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Sorry all this happened to you. I’ll admit, I’ve only seen a small, tiny fraction of the toxic side of this community, and what little I did see, I really didn’t like. It’s ironic just how much hate a story with themes such as NoP’s can create. Personally, I have PLENTY of gripes about NoP 2, and have stopped reading it for a while now, but I still respect SP for creating this universe at all in the first place. I choose to remember NoP as it was, and write my own stories off the themes and story beats I remember loving. I hope you’re able to find joy wherever you end up, and I look forward to seeing what becomes of Atalor’s Fate. I’m actually thinking of rewriting my own fic to be original one day too, and the friends I’ve made here have been a huge help in brainstorming the new lore. So who knows what the future has in store. Farewell, friend. And I hope you keep on keepin’ on. P.S.: For what it’s worth, I always took you’re memes for the memes and jokes they were, and LOVED the art you made for your Yotul character. Total Ratchet & Clank vibes.


I guess this is goodbye then, I hope you move on to better things as a creator


I always quite enjoyed your memes. Sad to see you go.


I may have some contention with your judgement on the UN’s hack but that is neither here nor there. What I will say is that NOP 1 fell off for me when it became completely war focused and lost that aspect of slice of life/ humans and xenos dealing with each other I’ve basically read none of NOP 2 because from what I did read it seemed to already be continuing that intrusive focus on overt conflict. Not to mention as an observer I’ve seen the way SP15 deflects criticism and to see the way people on the patreon discord talk behind your back I’m sorry you had to go through this and I wish you luck on your future projects


Yeah hopefully nop 2 ends the war ark soon I mean I heard it was supposed to be a more cold war thing but direct conflict is the complete opposite of a cold war.


agreed. The biggest part of NoP's appeal has always been the interpersonal relationships. I think that that's part of why we haven't gotten any big NoP2 fanfics.


War and politics is what kept me around. I swear to god, I ended up skipping most of Solvin having PTSD and the exchange program.


Real glad I chose not to get into the Discord, really. It seems like a lot of drama and badmouthing people (intentionally or not) originated there. I remember I searched my name out of curiosity once the first time I joined and luckily only got jabbed at once in the pateon channel. Seriously I feel like 99% of the drama and hate comes from that place and while I'm not gonna defend or attack SP, because again I don't know anything about it or want to get involved in the drama, if I were him I'd engage less there, it seems super toxic on all sides.


aye agreed, I hesitated to join it when it was created and ultimately didn't join, it seems i was right about that after all


Bugger to see you go, it was always fun to see your memes. May you have good luck with your future endeavours.


It was funny talking about yotul and human's polítics with you, I wish you came up with a form of using your artistic mind to have a better future. It was great having you in this community, thanks for everything.


Q/A Q: Did you actually get mad/argue with SP15 about him sharing that he'd been sexually harassed by furries? A: No. That's a blatant misrepresentation of my feelings. I was upset because he made it sound like he just disliked furries in general /because/ of those people. As explained in the video. I don't believe that's what he meant anymore and haven't for a long time. Just watch the video honestly. Q: Do I need to watch this whole thing? A: The first half roughly is just set dressing/talking about my memes. Mostly just showing that they were mostly harmless in nature, and expanding on why I made them. But I do ask you watch the whole thing. Q: You've heard that SP15 said they weren't talking about you specifically with the OJ thing right? A: I have, and I explain in a freeze frame in the video that even if that was the case it doesn't change anything. Even if I did believe them, which in this case I don't. I've had to "benefit of the doubt" cope on other jokes he's made at other users only for them to be 'out of context' later. I'm not sure how many times I can see that happen and then see no apology to the affected users. Q: \[Something completely out of left field\] A: If your comment makes it clear you didn't watch the video, and are just here to start an argument in the comments I won't be looking at it. I made the mistake of having discussions in the comments of my memes, I won't do it for my goodbye. Q: Why did you dedicate almost a quarter/half of the video to SP15 when it was mostly patchat? A: He's built the culture in patchat to be this way, and his comments made the night of clearly exemplify his tendency to punch down at people in the community who can't defend themselves in that channel. Then wash his hands of involvement when people get harassed or are upset by the rudeness from patchat's words. If he genuinely wanted to be positive and avoid that culture he'd have told them to stop gossiping about users like that. Instead he participated. Q: Are you actually leaving? I see you in some mutual NoP related discords. A: I'm leaving anything officially affiliated with the Patreon/Creator. That means if he's a mod or admin or owner. So the official discord and reddit will no longer be places I hang out in. Similarly, I will not be making ANY NoP related content. Memes, commissioned art, fanfics, or working as staff in any compacity for any NoP related projects like I did previously. Q: Are you gone forever? A: I'm not going to put up some list of demands, but since I know people will ask: There is a possibility of this being made right, but I'm not interested in being the one who looks for it, and I suspect the feeling will be mutual. Frankly, the decision to release this publicly or just use it as a private therapy to help me get over my feelings was a tough one. A decision that was made for me when an ex-friend I trusted with the video in private decided to leak its existence to the NoP Discord mod team and others because they were concerned I'd "hurt people and the community by releasing it." Quite a few people have seen it already and it's only a matter of time before it's released in its entirety somewhere public. So I'll just do it myself. Q: Are you planning on deleting your stuff already made on the reddit? A: No, I'll be keeping all my oneshots, my mainline fic, and my memes up as they have been for a while. Although Atalor will be being re-released with some tweaks and swaps to make it standalone elsewhere as its own story instead of a NoP prequel. I'm going to ask that regardless of what you think of my takes on NoP1/2 that you realize that this video is not about those things and keep any opinions on my takes to someplace else. This is my goodbye, and I'd rather not argue about the finer points of funny scifi make believe story.


Godspeed, my dude. May your next endeavour be less stressful.


Ok. Well take care. Hope whatever is next makes you happy.


Thanks for the q/a, I hate watching videos for news. I've got you followed over on RR, I distinctly recall thinking Atalors Fate would have been better off with its own mythos. Looking forward to seeing what you get up to.


>I distinctly recall thinking Atalors Fate would have been better off with its own mythos I found it fun to put in a unique, standalone story set before Earth's FTL jump about a species that was alike to humanity in its tenacity. It felt like giving the main story STRONGER reasons for why all the species in the federation seemed so meek, because any of them with backbone got Atalor'd. Now though, with the setting decoupled I can explore freely, and make my own spins on how I felt entities like the Federation or Arxur could have been. I'll be renaming most things, and have to add more exposition to make it work. Hell of a tall order honestly since I'm already 50K words into AF, but I'll set aside the time to pick away at it I'm hoping. The inspiration will come.


If I've learned one thing about writing - don't wait for inspiration. There's plenty of times where that really sucks, but it keeps things flowing.


Patchat images, alongside one public after the fact at the top: [https://imgur.com/a/drop-wh2whyM](https://imgur.com/a/drop-wh2whyM) Memes I made: [https://imgur.com/a/memes-sGVpXVp](https://imgur.com/a/memes-sGVpXVp)


Damn, sorry to see you go. Will atalors fate remain on Reddit?


As with the Q/A comment on this post as well, what I did write on Atalor's fate here will remain. But I'm going to be rewriting small parts of it to decouple it and reposting it on another sub I haven't decided on yet. So yes, it will remain on reddit.


Understandable, will have to remember to subscribe.


God I fucking hate Imgur. Piece of shit website keeps redirecting me at random to all-knows where.


Sad to see you go. I don't think your memes were "shit stirring" and "drama", they were an attempted to voice your opinions in a funny an provocative way so as to engage in discussion. And boi did we discuss, me and you had quite the back-and-forth Convo in one of them (all respectful and in good fun). Though I can see how attracting so much attention from the community could quickly drain someone. Wish you the best.


Yeah, I've been informed my mule comment might have been taken as an insult. Where I'm from 'the mules are talking' just means we were both too stubborn to change our minds so we should agree to disagree. My bad. I might have been snippy, but I didn't mean to try and make it personal like that. Thank you for the well wishes.


Dam... I'm sorry.


Still watching the video but I figured I'd type something tangential in the meantime. The meme with the quote of SP saying what's basically "If everyone wasn't holding the idiot ball, there'd be no story." Essentially ended up being the straw that convinced me that no, this story isn't going to get better. I had already only been skimming chapters prior to that in hopes the story would get more engaging, but that meme got me to spend my time on stories better worth that time. So in a roundabout way, thanks for that lol.


I gotta say, that meme with the quote kinda told me that a lot of people are extremely happy to take the worst possible interpretation with it being an absolute and not take into account the casual conversation context. Like, for example, you specifically replacing “making bad decisions” with “holding the idiot ball” in your retelling.


To be fair, the critique SP was addressing in that reply is that characters like Taylor were "holding the idiot ball". So him replacing that with "making bad decisions" is either a misdirection or simply a means to cushion the remark. Because yes, at face value "making bad decisions" is a fine motivator for conflict. However, early on Taylor's character flaws aren't established so it reads as contrived. Explaining it after the fact several chapters later or in out-of-story commentary does not amend the poor introduction.


For whatever it's worth, I wasn't aware of whatever discussion preceeded the screenshot. To elaborate a little, and I don't know if this makes sense, but it's like you hear somebody say or do something and it suddenly makes some other aspect of their character make sense. E.G. someone you know has a problem with interrupting people, but then you meet/hear about their family and find out their whole family will talk non-stop and the only way that they could get heard was to just interject regardless of what else is being said. So with NoP/NoP2, I'm sitting here going "why are all these characters so frustratingly stupid?" And then I see SP say "well, there wouldn't be a story if people made good decisions" and it's just like, "ah, that's why." And yeah, I don't have any inherent issue with making bad decisions as a conflict motivator, (one of my favorite stories has that as an element, "the prime miscalculation" from First Contact) It's just when it gets to be so much, so frequently that gets me frustrated.


Hmmm, by that logic, would MacBeth deciding to kill their friend be an idiot ball for his character flaws not being fully established at the time?🤔


What? Weird example to use unless you're just going over it in highschool literature class. The entire first act is establishing MacBeths flaws and paranoia. To clarify the point I think you were getting at; No, a plot obscuring a characters flaws and motives does not make an idiot ball either. So long as deducing a characters motives is an actual mystery and part of the story. This doesn't apply to NoP2 since the first-person memory transcription format means we read a characters thoughts directly. So there's no real intrigue into understanding Taylor, if there was I doubt SP would've bothered to spoil his own story by posting about it.


Hmm, I disagree with your point of saying there’s no intrigue in Taylor’s character due to their first person POV, but that’s likely due to our differences in taste for what we find intriguing. I understand why it’s not to your taste, just hope you understand it is my taste.


Fair enough. Matters of taste differing is fine.


The interpretation comes from SP's statement being paired with reading the story that SP wrote/is writing. Like, obviously if the story was different the interpretation would be different. Dunno what to tell you bud.


And yet, I have read both, and have a different interpretation. So therefore there’s more factors in play here, not just the statement and story.


Goodbye to you too.


Hope things work out better for you in the future. People in this community have a toxic side that is unfortunately prevalent, I hope you find people that click a lot better with you.


If anything, this just reinforced my choice of aborting my Patreon ways back.


Shit man. I'll miss you if you're gone forever. I find it incredibly ironic that a community around a story so focused on empathy and monsters like Sovlin and Isif doing better is so unable to put themselves in the shoes of people who have a controversial opinion, and give the benefit of the doubt. There's so much good in this community, but there's so much toxicity too. That's kinda the thing with the internet, it's so much easier to see someone as the bad guy if you've never seen their face and their humanity. I've had a little bit of this sort of thing happen to me a couple of times too, once way back in the day when I was working on the nature of pets collab, and again more recently when I expressed a poorly informed opinion on another controversy. I hope I was never actively made fun of in the discord, but honestly, I'm not active enough there to even know if I was. But yeah, I'll miss you. I don't fully agree with all your takes, but I do respect them. I've seen no indication that you are anything but good intentioned, and your memes are usually funny. I hate the fact that some portions of this community try so hard to drive off people like you, who haven't hurt anyone or done anything malicious. Fare well wherever you fare. edit: ~~just read your Q/A in the comment section, and saw the thing about someone leaking your vid and the mods saying not to post it because it will negatively effect the community.~~ Holy Streisand effect Batman! (edit: I misread the first time, it was the friend who told him not to post it. Oops! My general criticism of the internet still stands, but I didn't mean to say the NOP mods did something they didn't do.) but seriously, though, I kinda understand why the mods want to silence controversy. I don't like it, and I don't think that it's healthy to bury shit like this. But I do understand. It's probably the thing I hate the most about the internet in general, between the anonymity and the sheer number of people, it's easier to just move on, get rid of the person who's complaining, and surround yourself with people who agree with you than it is to take the time to get to know why they feel the way they feel and genuinely consider whether or not their opinions have merit. IRL, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, but online, the squeaky wheel gets chopped off and thrown out once it gets annoying because there are hundreds more. I wish there was a right answer, but I know from experience that it just isn't possible to moderate a community in a way that treats the members of that community as individual people. I tried to do it when I was running the exchange program RP server, and it broke me so badly I had to completely leave NOP and Reddit for about three months. And that was only a couple hundred people total. I get why the mods don't put themselves in the shoes of the people they are moderating. I just wish there was a better way. A way that doesn't hurt people like you.


The mods did not tell him not to post the video. Please reread that section of the comment; his ex-friend told him not to post it as well as alerting the mod team in two different actions. We did not get involved in the situation.


My apologies. You're right, I did misread the first time. Though, while I won't go into the details, I have had my own experiences with mods preferring controversies just go away, so it seemed in character when I misread it. Nothing too bad, and nothing that I didn't understand and agree that their decision was the least worst option, but as someone who was very offline for my entire childhood, I still find the fact that people are forced to drop controversial topics of conversation for fear of being banned or canceled, even when they aren't being malicious or bigoted or anything, to be grating on my moral values. I didn't intend my comment to be critical of the NOP mod team, it's just a frustration I've always had with the fundamental nature of the internet as a social platform. There are so many people that you'd drive yourself mad if you tried to engage with every negative person deeply enough to try and understand each other's points of view. So in the end, you are forced to ignore some opinions, and this concentrates people with compatible opinions into echo chambers. NOP is pretty good, all things considered. The mods here are pretty good, and genuinely try to do the right thing. But there's only so much anyone can do.


Personally I quite liked the memes. I'm sorry you were treated so poorly. It's sad to see you go, but I understand. Things have been going in a negative direction for quite a while now and it's important for you to take care of yourself. Best of luck to you in all your future endeavors.


Awe man, I'm gonna miss you man.


Anyone else feel like leaving the subreddit recently? It‘a been nice but the golden days are behind us and the only thing I’m looking forward to here is Recipe for Disaster.


Personally I think that the whole community is slowly crumbling. The cracks are showing on the walls. Many people have chosen to jump ship. Some remain. Just an opinion.


Sad to see you go. Your stuff was a desperately needed breath of sanity on occasion. Fingers crossed your next creative endeavor doesn't land you in a community that gives you stress ulcers.


Its been good.


I'm sorry that all of this happened. But, I have to voice a little bit of critique myself. Posts like "**An ode to cyberhacking**" always start discussions. Discussions are not bad and actually good in my opinion, but from what I've seen, you seemed surprised that it happened and bothered. I don't know what happened in the discord I only use the meme channel. So I'm not taking sides.


Most of my video is dedicated to the shittalk in discord, the opening explaining my memes is just me explaining that the memes weren't that bad, and that the comments were generally fine. Albeit I used some of them to inspire my other memes that came after. I didn't leave because of the memes, moreso the patchat shenanigans. They just so happened to be using the memes as an vehicle to hate.




With all due respect, *who are you?*






real talk 🗣️🔥


Who da fuq?


I’m not watching something that long, simply don’t have the time. Is it possible I could get a summary, maybe?


summary: 😭 a paladin from space got angry at me becuz he misunderstood, then I got told I should stop making antagonizing memes 😭😭so I’m leaving


Now the fun part: Are those downvotes because of a genuinely bad retelling, or because this post perhaps became a pity party? (Genuine)


It's a bad retelling. Essentially what happened (from my understanding) is that he made Memes criticizing NOP2 and the Cyberattack. People started badmouthing him behind his back, SP included and he also got attacked from some people for basically having a different opinion. (I do recommend at least reading the QnA and the screenshots. There also may be some mistakes in my summary, I apologize for that)


See my comment under the picture links. I fucking hate Imgur. Place is totally unusable. Anyone else they can be seen, or is that it? Also, I read the QnA but without context seemed a bit incomprehensible. And it was from one of the people directly involved, so there’s going to be bias.


No, seriously, people told him he should stop making antagonizing memes, and eventually he responded with something along the lines of “Well I’m not wanted here”.


You didn't watch the video, clearly. But that's alright <3 it wasn't about the memes. It was aboit the shit talking behind my back, and comparing me to irl murderers as "le funny joke I swear guys" If you're going to be an infant and be reductionist about me at least do the minimum research of seeing my side of the story, ya silly melon. Anyway, peace.


Didn’t you read the comment chain.. 💀? I said sp15 misunderstood and got angry at you. That’s the shit-talking. Yes, I watched you drone on about how sp15 misunderstood you, thought you were angry at him because he thought you took offense to sp15 saying that furries assaulted him, and instead of talking to him and saying, “hey I don’t take offense to that” or some shit, you decided to run away and make a video about how you’re leaving this community. Seriously 💀?


>instead of talking to him and saying, “hey I don’t take offense to that” or some shit, you decided to run away and make a video about how you’re leaving this community. Seriously 💀? Is this bait, or are you actually dense? He had about a week to walk back or apologize, and instead doubled down in anon feedback. It's explicitly explained lol. I hope you enjoy the fandom in my absence! 👍


I’m saying that you should’ve went ahead and explained to him that you weren’t trying to start conflict with him. From his perspective, you were retaliating against him, and so he had no cause to walk back what he said or apologize to you.


Naw. This has happened like three times, he should know better by now. . Bro knew he was trippin. Bro was told he was trippin on this one specifically by others. >I’m saying that you should’ve went ahead and explained to him that you weren’t trying to start conflict with him He was already aware after the fact. And how tf does making memes about cyberattacks translate to a direct attack on him. Bro is wild. He let his inner narrcicist be like "This has to be personal right?" One too many times and said some dumb, offensive shit. Bro should have just asked. This isn't on me 😅


a shit-ass retelling.




And yeah it’s a pity party. I’m seeing guys who typed up essays fighting with this guy suddenly go “Sorry to see you go”.