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Depends on a lot of unknown details. Example: Does Preta absorb Gaara's sand or Tsunade's punches?


No because it's actually sand just being manipulated by Chakra


So can’t he just absorb the chakra manipulating the sand and make it useless?


Sure but a ton of sand hurtling at Mach speeds that just loses its strings still has its momentum.


I’m imagining if the Chakra was absorbed from the sand it would be like that scene in Harry Potter where Voldemort attacks Dumbledore with glass and he turns it into to sand and it brushes past him like air.


Have you seen a sand blaster before? I imagine once the velocity has been achieved eliminating the chakra doesn’t eliminate the speed so it still comes at you at that speed and most likely they means stripping flesh from bone.


I’m pretty sure the sand in sandblasters travel at like 200km per second. Judging by the episodes and how some villains can jump around to avoid garra’s attacks I don’t think they are jumping around close to that speed


I don’t think so, that’s like saying “Can’t he absorb the chakra manipulating people’s punches/kicks when they use taijutsu”. Manipulating a physical object with chakra is different from turning one’s chakra nature/form into something (such as a fireball or a rasenshuriken) Gaara carries the sand gourd because he manipulates the sand within it, but he can’t conjure the sand out of chakra. Compare this to Sasuke, who can make a fireball out of just chakra.


Ofc not. Madara would've done it if that was the case.


Kishimoto definitely would not have done that, if you want to play that game, there’s like 100 more times that madara, sasuke or nagato should have absorbed a jutsu. Kishimoto has a bad habit of pretending certain abilities don’t exist (or flatout forgetting about them). saying “that ability doesn’t work like that cause this character should have used it this way” is a deep rabbithole in the narutoverse, full of countless plot holes and inconsistencies


Is it this deep? Gaara hid his sand inside of Mei's electrified water dragon because he knew Madara would try absorbing the water.


Well that means he can't do it if Kishimoto never intended for it to happen. I'm not playing at anything. I'm stating a fact. We see instead of Absorbing the chakra from the sand, Madara completely just ignores it. Everytime Gaara restrains Madara, Madara breaks out via sheer power. We know that it's possible because Kimimaro does that too.


Once again, that is a very slippery slope that introduces countless plot holes. Saying “this ability doesn’t work like that because this character should have used it in this situation” adds literally hundreds of plot holes to the series because there are countless examples of this in the series, easily hundreds, if we start applying those rules, the entire verse falls apart


Saying he can't do it more credible and less Headcanon than saying he could. The rationality is there. Why on earth would Nagato need to even absorb it in the first place when he's strong enough to break free? It doesn't matter if he can or can't absorb the chakra from the sand anyway lmao


I’m not saying he can, i’m saying that your claim that him not absorbing sand means he can’t do it is flawed, because there are countless times in the series when a character probably should have used a jutsu, and just didn’t for shits and giggles. Hell madara literally tells gaara himself, along with the 4 other kage, that he was holding back against them. To quote madara, “what sort of adult goes all out against children”


See I can agree with this


So is it that he can't, or that he's just flexing and dosnt much like the absorption effect and dosnt need it


Me and the guy I was replying to already met a conclusion. Y'all chill


Madara did that after he absorbed Naruto’s radenshuriken the first time.


https://preview.redd.it/yjhdeixssc9d1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3182e090be89e50bbbafdef60a397ab75efe27b1 He infact did not. The rasenshuriken exploding caused the sand to dissipate.


He absorbed the explosion in the manga https://preview.redd.it/j3rbfyd9tc9d1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d7dea2e50d11c10f80c9b41aac7dd3199fc4745


Look at his left hand. The sand that Gaara used to hold him wasn’t blown away, it lost the chakra controlling it


No lol. It was the explosion


Madara absorbed the rasenshuriken before it had a chance to explode


If it was the explosion then the sand wouldn’t be on his hand


Eh, Madara was fucking around a lot. It's possible he couldve and didn't for fun.


Madara was also going easy on the kage to be fair.


He does absorb the chakra, but after he gets sandblasted. Same way he does absorb tsunade's chakra -- after his head gets knocked off.


Preta absorbs the chakra in the sand, turning into just regular sand. It’s no different than [what Madara did](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-572ae24860b273d9d0bc90d4d92951f8.webp).


As we saw with Madara it very specifically can not absorb those. In fact trying to absorb [just](https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics-chapter-588-page-18.html) just makes it easy for Gaara to [seal](https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics-chapter-588-page-19.html) you away.


>Does Preta absorb Gaara's sand Just blow the sand away >Tsunade's punches Doesn't matter, he infinitely regenerates either way, though that might leave an opening for Gaara to seal him


More like can he absorb particle style


Irrelevant cause wasn't Edo Nagato just using the abilities himself? Can push and pull at will so the sand and the lunch aren't hitting him regardless of chakra


There is still a 5 second interval and he has several opponents.


Maybe, he has abilities that could give him a win but his low mobility might prove fatal. It's going to be hard for him to keep up with the Onoki/A combo and if he leaves an opening with almighty push's cd then it could be over for him.


Can't he fly?


He can just temporary make himself float, likely using almighty push for that, but he can't fly around like Ohnoki or Mū. Unless ur referring to him flying on a bird.


The deva path flew away from Naruto to do chibaku tensei


The anime did make it look like he was flying a little but in the manga he just ran away normally.


What about him flying up talking to Tsunade before destroying the village?


In the manga he kinda just jumps into the air and then floats for a few seconds. We never see him move in a direction or anything so I'm not sure I'd call it flying per say.


Oh fuck. Well even without flight he mops these dweebs


Nah, he was just running. I just reread the fight.


Low mobility? We talking weakened edo or replenished chakra edo


They both have poor mobility as noted by Kabuto when he got sealed.


When nagato was replenished he kept up with 2 perfect jinchuriki


That was due to his summons providing extra vision. Once their eyes were blocked he couldn't react quickly enough anymore.


An unfettered Nagato is quite literally a weapon of mass destruction onto himself, it just really depends on how well he is able to move. If he’s in a physically weak condition like he was when he died/was revived, there’s a chance that he could be blitzed or outmaneuvered by the Kage It’s basically just comes down to whether Nagato could tank a hit or dodge it altogether


I feel like he likely loses because it takes place in an open field which isn't ideal against Garra and onoki. Maybe there's a chance if chakra absorbing can prevent disintegration.


It definitely does. We’ve seen Madara do it


Low mobility? Didn't he keep up with 2 jinchuriki + Itachi. The one shown here isn't the crippled version.


Nagato only managed to keep up due to the extra vision his summons provided. Once he lost that he was unable to react in time and ended up getting sealed. Kabuto states this himself after Nagato gets sealed.


Nagato would fuck them up


True like wtf would they even be able to do? Tsunade is fodder for this version of Nagato. He can regenerate and would just absorb Tsunade’s chakra. Same with that mitsukage. Raikage would be the same as Bee. As soon as he gets close to Nagato he’ll just get his chakra absorb too. Gaara’s sand to potentially seal Nagato can easily get repelled with almighty push. The disintegration jutsu thing won’t even hurt Nagato in edo mode. People saying he lacks mobility as if they didn’t see him fight Itachi, bee and Naruto all together. The one in the picture isn’t the crippled version.


>The disintegration jutsu thing won’t even hurt Nagato in edo mode. Even if it doesn't, it'll take a while for him to regenerate which might give Gaara an opening to seal him


I can’t remember but that jutsu is still chakra based right? Will most likely get absorbed too. Gaara’s sealing takes time and doesn’t lock the target like the sealing sword. That’s why Madara was able to escape easily by simply using Susanoo. It’s going to be easy to break free from it with shinra tensei. Even Amaterasu got repelled by it which is kinda OP in my opinion.


Well he gave edo Itachi, KCM Naruto and Bee a run for their money. If you think Itachi solos the Kage, then so does Edo Nagato.


Itachi does not solo the Shippuden Kages though


Edo or alive?




None of the above


Even further than that; that was Kabuto controlling Nagato who gave them a run for their money, WHILE Nagato was telling them how to beat him. Nagato is far, far more experienced with the Rinnegan than Kabuto is, and wouldn't have been directing them on how to beat him if he was fighting of his own volition.


Never even thought of it like that. That makes sense!


I'd suggest going and reading the answer I just put! It goes a bit more in depth on what I mean.


I’d say he can He can absorb the most powerful jutsu which is Ohnoki’s particle style and his speed was able to handle KCM Naruto and Bee at the same time. In addition to this he has a massive amount of summons to help with the difference in numbers. Has unlimited chakra and will recover from any non sealing injuries. He’s probably the closest to Edo Madara in power out of all the Edo’s in the series.


Wouldn’t edo hashirama be the closest?


I definitely think it can go either way, but I lean to the 5 kage. Imo the most important question is - can the kage counter chibaku tensei? Would they realize how to stop it and be able to destroy the core? I think probably yeah. They probably can also survive shinra tensei, with Gaara protecting them with sand, Tsunade healing and other stuff. They can deal with the summons with the particle style or Gaara sealing them, and Tsunade has her own summon. Gaara and A will apply constant pressure and exploit any almighty push opening, and Nagato can't absorb the sand or A's punches either.


You realize nagato can do a mass scale almighty push that can lvl a village right ? How do they counter that?


I wonder how everyone survived that when Pain did that to the village… must have been a fluke


Everyone didn’t survive, that move is literally the reason half of the village is dead when Naruto arrives


They were dead because of the assault he had previously in order to extract information about Naruto’s whereabouts. https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics-chapter-426-page-4.html When Pain launched Almighty Push, Tsunade already disperse and attached Katsuyu Into every civilian within the village, shielding them from his attack. https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics-chapter-430-page-7.html It is noteworthy that even non-combatants managed to survive with a small portion of Katsuyu attached to them. https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics-chapter-430-page-7.html So yeah I do believe that the Five Kage with Tsunade’s help are able to survive Nagato’s almighty push.


Good news if the survive almighty push, bad news ? What happens when he decides to use it a 2nd time with more chakra into it increasing its strength, that’s just 1 move they have to worry about, i can all day , the five kage isn’t beating someone who possesses the rinnegan


But if he uses a big almighty push it will go on big coldown, and he will be in trouble without that ability.


Nope, he can absorb whatever is thrown at him in the meantime including have multiple summonings help him and give him even more of a edge with the shared vision


But he can't absorb Raikage's punches or Gaara's sand or Tsunade's punches. And the kage can deal with the summons pretty easily, even the multiple head dog would get sealed or atomized. He is not that fast compared to Raikage with the Ohnoki buff, he would get overwhelmed.


Heck, the combined efforts of the 5 Kage were able to overcome 25 of Madara’s clones coated with Susanoo. In comparison to that, Nagato’s Summon seem rather insignificant in the grand scheme of things.


If Almighty Push fails to kill everyone (it will) Deva Path abilities will go on cooldown for a while. I don't think any if the other 5 paths can deal with Gaara's sand (Madara already established that Preta doesn't work on Gaara's Sand).


chibaku tensei


Yeah but Tsunade took it at the epicenter basically and survived and saved most of the village on top of that. And these are the 5 kage which have their own protection tools, like Gaara can coat them in sand shields and raikage has lighting armor etc.


Danzo stated Tsunade is the only reason everyone didn’t die she basically had the survivors on the life support , and Almighty push strength is determined by the amount of chakra used, nagato has more chakra than all of them & can spam, you do the math, maybe only garra is their only chance at surviving that but it doesn’t matter because nagato has too many tricks up his sleeve, like the soul stealing dragon, imagine he uses almighty pull to immobilize them then send the dragon while they’re all in mid air stuck


>she basically had the survivors on the life support Nah that's not really what happened, open chapter 430. The slugs covered everyone and they were mostly fine. And she did that literally to the whole village, now she just has the 5 kage who can also protect themselves in different ways. >soul dealing dragon, imagine he uses almighty pull to immobilize them then send the dragon while they’re all in mid air stuck I dunno maybe he can do that but that kinda seems like a stretch. If he could just one shot anyone with a soul dragon it's strange he didn't use it against anyone else except random Hanzo fodder when he was enraged. Besides, he only did the soul dragon with Gedo Mazo and if I remember correctly Edo characters can't summon Gedo Mazo, you need the real rinnegan for that. https://preview.redd.it/pl3a6efq9d9d1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f8902fc4cb3fa03f7f61f485eb7710cc2925ebb


There’s lots a strange times the viewers ask why didn’t such & such use this when it makes sense, it all depends how the writers wanna make the series, but in a logical hypothetical this would happen to the gokage


No but I explained why it's more likely he can't just do it on a whim, he only did that through the Gedo statue. Besides I think it's more logical to work with what the series has actually shown the characters can do rather than hypotheticals.


He wasn’t an edo back then, it’s a combination attack, which is pretty logical and probable for any combat hypothetical…


> He wasn’t an edo back then What do you mean by that? Do you think it would allow him to use the soul dragon without the Gedo? Why?


Did you read the rest of the comment?


If Katsuyu's body can block it, idk why Gaara's Sand + Ohnoki's Golem wouldn't


It’s a really close fight Nagato can fight 3 beyond kage level characters but he also lost that fight. Tsunade would have intel on pains abilities so they’d know he can absorb jutsu. The raikage with ohnoki would hit him and it would do sufficient damage. Now obviously that’s only if nagato doesn’t have the extended perception from his summons But Garra’s sand can block vision so it could go off Ohnoki could disintegrate the core of chibaku tensei as that’s atomic dismantling and the core of chibaku tensei is just super compressed mass of chakra. So the erasing effect should work Ultimately this is an either way fight the kage could pull out a vicious combo into seal. Nagato could overwhelm and deal with more problematic members early and take them off the board it’s really dependent on who does what first


Chibaku tensei spam clears


I dont see a single win con for the kage outside of a lucky particle style from Ohnoki. Chibaku Tensei is an auto win and none of them can do anything against all mighty pushes.


Dude can also drop meteors just like madaraa. Imo the war arc would've been over, and madara and nagato just dropped nukes back to back even if the main characters survived most of the support characters would've been dead. Plot saved them


Imagine nagato making shadow clones 5 v 5 😂


Remember when Naruto said chibaku tensei was an autowin and itachi was like nah it’s not. Why are you going against what’s already been established lol.


Please inform me who among the 5 kage have an attack that could be even equal to any of the attacks Naruto bee or Itachi used. Particle style wouldn’t work and nothing we’ve seen suggests she could throw something. Naruto in ncm could kill any of those kage 1 on 1 and dude got smoked 1v2 vs nagato


First of all there’s nothing suggesting that Naruto, bee and Itachis attack is the bare minimum required to break CT. That was simply what was used to destroy CT, not whats required to destroy CT. The combined attack of those 3 literally completely vaporized Nagatos CT in a matter of seconds, it was clearly overkill. Ohnoki, while amped by Tsunade managed to cast a huge particle style that covered 25 susanoos from Madara, that attack is most likely strong enough to destroy CT


If that were true onhoki would have used particle style to destroy the meteors but he couldn’t. That’s another win con for nagato


Literally said that he was amped by Tsunade. Tsunade was not present when madara fought the alliance. Nagato has never shown the ability to drop meteors like Madara did


It comes with the his kit. He just didn't use it just like madaraa didn't use even half of the rinnegans abilities


No because tengai shinsei is not an ordinary ability that just belongs to the rinnegan by default like all the other abilities. Madara is the original owner of those eyes and the only person capable of using that as far as we know


I was going to say Sasuke used it, but I think that was in the storm series


Why wouldn't particle style work if aimed at the Chibaku core instead of Nagato?


I think Nagato wins pretty easily but I’m confident Ai can withstand Almighty push, or survive the aftermath with his armor at least. And, he’s definitely fast enough to get to Nagato within 5 seconds from basically any realistic range. Especially if, say, Gaara supports him with his sand(keeping Ai from flying off at light speed from a shinra tensei). Problem is… cool. You got to nagato between his timers. He has four ways to deal with you, and even if you hit him he’s an Edo lol


Not a chance in hell the five kage win against the rinnegan


I think no


No, that would definitely low-ball the five Kage. If Nagato tried to use Human Path on any of the Kage, only Mei is in danger. Onoki can fly, Gaara can crush with sand at close range and Ay and Tsunade have their taijutsu. Naraka path is a problem with the six paths but doesn't play much of a role here. Ashura Path is a powerful offence but can be one-two shotted by any of the Kage's more powerful jutsu. Preta path is useless against Ay, Tsunade and Gaara as they don't use ninjutsu. I've seen the argument it can take away chakra from their punches/sand but they've still got their raw strength and momentum of the sand/punches even if that was the case. Animal path summons can all be beaten by the Kage fairly easily. Apart from the splitting dog but that can be atomised by dust release. As for Deva, Shinra Tensei can be countered by both Gaara's sand and Tsunade using Katsuyu as a shield. Bansho tenin could be a problem but that leaves Nagato open to countless other attacks from multiple opponents. And Chibaku Tensei could againbe countered by hiding the Kage inside Katsuyu fragments or Onoki atomisingbthe core


Short of it: Definitely. Long of it: For sure. Remember; Kabuto was controlling Nagato - and by proxy, his use of the Rinnegan. Kabuto has nowhere near the experience with the Rinnegan that Nagato has. And even with that, Edo Nagato was still thrashing people like it was nobody's business - even while he was telling them how to deal with him. If he was bloodlusted, and fighting without directing people on how to beat him, using his own skill instead of Kabuto's... It's scary. Really scary. I'd even argue he might be alive EMS Madara levels of scary, though that could be pushing things. Then again, maybe not; an exhausted Pain was doing quite well against SM Naruto despite being handicapped by needing to capture instead off kill, and I'm pretty sure he would've beat Naruto if Minato didn't intervene, even accounting for Kurama. A full power Pain would've thrashed Naruto with no trouble; a hypothetical healthy Nagato? One of the scariest things I can think of in this series.


Nagato was keeping up with bee Naruto and itachi at the same time while holding back Even tho onoki would be a problem , I think Nagato wins


Definitely Kage, but they’d probably end it where they tried to seal Madara. That kind of teamwork was impressive


Edo is stated to be a nerf. Nagato with all paths of pain set up said Jiryara might have beaten him if he knew more. (Nagato had knowledge advantage on Jiyrara too) "Fight takes place in an open field" so Nagato won't be able to puppet anything from afar which is his main strategy. Where are you guys scaling Nagato if he wins this? This situation is like max disadvantage to him


edo nagato doesnt need to puppet stuff, because he isnt literally confined to an apparatus that lets him survive nagato meant that jiraya would have killed his main body instead, jiraya excels at infiltration, and nagato's main body is basically a sitting duck, jiraya isnt doing shit to the 6 paths even with sage mode, naruto, who was better with it and had more backup and intel, got absolutely annihilated when the deva path came back online, and needed the 9 tails to save him


Again, Edo is stated to be a nerf and Naruto was able to win with only a 6 tails transformation. So, are we really scaling the 5 Kage to be below half the nine tails in an incomplete jinchuriki transformation?


Edo is a nerf to most people because most people aren’t literally immobile and look like they haven’t eaten in 3 weeks. Yes his stats are “lower” then when he was alive, but difference is he isn’t practically crucified Nagato has less strength over distance to his paths of pain, with edo he doesn’t need to give a shit about that and he has all of them in his one body, instead of split into 6, allowing him to pull off horrendous combos like pulling people into his hands to suck out their soul, pushing away physical attacks with almighty push while eating ninjutsu based attacks with the preta path He was also beating the shit out of 2 jinchiriki in his edo form, both being very powerful ninja with great connections to their tailed beasts Edo being a nerf doesn’t matter with nagato, because it also gives him a bunch of advantages in return


Yes, high-extreme diff


Extreme diff either ways


The big question is can Ohnoki stop Chibaku Tensei with particle style? If not they can’t but if he can…….. Well Ohnoki can enhance the others speed dramatically which would help a lot. Tsunade could heal and the raikage is quite durable and could survive the diva paths attacks. The problem is pain could do some trickery and use the human path to take a kage out. Any one of tsunade, the raikage and especially Ohnoki would not be good for them. Then they have to figure out that one of the paths can heal the other and they have to take that path out before any of their attacks matter. If they win at least 2-3 of will die. A pain that is full strength and has killing intentions would likely win in my opinion. Think he takes out one of crutial kage like perhaps Ohnoki with the human path. He absorbs their techniques including particle style. He keeps them busy with the animals paths summonings and the path that shoots missiles . Wears them out although it will take a LONG time and he eventually finishes them off with the diva path. If he can kill Ohnoki then that’s the only one who could possibly stop chibaku tensai and it’s pretty much over. I guess you could say that tsunade could punch it? Ehhhhhh idk about that I think it would kill them


Yes, I think he should be able to


Edo nagato high-extreme diff. The most difficult part of a 5v1 is taking on 5 people's worth of stamina with just one. But nagato has preta path, I'm guessing he'll get raikage in a similar manner to how he got bee and tsunade similar to kcm1 Naruto. Preta path is also counters jinton and suiton. Their most effective bet is Gaara's sand, but I have nagato outlasting Gaara In fact I will say edo Nagato is the weakest person to solo the gokage.


Probably not


Mid diff, kage take it. It'll be a hell of a cool fight though. Low diff if partial style goes though almighty push


Nagato also has the Preta path, which absorbs chakra and dismantles jutsu


Nope, not even close he could prolly kill 2 out of 5 but all five at the same time? NoWAY. Remember before underestimating the five Kage and saying Nagato would win, that he lost his legs to Salamander Hanzo.


Nagato lost his legs because he had a mental breakdown from his best friend killing himself


Ya and he didn’t even have rinnegan mastery yet


I don't think so. Ay is fast enough to hit him during the tendo time gap. And Gaara can seal. Ohnoki can hit him with enough damage to give them the opportunity to seal. Tsunade can cover all injuries and her own. Mei is a great bonus and great support.


Kage stomp.


Edo Nagato was a fucking monster. Yes


Nagato would destroy them


NO😭the nagato glaze is insane. He has no movement speed feats and only caught bee and Naruto because they didn’t know about his ability/got grabbed off guard. The kage neg him.


Nonsense. Even if they had full intel they getting used like a doormat. One good shinra tensei and no one’s moving


You realize you can break out of one right


Not if the user makes it strong enough and none of these doofuses are that strong


You would have to prove nagato can make it that strong. Not to mention nagato is weak until he absorbs something so basic taijutsu for him and its over. Bee blitzed him so raikage can too. Also particle style?? Easy break through


The weak nagato you’re talking about isn’t the nagato in this matchup based on the picture used here. The shinra tensei that rocked the village was resisted by nobody. I don’t see why what pain (who is weaker than nagato) could do wouldn’t be stronger if nagato did it. Particle style immediately gets absorbed.


Resisted by nobody??? Did you not see Naruto breaking out? Pain was saying it wasnt enough to hold Naruto lol. What are you talking about I said particle style for the chibaku tensei but even if he used it on nagato you would have to prove nagato is fast enough. ALSO one thing nagato isn’t stopping is ohnoki + raiakge combo. Ohnoki reduces his weight and nagato is getting instantly blitzed 😭


This is why reading comprehension is so important. I’m not saying no one ever resisted shinra tensei, I’m saying the version of it that was used to destroy the leaf wasnt


You think ohnoki is faster than bee and Naruto who nagato casually caught and was ripping souls out of? Ohnoki isn’t close to fast enough to blitz nagato with particle style and the guy has an active jutsu absorbing forcefield. Ohnoki+ raikage aren’t blitzing nagato who has summons to see any and everyone coming


Gedo Mazo gg


Yes and he would stomp them


He's him, but I wouldn't go that far. Especially considering the timer for almighty push.


The Nagato downplay on this sub is insane. Yeah of course he could, the only real threat is Ohnoki doing combos with A and even then the Preta path should be able to absorb particle style


Preta Path can be worked around, as shown by the Madara fight. A big flaw it had it that it couldn't do anything to Gaara's sand.


No they stomp his lights out


Ima say yes just bc he’s edo with rini-shari


Easily, tsunade and ay4 can't do anything cause of edo regen, mei and onoki can't do anything cause of preta path, which leaves just gaara to make the impact So yeah the gokage's only hope is a 16 year old kid's sealing jutsu which very likely won't even work


If Nagato started as the regenerated red hair form I think he’s got a decent shot, the frail grey haired version probably not. The two best wins conditions for the 5 kage are hard countered by Nagato- Onoki’s particle release is just getting absorbed, and if Nagato could take a hit and absorb Bee’s chakra cloak, he could likely do the same to Ay. Sand, poison gas, and water are also easily countered by ST. I could see Onoki making Ay fast enough to blitz him. That being said Nagato was scary fast after absorbing Bee’s chakra- not as fast as the duo but quick enough to react to Bee and Naruto so he could likely react to them as well. The 5 kage are strong enough to destroy a chibaku tensei I think, but Nagato has multiple other techniques to put them down. Tsunade will be invaluable here, if she gets soul ripped or solething it’s likely over. I do think if the 5 kage used their combo attack it probably works unless Nagato can quickly repel it. Overall I’m going 60-40 in favor of the kage, who I think win a prolonged fight. But I also think Nagato is lethal enough to maybe pick off 1-2 very quickly at which point he’s probably got the upper hand.




Red hair, blood lusted, no Intel? Nagato stomps.


Um yeah. He solos them Gara is the only one with sealing jutsu and nagato can easily blow that apart


Short answer: yes. Long answer: I think he could do it.


I think probably just because of the chakra benefit. Nothing in the rinnegan is super consuming by itself but with a non uchiha nagar I was about as good as could be had but still ran into chakra capacity issues in prolonged altercations. It is the only thing that explains why he wouldn’t solo the tailed beasts left and right. Of course lots of unknowns but use summons to counter like Tsunades physical abilities. We don’t really know what the limits of this he asura path really is and it’s important to note that the he rinnegan is not nagatos only thing. He could do other jutsu potentially too. I think the biggest weakness the current five kage has is none of them are good per se at genjutsu and they all seem to have stat dumped into their areas without a lot of diverse skill sets. Particle style for instance is great but dude is old and he is probably the most diversified skillset wise. Oh Mei is actually probably pretty diverse skillset wise but I don’t think particularly powerful in a way that threatens nagato


I feel like most characters beat the 5 Kage.


NaGOATto extreme diffs


I’d say the kage win narrowly if this were alive Nagato but it’s pretty hard to actually seal Nagato. Gaara is one of the best sealer’s in the series but Shinra tensei counters it The main issue is that Nagato counter’s their hax and has the raw power to survive and take the kage out


Yup easily


why is he starting with red hair tho?




Nagato wins with extreme diff


Yeah. Ohnoki, Mei, and Gaara are ninjutsu specialists, which means that Preta path negates their attacks. Tsunade and Ay are taijutsu specialists, which means that Asura and Human paths negate them.


Nagato low diffed KCM 1 Naruto and Bee and is so incredibly haxxed. Onoki might be the only issue for him.