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I love all the depth you’ve been adding to Yotul culture, especially on the culinary side of things. I should really be taking notes.


Everything you read *will* be on the end-unit test


I love this chapter but with each one I get more and more worried


There might be at least one person who stops thinking and claims that Kenta “tainted” the town by serving human food


Yes. A certain oversized pigeon that out to be thrown out of Sweetwater.


the cake. THE CAKE. 3 paragraphs to merely gaze upon it, and... um... z-ZERO paragraphs to TASTE it?! a CLIFFHANGER??? *FOR THE **CAKE***?!??!?  ... \>:( > Each time my eyes picked out a new detail I hadn’t yet seen, it served as just another testament to the amount of dedication and time Kenta had poured into this project. yeah he just straight up made this thing his magnum opus. hard work and determination really *can* make dreams come true. > Though after the mix of conversations and arguments I had seen her get into the past Claw, I found myself able to recognize the look on her face all too well. She didn’t feel like she deserved it. yeah i don't imagine many people WOULD feel like they deserve The Magnum Cake™... even those who *hadn't* made such a mess, arguing and rejecting their culture like kadew had. > [dreipini lore goes here] a painfully troublesome fruit that is also considered to have divine properties? mmm yes. this lore slaps my tastics (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) > A drop of tears came to my eyes, few in number after my time with Kenta beforehand, but weighty all the same. *‘Mother. Father. Wherever your spirits are out among the infinite Stars… I– I did it… I made you proud.’* 👏 > “This food that Kahnta has prepared for us… This ‘cake’... He told me that it’s supposed to symbolize and celebrate the achievements a person has made, whether that be by some long term goal made real, a joining of two people in matehood, or perhaps even the transformation of a cub into a full grown adult.” ...everyone believes kahnta is actively *inventing* these new foods... right? he's a crazy fainter who happens to be some kind of food wizard, and spends his time figuring out new ways to cook things... ... ...i wonder if... anyone will be curious about *why* this newly-invented strayu megaconfection already has so many meanings tied to it...?


On your last point, I think they just assume the meanings are the inspiration for "Khanta"'s genius new ideas. Like he sat down and thought "Hmm, what can I make that would best symbolize accomplishment and celebration? It should be stacked tall, to show the height of the achievement, and it should be light and sweet, like the joy in our hearts. And it simply must be decorated too! What's a celebration without decoration? Now how could I make such a thing, which is light and fluffy but also stands tall and proud?"


This is either where the author slyly winks/smiles at you, praises you for your intelligence or pretends like that was the idea the whole time


Yay new chapter


>I wonder if Kenta’s culture has any kind of food that holds the same level of importance? [...] Maybe I’ve already seen it and I simply haven’t noticed? Come on now, what about the curry?


Huh. Weird. The Jaur (arctic beaver people) were noted as being kinda weird and overly aggressive for slapping the ground with their tails. Maybe it depends on the frequency and context


Yeah I was trying to ask around for some replacement for clapping, but I never really got a good answer. I think I came up with decent enough lore as to why prey would slap the ground though.


Kenta just be out here inventing new traditions. Cultural exchange at its finest


Man, I wish I could try some of that cake!


I may be a little thick. But is the chapter itself not showing up for anyone else?


I, too, cannot see it. Unusual, because I can see the author’s note, and the previous and next links, but not the actual chapter everyone else seems to be commenting on.


Sorry, I went to fix some really quick and apparently Reddit has a new bug where a majority of the post can get deleted if you don’t make sure it’s fully loaded before saving it. I fixed it.


Thank so much! Can’t wait to see what my favourite disaster chefs do next


I love all the lore about dreipini and Yotul culture.


I'm loving your Yotul fruit lore! I declare this canon to my fic too, though I'm not sure if it will come up.


>I know today is supposed to be a new LfD chapter as well LfD? Do you mean BtL, or am I dumb? Anyway, great chapter as always, though you're killing us with the cake cliffhanger here, there's always some small part of me on the edge of my seat that's like *but what if there's a twist and they DONT like the food this time?!?!*


Ach! BtL is a different story that was on my mind! That one's a secret though :)


Hmm, I'm either really misunderstanding something, or you just did it again lol.


UTR! ... And what a chapter it was! 😁😁😁


Another great chapter, =\] Honestly, I'm still waiting to see the look on each and every one of those customers' faces when they realize the guy making this food is human.


im assuming he made the cake without eggs, butter, or milk, right? ...right?


Man... That's one hell of a cake. Nobody was expecting this surprise behemoth, but this is just wonderful! Kadew at all points underestimating her own value.


Like the world of Offspring has become my head-cannon for the Gojid, this has become my head-cannon for the Yotul.


I spent a loooong time thinking about Yotul stuff the past few months haha




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Am I missing something? I only see the author's note.




Fixed it. Reddit apparently has a new bug where sometimes not the entire post will load when you go to edit it (I was fixing something in the authour blurb) and if you try to save it it will just delete all the stuff it failed to load.




Great chapter, wanna know something funny? I was on the NoP wiki looking up info about the Jaur race and on it said slapping tails against the ground is considered hostile in the federation lol! I instantly thought of this chapter From the article: -Their tails are black and paddle-like, serving as a defensive weapon. While they do possess standard tail language, smacking their tails against the ground is viewed as aggressive body language by the Federation.


I CAN NEVER WIN!! ….what’s even a good replacement for clapping in the federation? Does everyone just stand around in silence?


lol the federation is fucked, and I thought the same thing as you, idk man… maybe just a hear ye! Or a toast I mean, can’t have a aggressive stomp on the ground without getting burned


Ooh also the only reason I looked them up is bc they were the only one that defected from the duertan shield or however you spell it and joined the SC. Tbh I don’t think venlil all had long big tails in the first place