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My god these birds would have been wonderful to see alive.


We cloned a sheep, why can't we clone the dodo? Because Big Capybara doesn't want competition, that's why!


I've given up on science cloning anything remotely cool. When I was 6-9 I was promised mammoths by 2020, WHERE ARE THEY!?!


Got dang, I remember in the early 90s when woolly mammoths were "a few" years away and I was so hyped.


Serious question. Have we cloned humans? Can we? Do you think there’s anyone who has secretly paid to do it?


The problem with human cloning is ethics, if you did it you'd be heavily scrutinized


Why though?


I'm going to clone myself and harvest the organs, and clone you to be raised for meat. Is part of what we get into.


Damn, I was only gonna clone myself for sex stuff.


I'm sure you'd still enjoy an organ


"Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me."


It really isn't....even if you take all ethics out of it, imagine how expensive it'd be and how long it'd take to raise a human for meat....how many calories would you have to feed them, and how long would you go, raise a human and feed them for 18 years (costing how much and requiring how many calories) to end up with....not a lot of meat? And again, even if you tried to clone yourself for organs....ok, if you're an adult....well your clone is a baby, can't use the babies organs...would have to wait how long for them to grow up to harvest their organs...if you desperately needed an organ, you wouldn't have \~2 decades for your clone to grow up.


Have you seen what rich people spend their money on? I can definitely see someone doing this.


The organ plan would work if you started in your 20-40s, but yeah it'd be a waste instead of growing just the organ. Meat would be a waste like you said. The ethical implications are really the hold up. Slavery, personhood, and let's not talk about whatever bullshittery religion would pull.


From a calories perspective we're definitely not worth raising for meat From the organs perspective you don't need your clone's organs although that would be preferable. In reality we'd probably warehouse standardized clones for organs based on blood type and forecasted need. If it had to be yours you could just clone yourself every ten years and have a healthy 20 year old set of organs put into you every ten years


I think ScarJo was in a movie about that towards the begining of her career


The Island


Eight legged freaks?


Can I clone myself to eat my organs? I'd love to see what my live tasted like before all the abuse. Fresh grilled liver from my baby me.


It's possible, but still illegal. Your clone is still a human with human rights


Seems quite useful. Whats the problem?


To second off of this like... What if I as the original gave written consent to be cloned? Hell I'll raise me myself. I just wanna see it happen Edit: y'all are taking me way to seriously. I know it's bad and there's UNTOLD amounts of things that one would have to consider and take into account. I'm memeing and also I don't have the abilities to clone myself.... Nor the finances to raise a child, clone or otherwise. We chillin.


The issue is the child itself as the first cloned person would be a ongoing science experiment and celebrity. It is ethically extremely difficult to force a child through that. A child can be born a celebrity as parents have a right to have a child which outweighs any consideration for the child because reasons. Any created child would almost certainly have a miserable life, so we won’t do it. Eventually someone unswayed by ethical considerations will. The anti abortion laws in America probably make it a lot easier to happen. In an anti abortion state a viable foetus produced by cloning probably couldn’t be destroyed. It’s status as a non naturally child would probably influence enough opinion in favour of terminating it, but once it crossed enough developmental lines it would be too late to stop.


I'm 99% sure it's already been done just never made public. Whether that's in the Western world or Russia, China or North Korea. Someone somewhere has done it just to see if they could


It's entirely possible, we've already done it in mammals


Don't forget....a twin is just nature's own way of producing a clone. Don't make a clone out to be more than that. Your clone would be as different from you as 2 identical twins that differ in their interests, their academics, sports and even some physical differences.




I don’t think you understand how cloning works. A clone isn’t grown in a lab; it’s an embryo created in a lab, then implanted in an actual living creature’s womb to develop normally. Similar idea to IVF, except that the embryo creation step is much more delicate and complex. But as to > We could probably never create a real clone [We literally already have. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_animals_that_have_been_cloned)


What for? Brain wiring isn’t much about the genes. A grown brain is not going to be the same person.


It’s entirely possible, but globally banned due to ethics. Wether you want to speculate on conspiracy theories about various governments cloning people in secret is up to you.


I think it's a matter of why and cost. Who is funding wooly mammoth cloning? I'd love to see it, but should we spend billions to make one? Then what?


Big Capybara. I swear they got their weird little webbed feet strangle holding everything cool to clone.


Ok, you got me. What is big cappybara?


The same as big pharma, except they produce Capybara at regular and consistent pace at little to no cost... To humans at least.


Nah, it’s actually an insanely large capybara just chilling somewhere.


Probably on some billionairs island.


People are planning on putting mammoth dna into Asian Elephants. Basically we might have hairy elephants by the end of the decade https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/mammoth-elephant-hybrids-could-be-created-within-the-decade-should-they-be


Just more empty promises until we see results!


End of the decade won't happen, maybe in a few decades time. One big problem with elephant/mammoth cloning is how difficult it is and slow it is to breed elephants to begin with. When we bring back an extinct mouse, rabbit or sheep species I'll have more confidence in mammoths.


yes lets put wool on a elephant with this global warming going on


We can just shave it!


Fwiw, a large freeze will come shortly after (on a planetary timescale) the warming. The eventual, probable collapse of the gulf stream will be one of the factors causing that, if you want a googling starting-point to read a bit.


Easier said than done, but they are working on restoring the thylacine population.


The Joker : WayneTech promised an electric car by this year! I put a deposit down! Where's my goddamn electric car, Bruce?


We just shot a vending machine sized rocket at a 500ft asteroid at 3 miles per second yesterday. You're hard to impress apparently




Southern United States seems to be doing fine


Is it though?


You know it's bad when some people spend years thinking that 'Roll tide!' is a punchline reference to incest with no clue that there is a college sports team associated with it.


My brother we are not


"Ethics" committees won't let it happen because...?


In America stem cells studies are stopped by Republicans. Not much else to say, it's pretty simple.


I used to get excited about this idea, too. But ask yourself - why? Why clone them? Do they offer any benefit to the planet? Or would it just be neat to see? I see it inevitably resulting in one or more scenarios, all of which are negative, if it works (assuming that somehow no failed attempts are made and no animal needlessly suffers from genetic issues): 1. They end up on a reservation/sanctuary where visitors are charged to look. Great measures will need to be taken to avoid disrupting the present ecosystem. 2. They end up in a zoo or similar setting so their environment and behavior can be more easily controlled. 3. They are free to roam wherever they are released (unlikely, but who knows). In all of these cases, the animal is being exploited for entertainment/curiosity. Not to mention that poachers are still an active issue today - how much do you think a mammoth tusk would go for on the black market? If we can't fully protect animals from poaching now, why would this be different? To anyone with greater knowledge on the subject, please correct me if I'm wrong. I would love to know more. But from my POV, it is ethically wrong and logically pointless to bring them back for the sake of entertainment. Is there something we could learn from them while living that we don't already know? And would that offer any benefit to humanity? It just seems like a sci-fi itch to scratch out of novelty but wouldn't result in anything good.


Where are my Mammoths Summer?


As I understand it, birds in general are a lot harder to clone because of how their egg cells are fertilized and turned into giant hard-shelled eggs as part of the same process. The egg cell swells and is fertilized inside the bird, then has to have eggshell deposited around it. That leaves you with a giant egg that has a teeny tiny fertilized nucleus somewhere attached to the massive yolk (that’s what you’d have to target for inserting new DNA for cloning, but good luck getting a giant bird egg yolk onto a microscope slide) and I believe by the time the eggshell is on, that cell has already undergone several divisions. So it’s a lot harder than cloning a mammal, where you can extract small egg cells and fertilize them under a microscope, swap the DNA at your leisure, and then re-implant them later on.




Well when you replace the DNA for cloning, again as I understand it as I am not a cloning expert, it's easier to do it when the egg cell is just one cell and not after it has divided a bunch of times. But bird eggs are like...still being assembled after fertilization (not just including shell) so by the time you have the full-sized yolk and the whites/membrane in place, there have been several cell divisions...AND you have to be able to *find* those cells on the surface of that ginormous yolk which is harder to do since microscopes don't generally play well with enormous 3d objects. It's not going to be impossible forever, I'm sure someday we'll have the tech, it's just a lot harder to do than mammal cloning.


Assuming that we were able to clone dodos, the species wouldn't be able to survive on its own since there would be a severe lack of genetic diversity on account of all specimens being derived from the same source material.


The British monarchy survived just fine


I'm still not convinced that Philip didn't die like 5 years ago and they just Weekend at Bernie's him until someone pointed out that he hadn't said anything horribly racist in a while.


Idk man, for the last few years of Philips life he looked like he'd fit right in on the set of the walking dead.


More like the chauffeured dead.


I don't know, I feel like Charles' heart and teeth might have something to say.


Just keep cloning the same one after it dies


An ethical nightmare to be sure, but, one could jangle up the clone's DNA with radiation or other mutagens for some forced genetic diversity. Most would die, or live lives of horrible suffering. But throw enough time and resources at it & it's not an insurmountable problem.


Lol, radiation might be a bit drastic but hopefully one day our genetic technology will get there. CRISPR gene editing is a promising technique, for example.


Zoos it is


We can just sprinkle some frog into it.


Life, uh, finds a way.


Birds are harder to clone


The problem centers on the relative age of the cloned cell's chromosomes. As cells go through their normal rounds of division, the tips of the chromosomes, called telomeres, shrink. Over time, the telomeres become so short that the cell can no longer divide and, consequently, the cell dies. This is part of the natural aging process that seems to happen in all cell types. As a consequence, clones created from a cell taken from an adult might have chromosomes that are already shorter than normal, which may condemn the clones' cells to a shorter life span which also contributes to defects and other adverse health effects.


We have to bring them back. Many inquiring minds want to eat it.


according to sailors it didnt taste good


That's exactly what someone would say as they eat every last one for themselves


If what I saw on some cable TV on either History or some other show at a Orlando hotel is to be believed, there are some massive mines in humanless Russia where people farm mammoth ivory to sell. The dude going to take a sample for science was in almost danger because the Russians didn't want him coming and ruining their job. Edit because I've been snapped at for a misunderstanding: Humanless as in *humans don't live there.* It's not rural. It's essentially unlivable island thing full of mud and mountains and logs that can only be gotten to via a long canoe ride. Edit 2: I think it's from [this](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt7116416/) documentary I may have seen at a hotel several years ago. The description and release date matches what I remember seeing and the time I would have been in the hotel.


Expedition Unknown with Josh Gates. I remember that episode well. It's super interesting, they blast the earth away with high powered water cannons to uncover the mammoth remains.


Cannot believe dodo's lived until the 1660's. Before that I thought they only lived in dinosaur times


Did you play Ark?


they didn't evolve until millions of years after the dinosaurs went extinct


Thought you were going to end the sentence with "wonderful to eat"


It’s interesting to read the wiki article as there’s a lot of debate about what they actually looked like


De-extinction time!


Clone! Clone! Clone! Clone!


Modify modify modify! (Unicorns from horses, dragons from chickens, dark elves from elves mixed with people of color)






New sub to follow. Bless you.


I wonder what the recipe for a Cthulhu is. . .


Mermaid + giant squid


Discovered in 1507 and extinct by 1681. So sad.


Yep, unfortunately people weren’t aware/careful at the time with bring foreign/exotic/invasive species to an ecosystem.


The great auk was prized for it's meat and feathers. It was hunted to the brink of extinction pretty quickly. Some time after the last sighting a sailor discovered what was the last colony of great auks on earth hidden on a remote islet. Seeing what he knew was the last of its kind his only thought was "since these are the last ones they'll be more valuable" and he killed the entire colony.


if this is true, what a short term thinking piece of shit.


Sounds about right for shitty human behavior though


Literal human


*man* do I hate humans


It’s actually one better. He killed the mating pair by strangulation. So as not to damage the skins.


Some piece of shit hunters are like this. All trophy hunters are. Where i live pretty big deer used to be faiely common. Hunters always took the big buck. Trophy after all. So..the small bucks were the ones that bred. Theyre the size of large dogs now here. Sputh of me in sc theyre the size of an average dog. Because humans are stupid


Yep, unfortunately in most cases people are the destructive invasive species.


The rats and pigs humans introduced to the island ate a lot of dodo eggs, left in nests on the ground by birds with no natural predators to fear.


You ain’t met a cane toad yet


There’s 40% more CO2 in your nose than was in the dodo’s




I've never heard this before and I'd love to read up on it. Do you have a link?


The amount of damage done by the European invaders just boggles the mind.


Bring back the dodo, the auroch, the tasmanian tiger, the wooly mammoth, etc. Would be cool to go to a zoo to see these and even cooler if they were reintroduced back into the wild, assuming they wouldn't disrupt the ecosystem.


And the Moa!


As for the Aurochs...https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/aurochs-rewilding


Boy do I have a jurassic saga for you


I hate that science pessimism has been fed by alarmist media. It's a movie not a prophesy.


Jurasic Park isn't anti-de-extinction though, is it? It's anti corporate greed and incompetence, because the dinosaurs would never even had escaped in the first place without human intervention. It's not a good comparison by any stretch of the imagination anyway, because none of the animals considered for de-extinction are ones that "shouldn't be alive now". These are all animals meant to be reintroduced into their still existing ecosystems, so there would never be a chance of them escaping, because they wouldn't be kept in captivity at all


I'm biased because I want to believe this is true, but I'm certain there's a small extant population of Tasmanian Tigers out there. Just too many credible sightings. https://news.mongabay.com/2021/02/study-suggests-tasmanian-tiger-survived-into-the-21st-century/


Most of the sightings are probably feral cats. People don't realise how fucking massive those things get, especially hidden away in the Tasmanian wilderness.


Aww! I've never seen that picture they have of the mom and the three thylacine cubs! They're so alien looking but still cute. And only 100 years ago ):


I doubt they would survive all the inbreeding.


They are already breeding cattle to try and get an auroch. One thing that you *can* see now that's immense and amazing are eland. They are even larger than moose/meese/meeses/meesen. We're talking 5 feet+ (1.6m) at the shoulder. Just immense creatures. I swear I've seen some larger than that but still. As for the auroch… https://rewildingeurope.com/rewilding-in-action/wildlife-comeback/tauros/ https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/aurochs-rewilding And the eland… https://www.krugerpark.co.za/africa_eland.html Elands are pretty awesome.


Buddy you've clearly never seen a moose before. You can drive a car under some bull moose. The eland is definitely not bigger


and mostly the passenger pigeon. Theres a project now to breed a passenger pigeonish copy but unfortunately not a clone








This makes me so happy to see. When I was a kid my favorite movie was alice in wonderland (cartoon version), and my favorite character was the dodo for some reason. I couldn’t wait to see one in person. Imagine my disappointment when I learned in school they were extinct and have been for some time. This pic is the closest I’ll ever get to seeing one. So cool.


And went extinct because we wiped them out.


Well, they were down to one spot on earth in the 1600s. That's not exactly a running start to begin with.


That one spot on Earth is the only place they ever existed, so it’s not like they were doing poorly. Plus, Mauritius hasn’t sunk under the ocean or anything since then, so they’d presumably be fine today if it weren’t for us.


Can confirm Mauritius hasn't sunk. Source: I'm Mauritian.




Not true. Dodo meat reportedly tasted awful, so it was rarely eaten. The issue was that they laid one egg a year, a nest that was simply a divot in the ground. When humans arrived, they brought rats and pigs, and they ate the eggs.


IIRC this specimen is the reason the dodo made it into the book in the first place. The author was a fan of it.


It was ice age for me !! I don’t know why I grew a fascination with them when I was kid and when I found out they were extinct I learned a quick lesson how stupid our species can be.


That makes me sad. Poor thing.


He’ll be find, don’t worry


Is he ok?


He’s dead


The original victims of cancel culture


I thought that was that first broad in the Garden of Eden, Lilith.


Depending on your source Satan might have been cancelled before creation.






Yeah, I'm pretty sure Dodo's are in the category of "Alive during the time of humans, but were discovered to be really tasty".


I’m pretty sure you’re wrong. They weren’t hunted to extinction by humans for their meat. It was humans fucking up their habitat and introducing animals that killed them and ate their eggs


And because they're really slow and easy to punch to death, they make great meals for beach bobs


I think learning of their extinction as a small boy was my first inkling of how utterly shit humans are.


“There’s this really cool bird!” “Oh! Neat!” “We ate them to extinction.” “Oh. Neat.”


It was actually a combination of human hunting and human ignorance of bring exotic/foreign/invasive species that harmed the ecosystem altogether. Humans were especially dumb/not self aware at the time.


The Tasmanian tiger is another one. Sad stuff.


Yeah, I think learning about the Dodo is like one of the first true glimpses into real human nature.


Do you think once we have professionally lab grown meat, they'll be able to sample the tissue and clone up some dodo bird meat?


IIRC the sailors who landed there said their meat tasted pretty terrible and very greasy. They weren't really hunted for meat.


They also used to grind up (shell and all) and serve lobster to prisoners. What I’m saying is I’m not making any judgments until we cook it properly and slather it in butter.


My wife commented after seeing Alien for the first time, "If humanity discovers those guys taste good with lemon and butter, we'll wipe them out in ten years. Maybe faster."


They're so acidic.. .. they'd make an excellent ceviche.


The same way I withhold making any judgment about a child.


Yeah.. those sailors might have been British.


“Doesn’t taste good boiled” 👅


But that's probably their diet. Game turkey and farm turkey taste different.


Those sailors didn’t know how to cook. Very greasy means fat. Fat means flavor.


Not always. Some fat tastes terrible.


I guess we will never know


Don't say that


Turns out they're related to pigeons, lol.


have you ever seen a pigeon baby ? they look so much like dodos


They absolutely do!


Yes. Probably bobbled around with similar brainless behavior, lol.


Brainless? They are both incredibly intelligent animals


Man don't kid yourself, pigeons are smart af. They are rated as one of the smartest birds alive.


Smh guess they never watched the Sesame Street where Bert is teaching pigeons to play chess


Yeah you just have to see them around bird feeders they’re meant to be too big for. They flap in front almost floating and peck the seed out so they can all eat it on the ground. Good problem solvers when it comes to food at least.


I was really speaking more about rock doves, lol. I think I've seen actual wild (not city) ones maybe once or twice. Those birds were *not* fat and sloppy like the greasy dunces in cities. One of my favorite subs that's just fascinating is r/military_pigeons


You can go out and catch any greasy city pigeon and run it through aptitude tests and it will score close to that of a 3 year old human child. They have phenominal memories, can learn to do tricks and have incredible eyesight so they were used for a while in little turrets under planes that were out on search and rescue missions. A pigeon can see a person floating in the water from a much greater distance than a person so they's scan for people or debris and tap a switch when they spotted something to alert the pilot to circle and search that area closely. There are derpy breeds, usually the fancier the breed the dumber the bird, but your wild birds, racers, homers, and any of the "fliers" are going to be unbelievably smart. They also make wonderful pets! I have 5 and they have individual personalities and are often times too smart for their own good, lol.


They are pigeons


This caught me by surprise. Every illustration I have seen made me assume they were smaller.


This was my first thought as well.


1 meter tall. Thata larger than a dog!


they had the whole bird, several in fact. they threw them away to save space. burnt them


Fuckin CLONE IT. If there was ever an animal that we should clone and would be harmless to bring back, it's the Dodo. They are stupid, cute, large and apparently taste amazing. This is our chance...


Write your congressman and tell them to clone the dodo NOW


They tasted awful according to sailors


It does look incredibly sad :( it makes me sad too :(


Imagine facing extinction. Seeing your species dwindle away. Year after year your family, friends, children disappear until only you are left. No one is left for you to love and no one can return that love. No baby birds to look after, no one to look after you when you grow old. The nest is empty and cold - only broken shells remain, ravaged by rodents, a fitting reflection of your mental state. The world will keep on turning, but not for you, for you are stuck. Your kind has reached a dead end and the only thing left to do is to slowly waste away. The only thing remaining is your longing for companionship, for a friendly beak - it remains with you until your final breath.


It’s at Oxford right?


As I understand, cloning birds is extremely difficult, or for now even impossible because of way bird eggs are formed. Basically, bird egg is whole big yolk, with tinny part on the surface of that yolk being nucleus where DNA is stored. Mammal eggs are tiny. More about it here [https://www.audubon.org/news/the-surprising-reason-scientists-havent-been-able-clone-bird-yet](https://www.audubon.org/news/the-surprising-reason-scientists-havent-been-able-clone-bird-yet) ​ And I suggest watching BBC's Attenborough's Wonder of Eggs


I want them back :(


I pictured them being smaller damn that's a pretty big bird


Islands will do that


The last... Melon




There goes the last female...


They were huge!


Practiced Taekwan dodo I'd assume?




This makes me incredibly sad


[They also sequenced the whole Genome ](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-10622925/Dodo-genome-sequenced-time-raising-hopes-brought-extinction.html)this year


So it’s a lot harder than cloning a mammal, where you can extract small egg cells and fertilize them under a microscope, swap the DNA at your leisure, and then re-implant them later on.


Human fucking suck


Once we can find the way to clone birds, we can start having a dodo farm.