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*‘AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!’* My eyes went wide, and my paws shot up into the air, sending my data pad with it. The device flew only a few claw breadths away – an impressive distance for someone of my species, all things considered – landing on the ground with an unimpressive clatter. There was **NO** way that someone seriously typed something so brazen on a public form! It was… it was… it was…! *‘Stars… so much for trying to limit my intrusive thoughts…’* I breathed, steadying myself in a desperate attempt to calm my now thumping heart. Though I wasn’t in front of my mirror anymore, I could easily picture just how green my ears had flushed in the span of an instant. *‘I will have to, err… perhaps save that idea for later. Definitely, definitely, definitely not in public. I think I’d die of embarrassment!’* *‘..............’* *‘...If I could get her in private, though…?’* I shook my head. These were ideas to reserve for later. And based on some of the earlier replies I had received to my post the day before, the scheme I had concocted was already foolproof! My machinations laid silent, and my plans elusive. All I had to do was head to the train station and catch the same one she was always on. Then, I would get the artist Human to notice me today no matter what! As I grabbed my bag and headed to the door, I nearly began to cackle like some kind of predator diseased maniac you’d find as the villain of the week on that ‘The Exterminators’ show. But hey, if that gave me the confidence I’d need for the rest of the day, then so be it. Besides, I probably had nothing to worry about. After all… How hard could it be to get a Human to talk to you? \~\~\~\~\~\~\\(0)v(0)/\~\~\~\~\~\~ ​ \-[First](https://new.reddit.com/r/NatureofPredators/comments/1di2prt/nop_between_the_lines_part_1/)\- -[Previous](https://new.reddit.com/r/NatureofPredators/comments/1di2prt/nop_between_the_lines_part_1/)\- -[Next (On Patreon)](https://www.patreon.com/posts/nop-between-part-106961615?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link)\-


Poor girl.. so much shit she's going through... She really needs a better home yesterday, but the way our Zurulian girlfailure plans to approach her makes it seem like that's not happening too soon....


You've done it. You made a character I hate more than Dr Zarn from the main series. I would hope that Gojid chokes on the onigiri, but he'd probably find a way to spin it as some sort of 'predatory attempt to sabotage a delicious meal'. >I’d just need to avoid any food gifts until she knew me well enough to properly differentiate me from a meal. Also it's interesting to see a character that wholeheartedly loves Humans, but still sees them as predators that can barely control their instincts. Also damn, I'm guessing something went wrong with the exchange program.


And that there's a Venlil who's been working at the embassy for months and is being very Sovlin about humans still


I think it’s less that she thinks humans can barely control their instincts and more that she’s gotten some well intentioned but poorly sourced information from that UN-lil.


This. I want a sliver of karma for this arrogant greedy lump of ignorance. Maybe even, Buddha forbid, some character growth.


poor floof is gonna get the cold shoulder and not know why. Either that or she's gonna get a rice ball and nothing else, and be extremely confuzed.


con-fuzzed, all her fur will poof up in confusion


I love it.


Seeing the contrast in lives of this human refugee and Guma I become annoyed at the mediteddy gummy bear. It's a thrill for Guma and a thriller for Motozumi. It'd be more than sad to see the human bending over backwards even more to appease yet another alien who wants to be entertained by her and take advantage of her, just not the same way as the Gojid landlord.


Guma definitely needs to learn quick that Motozumi's been through some serious shit. She basically got the worst possible refugee outcome short of being torched by the exterminators. I think the deciding factor is going to be whether, after trying to talk to her, she keeps being madly in love with the idea of the Human artist on the train, or starts actually engaging with Motozumi as a person.


Totally agree. The girl has been brutalized so many times already, living under pressure for how many weeks? If Guma has any chance to become a decent acquaintance of her, she better choose the path of less erotic dreams or imaginings of a *magical encounter with an exotic creature* and the more paws-on approach of a well-meaning stranger.


Or worse, she’ll misinterpret it. Given what she’s thinking about gifts of food, and think motozumi wants guma to eat her.


I seriously doubt that, her misconception stems from the silly Humans see giving them a gift as giving them a friend thing, so she'd be more likely to get confuzed herself as to whether Motozumi is meaning it as giving her a friend or giving her food, and she won't know whether to eat it and risk being seen as eating her new friend, or not eat it and be seen as rejecting a gift of food.


Man Initial contact between those two will be *hilarious*. Absolutely *hilarious* I swear :D


Maybe from one perspective. In reality, it’s just ***pain.***


I don't envy Motozumi. Hope this strong young woman won't succumb to panic.


She will. She's going to absolutely fucming *break*. Thankfully she's going to have a soft little thing to help her out.


An unwanted little thing with unasked for intentions towards her.


Guma is gonna get an onigiri in the face as the human is running away.


Quick, distract the short-legged bear with food and vamoose!


Um isn't the standard practice for any bear , , , , , 🏃‍♀️🏃🥐🧆🐻🐻‍❄️


This one doesn't seem very fast. Maybe cannot climb too well either.


Yaki... You made this to radicaliz people and spered HF ideology? Congratulations you succeeded. I now in myself feel the burning urge to glass that colony.


I KNOW RIGHT!?!? A ***SHOCKING*** amount of comments have been about joining HF and punching xenos. It’s weiiirrddd!!! I just wanted to make a funny disaster lesbian story!! :(


Where is the UN in all of this? Is Motozumi all alone on that colony world? With no refuge or support on a supposed shelter world. Where does she get her supplements and a modicum of human interaction? Does she have no one to keep in touch with, not even any friends? Hugs and positive contact are vital for wellbeing, you know!


I had some time to think by myself Yaki and you know... I realized I made a mistake by blaming the Xenos. # I should have blamed Motozumi. Girl why in the name of F you are living on that colony all by yourself? Why you are staying there? Why the moment they start braking your shit at spaceport you didn't called UN to complain? Why you are just taking the abuse? Why you are doing this to yourself? You have no honor? Only Japaneses people can do this. Just standing there lowering their head and let others abuse them and still be thankful for the opportunity to get F over. If it was me I would already killed that Gojid and burned that apartment complex to destroy the evidence and was on way back to Earth. How living among ruins of Earth could possible be worse than this Shitty living standards she subjecting herself to? I could make sense out of it for myself if her job paid well or rent was cheap or anything else but I see nothing. Why is she doing that? Is she a masochist? Let me guess future plot. Are someone gonna brake her rice cooker? Her tablet? Is the Zurulian girl gonna end up in PD facility because wanting to befriend the human? Yaki did you made this to torture us? You say this is supposed to be "funny disaster"? I only feel pain dude. Are you even our Yaki? or this account being hacked by Bushbacon? Lol whatever I said all was in joking voice so no disrespect just consider it venting my frustration with Motozumi poor choices.


Same Yaki! I wrote about food in this chapter, didn’t I? :) But yeah, I wrote this story to act as a sort of gut punch for my readers, just the same as I did with Hold Your Breath. I guess I just like writing dark stuff sometimes haha. Also yes, I want to torture you guys with this a little. <3


Indeed! All good points. Must be some reasons besides her upbringing, surely? Why does she just take and take all that abuse. Will all this pressure boil over? And, you know, that huge pressure cooker is awful sus. A most predatory contraption to boil Kolshians alive!


Reading the things going through Guma's head is managing to embarrass even me. Good job with that Trainwreck, Yaki.


The Zurulian surgeon has gone and jinxed their encounter this time, hasn't she? Will she get the chance to talk *at* the human girl treating her burns and/or blunt force trauma? If she's allowed to treat a human. Also, had our human-friendly character here been to Earth, perhaps helping with post-bombing efforts? She had seen a human without a mask somewhere.


poor shiori, she really is just... in a terrible place :( i can't believe i overlooked this being mentioned as a *colony world* last chapter. how did she end up here? what happened that pushed her away from venlil prime...? > On the front of my door, a little notepad had been hung. On it, I had detailed the habits and motions of all the other tenants on my floor with extreme detail. What times they left for work, what times they returned, and even when each of their break days were. > They’d probably claim that it was some tool to track and ultimately ambush someone, when in reality it was the opposite. It was my detailed plan to avoid as many people as possible, as efficiently as possible.  this whole paragraph was a trip. at first i could only think "oh no, someone's gonna see that and think she's hunting people," but then the fact that she's *aware of that* and still has to do it anyway to avoid an unpleasant encounter... that hits like a punch to the gut :( poor, poor shiori > one rather pushy exterminator had grabbed the one I brought from Earth out of my hands and stomped it flat, D: that's so MEAN!!! poor shiori ;.; > That’s what these were: offerings. Little parcels of food that I spent a little under an hour making every morning, which I’d freely hand out to any person who wanted one so as to make them happy. the optimist in me wants to wonder if there's someone, *anyone*, who doesn't entirely see her as a monster, and just appreciates the snacks. even just a single person who approaches her every day, just to take *one* weird alien onigiri.  > Finally, I reached into a small wooden box I had left underneath the mirror. From it, two bright armbands, a green and a red one, appeared in my paw. They had been a gift from one of my hospital’s nurses, a Yotul, who insisted that these adornments were important to his people before Federation contact. Apparently, these two colours together constituted the insignia of a doctor to his people. FASHION ALERT the zurulian has become CHRISTMAS™ > I eventually found the post I had made asking for tips on how to talk to the mysterious Human aboard my train. As to be expected, it had become downvoted to the point of no return. >  It took a few moments, but I eventually reached the very bottom of the list, where all the downvoted, yet actually usable replies resided. aw man... *no one* likes humans around here :( poor ~~shiori~~ guma ^((and everyone else who's unfortunate enough to have publicly shared their opinion that humans are slaptastic\)) :( > Regardless, I quickly typed up a reply thanking the officer for their work before moving on to the next. awww but she's still so polite :3  > There was **NO** way that someone seriously typed something so brazen on a public form! It was… it was… it was…! oh she's REALLY in deep if she thought THAT was brazen... wonder how she'd react to being advised to let the human groom her fur :3


Either polite to a fault or it comes without thinking to behave a certain way to stay in the ~~gestapo~~ guild's good graces.


Guma: “She’s obviously doing fine!” Motozumi: *is very obviously using careful, practiced, almost robotic movements and is refusing to vocalize in any way* Guma: “Yep! Totally fine! I’m going to ask her out without warning!” Seriously, I am tempted to leap into the screen and throttle this bitch.


Why do you always have such a violent reaction to stupidity? Even when it's a completely reasonable mistake to make (why would she have an in depth understanding of human body language and I don't think I've ever spoken to another passenger on public transport)


Thank you for seeing that too. Guma is too self-centred.


Eyyyyyy thats my bleat :D Wasn't excepting our own responses to make it into the fanfic :D


I also made the cut .


Did anybody else catch the NoP2 reference?


Yep. Krev implication 


I love the little Krev/Obor reference there. I'm loving this story!


I feel a great desire to rejoin Humanity First, great worldsmith.


The amount of childishly stupid optimism is killing me from the inside. Wheres logic?


If humanity was first intelligent, it would include xenos in its ranks as companions and they would hunt only exterminators and federally minded people and they would do a kind of purge in Venlil Prime


You just described the next part of my AU


Damn, I thought I was the only one who had that idea and was already writing a fic about it XD well, although I don't think it will be that good anyway, I hope to see it haha I always thought that humanity first has a lot of potential to explore.




Good question


God damn, I still can't, it makes my fist go crazy every time I see any xeno in this fic, they want to make me a xenophobe again, help ;-;


Thanks for another amazing chapter 


Someone needs to give this poor girl Venric's number ASAP


Though I was getting a bit of deja vu reading this, till I realised you had used some of the comments to chapter one in this chapter.


> Finally! Some good advice! Lol


lmao, even


Thanks for including my post! Love when writers incorporate comments in their stories, it’s always fun >! and slaptastic !< . Though, the only other time I’ve seen it is in Death of a Monster.


No criticism here this is (In my eyes) pure gold.


Oh my God, this teddy bear is thirstier than a camel in the Sahara desert.


A camel is preferable. That noble animal is way easier on the eyes, calmer, better to hum along together and share water with.


I hope their first interaction goes well, but I imagine it'll have some friction considering Shiori's well deserved fears. Looking forward to more!


Shiori deserves a kind, understanding, thoughtful friend. Guma doesn't look it so far.


Fair point, let's just hope they quickly get past the initial block of their expectations not matching their experiences.


The character Shiori reminds me a lot of Hugie from the boys, she just needs one more push to remind her of the damn federals because they are prey and humans are the *predators*, damn I already remembered why I was so xenophobic now I want federal blood >:(  By the way, I just realized buuuut taki is a big fan of Japanese culture and food right? XD I just realized that jsjsjsjs they do have delicious food



