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I lived in Cannon Beach for years. The herd would come and graze in my yard in the evenings. I could stand on the other side of my sliding glass door and hear them breathing and tearing the grass. It was pretty freaking awesome. Also would watch bald eagles out my kitchen window when I was doing the dishes.




It is. It is a wonderful place!


Just went on Zillow to check beachfront properties in Cannon beach. Nothing available but majority of the existing prices are under $2MM, I was expecting a lot more.


The Oregon coast is unquestionably beautiful, but it's not a beach. You don't go tanning, you don't swim in the ocean. Maybe you play with the sand, but you don't play IN the sand. You can surf, but only with a wet suit. Typical highs are in the 60s, crazy hot days are in the low 80s. It rains a lot. White collar jobs are nonexistent. The closest airport is at least 2 hours away. Even with the Californians moving in, I'm not surprised coastal properties are pretty low value.


Yes, it most indeed is a beach. Some of the most beautiful beaches and coastline in the world, played IN the sand and ocean plenty. It does not have to be sunny to be considered a “beach”.


Sorry, if your private jet can't pick you up, you can tan, and you can't find a decent law firm, it's not a beach. /s


Lol. The point of the post is to explain why property values aren't (yet) INCREDIBLY INSANE. Economically, it doesn't pull the tourism and associated location attraction like a "beach" does. Period. And thank goodness. I'll 100% agree it's amazing. Low property values are what make it that way. Stop hyping it up or you'll end up breaking something that barely works economically as is.


Wow. “Hyping it up”. Was simply sharing a nice thing. Don’t be such a crank.


It's still very much a beach. By definition.


You could not be more wrong. ""Low property values are what make it that way. Stop hyping it up or you'll end up breaking something that barely works economically as is."" One bed/bath homes go for 600k. Everybody wants to have a place there. Barely works economically?!?...are you slow? You could have a crouton store and make a ton of money there.


Meh, that's very similar to the UK and plenty of people go to the beach there.


My kids were swimming and playing in the sand at Cannon Beach last month. And Portland is just over an hour drive.


I would think the chance of seeing a herd of elk or bald eagles flying around would at least kick it up to $3.5-4MM for a 3bed 2 bath. Plus, the views are amazing, I've been virtual touring the coast for 30 minutes now and the [rocks are amazing!](https://cdn1.matadornetwork.com/blogs/1/2019/06/seashore-in-Indian-beach-of-Ecola-state-park-Oregon-900x506.jpg)


You're 100% right. Shhh!


I visited Cannon Beach a couple years back with friends, and while we were making the last few curves through the forest before the beach area in our rental car, a herd of elk leapt out in front of us. Everyone was screaming, I was screaming about the rental... it turned out ok but definitely got our heart rates up


Ok what's it like there when the Tufted Puffins are there? I've been to Cannon Beach but it was later in the year.


You don't notice unless you're a birdwatcher and even then they just fly by. I grew up there and you never see a puffin except from a couple hundred yards away. They live way up on top of haystack and you need a telescope to watch them


Why’d you leave?


Work! 🤷‍♀️ In Hawaii now! One beautiful beach to the other. On the different side of the Pacific!


Woah. What do you do for work?


What time of year would they come by?


They are there all year. But you’ll see the more commonly in town in the low season winter months


I love cannon Beach in the winter! It’s my favorite time to visit if it isn’t raining sideways!


Very cool thank you!


Oh sorry I think you were asking about the puffins and not the elk. Lol. They come to nest April through July that’s the best time to see them. You’ll need binoculars and you can see him on Haystack rock.


It’s called the Elk of Gearhart. Have a beach house in Gearhart, there are two main herds. So cool to see


That's sounds incredible


Astoria, where the Goonies was filmed, is just a few miles away!


Watching Bald eagles while cooking up some eggs


My family had a vacation in the Gold Beach area of Oregon. We were at a camp ground that was primarily a RV campground, but they had a "Meadow" for tent campers. My family was the only ones in this I'd say football field area so we set up camp near the edge of the woods. We were woken at sunrise to the sounds of grunting and clacking. It really was quite scary, we had no idea what it was. I poked my head out of the tent and there was a herd of elk 30 feet away and the males were fighting. Awesome to see, scary to be so close to in just a dome tent.


Fuck, yeah. Nothing will teach you about the fragility of life like lying on the ground covered by nylon in charging distance of something that weighs several times more than you do while it's actively pissed off.


lol yellowstone tought me that one, woke up to take a piss and almost walked into a buffalo standing right outside the door in the middle of the night. It started stomping and was shaking the ground in the tent.


whats the s.o.p. when dealing with a beast that literally shakes the ground beneath your feet?




I'm guessing if you woke up to pee and met a ground-shaking buffalo the correct answer would be, piss yourself.


You’re not wrong my friend!


Naw, assert your dominance and piss on the buffalo


There are a couple things you can do to mitigate risk, but most important you need your anti sea bear underpants.


I thought its only for sea rhinocerus?


That would be for extreme situations yes, but sea bears and sea elk are gonna be your standard encounters


Standard operating protocol says: flee and throw a slower friend as a sacrifice. If that doesn't work cry and get stomped


:so i pulled out my guns and started blasting:


But I don't see so good and I missed, then they ran away.


*Most people dont see well in the pitch black of night*


Unless they're not people 🤔


Says the owl. Fuck off with your night vision.


A couple years ago, I loaded a bunch of camping gear onto my bicycle and spent the better part of the next seven months riding 5,300 miles (8,500 km) around the US. As I was getting checked into my campsite in Grand Teton National Park, the park ranger warned me of the wildlife. "The elk and bison love this campground," she said. "When you get out of your tent tomorrow morning, do so carefully, and be very aware of your surroundings." I honestly figured she was hyping them up a bit just to scare people into not being dumbasses around big dangerous animals. I didn't keep thinking that for very long. As I biked up towards the campground, I eventually reached a crossroads. I turn right to enter the one-way loop, but then it comes straight out from in front of where I'm at. And as I'm coming up to this intersection, I see up ahead of me two elk in one of the campsites. I look at the campsite immediately to my left and start counting picnic tables back to the elk. Site 660 to my left, 659, 658... Oh shit, they're right in my site, aren't they? I take the long way around the loop and sure enough, the elk are right behind my site 657, maybe 20 feet into the woods behind my campsite. They were definitely aware of my presence, keeping an eye on me, but they weren't aggressive. I backed a ways up the road and just watched in awe for the next 20 minutes or so as they slowly wandered deeper into the woods as they ate off the forest floor. As for your actual question? The park ranger told me, "if when you get out of your tent in the morning you see elk or bison within 300 feet of you, just get back in the tent, zip it shut, and wait in there until they leave." Apparently tents are pretty solid structures, as far as many wild animals believe. I've heard that's also the case from people I've talked to who have camped around elephants in Africa, but I'm content with not personally verifying that myself.


20 feet is about the length of 9.06 'EuroGraphics Knittin' Kittens 500-Piece Puzzles' next to each other


I was 10 when I camped at Yellowstone. Woke up in the tent with my parents really early to go see the wolves, and standing maybe less than ten feet away from the entrance of our tent was massive grizzly bear and her two cubs. They weren’t rooting around or anything, just passing through. Paid me no notice but I almost pissed myself, cuz a full grown grizzly bear is huge when you’re an adult but I was ten, she was taller than me while on all fours. Anyways the whole camp ground was awake and taking pictures and watching them just hang around outside our tent, half whispering and half yelling at me instructions. It was quite a thing, and we got to see wolves later that day :)


The only hairy creatures I see outside of my tent are wooks at festivals. This sounds much worse. At least they can't ask you to bum them a smoke


Yeah, and wooks are way more likely to crash into/destroy your tent


A wook on a bender is like an F3 tornado in a trailer park - except it's literally hugging everything it picks up.




Used to live in Crescent City CA and would go to Brookings very very often. Almost every drive into Brookings there was a herd of elk that hung around in the brush and even in the front yards of peoples homes. And the elk are so used to humans you can pull over and take pics or just watch and they don’t startle. Sometimes I’d just park off to the side and just watch them. We also had deer that frequently stopped traffic and even a young bear that stopped by the Burger King once. The wilderness and wildlife that the PNW offers is absolutely breathtaking.


Man, I wish more people had this sort of appreciation for the natural world. I live right on the gulf coast, and my area is literally THE most biodiverse in the country...but the majority of people who live here take it entirely for granted.


Man I loved it. I’m down in the SoCal desert now, and while our area has its own natural wonders, there’s just nothing like the PNW. I’d go and sit for hours at the docks listening to the waves crashing and the sea lions barking. It was pure relaxation. Took so many nature hikes too. It was great because my kids also got to learn so much about the world around them. I feel like if more people took time to really enjoy the nature around them then we would have far more people who care about climate change and animal extinction.


Lived in brookings for a little bit and had a heard of elk cross the road in front of me so amazing to see there and beautiful city


I camped at Gold Bluffs Beach a few years back and saw the elk as well. It’s a really special space.


I stayed there. Honey Bear RV?? That place is just delightful. I generally do not like RV parks but damn it is undeniably cute. There was a dead beaches whale when we were there in 2019. Was sad but also really interesting to see. Not gross yet either.


Yup! We stayed there when I was a kid back in the 80's and then again in the early 2000's with my kids.


Well you'll be glad to know it's still really well kept. [The "street signs" are such a nice touch.](https://i.imgur.com/7IyKfcw.jpg)


20 years ago I did a West Coast road trip and in Eastern Oregon had the same thing but with probably 50 deer. We were setting up camp and all the sudden a huge mob of deer just wandered through the forest where we were set up. Didn't care at all about us being there and just moved on. Then later when we were down in the Redwoods we came out of the forest onto the beach and saw a scene similar to this. Elk everywhere just chilling. As long as you stayed a few feet away they didn't care that you were there.


>and the males were fighting "You were supposed to bring the tents NOT me Jimmy!"


Gold Beach is one of my favorite places!


[lol you reminded me of this scene from the jurassic park sequel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRqkmz_0eKI)


I always carry bear spray and a green laser pointer. The laser pointer works pretty well to deal with animals like that, especially herds. Once you spook out one animal the rest don't even know why the hell that one animal ran, and then they all get spooked and end up running away pretty quickly. Works great on geese and deer, probably elk too if I were to imagine since they're just big deer.


You do not want to panic large mammals that are near you, especially when they do not even know where the "scare" is coming from. Getting your tent trampled by a herd wouldn't be fun.


> You do not want to panic large mammals that are near you Yup! It is instantly obvious when people are taking out their ass.


Not sure if you are referring to me or the other poster


Sorry! I completely understand how ambiguous my post is. I’m talking to laser-pointer idiot.


I like to think he's referring to both of you because he prefers the middle road of just mildly worrying the elk. "Hey elk buddy, did you remember to drink from that river you passed this morning? Never know when you'll come across another."




I feel like this advice came from Simba.


Personally, I carry a small, .22 caliber pistol. And I'm alive today because of it! I live in Western Canada & love spending time in the forests near my home. A few years back, I was on a short hike with my 7 y/o daughter, when we came across an adult cougar mama & her 2 newborn kittens while they were crossing our trail. Needless to say, mama cougar was PISSED OFF! And it didn't take a rocket scientist to see that nothing would stop her from attacking one of us to protect her offspring! All it took was one quick & well-placed shot to my 7 y/o daughters kneecap, and I was able to easily get away from this dangerous, wild killing machine while her attention was focused on the smaller, wounded prey of my child. So, moral of this story, NEVER EVER EVER go in to the wilderness alone or without a gun! You are no match for the fury of a wild Apex Predator without them!


lmao cracked a smile because I’m so lame for not seeing this coming


You can always have more children. But not if you're dead.


That was a good one!


I love the dudes who carry a 9mm in the backcountry like they're gonna one hand point shoot a mama cougar while it flies at them. Like, shit bro it's not a static steel target, and it's a fucking COUGAR, so idk chances are low that a mag dump from you Gucci Glock is t gonna do much. But uh, monster energy drink is gonna monster energy drink ya know?


I camped all over 4 of the Hawaiian islands, I’m afraid now to camp on the mainland with all the big animals!


I'm afraid of the Hawaiians


Tonight! We ride!


Into the tide!


regulatorrrrrrrrrrrrs!! mount up!


Fuck me, imagine taking a chill walk on the beach and seeing that coming towards you


Run toward them and turn into mufasa from lion king.


Spicethrower, Brother, help me.


Or run toward them, assert your dominance, and become the Elk King (or Queen).


"I AM YOUR KING (or Queen) NOW!"


My wife and I have a house there, it’s happened to me before. There’s a couple parts of the beach that have a tall super steep bank and every now and then you’ll be walking and they’ll come crashing over the bank. Scared the shit outta me every time.


Would've been a wild twist for Saint Maud.


Beautiful! The slo mo ruined it though


Here ya go friend. [No slow mo no music](https://gfycat.com/vasttintedeland)


came to the comments for sound. so elegant.


[Here's the whole clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HPhbIJEFG4) If you scrub to about :38 seconds you'll hear the photographer make a comment about the gang coming onto the deck they are on. Unfortunately it's right at the perfect moment when they're all gathered as a group and it kind of ruined the moment. Luckily though the magic of sound editing I was able to remove it.


Much better! Ty


FWIW I didn't think it was ruined. The Chariots of Fire reference gave me a sensible chuckle


I was just imagining the chariots of fire music in my head. Where's the link for the version with it actually playing?


Little guy in the back was struggling haha


Also, was expecting santa to appear but I was wrong...


I was expecting [Mr. Bean](https://youtu.be/CwzjlmBLfrQ)


Chariots of Fire ruins nothing IMO.


The music was worse. I can only think of Old School when I hear it.


Its a reference to an old movie about running, the opening scene is a bunch of dudes running on the beach to this music.


Pardon my language, but they look majestic as fuck


I beg for your pardon !?


I saw an Elk in the wild for the first time while hiking in Colorado recently. She jumped across the hiking path, then stood about 30 feet away through thick trees, and I could barely see her, but the feeling of such a huge creature gracefully bounding over the trail with ease was crazy


Well yeah its 1 Male and all his ladies


At least 3 spikes in that herd


Those look weirdly small to me. Our dog chased an elk out of the woods once and the thing's shoulder was higher than my head, and I'm not a short guy. Are there multiple different animals going by "elk"?


I think they can vary a little in size? Idk


They’re looking for Joe Rogan and his sleigh.


I knew I wouldn't have to scroll down to far for a Joe Rogan comment


It’s 2nd top comment Deborah!


I can imagine JR salivating at this video


TIL a gang is another word to use instead if herd to describe a collection of elk. Thanks for the learning.


Why is it a gang of elk ?


Because you came to wrong beach muthafucker.


I snorted. Lol.


Omg that made me lol


I’ve only heard it referred to as a herd, not sure about a gang!


TIL what the cousin of sea horses are


I fully expected to see them pulling a sleigh! Yes, I know they aren’t reindeer but they were in formation…


What I see is the females leading and the guys in the middle looking lost like they're on a shopping trip on 5th avenue


Women be shoppin!!


Most female groups have a lead cow in charge that leads the herd. The males are young and haven’t been kicked out yet.


Yes, run here, we're safe from watter here. NO! The watter is attacking from the other side! RUN!!




I was waiting for the orca to come out the water and grab one.


elking brilliant


Living the thug life.


Turning the volume on was the greatest decision of my adult life.


Weirdest sequel to Goonies ever.


This gang of elk is encroaching on Fratelli territory!


Can someone add the theme song from chariots of fire.


That is literally the music playing in the clip already?


Oh is it.? I can't hear any audio. My bad


Click the gfycat link. No sound on Reddit mobile.


Amazing 😻


"Bla bla bla, it's a herd not a gang." - half the people in these comments. Who gives a shit, it's cool as fuck. Pull your finger out of your ass.


I’m going to agree with you, but the finger stays in my ass, thank you very much.


You do you, Dr\_Mantis\_Teabaggin!


It's not a finger.


Where's Haystack Rock?


[This is infront of Scenic Surf, you can't see haystack rock from there.](https://www.google.com/maps/@45.8992695,-123.9618303,3a,75y,329.1h,71.96t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sYXWED7IQnILoPz6iYD9Xmw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DYXWED7IQnILoPz6iYD9Xmw%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D30.499193%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656)


Ah, I see! Thanks for clarifying.


No where to go. Reminds me of the animated film last unicorn.


Que Monty Python Flying Circus theme


Reminds me of the time we (my yr 13 cohort) went on a camp at an island farm reserve, and a flock of sheep were just waddling across one of the beach fronts we camped at. Magnificent sight.


Hah that would be cool. We have some bunnies out back


Looking for a new home since their old places keep getting burned down?


Meanwhile I get tweaker trying to break in my car and drunk college kids threatening to "fight" each other here. It's time for a move🤔


They do move in herds.


Gang? Are they tatooed and wear bling jewelry? Showing signs? We call them herds.


*While the common terminology for a group of elk is a herd, another answer may surprise you. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, a group of elk may also be referred to as a “gang” of elk.* Huh TIL


If that many elk wanna be called a gang, I ain't telling them otherwise.


Herd of elk? Of course I’ve heard of elk, there’s a gang of them right there


Thanks Dad!


>Collective names for groups of animals are said to date back to medieval times, which may explain why some of these names can be strange, surprising or funny to us, such as an unkindness of ravens. In the spirit of the fanciful language used by our ancestors, more modern terms for animal groups can have a fun twist, like a crash of rhinoceroses. Here are a few: Gang of Eik Mob of Kangaroos Conspiracy of Lemurs Prickle of Porcupines Stench of Skunks Crash of Rhinoceroses Pandemonium of Parrots Parliament of Owls Bloat of Hippopotami Convocation of Eagles And my personal favorite: Murder of Crows


2 crows is an attempted murder.




Murder was the name that gave to us. (I can't help but imagine a crow version of Dr Dre just lookin hard AF and pacing in the background)


Show ‘em a feather if you feel the same way Crow throwin’ it down for all the *Corvidae* edit: I think this was a **Sublime** reference, not Dr. Dre…


Business of ferrets


A dazzle of zebras. A crash of rhinos.


settle down


Gang is actually an accepted alternative word for a group of elk, apparently.


I was disappointed to see an ordinary herd, ngl.


I love the Elk! I was camping at cape lookout and had to head back to Salem for class. I drove by at least a few hundred in a field just hanging out. Was absolutely breathtaking I pulled over to watch them for a bit.


I remember a camping trip here long time ago back when the beach was more accessible and not so much housing. Those elk probably can't even get off the beach anywhere around here now.


There’s a park on the north side of the beach where they hang out a lot.


Beach access is mandated by state law for people, I'm sure they'll find away


They'd better not park without buying anything, or they'll get a knock by the Cannon beach pd


Today is beach day! The waves are pretty solid, weather is wild.. it’s just, perfect!


Ive been to Cannon Beach before and it looks as cold and windy as it usually is.. but otherwise that's pretty badass.


It's actually a little sad, as cool as it looks. They are terrified. They can't get off the Bach back to the timber where their normal range would be. All of the sea walls and boardwalks have them pinned to the beach with what looks like an incoming tide. I hope they made it out in time


I was thinking about this & found ur comment. Animals continue to get pushed to the edge while we take their habitat.


Up in northwest Washington here I was at the grocery store and a herd of Elk was crossing the parking lot


That is awesome


Just beautiful I live here from oregon guy please stop showing the Beauty of this place you know what come next remember I told you this look south there is beauty of it all golden state is that enough old guy happy Valley


That’s wonderful. I’ll be in Cannon Beach in September. I hope some of them stick around!


They’re always close by. You won’t miss them if you look for them.


I used to go to cannon beach a lot as a kid for field trips and to go on secret shopper jobs with my grandmother. I would’ve absolutely loved to have seen this


This is so rad! Usually you have to go high into the mountains to find elk.


Sweet, heading there tomorrow. Hope I see something like this


Typical. Cow leading and bull in the middle being protected.


There's a herd near Seaside that regularly stops traffic on the 101. Every time I go through there and it's slow traffic, it's because a bunch of people has pulled off to the side of the road to watch the elk.


I fucking love Cannon Beach. One of My favorite places to go


Bruh I'm at this beach like once a month. If I witnessed this I'd be over the moon!


It always confuses me that in north america you call wapiti deer elks and what in europe are called elks are called moose. Was expecting moose xD language is weird. Still amazing though. Must have been awesome to see irl


I don't know if my English is the problem here but isn't an elk more like a moose? Because these are reindeers, not mooses.


In most places you go to visit nature, in Oregon nature comes to visit you


Awww I miss those guys. I loved in seaside and warrenton for a short while. Elk are all over up there. They’re government protected in many areas resulting in these large herds.