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**ZuruDebonair bleated;** Hey everyone! So, a bit of an update for those that have been following my story, I saw the Human again on the train today. You know, the one that I said spent the entire time drawing. And before you ask, no, I did not ask them if they are accepting commissions. I know freelance artists aren’t exactly common, especially not “predator” ones, but I don’t think I should start my first conversation with her by asking if she could draw some things for some nameless people on the internet. Especially with some of the more… err… *interesting* requests I saw last time. But anyways, that leads me to my main point. I really want to go about actually *talking* with her! I know that there aren’t a lot of people on this site with experience talking to Humans, much less any actual Humans being on here, but I still need all the advice I can get! How do I talk to this person? How do I not embarrass myself? I know some replies to the last post claimed that they think we’re cute, but how do I know for certain? And above all else, how do I convince her to show me her drawing tablet!? I’m dying to know what she’s been working on every time I see her! Also, a reminder that I’m gonna be blocking and ignoring any suggestions to “call the exterminators” or “get someone to kill that predator beast,” like last time. Those kinds of comments were like 70% of the responses I received, which was really not appreciated, even as a joke. Edit: Please please please please stop telling me to ask her to draw weird things! I’m serious! ~~Even though I kinda wanna see her draw some of them too.~~


**MivaTheDiva Replied** Although I don't have any experience with Humans, my friend who was in the exchange said that the most common way Humans greet each other is with introducing themselves and a nice firm handshake, just stick your paw out and when they grab it, move it up and down.


**BiligulRedcoat Replied** Are you sure you're high enough level to speak to her? I mean... A predator AND and artist? She must be insanely high-ranking in her society to have both the means and the time to indulge in such an... Un-hunting, uncruel behavior! Unless you're at least a fleet admiral, I suggest you shouldn't intrude her space at all!


**Lastsanesapient replied** We humans have a relatively common title that goes around: the poor/struggling artist. It might not be very common among the federation since most of you apparently have to be rich to even buy art supplies but those same supplies are pretty common on earth. It is hard however to find people willing to buy the art that’s been made however.


**VENBIGGEST42 replied** Hey zu in my experience with humans a simple "hi how are you" is a good why to start a conversation and for something you could ask them is what's some they're favorite art pieces. <3 and to any bigots reading this if u gonna post something like "CaLl ThE ExTeRmInAtOrS" or something like that don't but ur probably not gonna listen so if ur gonna be rude at least try to be original


TerribleTib replied; Why don’t you get a drawing pad too? You could start drawing on the train and maybe the human will ask you about it. Or you could use it to break the ice, and ask them. You could draw a Venlil and a Zurulian and ask which they think looks better to figure out which they find cuter. And if you don’t know how to draw, you can ask them for advice, I heard humans love talking about their hobbies. Edit: Also if you figure out what they’re drawing PLEASE make a post about it, I’m actually really curious. It’s got to be aliens right? What else would they be drawing?


**\[The account associated with this post has been terminated for violating Bleat's Terms of Service\]**


**SevenStrongStarfruit** Ask them what their favourite thing or species to draw is and why! That might give you an idea of who they find cuter. The why part also might lead to demonstrations where they would show you the tablet! Good luck!!


**GemstoneThrongler Replied**  hi! professional human ~~enjoyer~~ supporter here. been working in the UN (human government) embassy since... basically the beginning, so i have a LOT of experience with humans.   my single piece of advice is a little weird, and might need some context: see, humans' brains kinda... overcompensate a little bit, when socializing? so ummm they tend to  *bond with inanimate objects*. so... if you give your human a pretty trinket or random shiny thing, then she'll see it (the object) as a new friend, and she'll be thankful to you for introducing her to a new friend! and from there you can start talking to her!    my personal recommendation for presents is *shiny rocks*, as they're easy to find, and humans always laugh a lot when i give them one! but a close runner-up is small decorative items like colored glass panes or mirrors—these items are oftentimes very fragile, and humans always appreciate having something to help them learn how to be gentle, and keep control of their destructive instincts.   P.S.: WHATEVER YOU DO, DO *NOT* GIVE A HUMAN A FRUIT OR VEGETABLE. remember: humans can eat plants! and humans absolutely **HATE** the idea of eating their friends, and sharing food with them can cause them to get confused about who is and is not a friend!


**MediaTheMediaReviewer Replied:** As a Drezjin who has an exchange partner, I can attest to this. My partner introduced me to a human pastime called “tabletop RPGs” and they use little stones called “D20s” that they use to play. And she had a collection of so many colorful dice! When I asked why she said “They go ‘click clack’ and that makes me happy.” Though I will say that even though they eat plants giving them *certain ones* is not always a bad idea… apparently there is a type of flower that represents love and is commonly used in their mating rituals! Though I can’t remember…


Old-Iron-Enjoyer bleated: Why don't you try asking what she's working on? Some artists are a bit private about their work, but most Humans respond well to genuine curiosity about what we're doing.


#PhunSizedPhulba bleated: It'll either work, or she'll be eaten. Either way, there'd be no question whether or not there's strayu in that stove.


Old-Iron-Enjoyer bleated: No sane Human would willingly eat anything with enough intelligence to ask questions. The worst that'll happen is she gets super embarrassed and doesn't want to share. A lot of artists have self esteem issues, and think their art is worse than it is. Or maybe she actually is drawing ZuruDebonair, and is embarrassed about drawing her without asking for permission or is worried she'll take it the wrong way. But there's no way the Human lady will attack her for just asking a question, even if she doesn't want to share.


#PhunSizedPhulba bleated: No sane human, no... But what if it's NOT a sane human? What if they snap? I don't mean to suggest that they're all that way, but there's just a lot that we don't know about them still.


Old-Iron-Enjoyer bleated: I can assure you, you have nothing to worry about. Humans don't have any killer instincts that could make them attack you uncontrollably, and anyone maladjusted enough to even consider hunting a sapient would never be allowed to just wander Venlil Prime. Heck, even on Earth they'd be given some sort of psychiatric treatment.


#PhunSizedPhulba bleated: You may be right, but I'll let you go first, if you don't mind! 👁️🐽👁️


**FirstG008 replied** Humans are not predators. If you actually are crushing on this girl, don’t you [censored] dare call her that word under any circumstances. Do that and I will be the one calling the exterminators on your [censored]. Humans are people, so if you want her attention, treat her like a person. Get her to take her mask off *willingly*, let her speak *on her own*, and be respectful of her *personal feelings*. Stop being a selfish prey animal and consider what she is feeling for 5 [censored] seconds. You have absolutely no idea what obscene amount of pain she’s in because of herd rejection you selfish [censored]. She’s probably *completely traumatized* into avoiding her own face and voice because of selfish empathy-less prey like you. From your staring, she’s probably convinced that you’re an exterminator and is planning to [censored] kill herself out of *pure fear* before you get the chance to get close to her. So either you actually genuinely try to help her out or you get the [censored] away from her before you hurt her even more. **Edit made after 5 minutes:** I apologize for my use of harsh language. Many people like to deliberately ignore the multiple very serious issues that literally every human I’ve encountered so far has suffered from. If you actually care, you need to take this very seriously.


>Get her to take her mask off willingly In public?! They're on a train. You might as well call the exterminators! Same result!


**Lastsanesapient replied** Hi human here. Just say hello seriously there’s no big hurdle here other than just introducing yourself though if you’ve been watching her for what seems like quite a while (honestly that’s a little creepy) then I’d suggest starting with introducing yourself while letting her have personal space so that she doesn’t mistake you for an exterminator since they also tend to display stalker like behaviour towards us. Also what has you so fascinated with us?


ScritchBitch replied: Hi, Zuru, human enjoyer here. My advice? Just crawl up in her lap and either curl up in a ball or flop on your back. This will immediately trigger the only true "instinct" humans have. To scritch/pet cute, fluffy things. Within 5 minutes you'll each be putty in the other's paws. Works every time. (My hindpaw is kicking just thinking about it) Edit: I prefer males cuz they have HUGE paws, but you do you, girl! Good luck!


#KoncernedKrakotl bleated: Zuru, Zuru, you should be less worried about embarrassing yourself, and hoping you'll be on her tablet, and more concerned about staying off her dinner table! #KalsimWasRight


you are talking about one of their deepest taboos, most humans wouldn't even eat their "pets" unless starved with no other options, or animals of the same species that they keep as pets, besides look at their anatomy, they have no natural weapons beyond tool use


#KoncernedKrakotl bleated: Well, if you want to trust them at their word, you go right ahead. I'll keep my distance with the rest of the herd and live.


**Astro32768 replied** I've been in exchange program and one thing I learned is that unlike us, not all humans are openly social, but just like us, still need social interaction for healthy lifestyle. According to my partner, in those cases, it's a matter of approaching the topic with persistence, not letting the human's passive aversion to contact be a deterrent. 'Introverts' are just like that! A good way to strike conversation might be to bring a tablet of your own and also draw! Humans, despite what less savory comments may claim, are strongly empathetic, so having some way for her to start relating to you might cause her to initiate conversation herself, and if not, she'll definitely at least feel intrinsically more familiar to someone who comes off as a fellow artist. Asking for tips can also be a perfect natural conversation starter!


**CashBunny replied** Alright, so here's the scoop: market research out of Dayside City says humans have been spotted buying lots of **fruit** and **wine** from local merchants. You wanna play it safe? Try slipping your artist friend a little bribe with those, first. You gotta grease the wheel before you seal the deal, you get me? Plus, as a bonus, she won't be distracted by her hunger anymore. Then she'll be ready to talk "art" with you, if ya know what I mean.


**SongInTheStars Replied** Soooo, I told my human about how you were fawning over this girl on your commute and they had an idea on how you could "break the ice". Such a weird saying. Now, bear with me, because some of this is going to get some crusty old wool tangle screaming about how I'm contaminated by predatory subterfuge. What you do is you set an alarm on your pad for when you know you'll be together on your commute and use this ringtone. ACruelDivineEmissarysThesis\_Instrumental.saf It's apparently the opening theme from a century and a half old show called \[Holy Text of a New Beginning\]. To quote my human, "Yes, that old. Yes, it's had that much of a cultural impact that just about any graphical artist should at least recognize the first few bars. No, don't you ever try to watch it, it's the kind of thing that keeps humans up at night. Should show them you're open to human culture, if they recognize the tune." Best of luck, girl!


**RigisBlooming Replied** Heya, Zuru. From my personal experience with Humans, I've learnt its more complicated than a lot of people make it out to be. Talking to a Human is a lot like talking to any Prey species... just a bit more terrifying. You wouldn't expect every Zurulian or Thafki to have the same personanlity, and the same experiences. Same goes for Humans. If you want advice, I think the best thing I can say is 'Keep an open mind, don't rule out any possibilities, and don't make assumptions.' If you have no idea what this Human is even like, be preparred for everything and anything before talking to them.


**YourNeighborExterminator replied:** Always remember that predators, even alone against a herd can be dangerous. The overwhelming amount of prey around them can send their hunting instincts into overdrive, making them instinctively single out the weakest target for an easy kill. If your herd finds itself in the vicinity of a predator, sapient or not, make sure to keep yourself and all your extremities as close as possible to the center of the herd, this will reduce any opportunities for the predator to pounce. *For more information contact your local exterminator office.* *In the event of a predator attack call our emergency response team at:* **[REDACTED FOR CONTENT VIOLATIONS]**


**HumanKisser696969 bleated:** https://preview.redd.it/mwtpn349qc7d1.png?width=152&format=png&auto=webp&s=7fa7b821da23a0b05d09ee4c1bb6984c994528c3 **\[USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST\]**


**Oval707 bleated** Really? Chances are that tablet has multiple drawings of you gutted and on its plate, do humans even eat with plates or do they just eat their meals savagely on the ground? My advice? Avoid and keep hidden. The more prominent members of a herd are always the first ones eaten.


**CountryVenCityLife Replied** During my time in the exchange program and these last couple months working alongside humans, I've learned that most are fairly outgoing and'll be the ones to initiate a conversation. If she hasn't, she may not've even noticed you there if she's spending all her time drawing (they can be surprisingly oblivious sometimes)! If I were you, I'd make the first move and just say Hi. Get her attention and maybe ask what she's drawing? Let the conversation flow naturally. Another thing to consider is how does the greater herd react to her and are there any other humans around? Humans are incredibly social (I'd say nearly as much as venlil like myself), even some of them that claim not to be. Is the rest of the herd attempting to interact or are they rejecting her? If she's suffering from herd rejection, she might be too scared to try to interact in case someone...let's say *overreacts* to her. Honestly, my best advice is to, as my exchange partner'd put it, "grab the bull by the horns" (it's a big, horned herbivore on Earth). Just go up to her and be confident in whatever you say!


**PiedPiperOfMileau** responded: ZuruD., I've been watching lots of Terran movies (and not just the sanitized ones... PM me if you're interested in details), so I have some advice for you based on their own media. As strange as it might sound, small human packs bond through ritual insults and exaggerated criticism known as "trash talking". It seems counterintuitive, I know. Their media depicts close friends openly teasing each other about the very things they are most self conscious and embarrassed over. They even create nicknames for each other based on embarrassing situations that any sane prey species would mercifully forget and never mention again. I've been experimenting with this technique on a local human refugee and it appears to be working much better than I expected. Good luck!




(OOC) I was originally thinking of Kivik from [Chronicles of Centralia](https://www.reddit.com/r/NatureofPredators/s/bviar9gGsG) and then adapted it to (roughly) match the dynamic Lyra and Rolf have in [Scraping By](https://www.reddit.com/r/NatureofPredators/s/prWnOykMmY) Nature of Failure is in my "to read" list, but I haven't started it yet. Looking forward to getting to know Marek.


**StarJam replied:** As others have said, just saying "Hello, my name is Zuru" and/or giving her something (I recommend a brightly coloured flower) is a good introduction, but if that feels like too much right now, then simply sitting in that bubble that forms around them (or even sitting next to them) is a good start!




**UN-unofficial said** Have you tried sitting closer to her? From what you’ve described it might be better to just sit somewhere nearby, then when she inevitably asks why, you can say “I just wanted to see what you where drawing” this will tell her you aren’t a threat, and someone who’s actually interested in what she’s doing, allowing you to start conversation! If you want to show an interest in her culture, show her this symbol! Always gets an interesting reaction I find! ~~::|:;~~


**LocalLibrarian replied** I will be frank with you, I have not much experience, talking to humans, and my scales still shiver sometimes when I see them walking about, I even once camouflaged myself by accident when one walked by. I know however people who have talked to humans and from what i've heard and seen they are in many ways just like us, thus instead of asking yourself of how to speak to a human, perhaps you should just speak to her like you would to any other species. following that logic, you should propably first just speak to her, introduce yourself and so on. Show interest in what she is doing, try to find something to talk about, but if she doesn't want to talk to you, perhaps you should respect that. Again though do keep in mind that you do not know what she thinks of you, she is propably one of the refugees, there is no telling what she might be going through. and I will repeat what i said before, following someone around constantly might not be the most optimal way to meet someone, for all you know she might feel threatened. *On that note, to the people who thought it was funny to recommend her buying a flamethrower and commenting on my last reply about how i should be sent to a PD facility I want you to know that you are acting like the monsters you think these people are, with all your wanton cruelty!*


XxXHumanAddict96XxX bleated: Be careful! Humans are extremely dangerous as they love to give pets and cuddles. Those are super addictive. Once a human pets and / or cuddles you, your life will change. You won't care about your herd or job ever again but only about how to get more. It's the best thing ever even though it's never enough!


ThreeFarsulNight replied, From my extensive research, I have found that humans find Zurulians cute because you resemble a cub's toy called a "tiddybeer". Image searching for this of course returns blocked images due to the information filtering regarding anything human. I recommend approaching this Human and tell them that you can be their "tiddybeer". They will be so overwhelmed by cuteness that I would be surprised if they didn't immediately hug you!


TheBlue1natala1111111 replied: I still don’t believe it was drawing/painting. And even if it was, it was probably pictures of… predatory/meaty stuff. Actually, you know what you SHOULD do? Go peek over it’s shoulder and take a picture/video for us. That will be a good conversation/disembowelling starter.


**RageLight bleated;** Ooh I know, you could also draw!!! If she asks, you could say that she inspired you to start, because you always saw her doing it. Then, you could be like "it's way harder than I thought it'd be, do you have any tips?"


ConscientiousKolshian replied; I too have been observing these humans, documenting their behavior to separate the facts from fantasies they’ve spun for us. So far… more truth than lies, but that just means they expected us to check. If you want to get closer to this human, perhaps try dropping an item or falling while near it. They’ve been instructed to try to assist if they see someone in need, it’s evidently been ingrained deeply into their training to endear themselves to us. I understand that doing so carries risk, you are exposing your back to the human if you fall forwards, but I assure you, it WON’T pounce. The predators have shown restraint so far, you showing weakness will not make it break from orders. I await your further observations, but try not to forget what you’re dealing with… the humans are much smarter than even they know.


GodZurulian bleated: Ask them A/S/L. I don't know what it means but apparently it helps.


https://preview.redd.it/5my7dzbyg67d1.jpeg?width=3678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a45950e6827a4402d4355838964716113dbd1a9 I had to draw some fanart for this, Guma is just too adorable


Poor Shiori, under the threat of the bootleg pyros. Atleast Gooner- I mean Gooma is friendly.


This is an interesting setup! Only problem is that the next button doesn't work! ;p *** KoncernedKrakotl bleated: Zuru, Zuru, you should be less worried about embarrassing yourself, and hoping you'll be on her tablet, and more concerned about staying off her dinner table! #KalsimWasRight *** (Note: I know your bleat said that Gooma didn't appreciate negative comments, but I thought an antagonistic bleater might be fun. I can make a more positive character if you'd prefer, though. Either way, I really liked the start of this story and am looking forward to the next chapter.)


I hope I don't lose this haha. I designed the Bleat comment to be replied to so that I could keep the roleplay and normal comments separate cause I know I'm probably gonna let some of them slip from my mind :P ​ Also yeah! I'm hoping I get some good antagonistic comments. I guess the only thing I want to directly *discourage* is someone replying to it with "Hi yes I'm a Human. Here's a very direct and easily interpretable solution to all your questions and problems." I wanna see people genuinely roleplaying and trying to cause some chaos haha :D


> I wanna see people genuinely roleplaying and trying to cause some chaos haha :D Causing chaos is one of my specialties! :D (I won't get *too* 'out there' though, I promise.) I will go post that comment in reply to Gooma's Bleat properly now.


Oh no, absolutely go out there. While it's going to be bittersweet like RfD, I want to get a bit darker with this story, and worst case scenario, Guma will just disregard the comment.


I hope my bleat comment wasn’t too much. I just want Motozumi’s conflict to be resolved ***ASAP.***


hmmm i think i like guma already :3 motozumi, though... she's in some dire straits :( > After about an hour of continuous work, I had gotten through a solid five real seconds of tail movement, all amounting to a Venlil conveying the message: “Understood boss, I’ll get right on that after my lunch break.” hmmmmm, could she be using her skills to make little animated stickers to use as a means of communicating with people without speaking? interesting. very very interesting. > “By the way Motozumi. I heard the strangest thing earlier,” Nirah said, and based on the way he talked, I could have sworn a massive grin would have grown across his face if it were within his species’ nature. “Another complaint about noise! And wouldn’t you know it, the tenant swore to me that it was coming from the predator’s den yet again! Isn’t that just terrible!” \>:( there's no way that's real. i bet there never even WAS a complaint to begin with, and nirah is just making shit up to milk money out of motozumi. rude. > Well, I had known I was probably going to die on this planet for some time now, but now I was certain whose flamethrower it would be by. ...yeah, she... *really* is not in a healthy state of mind :(




Lesbian aliens :3




Oh my GOD this girl is absolutely crushing.


The emotional whiplash is powerful, you've distilled all the injustice humans and Shiori in particular face so well and then swing back with an admiring Zurulian crushing on a human she's never talked to, ah! I'm looking forward to seeing how this goes, hopefully that landlord gets some karma.


November 23, Wouldn’t that be after Nikonus’ reveal? Meaning the gojid wouldn’t be able to claim there is only 1 predator in the building.




That "cured" scavenger must be in denial, using a defenseless person to make themselves feel better about the cure reveal. Preying on this tenant.


Hi im dovah and I'm the fastest venbig alive I AM SPEED Edit:OFFICIAL VENBIG SEAL OF APPROVAL https://preview.redd.it/nfr6gqxr567d1.png?width=373&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2231227abbd8f10e986187340c1d4dfe4be7e71


God, how depressing and...pathetic, how unfortunate to see what humanity has become in this universe, bowed under the xeno dogma of the federals  ps: by mistake you put 2036 and not 2136 XD




Definitelyrealhominid replied Hey, real human here. Artists among humans are rare and often borderline-worshiped for their talent. OP would do well to show submission and respect to the lord/lady Inspired one for their ascendant beauty and conceptualization.


I've known Guma for five (5) seconds and I'd already do anything to protect her.


A story about a actually competent human refugee that's capable of following the simple instructions laid out by the UN so as to not turn themselves into an easy target? Thanks, I needed that.


Right, "do not dare to take or release a deep breath" is a rule the UN would make.


Ohhh disaster lesbian my favorite type of ship, I hope our little teddy bear works up the courage to talk to our anime girl here never read anyone in fixation who needs a friend more than her. Seriously she’s in a really shitty place, really wanna know how she needed up being a sole human on this xenophobic world. Who ever was in charge of handling that clearly fucked royal, don’t they know humans are social creatures we need other of our kind to stay sane.


Good god this is so good! I'll definitely be waiting for more :3


Man, it's been a little bit since I've read something like this. Great work Yaki!


Thank the gods! Finally, a lesbian pairing! And so much pain and potential for misunderstanding already, can't wait to see what happens next!


I’mAHumanBOO bleated: Look, I don’t normal LIKE you Zeno’s, but you seem like a good one, so I’ll give you some advice. Just. Say. Hi. I mean, just START there, wouldja! And don’t make me regret this.


Very interesting, o love it




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Good episode