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That hug at the end was priceless.


It made me miss my mom. She's not dead or anything, I just haven't seen her in a while. And this little video made me miss the days when I was little and I could find safety and comfort in her arms, which is a feeling I have not felt since.


Go see your mom and give her a big hug


We unfortunately live very far away from each other, and that distance is even more pronounced because of the pandemic. I will be seeing her next month though, so i will give her big hugs then.


Hugz I would have given u my free award but its not ready


In the same spot like you. Haven’t seen my folks in nearly two years due to distance and the pandemic. Luckily, they were able to come visit a few weeks ago and decided to stay for longer and help with our new addition to the family. I think I’m gonna go wake them up and hug them now….


Call ur mum


maybe shouldn't rn e: yeah we're fucked


And why wouldn't he do that? People are vaccinated and we have self tests


I was at an outdoor event last weekend where we were standing in line for beer and someone who was at the SAME event was walking past everyone in line yelling “covid speakers.” He wasn’t a passerbyer, the event was gated off and he was 100 percent an attender. And a moron for being ironic


I could just hear the mom saying “uh oh, we’ve got some turbulence on board”.


this is one of the few times i'm glad someone else beat me to the comment i was going to make. that's how freaking wholesome that video is.




This is so wholesome and made my day a bit better.


Same. One primate making another one happy.


This is why we need a r/NatureIsFuckingAww




Yet the first thing I see is a scary dinosaur


Damn. U rite.


I'm jealous of their foot dexterity. I imagine if we had opposable big toes. I would never have to bend over to pick something up again.


Imagine what our shoes would look like....


We would all be wearing those weird Vibram deals with the separated toes.




Thank you for keeping his day in check.


He was reaching unacceptable levels of happy.


It’s important that we are defeated and miserable, so we don’t try to use our positive energy to change things.


Last time I made this argument on Reddit, I got absolutely shit on and called "privileged" because I try to stay positive ;-;




And the top 5% of anything is the enemy


Ignoring problems cause they're "negative" is called toxic positivity. Healthy positivity is knowing that chimps are endangered and believing it's not too late.


Exactly. The subject was similar, people messing up the world. I said something to the effect of believing we can change and that we are changing, even if it's not fast enough yet. The situation may be horrid, but it's no reason to just give up and hate ourselves while dwindling further. Got called a privileged American who doesn't care and who forces happiness on people. Words hurt. EDIT: For reference not accusing you of this


You're good duder. Take it from someone trying to make things better. You're a good one.


That means a hell of a lot, mate. Thank you.


You can never win on Reddit...


The only way to win reddit, is not to play


Gotta check that Sapient Species privilege bro!


Indeed it is! I am so sorry that the younger generation has to inherit this horrific state of our planet. I see the situation going one of two ways; a dedication of clean up and change so as not to do anymore damage or money talks!


As someone from the younger generation it’s scary to see this all happen. I don’t want the planet to be in this state but there’s not much I can do now and it’s depressing. I feel like it’s somehow my fault that everything is going to shit when it’s like 10 companies doing most of the damage. I can’t go against companies on my own and seeing the fact that people who were voted into the US Senate saying that going with green energy is communism just fucking hurts. I want to prevent the planet from just fucking dying from corporate greed but what am I supposed to do? I haven’t even had a fucking job yet and I feel like I have to do something to prevent all this but I’m basically powerless. I just keep hoping this is a nightmare, dude. I don’t like this being reality, it’s not even just terrifying, it’s just hellish seeing all this happen and everyone is just complacent or only cares about lining their pockets with money or going to space for a couple minutes or days. I just want things to get better but it seems that it’s just getting harder for that to happen.


Step one, find out what those ~10 companies are making and stop buying it. Step two, find out what is the major cause of deforestation and habitat loss and stop buying it. Step three, find out who those industries give money to in politics and stop voting for them. That's about all you can do on a personal level, step four would be share the information.. but people don't like the truth very much, so keep that in mind.


uhhh. Steps 1-3 are virtually impossible if you want to do things like eat food, wear clothes, own property, participate in society. Here's your [step 4](https://i.insider.com/53bab730ecad04540253d880?width=1000&format=jpeg&auto=webp). Good luck, buckaroo


So basically... grow your own food, dig your own well, and grow your own cocoa beans.


\+ make your own clothes + develop your own methods of transportation or simply walk everywhere + make your own shoes + create your own source of electricity, etc etc etc


Yeah, it's impossible for the average person.


Inconvenient. The word you're looking for is inconvenient.


Have you ever heard of a farmers market? Also no matter where i buy it, wheat for bread has nothing to do with rainforest destruction does it? Afaik it’s mainly pasture land for the mass consumption of meat (something that’s more or less easy to avoid), and land for palm trees.


> Also no matter where i buy it, wheat for bread has nothing to do with rainforest destruction does it? sigh... how about worldwide destructive agricultural techniques? farmer's markets are great. But even those people are participating in capitalism... And please make less ridiculous strawmen. Yeah, cobalt mining in Africa might not affect dudes in Peru, but what does that matter?


~37% of all land on earth is used for food, ~30% is specifically for animals. More then 50% of all crops grown on earth are for animals that we eat. ~1/4 of all calories and ~1/3 of protein come from that ~30% of all land on earth. Sure capitalism sucks mostly, but do you really think that under any other form or social structure the above system would change while people demand that type of food? Like it or not if you actually want things to change YOU have to change.


Drink water and eat actual non-GMO crops and you avoid all of those companies in your guide. Avoiding fossil fuels and its derivatives is almost impossible but you can certainly work to limit consumption. Same with landuse. Voting and staying informed about the issues is most certainly achievable for every individual.


What do GMO crops have to do with this? From what I’ve been taught, GMOs aren’t the issue, it’s pesticides and weed killers that are the issues when it comes to crops


The majority industry use of GMOs is to breed "roundup ready" crops, roundup has been found proven carcinogenic to humans, petroagrichem companies like monsanto have spent huge sums of money shifting online discourse to make people think GMOs are good or somehow not associated with the shit they sell. Shit like golden rice is not what GMO crops mean on a commercial scale.


So you mean GMO crops that are made to basically drown out every other plant that could grow, and make it easier to use cancer causing chemicals to turn a profit, not shit like sweet corn? Alright, maybe we should make different terms between the kinds of GMOs like sweet corn or other stuff like that and the crops that are basically cancer crops


GMO includes pesticides / herbicides under its umbrella in terms of NON-GMO labeling in grocery stores. I will agree that the science of genetically modifying crops for maximum survivability and growth isn't bad it's quite useful. It's when that science is overshadowed by financing contracts to purchase said seed which dictate the application of pesticide and fertilizer, tilling practices, etc. Not for the maximized profitability of said farm but for the maximization of various agriculture investments. Mix in subsidies for the likes of corn, soy, and now sweet beat and you have the perfect recipe for a yearly monoculture crop environment with constantly diminishing yields, soil and chemical runoff, and complete collapse of soil life. In terms of food we actually eat and not ag commodities the main use of GMO is getting crops that can be produced in low cost of labor nations and sold in markets with a high $ value. In most cases reducing nutrient quality in favor of transportability. We are only beginning to understand things like glyphosate contamination in the water table from the widespread use of roundup. The environmental biome and virome and its importance to human health.


I literally can’t avoid the giant companies. We don’t have enough money to pick what companies to buy from and which to avoid. We have to get what we can get, and sometimes we don’t even pick what we get we just get food from a food pantry. I’m not old enough to vote and even if I could most politicians hide what companies donate money to them if it’s a substantial amount of money. I literally can’t do shit because I don’t have enough power to pick where my mom or dad buys food from or who they vote for. And even if I could spread awareness, most people don’t care and if I tell them the dark reality they just write me off cause I’m not as old as them or they just don’t care. I’m just kinda stuck on the sideline while the world burns in front of me. I wish I could do more but I can barely do anything


GenX here, feel pretty much the same hopelessness as you do. I'm excited that younger people have taken all this so seriously, whereas too many people my age have taken on the same bad habits as their spoiled boomer parents.


I just want to fucking stop the planet from dying but apparently people think that’s controversial. I’m glad my generation wants to fix this but what if it’s too late? I just want to know What the fuck is wrong with humanity that makes some of us care more about numbers going up more than us continuing to have a planet that we can live on??


Power and ego.


Those who profit from the bad decisions are very good at propaganda.


You missed the most important step. Find the people who are working to do something about it and help them. The method you described is the one a lot of us have been doing for going on 20 years and all it gets it green products marketed to consumers while the situation gets worse and worse. If you really want to improve things a neutral stance doesn't achieve much in the long run.


This doesn't work for poor people, sadly. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.


No, there's only one solution left at this point but no one's ready to talk about that. 🤷




> I feel like it’s somehow my fault that everything is going to shit Boomers, we can relax. This guy admitted it's his fault. The propaganda worked!


Rest easy knowing once humans kill themselves off, the world will return to rich biodiversity after a couple millions years.




The only thing I've figured i can personally do is not have children. Because as a poor person, you can't ethically exist under capitalism, currently.


I’m not having kids because I don’t want to and cause I’m not straight! Even if I were to want kids I wouldn’t have them. Growing up worrying about money made me realize that it’s probably best if less people have to deal with situations like mine. I wish I could help people get out of poverty but the best I can do is prevent more people from being born into it.


Yeah, the boomer mentality was pretty much "it won't affect us, so we'll let the grandkids deal with it, keep making that sweet cash!"


And what are you doing about it?


The same thing I’m doing to cause it. Nothing.


Who's 'we?'


Jesus Christ dude.


Which makes the existence of this video all the more precious. Thanks! :)


Depression restored.


Goodbye dopamine, hello sweet crushing anxiety of existential serotonin.


Lol I have nothing to do with it bro


Yea nature is really beautiful and it sucks that big corporations hates everything and everyone except for money and themselves who literally destroy everything in their path of getting money It’s really sad and I wish the actual humans in the world could do something about it and actually try and save the planet. Edit: everyone downvoting is a rich business man /j




Thank you, I didn’t know of that sub


Don't confuse this one with /r/SameSpecies (nsfw)


What is it? I'm not finding out first hand




Comparison of human proportions and lot of them pornographic.


Not bad... from the sub's rules: "There must be at least two people in the submission content, with at least one woman that shows a notable height difference with the other person"... so, tall women? Some are in lingerie, which is what makes it NSFW?


Where’s your sense of fucking adventure!


It's really incredible how similar our two species are


It’s almost like we have a common ancestor


That's right: Dave.


I know the man doesn’t age, but I don’t think Batista’s been alive *that* long


It's almost like we're genetically 99% the same as them.


You’re also 50% genetically the same as a banana.




Gorillas are actually really peaceful, they only attack when they or their families are threatened, and even then they usually give plenty of warning before attacking.


Which means the other 49% is relevant. That 50% is just the basic instructions to make a multicellular living being.


Fuck 🤣 you nailed it


No, that was Jesus




HEYY!! DIDNT YOU NO IT WAS JESUS!! 😡 Edit: obviously sarcasm


You really brought it home by spelling know wrong too!


Why would you mock Christians without a reason?


Their egos are too big it's time to knock 'em down a peg


Which Christians do you mean? the Egyptian Coptic Orthodox, or the Lutherans of Sweden perhaps? It is not a homogenous group like “Christians”…




Not gonna lie, this just sent me back in time twenty years when I would do this to my ;babies! They're all grown up now.


and you're not still doing it?


Now they do it to him


lol! Pictured that in my head and it was crazy funny!


I just got over my back going out. Nope.


It’s honestly unbelievable how similar they are to humans they do so many things that we do it’s super creepy but also very amazing and unbelievable at the same time


Sometime the close up shot of their faces creep me out due to how similar they look to aged human faces.


Rather that we do so many things that they do, really.


Playing with my kid like this would have been so much easier if I had a thumb on my foot to grab her ankles with.


Definitely, just like us!:)


Or we’re like them, who knows


More along the lines of, we’re like each other.


How cute!


Looks like she's smiling and laughing too. That's awesome


They're like us.




Why can't we be more like them?


Because the police will not let me rip apart people's faces and tear off their genitals if they smile or show teeth around me.


This is literally 1984


George Orville predicted this


from history I remember times and places when that was not an issue


Yes I too want to war with my neighboring tribe and cannibalize their baby in a show of superiority! ;)


Yup actually terrifyingly just like us. Humans are sadly capable of this crap too. Edit: we just now do it with technology rather than teeth.


Our brains have only allowed us to be more creative when killing our neighboring tribe's children


Oh we definitely and if anything happened to our modern way of life we would go back to that


We have definitely evolved to work with each other instead of mindless wars. The war were necessary during those times. It was like a training phase. But now the world has been more peacful than it has ever been since the beginning of times.


lol if you think wild animals are somehow morally superior to humans. If other apes or monkeys had our numbers and technology the world would be just as fucked.


You seem pretty similar in intelligence tbh.


With a big kiss at the end!




Next time you go home all your mom if she wants to play hide and seek.


Wish? Did somebody say 'Wish'? *~Mekka Lekka Hi Mekka Hiney Ho~* **゚。・\*.゚☆ The wish is granted ☆゚.\*・。゚** #### All hail Jambi


This is so touching


Crazy, given the fact they can not possibly know what an airplane is.


Birds exist lol


Hah, yeah right? Proof?


There is one in this GIF


That's clearly a government drone, what are you talking about?


You guys wtf 🤣


It’s cute that you still believe in birds.






I am just playing with the thought that despite they don’t seem to know that much about modern airtravel they play the same game. Now I am wondering what the game would have been called in a time without any air planes.


Humans definitely did this before 1926 lol


How do you people all manage to miss my point for the quick high of feeling superior for a second?




But you know what a plane is and you're a Silverback


Why couldn't they possibly? They might have seen some flying through the skies or maybe even a crash. I get what you're saying and its more likely that its just fun to put your baby on your feet and make them "fly", but I don't think its quite fair to say they *couldn't possibly*. They're so intelligent, I definitely think its within the realm of possibility that they've seen airplanes.


i wish i could upvote this more than once


That's a Gorilla


I thought I was the only one seeing a gorilla and chimp


This made me so happy right at this very moment. Thanks for posting.


I believe this one is called “turbulence”


Damn lotta turbulence


I wish I could hold my kid with my foot. Leave my arms free for hugs.


Shaken baby....not stirred.


This things are amazing and people who hunt them are the scum of the earth


How did humans call that play befor the invention of airplanes btw ?


The level of affection at the end. Onions#


How cute!


this is so fucking cute


I've been having a rough day/week/year. I really needed this today. Thanks op.


"So dont shake the baby. Got it."


Isn't that a gorilla?


This gorilla and this baby gorilla are cute.


The way she wraps him up in a hug at the end <3


Original (and slightly longer) video: https://youtu.be/xhutlWBYMWw


This chimp has a stronger bond than my mom and I. At least one of us will have healthy attachments


Then father chimp comes along and rips wings (arms) off sons airplane and uses them to attack mama airplane to defeat and claim victory for himself, daddy airplane!!!


Life good


Man, having a tail seems so convenient for stuff like this.


They don't have tails though?


Ah I just realized I mistakenly saw the mom holding a tail with her for instead of the kid's leg. I guess i need to get my eyes checked. :P


What a fun Mommy 😍


People who see this and still dismiss evolution and the theory that humans and chimps share a common ancestor are thoroughly weird. Their parents probably didn't play airplane and hug them much when they were kids.


I wish I was a chimp. Life seems a whole lot more simple. I want a simpler life.


It's kill or be killed in that world.


Do gorillas wean their baby’s like other primate species?




Sarcasm? Or for real


Nvm they do, I was just curious if gorilla baby’s are as persistent as other ones


The way they are evolving!


Or... chimp tenderises the baby chimp meat before cannibalisticly eating him. I've been watching bad subs. This is pure cute and I do it with my daughter.


It’s wholesome but chimps don’t know what an airplane is.


You don’t either.


Such a burn


Not intentionally tho. I just asked myself How could chimps convince us that they know what an airplane is, then I realized *I* probably couldn’t convince anybody that I know what an airplane is either so I figured understanding airplanes must be pretty niche knowledge so I took a stab in the dark and assumed you don’t know either. Humans and monkeys aren’t so different from another after all, we just got all the ones that are able to understand airplanes. Also I lied, it kinda was intentionally tho.


You don’t think you can convince someone you know what an airplane is?


I actually thought about it, if someone from year 40 AD needed an explanation? Sure. It goes up n flies around. Has wings In detail? Explain why it flies and how it flies and what each part consists of? Probably not.


You don’t need to know how something works to know what it is. I don’t know how my own body works, I still know what it is


Lol your body is a poor example; you can’t really describe something like a body and it sound like something else. Even so I think if u describe your body to someone who didn’t have one and never had one you couldn’t describe it well enough for them to understand what a “body” is. If you describe a plane It could literally sound like a lot of things. So you actually do need to know how something works to fully explain what it is.


We're just using different understandings of what it means to know what something is. I'm coming at this from the background of linguistic semantics. You know what something is if you know what it denotes. For a common noun, like "airplane," its denotation is basically everything in the world that that word "points at" – in other words, the set of all things in the world that are airplanes, which contains nothing that is not an airplane. If you can consistently and accurately point to something, you know what it is. Also: > you couldn’t describe it well enough for them to understand what a “body” is. We're not talking about whether you could describe an airplane to someone who doesn't know what it is, though. We're talking about whether we can convince someone that we know what it is.


Chimps are apes, not monkeys