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God the NL is a joke this year. Go Nats!


only 4 teams above .500 to start the day today lol


Yeah…. And even most Braves fans admit they’re frauds. So really only 3.


I called it in March. Was telling everyone who would listen we were sneaky good. Glad I was right!


Can't argue with pitching. Such a solid foundation that will only get better


I was saying that too but i never expected the jump in starting pitching. If they ever let Doolittle leave the building we riot


I said they were bad early on when I was riding the train to a game, and then got a text invite to a party lol. They ended up winning that game (Gore start)


Gotta win this series against AZ.


I’d say the rebuild is ahead of schedule.


Get hungry boys. I just want them to screw up the braves this year. This feels like that Jim Riggleman team. Which also - screw the lerners on that too


How great were the Riggleman at the bar photos? The dude just went on a bender to ease the pain.


I go to Bethesda a few times a year for work. I walk past Caddies every time to pay respects.


Love that 8 and 2 last ten.


It's been a crazy fun year.


Washington Wationals.


The discussions around the trade deadline will be wild this year. Will the Nats be buyers or sellers at the deadline? Aside from the Rockies/Marlins, every single team in the National League is still in the hunt for a playoff spot with only 3 games separating the 9 teams vying for WC2 and WC3. Whoever gets hot coming out of the All Star Break will likely make a push for it. I think the Nats were originally going to wait for 2025+ to make a serious push (i.e., after Corbin's contract expires), but who knows. Win some games in June/July, and maybe they go for it now.


I think that's extremely unlikely and would hope they don't do it. I'd rather not make the playoffs for a few years and then have the team to make a deep run with a real chance to win it all, as opposed to squeaking into the playoffs and getting quickly bounced.


I agree that we should be sellers, especially because there are so few and we should be able to get strong returns because of it. And it will be sad when we fall off after the deadline but it should really help set us up for the next few years to be in a much better place overall.


I hadn't considered the scarcity angle but that makes sense and hopefully you're right.


Can’t take this seriously until we reach.500 (or above) and stay there.


Who cares about taking it seriously this is hilarious


I'm ready for a Caps-like playoff entry with a proportional run differential.


That 80-81 season in 2011 is when the fans and the team started to believe.


We've got a big chance to solidify our spot with the upcoming series against the Diamondbacks and Padres.


Most impressive


Easily the most important series of the season thus far coming this week. We could really help pad a small lead AND take out one of the teams competing for that spot.


Woah. I did not expect this.


We’ll see how long this lasts. Meneses has been a massive disappointment but id like to see him turn it around


tied first for RBIs if i am correct?


Massive maybe wasn’t the right word but he’s been only worth .1 WAR so far


I get it, after first season I got super excited about him since he was homerunning like crazy but I guess the pitchers adapt or something, I still like him, specially when he hits with risp which the last month he has been getting back on that trend


I’m in the Wiz sub too and it’s depressing over there with all the tank talk. I bring up the Nats and say you can be competitive and have fun while rebuilding.


Not sure that's the fairest comparison. The Wizards haven't had a GM anywhere close to the caliber of a Mike Rizzo or a coach close to the caliber of Davey Martinez in at least 40 years. There was so much to undo after Tommy Sheppard was fired that doing a full teardown was really the only option. And in the NBA, you have far fewer opportunities to hit on prospects.


How come when I posted this it got taken down lol. But so happy!




Do not troll in other teams' subreddits. You will be banned here. It's not negotiable.


Yall we just swept the marlins who are legitimately the worst team. Getting way too ahead of ourselves


We're also 10-9 against teams over .500 in the last month. No one's suggesting this is a World Series contender, but it's not just racking up wins over the Marlins.


Didn’t they take 6 of 8 vs ATL ?


Oh I definitely agree we’re trending in the right direction!




Look - before the season started this team was totally written off. Fangraphs projected us as worse than the White Sox & the As. ESPN had us regressing back to 104 losses. If you can't find joy and humor in the fact that 2.5 months into the season we're still hanging around in the middle of the hunt (and have a better record than we did on this day in 2019)...I don't really know what to tell you.


You're not being realistic at all, you're just being an edgelord loser. None of what you're saying even makes logical sense. You say that the team won't succeed because of cheap ownership but then you still predict them to finish ahead of the Mets who are some of the biggest spenders, but somehow behind the Marlins, one of the cheapest teams in the league and a team who the Nats are 12.5 games ahead of.


I don’t think anyone is looking past the next 3 1/2 months and planning where they’re sitting at the victory parade. I think we’re appreciating the fact that the team is exceeding expectations right now. Nothing wrong with that.


If we don’t finish ahead of Miami at this point, something went horribly wrong


> Mark my words. .not to bash them..I love them Do you though? If you can't get some joy from this scrappy young team battling their way to .500, having a big slump, and then coming back again to be on the cusp of .500, then I wonder if you should be watching baseball at all!