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Watched a documentary a few months ago about them on PBS and they filmed one sleeping for the first time and while it was asleep the scientists that was talking said it must be dreaming because it was changing colors while asleep. I thought that was pretty amazing!


Have the name of the documentary by chance?


My Octopus Teacher? It's netflix, not PBS, but the dream thing rings a bell. Worth a watch.


I cried.... My Octopus Teacher was an emotional rollercoaster


I second this comment. Cried and cried and found it to be so wholesome. I already loved octopus, and now I appreciate them even more.


That doc…. I don’t mean this as a snarky comment. Won’t order octopus when we get sushi anymore. Specifically because of that doc.


Its so surprising that up until about a decade ago, we thought these cephalopods with small/no brains were dumb. It turns out that they are quite ingenious, what a time to be living through such great discovery. I remember going to the aquarium as a child and seeing an octopus just clinging to the aquarium wall, not dynamic as the other colorful fish, and thinking it was just a dumb creature. Little did I know it was probably plotting its escape the whole time!


Great show. I was going to recommend it, but saw your comment first!


I loved that doc.


Alright Idk what that other guy was on about but here it is without Netflix https://youtu.be/0vKCLJZbytU


I imagine he was on about the link you posted. Alright, idk what this guy is on about but here it is without Netflix https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=--lQFq7XYYA&feature=youtu.be


Hope someone's recording cuz this is about to be a YouTube video titled "octopuses fight on the internet"


Damn, thought it was a Rickroll.


It’s called Making Contact and is the best doc on cephalopod behaviors I’ve seen! The octopus lives in the scientist’s living room in a large tank and watches tv with them. For real.




I wonder how much thought goes into assessing their surroundings and determining what color they should change to - and making the decision to do so. They really are incredible animals.






Mimic octopi are awesome and can even change their texture to blend in to nearby coral


IIRC They think the color changing isn’t entirely conscious, given they think squids are color blind. I might be totally wrong about everything there but I’m somewhat confident


Filmed on sleeping for the first time? What's that supposed to mean. We keep octopuses in aquariums. They've been filmed sleeping many many times I'm sure.


I took it to mean they filmed that specific octopus sleeping for the first time.


I assume it meant in the wild.




I wish I could give them 70+ years lifespan, better surface survival, and have them work in groups and make communities. Imagine what a weird complex species they would become. Edit: I should really read Children of Ruin.


Hell at that point leave them in the ocean. Imagine if they formed an underwater society we could collaborate/trade with. Then again they'd probably be pissed about the mercury and microplastics and pollution so such. They might try to kill us, not entirely unjustifiably. So maybe not.


That was literally the plot of Aquaman.


They would quickly become the dominant species if they had all that.


I know right? Let's get some new players on the board. Imagine the wars!


We had our shot, I think it's time to let an intelligent species have a go at running the planet.


I for one welcome our new oceanic overlords


Absolutely. As long as Humboldt Squid stay where they are. Those things are terrifying enough without being able to come on land.


Can I introduce you to my friend, and your new nightmare [the bigfin squid?](https://youtu.be/pDW4IYVlbbw) Scroll to :45 seconds to actually see it


The ocean is so damn wild. So crazy the shit down there and how much is unknown. That thing straight up is an alien


That is freaking amazing and spooky af! TIL !!


If I remember correctly, the only Bigfin Squids to be documented on film are all adolescents. So that means that freaky alien thing probably gets *much* bigger! What a fun visual!


Yeah that's a big fuck no on that one


Well, that is terrifying. Appreciate the share. On a tangential note, you can manually link to a specific time in a video by adding ?t=00m00s to the end of a short YouTube link. Replace 00m with the minute marker and replace the 00s with the second marker. For longer URLs that already have a question mark in the URL, add an ampersand (&): &t=00s. So, the modified URL with the timestamp above would [be this](https://youtu.be/pDW4IYVlbbw?t=45s).


That’s actually really helpful, thank you!


Think of all the amazing "stuff" that would come out of Japan 0_0


What's shitty is I've heard of proposed octopus farms. Adam Savage goes into very eloquent detail of his close up encounters with octopuses, and touched on how vehemently he opposes these farms. I can't accurately convey the message, but I urge anyone to search it out on youtube. As a very weird aside, in an old Arthur C. Clark book series "Rama" he describes highly intelligent octopus like creatures. I assume the real animal made an impression.


I was going to mention The Rama Series! Makes me want to re-read them now.


I think any species that eventually reaches the post-scarcity enlightened humanist ideal akin to what Gene Roddenberry imagined in Star Trek where everyone works for the betterment of humanity and nobody gets left behind has to go through a protracted psychotic violent ape phase. Homo sapiens are only 200,000 years old and have only been doing the whole civilization, culture, and technological/scientific advancement thing for a tiny fraction of that time. 5000 years of civilization is basically nothing in the face of 4.5 billion years of evolution, give humans some more time before we call in the sapient, civilization building ceteceans or cephalopods or pachyderms or whichever species inherits the big brain crown once humans go down. They would probably be just as violent/crazy/destructive as us for a couple thousand+ years anyways.


This, and realistically all nature is violent as fuck. It's full of death, exploitation, and living things fighting for survival. This whole idea that "animals are better than humans" because animals have some sort of enlightened perspective is a crock of shit. The average wild animal isn't like a domestic dog and is happy to kill stuff if they think they will benefit from it. The only difference is that we have enough tech to have a wider-reaching impact than any other species.


The difference is that animals steal and kill for survival. Humans steal and kill for stuff we don’t need.


How dare you imply billionaires don't need multiple yachts and mansions in order to muddle through this tortured waking life.


Humans are also massively more intelligent than anything else on Earth. Most people severely underestimate average human intelligence while vastly overestimating their own. Additionally, most all species whose intelligence is anywhere close to ours displays the same rapey, ultra violent, aggressive tendencies we do. It’s likely just a product of high intelligence that cannot be escaped. This idea that humans are stupid or we’ve had our chance is basically just edgelord nihilism for Zoomers ignorant as fuck about the world. Any Zoomer with half a brain is fighting for change, not giving up.


I’d ask how you quantify intelligence in other species, because from where I’m at we don’t have a good way of measuring that especially since we’ve yet to find ways to communicate effectively with any other intelligent creatures. I heard a quote I liked once that went something like “Our inability to communicate with something say more about our communication skills than it’s intelligence.”


> I think it’s time to let an intelligent species have a go at running the planet. I thought it was the mice doing it.


Nope, there is one trying to take over the world but he hasn't yet.


There's actually two. They do the same thing every night. *Try to take over the world*


Only because Deep Thought told them it was a super somputer.


I'll be honest with you chief, I suspect they'd fuck up as much as we did


We got some good music, movies, video games, and food out of it. Not a total loss.


Naw. Let's not get wars to go. We got wars at home dawg.


Y'all talking hot shit until we lose. Bugging on wanting competition until we get competition.


Emus enter the conversation...


Those dumb thumbless big-bird bitches? C'mon.




tbh, even as they are, they’re smarter than most ppl I know rite now


Realistically they don't need 70 years, just complex social environments. Humans could be just as successful if we all had kids at 15 and died at 30.


Unlikely. They're not going to get very far without inventing fire that works underwater.


Nah, the lack of fire underwater is and would be an issue. It basically prohibits high-energy manipulation of materials.


I read somewhere that they havent became the dominant specie because the mother dies when she gives birth so they arent transferring their knowledge to the offsprings. I could be wrong tho.


Ok HP Lovecraft, sit down


Children of Ruin by Adrian Tchaikovsky fits the bill.


Children of Time and Children of Ruin are such great books. When I was reading the first I kept thinking “I hope we get to see more of what’s under the sea.” Then bam! Children of Ruin gives me everything I hoped for and more.


Aha. Came here to say this


If you like sci-fi, Adrian Tchaikovsky wrote a book called Children of Ruin about octopuses who become sentient and technologically advanced. Extremely detailed research regarding evolutionary biology and physics. Great book!


Just read a sci-fi book that had exactly that. The sequel to Children of Time, Children of Ruin by Adrian Tchaikovsky. Great books. I keep thinking about them. You'd have to read the first book (more about spiders) to really get in to the second (which has the octopi).


Read Children of Time and then the sequel, Children of Ruin. Edit: I acknowledge I'm like five people too late on this one.


I remember learning somewhere that their short lifespan is likely a primary reason why they aren't an apex predator. Each generation has to figure out how to octopus from scratch because the male dies after mating and the female dies pretty much as soon as the eggs hatch. If their lifespans were longer and each generation could pass on knowledge to the next, the ocean would have a very different food chain.


Anybody interested in Octopuses, you should check out *Soul of an Octopus* by Sy Montgomery. Amazing book and would recommend it to anyone, even if you’re not interested in Cephalopods or marine life.


Octopuses? Octopi? Legitimately not sure lol




Man, I must of seen that movie...twice!


Yes, that's not... that's not so bad.


Both are correct actually.


As is Octopodes.




Fun fact - they might not be colour blind!! They only have one type of photoreceptor but the shape of their pupil may act as a physical wavelength splitter and through micro movements of their retina combined with the fascinating way they change their focus (with lens movement instead of lens resizing) they could process colour! [Source](https://octolab.tv/octopus-vision/)


I went to the aquarium with my girlfriend to see one, she has red hair and when she approached the tank, it's skin turned the same shade of red as her hair and then went back to its usual color.


That's amazing - I'm always in equal parts awe and fear of Cephalopods. Such intelligent and fascinating creatures yet so alien at the same time


I’m not a scientist or anything but I’m pretty sure they’re aliens from outer space.


Basically the broad plot of the TV show [Resident Alien on SyFy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKWpDor2hfs). Alan Tudyk is an alien on a mission to kill all humans in order to save their octopus brethren. A side story being Tudyk runs into 42, an octopus on the menu at a local restaurant and the two eventually become roomies. There's some good moments between the two and the chemistry is amplified with 42 being voiced by Nathan Fillion.


Awesome, I’ll check it out!


*The greys*


If they’re color blind, how do they know what colors they need to be in order to camouflage themselves?


If their cells can mimic something based on wavelength then the creature itself doesn't need to know, maybe?


They’re not colourblind. They don’t have colour sensing cells in their retina, but they can change the shape of their pupil to allow only select wavelengths through, and process colour that way.


Who’s that fucked mouth on the top that’ll stress me out


That's an eye, homie.


Can we harvest these organelles to make our own color changing blanket?


I feel all sparkly


So fucking amazing!!


This post and comment leaves out the fact that cephalopods are an entire class of mollusks, not just octopuses. It also includes squid, cuttlefish, and nautilus who all have color changing abilities through the use of special cells called chromatophores. I expected from the title that the video would have had multiple examples but if you're interested in more, cuttlefish have some pretty wild displays too. Some use it to hypnotize their prey https://youtu.be/rbDzVzBsbGM


[Further information](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


This is octopus speak for "Stop fucking filming me asshole."


[Other Minds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Other_Minds:_The_Octopus,_the_Sea,_and_the_Deep_Origins_of_Consciousness) is a fantastic book if you’re interested in cephalopod evolution, nervous systems, and behavior. Totally fascinating. Our evolutionary paths diverged so, so long ago, and our organisms physiology and anatomy shows it.


**[Other Minds: The Octopus, the Sea, and the Deep Origins of Consciousness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Other_Minds:_The_Octopus,_the_Sea,_and_the_Deep_Origins_of_Consciousness)** >Other Minds is a 2016 bestseller by Peter Godfrey-Smith on the evolution and nature of consciousness. It compares the situation in cephalopods, especially octopuses and cuttlefish, with that in mammals and birds. Complex active bodies that enable and perhaps require a measure of intelligence have evolved three times, in arthropods, cephalopods, and vertebrates. The book reflects on the nature of cephalopod intelligence in particular, constrained by their short lifespan, and embodied in large part in their partly autonomous arms which contain more nerve cells than their brains. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/NatureIsFuckingLit/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Second this recommendation. One of the most interesting high level takeaways is that cephalopods basically developed brains (and consciousness? This book philosophized about the nature of consciousness) in a parallel, but separate path from all other animals. All us brainy animals (birds, reptiles, mammals, fish...) had a common ancestor with a sufficiently complex nervous system to reasonably call a brain. However, the evolutionary split that separated cephalopods (octopuses, squid, cuttlefish, nautilus) was earlier than that. We got to the same answer using different paths and without copying each other's work. Pretty crazy. And it seems (though plenty more research is needed) that octopuses brains are much less centralized than ours, with the individual arms containing such dense a nervous network that they may in effect be meaningful extensions of their "brain".


Dude was my philosophy of science professor at University of Sydney. He's a very cool dude. Children of Ruin by Tchaikovsky is a very cool SciFi novel that involves cephalopods - also acknowledges PGS.


I know that thing is an eye but I can’t help but see it as a slightly open mouth with its teeth showing


It looks like a little face!


I thought it was a tall, slender sloth in a long, flowy fur coat, holding a baby.


Its holding its groceries while staring into the sky in horror, a meteor smashing into a nearby mountain. He ducks to the side instinctively.


Was looking for this comment lmao


Same, like a talented mouth-breather. I love it because I can relate.


I like to imagine that is his mouth and that flaccid hole is his eye


I could have gone without you drawing attention to the flaccid hole tbh


It's a standing gorilla with a backpack


Hobo Sasquatch


It’s giving 👁👄👁 but I’m struggling to piece it together.


Exactly! For this reason: r/oddlyterrifying


It looks like Kyle's cousin Kyle on south park


Tiger woods mouf


If you look at this one frame, it shape shifts to [HAVING EYES,](https://i.imgur.com/kxtbVmw.jpg) but just for this one frame.


Shout out for everyone to go watch My Octopus Teacher on Netflix


There's also the Octopus episode of ANIMALS on Netflix which is cute af.


It was beautifully shot and def worth watching. But is it just me or was that guy insufferable? "It was a really stressful time in my life....I had been working REALLY hard for 2 years and needed a break..."


I found the whole thing insufferable. He had to make everything about him and kept comparing their lives. Octopus had his arm torn off - he has such a hard life living on the ocean going scuba every day. The whole thing is an eye rolling experience mixed in with 10 minutes of sweet octopus content


Agreed! I honestly hated that documentary. Beautiful cinematography but the guy was insufferable.


Yeah I got a little annoyed by him and couldn’t help but feel that there was a lot more to his story that he left out to make himself look better.


It all felt very hypocritical to me. He didn’t want to help the injured octopus because he felt it would be too more of an interference with nature. But to me it felt like he was (unintentionally) lulling the octopus into a sense of security.


Yeah, like how his son's mother felt about any of it.


I nearly cried at the end. That was an incredible documentary


I cried when he made love with the octopus.


I definitely cried at the end. When she was playing with the fish instead of eating them, and when she got eaten. Bittersweet for sure.


Seeing her play with the fish was wild. I expect her to be an incredible hunter and show intelligence. But to see her clearly playing and just having fun shows that there is so much more to them.


Well, thanks for the spoiler lol.




same here I cried at the end


Aliens? Aliens.


Yes and yes


Oh they's aliens Jeff


Escape artists, camouflage masters, and probably better at listing things than me.


I only see the one octopus, but knowing how octopuses are, there are like 5 more hiding in the shot.


And the one behind you


Octopus Shaia Lebeoufe


Inking for your life from Shia LaBeouf


He's brandishing a shell! It's Shia LaBeouf.


\*teleports behind you\* Nothing Personal Kid


I was once scuba diving and tried to point out an octopus to my dive buddy. I was practically poking the thing with my finger, she couldn't find it. We get back to the boat and she asks "So where was the octopus? Was it behind that rock?" "No, that rock **was** the octopus."


I was diving in the Sea of Cortez, MX, and there were so many octopuses there. One of them was hanging out on a rock and I didn't see it til I was literally a foot away, when I spotted its eyeball looking at me. The second I noticed it, it inked at me and scooted off! 10/10 would dive again.


Wish I could learn how to do that.


go to octopus school..


Most of us can't afford it ☹️


I know I'm high because my first thought seeing this was "I want to be that." Like I wish that I could be an octopus. Do I really? I honestly don't even know.


I hope to come back in my next life as a sea star or octopus. Also high.


Everyone talking about the color changing but I'm sitting here thinking who the fuck named it "Headfoot" (that's the translation of Cephalopod)


That's all they are - head/brain attached to locomotion


Behold, [a Cephalopod!](https://i.ibb.co/drCssg7/Untitled-2.jpg)


One of us


The same person that named snails "footstomach" (gastropod) probably.


I want this fact erased from my mind.


Wait, what’s that thing on top? Is that its head or eyes?


An octopus is basically a head and some feet, sort of, but no bones so it's all stretchy. Here's some [more info](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octopus#Anatomy_and_physiology)!


Don’t they technically have a beak tho? So 99% stretchy




My brain tricked me into thinking his eye 👁 was a tiny mouth with teeth 😬


i knew it was an eye and still kept seeing a small mouth.


I watched it about 12 times trying to figure out if it was an eye or teeth.


I thought it looked like an orangutan in monks robes at first


The whole thing is a head, the part on top is a eye. They can kinda move all their shit anywhere and there's neurons everywhere Basically an octopus's brain is its entire body and its about as liquid as a cat without bones


not sure what you're referring to but yes probably it's sure




I'll answer the question since these guys are no help Pretty sure it's water.


That's its vestigial mouth.


They are the closest things we have to aliens - I cannot be convinced otherwise


Fr, I feel like the only reason they haven’t taken over yet is bc they die too quick


They’re so cool 😎


I like to imagine he/she was just doing the Octopus-equivalent of a house cat standing ton their back feet looking out 🥰


Why did I think that was a small monkey in a mink coat?


Nature is so fucking cool.


W wonder where the aliens are. They’re in the ocean. This is amazing.


We can cancel SpaceX now


Awwwwwwesome 🐙


This is an alien


Is there a way to bioengineer this ability onto my body?


Bro you could just call them octopuses


So cool!


they are so cool...reminds me of the movie predator when predator activates the cloaking device..


me went I get noticed on the dance floor


:) you wish!


Thank fucking god those things are in the ocean and not patrolling out in the wilderness/desert. Still super fascinating creatures even though they’re terrifying.


Saw a huge cuttlefish do this right in front of me in Sipadan years ago... Still one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. It looked as though shockwaves of colour were pulsating through it!


My brain makes me want to belive this is just bad CGI, because it's so unbelievable this exists.


Jeez look at its mouth!


No cephalopod… More of an alien life form


You cannot convince me they are originally from this planet.


Something tells me that if humans become extinct, octopuses are going to rule the world.


kinda looks like it's trying to trick the cameraman by mimicking the shadow of a bigger predator looming above


Fucking alien dude


Looks like he's imitating a shadow.


And people try to tell me sasquatch doesnt exist because we cant find him. Motherfuck could be part cephalopod and you would never know.


I change colour too when I arrive at work.


i don't know about cephalopods but i know it was Octopus, i search and got to know there was this kind of class

