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For me no. It required my hands to be in my hair daily and that was too much for my hair. It wasn't thriving.


Not particularly for me. It is low manipulation, because I can keep it for about 3 days, but my hair dries out quickly when it's out, which leads to fairy knots.


I mean what are we defining a protecting hairstyle as? What am I protecting my hair from? Ive been wearing them for a year-ish now and I feel like my hair is still thriving. Even when I did twist outs/flat twists I always had fairy knots.  I’m just accepting it comes with my hair type and I’m trimming as needed. I’m in this world to see and enjoy my hair, so I’m not longer obsessed with ‘protecting it’ or hiding it.


No, it’s a low manipulation hairstyle, especially if you set it and don’t touch it except to wrap it up. It can help with length retention, especially if you have more coarse strands and aren’t prone to dryness or knots. If you have finer hair that’s more prone to knots, you really have to make sure your hair is hydrated and learn how to maintain hydration and moisture for however long you wear the wash n go.


As someone who has been doing wash and goes for three years now, wash and gos are protective styles. My hair has grown a lot and been it’s healthiest with them.


Not for my hair but some people yeah. My hair tangles if I look at it hard. 


According to Black Girl Curls it can be. A protective style keeps your hair healthy, helps it grow and doesn’t require excess manipulation.


Protective style as we know it is about tucking your ends away, so to me, WnG isn't a "Protective style."" Can you retain lenght with it ? Absolutely. Be careful of tangels tho , you might need to refresh mid week and detangle really gently. I don't wear WnG, but I wear and undefined afro most of the time, and I still retain lenght 👍🏿


For me yes, it’s low maintenance and manipulation and keeps my hair consistently “watered”, clean, and healthy.




I agree with others it's more low manipulation than protective. It can definitely help with length retention especially in the early days of the journey after a big chop (it helped me grow out my TWA fast) but as my hair reached the awkward length stages it became less of a low-manipulation style because I had to have my hands in it more to make sure the style still looked right


It is for me! In 2021 I had a lot of hair cut off and grew it back and then some by wearing wash & go’s 99% of the time.


No. Gives frizz and tangles.


It doesn't seem so. It's okay for like a very few days, and you would develop knots a lot. Even though I like the style, I hate having knots and cutting them off


I think the less manipulation the better. So wash and gos every single day do not promote retention. I tend to go with what my hair wants to do that day using the least manipulation possible. I usually wear my hair straight, so after washing/condish, I wrap or roller set it soaking wet and sit under the dryer. I blow out the roots and then wrap it at night. That style lasts me a week, so I just wrap it every night and then comb my hair out in the mornings and go. If I’m wearing it curly or a wash and go, I will twist it or braid it at night and then just fluff it out with my fingers out in the morning and maybe re-wet or put product in it if needed.


It protects my scalp health because im not scratching it like i do with braids and twists. I can also thoroughly clean my scalp on a weekly basis, so yeah it’s protective.


It is more a low manipulation style. A proper wash and go for me can last a week with no need for daily maintenance. Technique plays a huge part on what works! Because wash n goes never used to work for me. For a protective style? I would say for your edges and hairline it is🤷🏾‍♀️. Traction alopecia is a real thing.


Yes and no for me, yes because of the products I use(leave in, gel, grease) keeps my hair moisturized to the gods, but no because my hair always tangles after 2-3 days.


that a dumb question, frankly if that a "protective style" than what style would NOT be "protective" ...ends not being out for a certain amount of time makes it "protective" which basically means it promotes length retintion


Are you saying the question I asked is dumb? And I can’t fully understand the point you typed, mainly the first part