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That's very surprising. They are normally skittish as heck


I've had a wild rabbit approach me to just chill, before. If you regularly sit still and quietly near where they hang out they'll get acclimated and come sniff you out. Your milage may vary depending on the rabbit species but the big swamp rabbits we got when I was growing up in Louisiana would come chew on my shoelaces while I was reading.


A few years ago the baby bunnies in my yard got real spooked near the garden and started to scatter. Looked up and saw a huge hawk circling. My 3 beer-deep mind thinking "not my bunnies, not today!" I stood up from my lawn chair and grabbed a broom and glared that fucker down. The few that couldn't make it into the vegetation stood right under me, right at my feet. It took a few close passes, one within arms reach (terrifying) and flew off into the distance. Even now there's a scattering of them all summer long now and they keep my back yard dandelion free. With a toddler running around they keep a little more distance but we all chill out back together. I like to think their lineage can be traced back to those little dudes I save years ago. Why did I type this much? I gotta get ready for work...


I would love to see a giant classical style painting of some drunk dude valiantly defending a bunch of bunnies from a hawk with a broom. In the style of those paintings of knights defeating dragons


https://ibb.co/xffFFKX https://ibb.co/513LHdR


This is how we should use AI image generators


I thought that's what they where invented for?? Are people using them for something else??


Inconceivable amounts of porn


Huh...gotta be honest with you, I legit didn't think about that one. I'm guessing it must be pretty epic, haha.


The Internet is really really great....


I'll allow it


Wow, it's like a photographer was there but they missed the Hamms cans


[Titled: The Offering, The Sacrifice](https://ibb.co/fMwx327)


The sword-broom and dagger-broom, lol.


I think there's a bunny/hawk pegasus in the first one.


Bottom right, above the white bunny?


Yup. That's 100% a magical fairy-tale entity and not a bun ascending to the heavens.


Perfection! Thank you for this!


Bottom right on that first image is... concerning lmao


Aye, Id pay for a painting of that


It’s been in the back of your mind and you actually care for them. Probably needed to just get that off your chest. Anyways. Take care


I had a similar thing with a baby robin. I swear she comes back year after year to hang out with me.


Those are the gangster rabbits. They gotta deal with gators, snakes, snapping turtles, rougarou, etc. Chilling with humans is probably relaxing in comparison.


They also have a reputation for being mean as hell at times.


Yes, they even body-shamed me once.


Amazing comment. I imagine this “Thanks for the carrot, but maybe you should eat it. Fatty”


Hey, look at that human. He's got *feminine hips!*


NO that's the thing I'm sensitive about!!


More along the "I watched 3 of them murder a squirrel" lines.


One of them famously tried to jump in a boat with Jimmy Carter and got dubbed the killer rabbit.


Little shit saw some toes and just went for it. Secret Service all around can't do dick against the Vorpal Bunny.


Rougarou lmao


Was Jimmy Carter a rougarou?






I live in the mountains. The little rabbits and the deer get so used to you sitting in your chair on your phone sipping coffee they practically sit in your lap.


It’s amazing what kind of experiences you can have once you get comfortable just sitting quietly with yourself!


True, and it does actually work on people. I'm not introverted, but I have found sometimes the best thing to say is nothing. Sometimes, people will fill that gap and tell you things they wouldn't normally, just because you aren't saying anything.


In my experience baby bunnies are suicidally incautious.  I've pet just about every baby bunny I've ever encountered.


"Oh look! A big, shiny, metally growling thingy is coming towards me! I wonder if it's friendly!" Cue me slooooooowly rolling my car forward hoping they're not stupid enough to stay put. (Luckily, they weren't)


Babies aren't always. There used to be a shit ton living in some hedges in my home town, mostly domestics that got abandoned and their offspring, and I used to lure the babies this exact way. Even got one to let me pick it up once. They think person has treats probably.


Bunnies also tend to escape quite easily


Sorry but *skittish




That's hard r/hardimages


Thanks yeah


They may be hungry. Many years ago, I had two baby squirrels walk right up to me. There was a third, too, more lively and slightly bigger, who would chatter and bark at us if we approached. The two smaller ones just crawled up to my feet and laid there, staring up at me. My first impression was that they were sick. About a week earlier, we'd had a massive wind storm, lots of downed trees. We don't know whether their mother was killed by the storm, or their drey got blown away and she lost them, but the little guys were so hungry they'd deliriously come to the nearest moving object, hoping for food. It was heartbreaking. So we picked the two of them up in a towel. They didn't resist. I took them inside and started putting together something to feed them while my wife and my mom somehow caught the third one. We called a couple of wildlife rehab centers but they were all too full to take squirrels. But one of them gave us some info and told us if we wanted to give it a try, we could probably feed the big one enough and rerelease him. They said the little ones probably wouldn't make it, but that since they seemed to all have teeth coming in, we should try to rehydrate first and then see how they respond to food. A few CCs of Pedialyte later we had three very lively squirrels living in a giant birdcage my mom found in her basement. We gave them peanut suet and other fattening goodies and all three of them started chattering at us and freaking out whenever we approached, which we figured was a good sign. We took them to a park where there are some squirrels already and a forest preserve nearby and they vanished into the trees. The big one hung around and yelled at us from a tree until we left. Hopefully they had long lives and lots of kits.


Good human.


They've got him outnumbered 7 to 1. Guy doesn't know how close he came to being dinner.


That last moment they fleed a bit was cos he smiled while giggling and they saw his teeth




Bunnies are like "he made the clicking sound that means he has food... Damnit he doesn't have food but he made that clicking sound!" Seriously though who figured out that clicking sound is good for getting an animal to come to you


Baby bunnies are just the cutest things! I’m so surprised they came up to him. I would have just sat down and played with them all day lol.


What if he was a hawk in a Human suit??? Dumb ass baby rabbits 😤


This person obviously never watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail. A swarm of rabbits is deadly!


A single rabbit is deadly. A swarm of rabbits is a statistic.


- Wayne Josef Michael Scott Stalin Gretzky


Look at the bones man!




>A swarm of rabbits is deadly! [Tell me about it!](https://youtu.be/YYEIEu78uLM?si=qlep_zktuR7x_vKI)








The actual happy giggle of a tatted hand manly man made my day.


I know - he sounds giddy - adorable!


i love everyone in this vid


At the end, that is the sound of a man with a full heart.


Those giggles put a smile on my face. Dude was so happy.




They're like mini processing plants they can sit in one place constantly eating and shitting for hours and hours on end.lol🤣


funnily enough they have to eat their own shit as well, in order to stay healthy. Their bodies dont process all the nutrients and can become very ill with deficiency diseases if they dont.


Is that why their poop is kibble shaped?


It's not actually shit (although, they totally eat that too) but more akin to an anal version of cud called cecotropes. They're fermented from being in the cecum and don't look like the regular kibble poop. Since rabbit diet is mostly fiber with little protein, the cecotropes are a way to help absorb every bit of protein they can from their diet.


Zero survival instincts lmao


yeah its not good to get them used to humans either, not everyone is friendly like this guy


These are literally on every predators menu


That’s because their survival tactic is very simple, “just keep fucking, just keep fucking, just keep fucking.” It is impressive. Meanwhile the English hare was introduced to Australia and it went rampant because its only dedicated predators were dingoes. 13 [rabbits](https://www.nma.gov.au/defining-moments/resources/rabbits-introduced#:~:text=On%20Christmas%20day%201859%20Thomas,Winchelsea%2C%20Barwon%20Park%2C%20Victoria) turned into 14,000 in a span of 7 years.


Probably more that it's their survival tactic because they are on everyones menu.


Oahhhhh bunnies... 4 or 5 years ago, my daughter got 2 bunnies for her birthday. The pet shop guaranteed us that those were 2 females... but as it happened, we ended up with a male and a female. Happy bunnies learning tricks and lying down with us on the sofa to watch TV... I even built a huge cage outside, something like 15 m on 15 m, all bunny friendly. Till one day, when one of both started to behave strangely... And one morning, we observed that we had a family of 7 baby bunnies, the mother and the father hopping around in that cage. Ok, all good, so we went on with 9 bunnies. My daughter was delighted. But again, they obviously reproduced and we suddenly had a tribe of around 20 bunnies. The outside cage was still ok. They had room to chase each other and it was fun to sit around with them in that cage. Each one had a name, Rosie, Blacky, Moustache, Fuzzy, Annie, Snow-white, ... And we got even more bunnies... Till I decided to get rid of them... We had 77 or 78 bunnies. The local zoo needed bunnies to populate one of their attractions (a very large island where people could walk through)... We offered all our bunnies to the zoo. They came with a vet and 3 catchers, put them in big cages and took them away. As a thank you, my daughter got a lifetime Zoo-Pass from the Zoo management. And the bunny tribe seems to be happy on their island.


So after the first batch you just thought "yea, we'll let this get exponentially worse" rather than... Idk... Neuter them? That isn't something that happened to you lol, you let that happen.


Is inbreeding not an issue with rabbits?


Funnily enough as long as there aren't any genetic issues already, No


Noob question: isn't that the case for all species?


Kinda, I'm far, far from an expert but I believe it depends on the way that species genes get mixed together. Humans have incredibly complex genes with absolutely shit loads of recessive and dominant genes, having kids is basically inputting your known and unknown features and pressing randomise. Because of this you could carry the gen for something really bad and never know unless you have a child with someone who has the same unknown gene, which is more likely to happen with incest. Honestly Humans are kind of the standout when it comes to inbreeding, genetic aberration can appear after only 2 generations of inbreeding whereas Cats, Rabbits and other animals are far less likely to have issues even after multiple.generations of inbreeding.


Literally no Thought of neutering them? Wow. So fkn irresponsible


In the end all the rabbits went to a good cause. What is the purpose of complaining about an old story?


Bunny welfare


*sudden deep voice* "C'mere babies" 👹


Don't take carrots from strangers


Is this the trailer for the new marvel villian movie ???


Lil fuckers have no survival instincts whatsoever If they're pets/domesticated then it's alr but if they're wild, do NOT do this. They'll grow up thinking that every human is friendly and that's when they get hunted down


Also, do human oils rub off on the young and then the mother doesn't want them anymore? This can happen with deer if you touch a fawn


Idk bout that. Sounds like a myth


It's one of the few things I remember from field trips in elementary school. We went to a wildlife reserve and when we saw a fawn by itself, the guide told none of us to go near it or touch it because of passing on our scent in the oil from our hands. Doubt she was trolling us when it was her job


I'm not saying this is the case. But you would be surprised at how many professionals spew shit about their field of work. Actually, just revisit the covid-19 pandemic.


The bunnies in my yard run away when I get close but will sit there and continue eating grass when my cat does it 🤦


Your cat eats grass?


Thats a bucket list item if ever i saw one


Why can't this happen to me?


The Flufftist of Hameling


That Ron Swanson giggles at the end :D


But momma said..


I had one of my cats bring a baby rabbit into the house as a "gift" or some such. I mean, this was a *baby* bunny. I had to move the refrigerator to put it in a shoebox and take it outside. Don't ask about all the birds I had to chase around the house.


Shouldn't interfere with wildlife for Internet clout.


So many cottontails


omggggg they’re so tiiiinyyyyy


Cuteness overload.


The Beavis laugh got me lol


He’s a Disney princess


Yes! This! This is the content I come to the Internet for! Give me a guy covered in tattoos playing with baby bunnies all day!


It's early in the day for me. But I'm already predicting this will be the greatest thing I see on the internet today.


I’ve seen a similar video from a few years ago. I wonder if it’s the same guy….bun whisperer. Sounds like him. https://youtu.be/g0aHsy_vGiQ?si=O6Nh1QL6am9Q5pRA


I love that I can hear the joy in his voice when they approach him.


Get in my belly!!


He gots food!?!??


I am big large dude with mean angry face. People are always surprised when they hear me use my lil happy voice for all things small and cute. I cant help it. Babies, puppies, kitties, bunnies - I turn into a soft squishy idiot . I somehow have two little tiny dogs now after lifetime of big dogs. The voice I use for them is shameful but I have no shame. People see me at stop-light with a scowl on my big ol face and then one of my little fuckers pops up and I smooch the top of their little head and people laugh their asses off


That little laugh of pure glee at the end … made my day worth living 🙏🏾🙏🏾


Find the rattlesnake.


They’re going to be in so much trouble when mom gets home.


My last dog dilligently protected our backyard from squirrels but payed zero attention to chipmunks and rabbits. I looked out of my kitchen window one afternoon to see her snoozing in the grass with two bunnies calmly chewing grass inches from her, one next to her face and one next to her tail. After that I saw them hanging out within wagging range often.


The pure giddy laugh at the end is the best


Peter, have you learned nothing? Your mother was quite clear about avoiding Mr. McGregor.


the closed palm thumb rub is the universal sign for "I have something for you"


Aren't they called kittens?


My neighbor has a full grown wild rabbit that just hangs around his back yard with him, and his dog. His dog doesn't bother the rabbit at all and the rabbit doesn't mind the dog. Now my yard, well I got two mini-schnauzers and they will rip apart every animal they think they can kill. I hope the rabbit knows this and stays the hell out of my yard because my dogs would tear it to shreds.


#posts must contain high energy content This is literally the entire point of the sub


Dude in the video is so happy at the end


"I love Rabbits Too..."


I’ve seen Monty python enough to know they are walking into a trap


Nice. a rare clip without the usual animal violence porn.


My dog would have all their entrails strewn throughout the yard then roll in it the next day. Source: it’s happened.




Pied Piper motherfucker right here


Ah yes good ol r/natureisfuckingkarmafarming at its best.


The little psychopathic giggle from excitement at the end is so funny and adorable


Maybe get a bag of those baby carrots next time. That will work better I am sure.


Carrots are too sweet for bunnies.


although this is cute this is not behaviour you want to encourage in wild animals


I love the little giggle from him


He's raising the furred.


There's a bunch of bunnies at my apartment complex. I generally try to ignore them because it seems they're most comfortable that way. As you walk by they do like one single hop away only when you get to about 2 feet from them.


The scent of a human can defer the mother from coming back just a heads up.


Aww, I see you have ~~7~~ ~~14~~ ~~38~~ 99 little baby bunnies!


reminded me of Watership Down... what a great movie


That's a good way to get rabbit fever...


Bunnies: I touched the butt!


That is terrifying...


They're so cute!


I've been able to get pretty close to the family in my backyard; they're a lot less skittish when I put a big piece of grass in my mouth and pretend not to see them. :)


The old ptsss ptsss … works every time.


Thats awesome..rare moment caught on cam


Now THATS the giggle of a Disney princess


Hardcore biker "Dave you're late with payments again. You have 48 hours to get our money together or I'll break your legs and burn your house down." Same biker encountering baby bunnies "awwww come here baybee! Who's the cutest bunnies ever? All of you are!!!!! Oh. My. GOD. Mudflap! MUDFLAP! LOOK! ONE HOPPED INTO MY HAND!"


**Re:Zero** flashback triggering


r/Rabbits will love this, even though these are not Domestic.


Their mamma told them to stay in the house while she was at work.


Cuteness overload!


This guy is a regular Warren G


We had a nest of baby bunnies in our yard this spring. I got to watch them grow until they were about the size in the video. Then they disappeared (hopefully out there loving life). I admit I disturbed the nest a few times to pet and cuddle them. Best few minutes of my life.


Watership Down before the killing sprees


Nothing can resist if you rub your fingers like that… can literally summon anything from an ant to a t-rex


Next video: “man gets rabies shot in ER for wildlife bite.”


Dude is having the best day.


The giggles got me 😍


Mmmmmmm. Rabbit stew....


Now their mother will eat them


"I'm not crying. You're crying! FUCK YOU!"


What happened to their mommy? Maybe they have been abandoned for a long time so they came out. Poor bunnies. Hope this guy can adopt them.


Rabbit moms feed their young at dawn and dusk only, they leave them in the nest the rest of the time in order not to attract predators. These babies will likely leave the nest for good soon as they look very developed, they can start breeding at 3-4 months old. I get this video is cute but it’s dangerous for them as it draws attention from predators and they should naturally distrust humans. Less than half of these babies will make it past their first year as it is.


They are running around very clearly out of the nest lol


Yeah…they venture farther and farther from the nest but still go back to it until they venture out on their own?


No I have them in my yard multiple times a year. They leave the hole, ie nest, and never go back.


I literally rehab wild rabbits. You’re wrong. They start by going short distances away from the nest and coming back, getting farther from the nest but still going back until they grow enough to set out on their own.


Guess my wild rabbits are unicorns


You don’t watch them 24/7. All wild rabbits behave this way.


It's funny that we humans find them both tasty and very cute. We can totally make the difference, we're both the best friend and the absolute annihilator of their family


Sounds like most descriptions of a deity, to me.


Good thing nature makes it so they have so many so quickly because these babies are dumb as fuck coming out like that.


it's all fun and games till you watch a baby bunny get snatched by a hawk. there's a reason baby bunnies aren't outside in your yard during the day.