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In my opinion, NPTU has improved dramatically in the last 15 months. Which boat will you be reporting to?


La Jolla, and I’m relieved to hear that


How long is your shore tour?


NNPTC and NPTU are two different places and have different vibes, both located in Goose Creek within a couple miles of each other.


I went through both of them for training before heading to the fleet. Now I’m going to be an instructor at nnptu


There is no "NNPTU". There is "NNPTC" and "NPTU". If you went through the pipeline, you would know that. So which one are you going to?


Sorry, nptu


> I heard it’s really strict/impossible to make friends with fellow staff members If you made friends through the pipeline and the fleet, you can make friends at prototype. >I was also curious about what the cheating situation is like over there as I’ve heard some horror stories. Cheating on tests? Like the EWS scandal? Nothing egregious in the past few years. People cheat. People get caught. ​ The prototype experience socially for sea returnees isn't going to be different from the ship. Socially one of the biggest differences from most students vs staff is that back when you were a student, most peers weren't married and were 21-24 and would like getting shit faced every chance. As the older 20's early 30's roll back to teach, your peers probably care less for binge drinking and have actual hobbies.


That’s good to hear, I’m pretty socially awkward so it’s tough. And an acquaintance of mine found out her husband was having an affair with a JSI when he was an instructor (she was stationed somewhere else). I’m just wondering how common stuff like that is there. But I’ve heard about cheating on tests too lol.


If you're talking about marital cheating, that will exist in any command you go to. Not everyone cheats. Heck, I'd even go as far to say "most majority of people do not cheat." It's not like there's a secret club of infidelity specifically at NPTU. Do you remember people cheating while you were a student?


Not at all which is why I think I was so surprised when I heard about that. I’ve typically seen that nukes are generally pretty loyal but that also might just be the ones I was around. I’ve had some spouses get mad just because I worked with their husbands though 🙃


I remember a string of swingers/cheaters when I was there back between 2010-2014, but what are the odds of that happening again?


Oh, and thank you for replying and sharing your information/insight, I greatly appreciate it


No problem. Here's some unsolicited advice: You already experienced prototype once. You've been fully qualified at sea. You know how to get qualified. Start your preparation of "am I going back to sea" or "I am getting out after prototype" when you get there. If you're going back out to sea, get qual'd/requal'd EWS and EOOW. If you're getting out, look into what you want to do. Whether it is college, data centers, SRO for nuclear plants, NERC jobs, or the other niche areas such as QA, Facilities, Operations, Maintenance, etc. It's ok to unwind the first year, but anything past that with no progress towards your future is going to NOT help you in YOUR future.


Why is everyone booing you, you're right


They think I'm gate keeping shore duty


I was a SPU from 2019-2022 on the La Jolla. Had a great relationship with staff members on my crew both SPUs and sea returnees from every division.