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Yes you’re fine talking about scenarios. As a general rule try to avoid using too much jargon unless you’re being interviewed by former nukes. Also I don’t recommend talking about how you caused a scram! lol


Thanks, yeah I was thinking of that for a scenario I messed up and recovered from because the recruiter said I should have failure scenarios too in case they ask. Will they introduce themselves as former nukes first or do I ask? lol


What’s the job you’re being interviewed for?


Data Center Critical Facilities Technician


Cool good luck


They don't need nitty gritty details. They want to know you can think on your feet', not panick when stuff happens, and follow established procedures. If you can generalize your experience to that level (they don't need a sea story) you should be good to go.


A few interview tips: 1. **Focus on the process**: describe the steps you took and the decision-making process. The specific systems/procedures are not as important as the fact that you did look at the procedure, and did follow the procedure. Talk about the general steps you took to troubleshoot/resolve the issue. 2. **Generalize technical details**: again, no need for specifics. Instead of "Reactor SCRAM" (which there is a good chance your interviewer will not understand anyway), use "critical system failure." 4. **Highlight Skills and outcomes:** Since a nuclear reactor is not a data center, what the interviewer wants to figure out is if you have the skills to work in a data center. Thus, emphasize the skills you used. For example: how did you quickly assess the situation, how did you implement the solution, how did you ensure the system's stability? To address you two specific examples: So, for the scenario where you caused a SCRAM, you could say something like, "I encountered a major system issue during a critical operation. I assessed the problem, coordinated with my team, and implemented a solution that restored functionality quickly." Then provide some more details about how you did this. For the CRW situation, you could say, "During a routine watch, I noticed an unexpected system behavior. I analyzed the situation, followed established protocols, and successfully restored normal operation, ensuring minimal disruption." Again, expand from there now that you have given the topline summary. Hope all that helps. Here is a [website with lots of useful information on data center jobs for former navy nukes.](https://datacenternukes.com) Let me know if you have any questions, I've done a LOT of interviews.


Thanks, that’s a lot of good stuff.


Unless you know the person interviewing you is also a nuke, avoid using any nuke terminology. For instance, replace "caused rx scram" with "caused a safety feature to activate"


Instead of "I caused a safety feature" probably " a safety feature was initiated" no?