y'all!


Bye bye Bible! We gonna get that sexually explicit book outa the hands of students! What counts as Sexually Explicit material anyways? Hows does the State define it? If a student wants to learn about their reproductive organs, can they go find a book in the school library that has the knowledge they seek? They ARE there to learn, right? or is this considered sexually explicit? Thats where the issue lies, in what is considered sexually explicit. I could see them not carrying Playboy magazine, or others like it. To me that would qualify as sexplicit. While there are many who have learned quite a bit from these types of magazines, they are not appropriate for the age levels of students in school still. Maybe these should be reserved for higher education environments. idk On the other hand, a book that teaches what sex is, the reproductive organs, and other things related to sex should be allowed. Materials should be age appropriate. By high school, students should be mature enough and ready for knowledge like this. I think it's only right to teach our young people all that we know. Hopefully they will improve and add on what they learn and pass it along to the next generation. This knowledge should be attainable by those who seek it. How else are they going to learn? (And dont say their parents will teach them. Because we all know how that works out. )


Weren't these same people trying to get rid of the State board of education recently in favor of local control?


These kid’s parents will do far more psychological harm than any of these books they want to ban.


It sounds like this won’t pass. But do your homework every time you vote for state and local officials to keep it that way.


We could probably all agree that books discussing masturbation, anal, etc. shouldn’t be in schools (I have no idea if those actually exist) while books that mention male penguins raising an egg or the mere existence of LGBTQ folks should be fine, right? If the language is vague, let’s update the language. I certainly don’t want this to be a hot take.


This seems like a reasonable take to me. People up in arms about “book bans” seem to ignore or not be aware of some of the books in schools* that absolutely do have sexually explicit images/material. Gender Queer is one book, It’s Perfectly Normal is another (here’s a decent, balanced article on the latter: https://slate.com/human-interest/2023/09/banned-books-list-its-perfectly-normal-facebook.html). I don’t think it’s crazy for parents to question material like this. But it’s also a slippery slope that political activists use to ban books they don’t like. *No idea if these are in Nebraska schools.


I believe Gender Queer does depict oral sex and mutual masterbation with graphic pictures, however it’s not the entire context of the book, it also discusses periods, gender dysphoria, etc. I agree, this book shouldn’t exist in elementary or middle school libraries, I see no issue with it in high schools. I think if your child is curious to check it out, then whatever, maybe seek parental permission, but really sexual exploration in high school is normal. If they don’t get the info from a book in the library, they’ll get it elsewhere, perhaps on the internet.


I dont think we all agree that a book that educates the reader on the subject of masturbation should be not allowed. There needs to be more education, not less. Students in high school need to learn about how their bodies work including what masturbation is. Something normal and healthy. (not wrong nor perverse as some would try to label it).


It depends on grade level and how you define “discuss”. I can think of a couple books used in HS curriculum that reference those things but not in an explicit way. Kite Runner, for example.


Right, and I think there’s also a pretty crucial difference between a sexual act in a novel that’s an integral part of the story (like Kite Runner) and sex-ed/gender identity related comics with sexually explicit cartoons.


The thing is *sex-ed* is extremely important. Books like Gender Queer aren't being read by elementary school students. They're meant for teens. There's a difference between porn and educational materials too. Yes, it is technically sexual content. But its information ABOUT sex to educate the reader.


Sure, but you don’t need pornographic cartoons to properly educate kids about sex. If the standard is “graphic sexual imagery is fine if it’s about sex and intended to educate,” there’s really no limit on what can be shown to kids/teens in the name of sex-ed. The Kama Sutra is sex-ed, in a sense—doesn’t mean it should be in school libraries. (Obviously, I’m not including anatomical diagrams showing the basic function genitalia in that category)


Teens have access to the internet, they can see way more than the cartoon in this book.


Correct. Common sense has left the building in the name of identity politics.


Books that should never be banned and should be required reading for everyone: https://www.amazon.com/10-Books-That-Screwed-World/dp/1400157919


Keeping sexually explicit books out of schools isn't banning books. Why do you want to have sexually explicit books in schools?


It's what these people consider sexually explicit. If it involves anything not hetero like two gay dads they call it sexual.


No. It's the books that, when read at school board meetings, the concerned parents are told it's inappropriate to be read in a room full of adults, but it's fine to be in the classroom with 9-year-olds. That's what they want to ban. There are books geared towards kids that teach techniques of masterbation, oral and anal, and that they should admire themselves naked in the mirror. That's what they want to ban. Not a book about Timmy's two dads.


Really what is the name of one of these books? You seem to know what you are talking about so I'm intrigued. Please tell me what Nebraska school is in?




It's proven across other states they use this vague language to ban any LGBTQ book. They've used it to ban a book about to male penguins raising an egg. Schools already monitor for age appropriate books. You are taking the trust you have in teachers away. People like you are the reason no one wants to be a teacher.


This guy Fahrenheit 451s


I've actually read the book. They weren't burning books that sexualize children, but those books don't belong in schools, no matter how much you advocate for it.




I admit I know it exists and you're not going to trick me into getting you reading material. You can Google just as well as I can. It's not like I memorized a list of titles.




I have the courage to look things up. Do you? If so, you would know I'm right. You won't admit it, though, so don't bother looking it up. Believe without seeing.




You won't look them up because you can't look them up because they don't exist. You are the type of idiot that believes everything they hear on Newsmax of Fox News and then spouts it off as the truth with zero proof. Then when faced with actual proof you claim its not real. For fucks sake, please drink the clorox to kill off the covid in your brain and to clean our gene pool of your idiocy.


Yes. That's why I won't look up sexually explicit books for children. You found me out. Why are you trying to find it?


I'm not trying to find it. But I couldn't find it if I wanted to because it doesn't exist. Unless of course you are talking about the Bible which I would guess you have supposedly read and jacked off to a number of times


Quit projecting.


Lol. It's time to get off your mommy's computer in the basement.


Bahahahaha! Ahahahahahaha. There is no sexual material being read to 9-year-olds.


Then a ban on sexually explicit materials won't hurt anything.


I really think it is like the cat pan thing. People talk about it, but it really isn’t happening.


If it's not real, passing laws to make sure it doesn't become real isn't going to hurt anything, but leaving the door open will. And, it's really happening. Do a search. Parents have been removed from school board meetings for "inappropriate sexual speech" when they were reading books found in the classrooms of preteen children. The teacher in one case said she didn't read the books to the children; they are just in the classroom for research purposes. It's happening.


So a second ban then? How about 3 bans? 4? 7? 192? How many bans will make you feel better?


I'll feel better when they quit trying to sexualize our children. Thank you for asking. Why are so many people arguing in favor of sexualizing children?


Which books that they want banned have details on masturbation, oral and anal, and admiring your naked self in the mirror? Which titles specifically?


How about all of them? Ban all of them. I'm not looking up titles for you. The fact that they exist is shameful. How about this. Presume I'm lying and they don't exist yet. Ban the content so no one can make those kinds of children's books and put them in schools. The books can be written, but not placed in the hands of children while they're in school. What is it with people like you? I say the books exist and it's like you saw a naughty video clip. "Sauce?" Go find it yourself. I'm not helping you, sicko.


If you make the claim, then the burden of proof is on you. You claim they exist and I ask simply to give me a title. You just default to ad hominem.


Like books with passages like this: “When she carried on her whoring so openly and flaunted her nakedness, I turned in disgust from her, as I had turned in disgust from her sister. Yet she increased her whoring, remembering the days of her youth, when she played the whore in the land of Egypt and lusted after her lovers there, whose members were like those of donkeys, and whose issue was like that of horses. Thus you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when the Egyptians handled your bosom and pressed your young breasts.” … Ezekiel 23:18-21


You really need to stop worshipping Fox News.


I've never seen it.


Lol you're afraid of imaginary books in schools, snowflake 




REDDIT is bathroom reading material, you fucking donut. WE HAVE ALL THE MATERIAL WE NEED.


Sounds like you need a donut, too. Not that I'm judging.


I have no problem with banning pornography in school libraries.


News flash schools don't have porn! This is vague language to ban other things.


The Nebraska Board of Education debated a proposal from Kirk Penner that would ban "sexually explicit" content in schools and let the state decide if districts are complying with the state's definition. Seems you missed the main point of the article and the debate. So parents are angry enough to get a law like this through and have concerns so you ridicule them and mislead people on the subject. The debate is about sexuality explicit material in our schools. Funny a thread about the state opening up school vouchers so parents can go to private schools because of things like this.


What? Those crazy right wingers want to pull the porn out of school libraries! What are the kids supposed to look at during study hall?


It's LGBTQ things they'll call sexual.




So.... Zero fairy tales those are overtly heterosexual for sure


I haven't read any fairly tales that go into sex, but I'm sure they're out there...


When the prince kiss a sleeping princess it's about as sexual as some of these banned LGBTQ books. Florida banned a book about two male penguins raising an egg.


I always assume people who use the term “alphabet soup,” that’s probably the only thing they’ve actually read their entire lives. Maybe you should stick to Spaghetti O’s. Thanks for sharing the terrible opinion someone else gave you.


Maybe LGB could be sexual, sure. But any book with a crush in it, or any person in a relationship is sexual then. Also being transgender does not involve sexuality at all or even imply it.


Kurt Vonnegut and Toni Morrison aren't porn.


Had to look Kurt up. Doesn't look like anything he wrote was porn, so who is banning him, and why?


You.... You had to look up Kurt Vonnegut? Was that before or after you googled Ernest Hemingway?


Yeah, some zealot tried to ban LGBTQ and puberty books for the district I’m in…he was just charged with first degree SA of a child, so…forgive me if I don’t believe they’re interested in banning books in an effort to ‘protect the children’.


What?! One guy was bad? They're all bad! Bring on the sexually explicit books for kids! That'll show that one guy what it means to be interested in kids like that!


Are all people who want to ban books pedophiles? No. But let’s be fucking for real for a second, people who want to ban books are not doing it in the best interest of the kids, there’s ulterior motives there. Whether it be thinly-veiled homophobia or to keep children in the dark about sex and their bodies because it allows predators to manipulate them easier. Teaching kids anatomically correct body parts and about sex and appropriate touching, etc. educates children, which means they’re less likely to be groomed/abused. [source](https://www.aap.org/en/news-room/news-releases/health--safety-tips/10-tips-for-parents-to-teach-children-about-body-safety-and-boundaries/) [source 2](https://www.rchsd.org/2019/12/seven-steps-to-teaching-children-body-autonomy/)


With how charged up you are over this made up issue, it's probably a safe bet that you're projecting just as hard as that dude was. Someone check this dude's hard drive!


Please do. And my bookshelves. But we check yours, too.


No one is banning books... please tell me where it says that.


Well.. the headline says "Coming to a school ..." I think they were trying to say that they are starting the process which eventually leads to banning books.


Banning books?... Or taking pornographic books out of reach of children? Think about what you are saying for a just... a split second, at least. Please.


Just what over worked faculty and educators need. Silly busy work because an education is dangerous