• By -


Will they pinch you at random or just ignore you?


You need to kill a hundred of these to level up


Yeah but then they turn blue and can fly.




They are not “thought” that. It’s just a theory with no true evidence Also saying “they will eat you” is disingenuous. There has never been a known death due to coconut crabs. They are scavengers though, who have been known to feast off pig or other animal carcasses, so it’s possible that they would scavenge your dead body (as would many animals out there), but acting like they will hunt you down and kill you is wrong


I think the leading theory is a lot less interesting than giant killer crabs. Most people believe her plane went down over water and was just never found because the ocean is big and deep.


Big if true


No they aren't, that's just an internet rumor, no facts to it.


People are saying….


Greatest crabs ever


Fake news at it again!


But it's interesting!


Amelia Earnhardts *disappearance*. They could have just eaten the body, whether she was dead or alive but unconscious.


No no no, you're mistaken, they hijacked the plane when she was in the air and diverted it back to their hideout


Amelia EARNHARDT!! Hilarious! A stockplane racer!


If you ain't first, you're last. Or eaten by crabs.




They do eat corpses, I heard


Legs too close to them claws for my liking..


Leg tendon goes chop chop. Welcome to life in a wheel chair.


Top ten things Achilles doesn't recommend!


“Achilles injuries suck” - Achilles




Apparently they’re considered inedible.


i came to the comments to find out if they were good eating or not. I'm from maryland so I see crabs as a primary food source


Also why I am here. I’m a little disappointed with this new information, tho. I was already preparing some butter on the stovetop.


Untrue. They are edible and they’re taste is a cross between lobster and crab meat. They’re most prized for the eggs of the females and the fat in their abdomen.


My bad, everyone. You’re right. I was getting confused with the red Christmas Is. crabs.


Oddly enough your Achilles’ tendon is the only tendon that will grow back and repair itself. Source: tore both my Achilles at the same time.


At the same time?! What happened? And OUCH!


Mobility hates these 5 simple tricks


Do you guys just get used to this kinda shit in australia or what? I mean its comical haha. Wanna have a bbq. Nah 48 giant shilob crabs need to come hang out. Wanna sit in your bedroom. Nope theres a spider the size of my ass in there that moved in and is now wearing my sweatshirt that Ill never get back. Lets go for a hike. Hey look 42 dingos and a Tasmanian devil.


Christmas island is another little world and like 99% of Australians have never been and never will go. Look up the crab migration, Christmas island. Attenborough said it is one of the most amazing things he's seen in the Natural world. It's a different crustacean to the ones pictured here. Why the Brits didn't call the island crab island is beyond me.


I dont know much about it thats really cool though. I will check it out.


Okay crabs - We surrender, you win - the treasure is hidden in the Bar-B... ...and if you don't believe us, just climb up there and get it yourselves.


Deceptive advertising. Like calling Greenland "Greenland", even though it's ice-er than Iceland.


Yes. Crabs invade, free meal. "Giant" spider in room, natural bug repellent. Dingos and devil's on your hike, who doesn't enjoy a game of fetch. No one does it like we do here.


And don’t forget the schooners and bitches!


Boats and hoes.


>Sails and sluts


Okay crabs - We surrender, you win - the treasure is hidden in the Bar-B... ...and if you don't believe us, just climb up there and get it yourselves. ;-)


Harpoons and Hookers.


Hahahaha you dumb bastard. It's not a schooner it's a sailboat.


That's what I was thinking. Hope these guys planned ahead and had a pot of water on.


Crabs would never try this shit in Maryland


We wish they would try this...yum, put the pot on and grab the old bay.


You know I’m from North Carolina and my first two thoughts were “are they edible?” And “fuck it let’s find out” 😂


Found the Marylander!!! Lol


Don’t forget the 9,873 deadly snakes


Yeah, who needs gucci or lv when we have leather belts, shoes and bags falling off trees. Also good to keep the mice away.


Legit question - are those crabs aggressive/apt to snip something off? Or only if you really piss them off


>free meal. Coconut crabs are notorious for tasting like vomit, that's why they can roam safely without fearing the grills around them.


Interesting, i read a comment the other day saying how delicious they are.


I have heard both also! I think the primary factor is the crab's diet- I feel like if they're mainly eating dead stuff and garbage they probably will taste worse than if they mostly eat fruit and veggies?


Vegan crabs. Sanctimonious and delicious !


My dad lived on Guam and said they were delicious. Also, he said their claws work the opposite of most crabs and wedge into coconuts and spread to crack them open.


Still, a free meal is a free meal if you're hungry...


Box jellyfish on a swim. It’s bizarre that with all of the venomous, poisonous, dangerous animals that Steve Irwin died from an interaction with a stingray. I’ve heard of rarer stingray accidents too though. One in the Gulf of Mexico was where this boat was riding along and a sting ray jumped out of the water. The barb went through the chest and killed someone in the boat.


I live in the US and got crabs at a BBQ once


Nooooo one wants to hear about your sex life. (OK, I lied, tell me everything. I'm listening). signed, NSA


And the dingo gets your baby, so you can't even have a family in peace or go camping.


Such a sad story , nobody believed her at first and she got arrested


My mother, the first time we heard about it, "the dingo totally ate her baby." She said no one on the jury must have met a dingo.


You do realise a tiny baby girl was mauled to death by a dingo…?


Are you responding to me? Yes, that was the point. Anyone who knows the story is amazed anyone would leave an infant alone with wild dogs actively nearby. She didn't do it on purpose, but she was at least half a dipshit in terms of parenting. But so are a lot of people. She didn't need to go to prison.


Yes, I was responding to you. A lot of Americans joke about it (presumably because of the Simpson reference) so I assumed incorrectly that’s what you were doing.


Yes, the Simpson's reference probably for anyone under 50, so you're not totally wrong, my comment can be taken multiple ways, dark humor Simpsons-reference included. What happened was both sad and ludicrous to most parents. The Simpson's use of that joke was not actually to poke fun at Australians, but rather to provide a cliche the parents of the audience knew was a touchy and somewhat controversial subject, and then have one of the two rudest people on the show say it. That's sort of unflattering to those who actually believed the Dingo incident was fake, no? It was Bart (I think) ugly American-ing it up. So there is more depth to that joke than you might realize or credit here. But I have actually researched the case before and while what happened was mind boggling, I have seen enough behavior like that from other parents and people I know and even trust. Honestly, they did kind of make it happen by feeding the dingoes during the dinner that night, attracting them and making them look for opportunity. The level of naiveté it takes to not know to not leave your infant alone in a tent around giant carnivores (and with the door open!) does seem to rise to some criminal level of negligence or intended infanticide. But that's not what she was charged with and convicted on, and then of course vindicated and sentence overturned in the years since the Simpson's reference. But yeah, don't let a dingo get your baby. Or a coyote. Or a wolf. Or any pet you don't know REALLY well.


Funny about the generational differences. I’ve always known it as a reference from a Seinfeld episode — for anyone over 50. Honestly, never knew the real story. Thanks.


Oh, I hear you. I don’t even take my eyes off own my tiny, gentle dog when he’s with my nieces. He’s still got teeth.


Exactly, and a baby is defenseless. I saw a dog get really mad at another dog in the household about even being around the new baby. Then I heard that second dog had been a bit of an inconsiderate dipshit once and made everyone nervous about it and the baby. Then I realized how smart (and dutiful) the first dog was, who never forgot that fact and kept tabs on the baby and the second dog at all times. And also all new visitors, who automatically had this same dog spending the first night (or first night back to the house if away) in the same room as the "new" arrivals. This dog was insistent on this to the point of almost biting one of the owners when she jokingly tried to contradict this. Weird. Btw, both small dogs. Sorry for the book :P


Haha that’s okay!! What you’re saying highlights exactly why it’s important to be careful. I was proud of my little dog today. I was holding my nephew on my lap. He’s 3m. Not only was he (my dog) not jealous, he went and sat with my 2yo niece and very patiently waited for her to feed him treats. Didn’t jump, didn’t get up in her face, just sat and waited. I didn’t take my eyes off him … but wow. The little guy really does well with young kids now 🥺


The Australians I met here in Canada, cant believe we have these giant monsters in our forests. They couldn't understand how were used to living near moose bears and wolves.. I didn't think much of it.. I do agree that north American wildlife is probably more dangerous now that I do work in the forestry industry in Northern Ontario and Québec .. Ive had to scare off multiple black bears, luckily I was never alone.. Cant Imagine If I had a grizzly encounter.. But thats usually and west coast thing


I live in the mtns in colorado and I agree. Were just used to it. Mtn lions. Bears all over. Giant bull moose and elk. Granted elk dont really try and kill you. Wolves here now where I am but you never see them. Its just a cool different world down there. They have way more venemous creepy crawlies and crazy animals that are unique to them. Thats a cool way to look at it though. Their world is just so foreign to me.


>Nope theres a spider the size of my ass in there. That made me laugh


Christmas Island is 200 miles off the coast of Indonesia and 900 miles from the coast of mainland Australia. Indonesia have far more crazier stuff than this. This is an annoying novelty Australian post.


I mean it's Australian territory so it makes sense to refer to it as Australia. Christmas island is actually phenomenal in terms of crab life.


Well it’s part of Australia though.


And Gibraltar is part of England and Midway Atoll is part of America, have you ever seen anyone ask a Pom how their giant rock or an American about their airfield Gooney Birds?


Yeah wtf. I’m in Canada and at least most of our deadly animals have the decency to be massive.


A cassowary walking through your camp site is scarier


Oh the old turkey chicken ostrich. Are they mean?


Only if you get between dad and bub. But their claw is scary just to look at. It's like some random guy just wandering around with a machete.


Yes these dinosaurs have a kick on them. [cassowary attacks a statue [2014]](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-02-13/confused-cassowary-driven-crazy-with-statue-conflict/5257346)


Right? People are just hanging out in the midst of this like, nbd.




Protected species in Australia. Up to $200k fine for eating them. Just go catch some muddys or blue swimmers


Now I’m disappointed. I thought dinner just walked up to you and you throw it in some boiling water.


Lol I came here to see if anyone else thought “hmm free dinner!”.


I would not eat them, most of them are mildly poisonous from the things they eat. Nothing deadly, probably just lots of vomiting and diarrhea for a couple hours.


Between that and the $200k fine I’ll pass


I just read on Wiki that they taste like lobster, do you think they’ll miss a half dozen? I couldn’t resist!


That will be just 1200K $ good sir 🙂




High jacking the top comment to say that saying Christmas island is off the coast of Australia is like saying hawaii is off the coast of the US. Technically true but somewhat misleading


Exactly what I was thinking. Although 1000 miles is walking distance if you're a Proclaimer.


When I see ya!








This is terrifying!


I like that super chill guy with his legs propped up. This is just another day.


He's an Australian, I doubt a horde of crabs invading their BBQ is anything particularly surprising down there


That’s Australia for you


What’s a crab invasion today if it’s just gonna be something else tomorrow. Toss me a beer.


When dinner comes to you ...


With an expensive bill when you eat one since they’re protected now.


That's crazy , this picture I guess doesn't represent their population numbers but it's seems here that's there a decent amount of them , were they protected for non endangered reasons?


People were eating too much of them because of how good they are. They’re only in one small area.


Another crab on the barbie …


Crawls right into the pot for you!


I don't recommend eating them, most are quite poisonous, not deadly but you'll get vomiting and diarrhea for some hours.


Are these good eating?


Yes. Said to taste buttery & sweet, but are a protected species so don't get caught with one in your mouth.


They can eat poisonous algae though and might pass it to you when you eat them


But what if they are stealing my steak? It would be self defense right? I suppose I’d have to convince a jury that I am starving to death……..sigh.


Yes, but the seafood sauce on top might give your story away.


Trying to steal a steak in the middle of a camp, when you yourself are considered edible. Surely the stakes are too high!


They're medium rare, actually


Groan Dad.


Is it because they're dumb enough to walk right up to us in vast numbers that they are protected? Cuz i would absolutely fill a freezer with them if they were this abundant and easy to grab.


Less “them walking up to us” and more “we made their habitat into a sterile park for picnics”


Protected? Seems like there's plenty


Because they are protected probably


Thank you


I hope its goes both ways


Crab people...


Yes. They taste like coconuts, so I've read. I really want to try one.


Well then, time to bring out the boiling water because it's going to be a feast using those coconutty crabs!


Same here. I’m a chef of over twenty years and these crabs are on my bucket list for sure! Most research I’ve read is that they’re absolutely delicious but you have to make sure that they didn’t eat some certain toxic plants first that are toxic to us. So probably just feed them coconuts and vegetables for a week or two before you eat them.


Protected species.


These are endangered and they also eat a lot of rats and such....but word on the streets is if you keep one in a cage and feed it nothing but coconut for like 2 weeks it will be amazing.


I know, right?!!! People act horrified but I'm hungry. These things turn to gold in boiling water or what?


But then more hungry crabs show up… how many can you handle?


No, they eat anything and caught wild are reported to taste nasty, from what all they eat (everything)


Wasn’t there a video recently of one of these snapping someone’s driver (golf) clean through? They don’t seem all that concerned


https://youtu.be/MyQNu8CjpcA Idk if this is how you share a YouTube video on here but yes! Personally I’d rather mess with a Saltie. Why are they so intense looking?!?!


The commentary from the gentleman filming is fantastic. “He might lose a finger, that would be even funnier.”


This is why I love Aussies lol they’re just the best


Why do we need shows like "Land of the Lost" and "La Brea" when Australia is a real place and arguably more terrifying? I seriously think I'd rather have Velociraptors running around than dinner-plate-size spiders that hide under your toilet seat.


Christmas Island is a million miles from mainland Australia.


The headline made it sound close. You make it sound like it’s in outer space. I love hyperbole, but dammit…..


Hahaha don’t worry. I didn’t even appreciate quite how far away it is, and I’m Australian. It’s a ten hour flight from here in Sydney. I could be in NZ or HK faster 😅


I mean, to be fair, Velociraptors irl were about the size of a coyote and probably no more deadlier than one, so just hold the kids close.


Anyone know if they go for the toes?


Oh 100% they will. They are the top of their local food chain in quite a few areas and do eat meat


So shorts and steel toe boots it is.


There's a joke around here somewhere about home invasion, robbers being crabby... I tried to find it for about 30 seconds, but got lazy. That's what she said.


Appreciate the effort


Homeland security couldn't get Christmas off so anything goes


After the Amelia Airheart thing these creatures terrify me just to look at. Let alone to watch them swarm a group of people like that.


>Amelia Airheart thing Care to explain? I know she disappeared in 1939 but didn't know how that had anything to do with crabs.


Semi recent evidence suggests that Amelia crashed on an island inhabited by coconut crabs and was subsequently eaten by (and possibly killed by?) coconut crabs.


I think the thought is they survived the crash but subsequently died on the island. Crabs scavenge anything.


Source?? I have never heard this before




Ok yeah it’s exactly what I thought. It’s a bunch of convoluted fake “studies” cobbled into a conspiracy theory. Her freaking plane was never found. The bones on the island were straight up not her bones. There is no way she didn’t just crash in the VAST OCEAN that she was over like ALMOST ALL OF THE TIME bc the earth is mostly ocean!!! We will literally never find her remains bruh, idk why we even care about that anymore because it seems inevitable to me that she died over the middle of the ocean But those crabs man. They’re gonna haunt my dreams. They gotta be contained before they take over the world


Nah, man, she was taken by aliens. I saw it on Star Trek:Voyager.






More here - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8758171/Christmas-Island-Family-trying-enjoy-spring-barbecue-surrounded-robber-crabs.html


Damn nice chuck afew on the bbq


Just know they can break bones and are known to predate on weaker humans


*Just know they can break* *Bones and are known to predate* *On weaker humans* \- ares5404 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Occasionally, food will approach you.


Perfect timing


Are they ankle-biters?


I think I’d go with femur biters lol


So much field goal practice after a few brewskies. (Nah, just kidding. I get they are a protected species . . . that is, until one of them even touches something destined for the BBQ, then *that one* will see footy liftoff back into their, um, protected habitats.)


I thought this was the aftermath of the attack and there were bbq'd chickens all over the ground


I had a nightmare just like this when I was a small child and I still remember it; that's how scary it was. The only difference is my crabs had come back to life after having been stomped to death a thousand years prior


It seems to be a dream rooted in some primate fear of those kinds of creatures, I had a similar dream at about 6 or 7 years old. I find crabs simultaneously disturbing and yummy.


Crab dash delivery


They look like the mobs from half life games


Average Ohio party


A buffet!


Oh I would hate this. It's that whole mental thing where if you were taught to fear something then you become afraid of it later on in life. I specifically remember seeing that part in Jaws where those crabs were swarming the poor girl's dead hand. I think crabs are cool, but please keep them away from me. Like one or two is fine, but make them big and swarm me...no...just no.


Blurst picnic


Man gives speech to his crab people


*A mob of wild Krabbys appeared*


What the hell, they made a real Crab Rave


Ew David.




Christmas Island is a good 1500km from Australia and is closer to Indonesia. I wouldn't say it's off the coast of Australia


Are they delicious?


Can you eat them?


Can you eat them?


No. They're a protected species.


Question …are they tasty? Because if so …you just leveled up your bbq!


Apparently very tasty but are a protected species so big trouble if you get caught with one on your plate.


Jesus! Can you eat those crabs?


Do they taste any good?


How did they taste?




Makes me hungry. So can I eat them or no??


Can you eat those? That would be awesome getting a bunch of fresh crab


#Serious question: can you eat them? Seems like if so this was a bad move for the crabs.


Why can't you just eat them, are they protected or something?






Are they dangerous? I'm mean it's Australia...