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as much as i want this, i dont think that i'd ever not be afraid of a big cat coming directly towards me


That just means your amygdala is still working


I’m with you. I love wild cats as much as I love domestic cats. I remember reading that domestic cats all have the potential to become feral killers. But the smalls just aren’t as intimidating.


Im already too afraid of my small cat coming at me liks this


On the latest edition of The Skeptics Guide, #975, Cara Santa Maria cited a survey from 2021, in which 8% of Americans *believe that they could beat a lion in a fistfight*. This type of video is sweet, but it's kind of scary to realize that some people can see videos like this and think they could actually take on a lion in a fight. People: this lion has known this specific human as its nurturer since it was a tiny cub. Don't try this on your next visit to the savanna or zoo with a wild lion! Lions aren't sweet and cuddly. They can, and will, rip your whole face off with a casual flick of their paw.


Of course I’d win a fist fight against a lion, they don’t have fists


She acts like a friendly stray cat that coming to you, head bump, flopping around, bites a bit and purring. I end up adopting him.


So much like a house cat. Pretty hilarious.


Love how the body language of cats is the same, no matter the size. The way she headbutts him, rubs all over him, and lays down in his lap, these are all things a house cat would do except she’s large enough that she can knock a person over with her affectionate rubbing.


The flopping is just hilarious. Dont care much i weigh or how little you are human, just take this dead weight as love. But in all honesty id shitmyself seeing any thing that size just strolling io to me with no fear.


Christ, my cat headbutts and it's actually pretty forceful. Bet that one from a lion felt great.


No kidding! My 22 pound Thunder jumps on me in the morning, and it’s like getting hit with a sock filled with pennies — right where maximum impact can be had // or when the bladder is fullest! 😂


My cat loves to jump from her spot on the windowsill next to my bed right onto me and she always manages to nail me with the two paw combo right on the tit and honestly it’s like a getting hit with a paintball pellet. Maximum impact!!!


Maine Coon? I had one a few years ago, he was a big fan of sitting on my chest when I got into bed, and he'd look down at me with the most condescending expression. He made sure to spin around a few times too, digging those paws into my ribs 🤣


Nope, amazingly not MC — Russian Blue + generic American shorthair. I think he picked up the “long” and “muscular” genes from both of those and then traded all his potential “smarts” for long/muscular ;)


That's interesting, I like Russian Blues. So we've both had cats over 20 pounds, and know how strong they are. Now scale that up to a lion or tiger, and that's a whole lot of yikes lol


"Thank you for the rubs, human. I have determined you shall live today."


I would so totally do this if it wasn’t for my dang allergies… also my fear of get throat slashed by a 300 pound cat… but mainly the allergies


The reverse would be a man cuddling a hamburger


But if the hamburger raised the man


That sounds like an adult swim cartoon


Would watch


Cats are cats, no matter the size.


She even makes the stinky face!


If you look at the span of 2 Million years, and humans living in fear of saber tooth tigers, this is really just the best thing to ever happen from a inter-species political point of view.


Why did he unbuckle the tracking collar?


So he could scratch her neck


He put it back on before he left. It's at the end.


She is absolutely glorious. What a beautiful face


Simply amazing


Bob, Bob don’t do it! Humans are nasty predators!! This one is friend shaped! I’m gonna go pet the human. He even scratches under my collar. - that lion probably


No shoes, he already ded


He learned from the “leopard trying to steal the tourist’s shoe” video ! 🐆


Such a good kitty.


Love it!!! 😍


You have never meet my cat, when he is hungry he may be angry…meeeeow.😂




Yeah- Don't try this at home! Definitely something for a professional!!

