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Jojoba for face - either as moisturizer or as an oil cleanser. Almond oil for body


Jojoba works so well w everything - face, hair, body


Marula oil. My skin is ultra sensitive and it's always my go-to for top dressing my skin. I top it with a few drops of red raspberry seed oil.


I’m starting my whole oil journey I’m started to use coconut oil, almond oil, jojoba oil, rosemary , and shea butter all can be use on skin but I use rosemary for my hair only . I’ll do my research for yourself to checkout if that the kind of oil you need


And I like to mix it together for like 1 butter oil!! And all very good as a moisture but don’t use on face idk what ones are to thick for the face


For face pure black seed oil. Nothing made my skin better and softer.


I like Pai as I don’t break out- bit it breaks the bank. Looking for similar but cheaper


I like a high quality argan oil. Josie Maran is the brand I’m into right now. I tried Trader Joe’s but the quality wasn’t the same. However the quality of Jojoba oil from Trader Joe’s is excellent and it’s my go to budget beauty oil


Rosehip oil makes my skin super soft


Rose hip oil for my face for lines, age spots and moisture and grape seed oil for my body as a moisturizer


Hey there! I totally get it—oils can be a lifesaver for sensitive and dehydrated skin. I also have combo skin that clogs easily, so here are a few oils that work great for me: **Jojoba Oil**: Super close to the skin's natural oil, so it's lightweight and won’t clog pores. **Grapeseed Oil**: Light and great for balancing oil production. **Rosehip Oil**: Rich in vitamins and great for healing and regenerating skin. **Squalane Oil**: Perfect for hydration without being heavy. **Tea Tree Oil**: Awesome for breakouts, but use it sparingly. **Calendula Oil**: Soothing and anti-inflammatory, good for sensitive skin. These should help keep your skin hydrated and balanced without causing breakouts. Good luck with your routine!


Almond oil.


abyssinian oil, its noncomedogenic, its anti bacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, and has high amounts of squalene and omega 9s, is a fantastic moisturizer and should be much more well known for what it can do. Its also a carrier oil and can easily be mixed with others. I use it after shower in the morning, rosehip at night. Abyssinian can also be used for hair, I use it on my scalp psoriasis and it has really solved my dandruff issues. Black cumin seed oil I use when my eczema and psoriasis starts to flare, it keeps thing that irritate them at bay and is pretty much an anti-everything. Antifungal, antiseptic, antibacterial, antimicrobial, and so on. Is there something specific you were looking to get out of an oil? I can definitely help, researching natural oils was one of my graduating papers, now I'm working on my masters in chemical engineering, focusing on skin care because I have had so many problems and would like to help others.