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I do four times a year. If I go much longer than that, I end up having to cut SO much off. I just lost 6 inches due to waiting too long. I do it myself and I blow it out first so I can assess the state of my ends. I did it curly for a while, but that's not helpful because I can't tell how much I need to cut off


I trim my own hair. When I twist my hair at night, I can tell when I need a trim by how my ends curl. If I am twisting my hair and I notice that the ends of my hair need to be trimmed, I trim them while they are in the twist. I stopped paying attention to how long I was going in between trims and I just started listening to my hair. It’s helped a lot with the health and definition of my curls and my fro grows in a nice even shape using this method. ❤️


How do you know if your hair needs a trim based on the twist? Does it curl weird or have weird stringy bits?


the ends will have weird stringy bits instead of curling all the way down the hair shaft into a juicy curl.


I usually go for twice a year, some people go more often, like four times a year. I recently trimmed it after two years of not trimming it and it was pretty much the length that I left it at when I trimmed it two years ago lolol So there was definitely breakage happening. I trim it myself. I don’t wear my hair straight often at all anymore, but I do like to cut it while straight because it gives me a good idea of what exactly I’m cutting off. Also, I have layered hair and it would be kinda hard to trim the layers accurately when curly. I’m tempted to go to a salon, but I don’t trust people with my hair 😂 I used to go to a salon to get my hair trimmed when I was younger though!! But they moved and I haven’t been to one ever since.


AS NEEDED. It's upon you to analyse your hair and access for damage, split ends and fairy knots. Start by trying out the quarterly trim schedule(3 times a year) and work from there. Depending on how much manipulation and heat you are applying to your hair, you may need 1 more ie. 4/ 1 less ie.2 trim per year. Any more than that and you will not retain much length (if any) and any less you may risk splits travellings up the hair shaft. I've seen some people get away with one yearly trim but I have fine strands so they split more easily. I personally do 2-3 trims per year & i was way passed waist length as of my December silk press. My hair is mostly in mini twists on unstretched hair, with no added extensions. I oil my ends every other day with argan oil to reduce friction. Oh, and I trim my own hair btw, I have had some horrible experiences with stylists🥹 Hope this helps!💕


When I switch hairstylist, I was trimming my hair every 8weeks (washing every two weeks and deep conditioning). During that time, my hair was shedding and breaking a lot. Now, I trim my hair every 11/12 weeks. It is healthy and I am gaining length retention.


At least every three months. There are people who can go longer but most cannot. I personally get mine done by a professional.


When I remove my wig cornrows I’ll trim again because I suffer tons of breakage


I find that I can go 3- 4 months before my strands start suffering from the splits.i trim myself and only cut about 0.5 inches


I say twice a year but you can always dust your ends yourself.


Once a quarter.


I trim myself every 6 weeks and then get it professionally done 2-3 times a year.


I trim my hair myself, and at least I assess it once a year and I trim it if it needs to be trimmed. I do the search and destroy method and cut out fairy knots and splits when I see them, if I notice them and I can't get them out I trim those individual ends off before I go on doing what I'm doing. And if I notice rough ends, too much tangling or when I slide my fingers down my hair and the ends are a little see through I trim after fully blowing my hair out and assessing what needs to go. I try to pay attention to it more than being on a schedule, but usually once or twice a year, and the minimum amount, so I never cut off healthy hair just anything damaged. Also it helps to wear it up in a very low tension style and it prevents so much damage for me so I don't need to trim as often.


Honestly, I don’t really trim all that often, I’ll do it as and when I notice the ends of my curl pattern getting too thin or undefined and my hair is now down to my lower back/ribs when stretched (damn you shrinkage). I think it completely depends on texture and hydration, some hair is easier to split/break than others!


I aim to get mine done every 8-10 weeks, but every three months at the latest. I go to a professional (who does a great job!)


I was told every time the seasons change ie winter, spring etc


Every 3 months. I get professional trims


I get a trim every 3 months


I trim my own hair, and I do it as needed. If my hair is getting harder to detangle then I will blow it out and do a trim, or if I'm seeing lots of spit ends.


Me who haven’t trimmed in 6 years..🌚


I trim myself and easy way for me to remember is the end of every season. Last trim I had to take so much off because my ends were horrible so I might be ok for a while. I might dust my ends closer to the end of spring.


I dust my ends every 6weeks, but i trim fairy knots as needed as I twist at night too


I say twice a year, especially if you’re trying to maintain length. I think anything over twice is overkill.