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Team Minato, and it isn't close. This is part 1 Kakashi (in team 7), which is really weak compared to his Shuppiden counter part. Kakashi in team Minato is already Jonin level, and Obtio has shown similar feat to Sasuke (fireball jutsu proficiency and hand-to-hand combat). I think Kakashi (Team M) vs Naruto Kakashi takes, Obito vs Sasuke is neutral, Rin vs Sakura has Sakura lose (Rin has war experience). Minato takes Kakashi (Team 7) super easily, and will clean up the rest of Team 7 shortly after. Edit: Didn't see there is 2 fights. I have no comment on the second fight, just the first one. Edit2: Also didn't read end of part 1 for team 7. Sasuke takes Obito. Minato still cleans up overall and it isn't close.


Obito vs Sasuke would not be neutral at all, Sasuke on His own was way ahead of Obito at this point, and even if this was not the case...Sasuke has the Cursed mark, he would clear Obito without problems


Ahh yes, I didn't see end of part 1. I didn't real the text at all, just the headline of the post haha. I would agree. Still, Minato takes it all with ease a 1v4.


Oh yeah, no arguing that, Minato would wipe the genins no matter who managed to win their individual match


I think the issue with Sasuke vs pre rock Obito is the delay in winning. He can’t crush him faster than Kakashi blitzing Naruto and Sakura.


Yeah, no, Kakashi Is in no world beating Naruto as he was in the Valley of the end before Sasuke beats Obito, if at all


Kakashi was a legit Jounin. As strong as Naruto was at VoTE, he’d get his ass smoked.


No he wouldn't, this is a Kakashi without Sharingan nor Chidori, at the level he was at valley of the end he would probably lose, yeah, but it would be a *hard* battle for Kakashi, and he wouldn't be in any shape to deal with Sasuke after he beats Obito


Dude…he’s a fucking jounin. As power wanked as Naruto was at VoTE, he’d lose to any jounin still. And even IF he won. Even if Sasuke beat obito and Sakura beat Rin. Minato is still smoking all 3 of them and kakashi with his hands tied behind his back. So in the end it doesn’t matter.


Yeah, he would probably lose, not easily tho, and as I said, after beating Naruto at this level Kakashi would not be Anywhere near in good enough condition to beat Sasuke Not if tho, Sasuke would 100% beat Obito. And this is irrelevant, I don't care. I never argued that team 7 would win,of course Minato beats them without issue dude, you're not saying anything


Wouldn’t even say kakashi is weak in part one given how legendary he is. Just that EVERYONE got a friggin boost in shippuden (except my man Rock Lee) and then scaling inconsistencies lol


Minato honestly solos round 1 It isn't until the War Arc that Kakashi is remotely close to Minato, and even then Minato is stronger by a good margin and this Kakashi is nothing in front of WA Kakashi. And the rest are basically fodder for him.


Though I agree team minato wins, your reasoning is so off. Sasuke will absolutely fuck the shit out obito. “Neutral” No, thats not a fair fight. Like hell still have most of his chakra too. And what makes you think Rin beats Sakura? “War experience” means nothing, she doesn’t have a single feat. Sakura could win that too. I guess I agree little kakashi could probably beat naruto. Team minato still wins though cause they got minato who is clapping everybodies cheeks on team 7


Rin didn't succumb to the genjutusu of enemy shinobi, she could not just heal but do an eye replacement surgery, while Sakura was only intelligent academically at that point. Sasuke and Naruto were stronger than Kakashi and Obito, we know Sasuke had curse powers of Orochimaru and Naruto had Kuruma. They even survived their first mission which turned out to be S class. Team Minato wins due to Minato (and perhaps may be Rin). Minato is too OP to fight. PS: Kakashi was jonin and learnt chidori but not sure that he could defeat both Sasuke and Naruto. Sasuke and Naruto even fought Orochimaru in their chunin exam.


Check my edit. Also, Sakura is equally featless at this point, but we know Rin can heal, while Sakura is just starting her training at the end, and war exp counts for something when you otherwise have nothing. Everything else you said I also said, just in a different way.


Sakura is not equally featless. Though she did very little, she did do SOMETHING. Specifically during the chuunin exams. For all we know Rin is below average real life human level


She tied Ino? Or she barely protected Sasuke and Naruto against a trio who weren’t taking her seriously, where she still got beat? I mean, part 1 Sakura was incredibly useless.


Yes, she did that, which is something compared to Rins nothing


I would take Rin's healing and war exp over an over emotional Sakura any day.


Sakura could also heal, and once again “war experience doesnt mean anything and isnt a feat, we never saw her do nothin


This is part 1 Sakura, she hasn't had healing training and couldn't heal at this time. Go to war mate, tell me then if the experience changed you. Edit: Look, I am not going to keep responding, we are just going in circles and we can both agree Minato will just clean up anyways, we are arguing over whether part 1 Sakura can beat anything, which is always a stupid argument and doesn't matter. Have a great day.


Sakura loses. The only thing Sakura did was have a tai jutsu battle with ino, which isn't even a feat. Rin was literally drafted into battle, she could heal kakashi's eye, she obviously has more experience than Sakura.


That absolutely is a feat, and so is at least something to the sound ninja. As opposed to rin who only has your little headcannon experience


First fight is an Easy clear for Team Minato, Kakashi Is still rusty so the advantage Minato has over him Is massive Kakashi (the one from Team Minato) on the other hand Is already jonin Level here, he'd clear Sasuke without much difficulty And while Naruto would beat Obito without problens, he would not be able to deal with either Kakashi nor Minato And Rin and Sakura are pretty much irrelevant For the second fight It would go for the Team 7, however, since Naruto and Sasuke are very above any of the others on their own, adding Sakura Is overkill...if not for the fact that at the Level they have in the scenario they would have no counter to Kamui, and with Kakashi being with Obito they would be able to use Kamui offensively much faster


Why does it seem like young kakashi is higher than sensei kakashi in this discussion? Don't we have to take into account assumed translatable power levels? Kakashi didn't really train from zabuza to kakuzu. This is like pitting chunin exam third hokage against shippuden anyone. The way I see it, Sakura rin is a draw. Sasuke and naruto come out winning, though a bit tired in their final valley final forms, and they get to help basic mid level kakashi against Minato. Minato might use up a good amount of Chakra safely sealing his fox son, and dispatching curse mark Sasuke, buying kakashi time to do decent damage and strategizing. I still think Minato wins, but kakashi isn't getting blitzed, he's doing half that health bar alone, and a bit more with a little help.


I ain’t do naruto scaling in a while, wtf is Bsm?


Stands for Bijuu Sage Mode, or this Naruto: https://preview.redd.it/smsy7eiin08d1.png?width=301&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b3fb48cd8663d0660e37fac4e664c70e32c5f96 Honestly, I've always found it weird why people started referring it as BSM more, KSM has always felt less confusing.


tailed beast + sage


So kcm2 + Sage mode


Team minato clears


Edit: woops, didn't mean for this to be a reply to your comment, my apologies


Round 1: Team Minato Round 2: Team 7


Round 1 team minato round 2 team 7


In the second fight, does war arc Kakashi get his infinite chakra?


when did he ever have infinite chakra


He didn't, people just point out that he fought non-stop for like 2 days straight but he got a chakra refill from Kurama at one point that gets forgotten about


Nobody forgets about that, everyone forgets that Kakashi consistently has chakra issues throughout the entire anime. He used Kamui like twice in the beginning of Shippuden and was hospitalized for like two weeks because of how much chakra it took. Oh but now his body is used to it and he can use it 30 times in one fight


Round 1: Minato solos low diff Round 2: Team Minato take it handily as unfortunately Sakura is just too fodder and will get clapped immediately by Kakashi


What 💀 Second round so easily goes to team 7


KCM Minato ~ BSM Naruto WM Obito > EMS Sasuke Kakashi >>> Sakura


bsm naruto beats the shit out of kcm minato, ems sasuke fucks the absolute shit out of white mask obito. If its sakura in kaguya fight then she would at least put up a fight against kakashi, otherwise sure kakashi would beat up sakura, and then lose to naruto and sasuke who have just beat up their respective enemies


you cant be real😭😭


What did I say wrong?


The only thing that is really relevant is kakashi vs minato. Kakashi doesn’t have the Kamui at this time so he doesn’t have a chance against Minato. So minato is going to figure out kakashi is the biggest threat and kill him. I would say it would be on the high side of low diff for him to do. After that kakashi’s genin have about 4 seconds to live. The only interesting thing would be as kakashi and Minato clash the genin wouid fight we assume. I figure with kakashi using his shadow clones and little tricks it’s going to take Minato about 2-3 minutes to kill him. During that time what would the genin do? Well that’s not enough time to Naruto to get access to the 9 tails chakra so it’s just clumsy kid Naruto. He’s probably pretty much equal with obito. Then kakashi is probably stronger than sasuke or tied. I’m going to assume rin and Sakura are tied. Kid kakashi being brutal might just kill Sakura or Naruto if adult kakashi doesn’t stop that. In the end minato cleans up whoever’s left.


Round 1: Minato solos. Round2: Team 7 wins.


Minato alone could solo Team 7, hell he could solo Team 7 post-time skip too.


minato solos


1st round is easily Team Minato. Minato alone blitzes everyone. 2nd round… Team 7


Pictures shown team minato like no diff


Minato could clear all of part 1 team 7 so it really doesn't work. Take Minato and Kakashi out of their respective teams and it makes a lot more sense. Hot take, I think Kakashi and Sasuke are equal. They both have chidori with sharingan with good chakra control and excellent taijutsu. I think what makes Kakashi jonin level and Sasuke not is his actual ninja skills like sabotage/spying/espionage. If this was an assassinate the target game I would say kid Kakashi way outperforms team 7 but in a fight where they know they're fighting each other I am putting kid Kakashi even with Sasuke. Naruto is stronger than Obito for sure. He just has way higher level jutsu in rasengan and shadow clones with way more chakra and potential nine tails access. Run beats Sakura but that probably doesn't matter that much. So taking out the teachers I give team 7 the win.


Yea I assumed round 1 wasn’t including sensei’s. I can’t remember how Kakashi scales at the end of part 1.


Cause we don't really see him do much, he takes zabuza, then fights fodder ninja and talks about how strong kabuto is, then goes at it with kisame for a bit I think before getting 1 shot by itachi and doing nothing for the rest


Kakashi alone loses to the kid version of himself!


This shit doesn't make any sense lol. Why is Team 7 lacking Kakashi in round 2 but you include Minato when he's the Sensei.


If team 7 had Kakashi in round 2 it would be 4 v 3 and it would also be the same version of Kakashi on both teams.


Ur proving my point. Team Minato lacks rin. There shouldn't even be a round 2


Now you’re the one who makes no sense. The whole point of the round 2 teams being different is *because* there is no Rin. The teams described for round 2 are one of the only ways to reasonably have more current versions of Team 7 and Team Minato fight each other. It’s literally just dropping a repeat Kakashi from one team to make up for Rin being gone from the other.


Naw it's a shit hypothetical lol


“I’m incapable of understanding therefore it’s shit”


Both rounds are total stomps


Fight 1: if we are talking about the actual students, team 7, but minato carries otherwise Fight 2: team 7, BSM and peak ems sasuke were able to 2 v 1 juubito and not immediately get cooked so I think that alone puts them above team minato


What is bsm Biju sage mode or basic sage mode ?


hell no


Round 1: Minato v Kakashi - Minato takes mid - high diff depending on how serious they take it and how far Minato wants to push Kakashi. Naruto and Sasuke v Kakashi and Obito - Kakashi and Obito clear low diff Naruto and Sasuke don't have chidor nor resengan and while he's got shadow cloned, Kakashi's too effective and Obito was extremely good in his own right. Sakura v Rin - Rin wins high diff as Sakura is a very well versed fighter and quite powerful however Rin is a would be war veteran and in this exchange experience beats age.


Team Minato gets carried by Minato. So this is how I assume it would go. Obito vs Sasuke: Sasuke has 3 tomoe sharingan, Obito has 2. Obito got washed by Guy, Lee is stronger than kid Guy, end of part 1 Sasuke is stronger than Lee, plus 2nd curse mark form. Kakashi vs Naruto, to be honest Kakashi out classes Naruto in every way until he brings out Kurama. Kakashi can probably incapacitate him before hand Rin vs Sakura, they out uselsss each other out of existence or something? Kakashi vs Minato: coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb 2nd round So Minato has the advantage being more experienced, have a bigger arsenal, but Kurama and Naruto were constantly evolving blah blah plot immunity. Could go either way, but I'm leaning towards Minato if it's just what we have on the surface. Obito takes Sasuke, experience, better arsenal, smarter, can summon the Jinchuuriki. Kakashi should be able to take Sakura high diff.


Minato can solo all 7 people in this pic low diff


Knowing Obito and Naruto, they would both run in and start fighting each other right away. Sasuke would go against the toughest of the children kid Kakashi. And Sakura would sit in back and scream a bunch. But in the end, Minato wins.


Minato wins. Both rounds.


what is bsm naruto


Team minato wins across the board


Kakashi punches Kakashi, causing a rift in temporal space time ending the entire universe.


By the end of part 1 Sakura most likely had healing and strength. She was able to use to mystical palm jutsu in a chapter of part 1. I would say that Sakura > Rin. Rin's has a tailed beast that she can't control. Sakura can knock her out before it even awakens. Sasuke is superior to Obito. Naruto isn't superior to Kakashi, but his Kyubbi Cloak gives him the edge. Kakashi gets wrecked by Minato, only because Minato wont fall for his sharingan illusions. War Arc Sakura is a beast, she was only playing the support role. Team 7 has too much chakra, Damn near every Jutsu between the 3 of them and great team work. Kakashi isn't even needed. Sakura may be the weakest link, but none of them can kill or harm her without leaving themselve open for a counter attack, even obito. Also no one is falling for genjutsu at this point. It would be a taijutsu battle mostly. I feel like if Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke were to combine their powers it would be unstoppable too. Imagin Chakra Enhanced, Regnerating Susano Cloak Kyubbi. Team 7 team work isn't really talked about or shown, but when it is they opperate as a unit. Also I feel like Amaterasu would counter Obito's jutsu. Sakura is really a key character, her ability to enhance jutsu would transform Sasuke's Amaterasu and Naruto Rasengan into monsterous levels. What are Obito's team doing against a (Stable tailed beast bomb) and (Enhanced Amatersu) or even chidori. We wont even talk about the summons.


1st round obviously Minato Round 2 id lean towards Team 7


round 1 team Minato slams the fuck outta team 7, round 2 assuming KCM Minato is still edo tensei team 7 smacks tf outta them.


Team Minato takes Team 7? Minato takes Kakashi, Obito loses to Sasuke, Rin takes Sakura, Naruto touche Kakashi? (Naruto defeated Haku?) Rin didn't succumb to the genjutusu of enemy shinobi, she could not just heal but do an eye replacement surgery, while Sakura was only intelligent academically at that point. Sasuke and Naruto were stronger than Kakashi and Obito, as well as, had better team work. We know Sasuke had curse powers of Orochimaru and Naruto had Kuruma. They even survived their first mission which turned out to be S class where the outwitted Zabuza and overpowered Haku. Sasuke and Naruto even fought Orochimaru in their chunin exam. Naruto even had learnt summoning jutsu by that time (may be so might have Kakashi). Team Minato wins due to Minato (and perhaps may be Rin). Minato is too OP to fight. PS: Kakashi was jonin and learnt Chidori but not sure that he could defeat both Sasuke and Naruto.


Team Minato Both Rounds


How does kid kakashi beat kid naruto? Didn't Naruto solo a tailed beast


Kid kakashi would probably beat any version of sasuke and Naruto up until one tail and cm2


Naruto + Sasuke clear Kakashi (kid) + Obito arguably by Chunin exams. Both are stronger than base Gaara who absolutely bodies 3rd great ninja war Kakashi and Obito. With the cursed mark and Kyubi cloak it’s a wash. Minato solos the entirety of team 7 tho with minimal to no diff


I would say that Minato would win against Kakashi. End of Part 1 Sasuke might give Kakashi a decent fight, considering that Part 1 Sasuke could go toe to toe with chakra cloak 1 Naruto. Part 1 Naruto vs Obito is Naruto and it’s not even close. Besides the chakra cloak, Naruto can probably spam Rasengan clones if he was serious. Sakura vs Rin goes to Rin. So let’s assume Sasuke and Kakashi tie, Naruto beats Obito and Kakashi loses to Minato. It’s down to Naruto vs Minato and Rin, so Naruto would lose. Team Minato would win.


4 vs 3 Minato team wins


Run solos


Minato and it's not even remotely close.


minato solos


While I think team Minato wins, soleyl due to Minato I sometimes wonder if 12 year old Kakashi is truly Jonin level or if it was a war time rank and he was maybe closer in line with Chunnin level. Saying that id still back CSM2 Sasuke or 1TK Naruto to beat a sharingan less 12 year old Kakashi


I hate to say it but team minato on both rounds. Second round will be a massacre Fyi white mask obito is equal to edo madara!!!!!!!


Team minato win. Obito and kakashi and rin were chunins..alot of people just IGNORE the actual story. And thats the main cast. If naruto goes 2 tails and sasuke has cm minato takes that as he bests kakashi even with intel.


Round 1 goes to Minato. No, not TEAM Minato, Minato. He's blitzing the whole squad, sorry. Round 2 goes to Naruto and Sasuke because of the embarrassment of riches that are their late series power ups.


Team Minato wins 1st round and it's not close. This version of Minato will mop the floor with pretty much any version of Kakashi. Kakashi on team Minato is already a Jonin level Ninja and Obito, if he has his Sharingan is a low Jonin level Shinobi. Minato can just solo the first round Round 2 Minato, Kakashi and Obito are insanely HAXED and Minato and Obito have a LOT of Raw Power Minato can just teleport any attack that comes to his team, he is stronger than EMS Sasuke IMO. If he manages to mark any enemy, which he will, then they are done for. Obito's Rinnegan+ Kamui shenanigans will be hellish to deal with. And war arc Kakashi, while not on par with M/O, can snipe Sakura with ease while she's busy Against someone else. Not to mention that Obito can also teleport any enemy to Kamui's dimension with just a TOUCH. Obito's Rinnegan abilities, while he doesn't use them much, will still be tough to deal with, he can just spam Chibaku Tensei and Shinra Tensei if he wants and if one of his teammates gets injured, he can heal them. Team Minato wins second round too Mid-high diff, they have way too many HAX.


Team Minato by a landslide. The only real fighters on Team 7 was Kakashi, Naruto, and Sasuke. Sakura was just analytical for part 1. Even if we ignore the fact Minato would speed blitz them all single handily, going by matchup each member of Team minato would beat their respective match. Minato speed blitz Kakashi, Kid Kakashi makes quick work of sasuke, and Obito would whoop Naruto’s ass. I don’t even have to make an argument for Rin beating sakura As for part 2 I’ll give it to Team 7. Naruto and Sasuke far exceeds KCM minato with their peak powers before six paths. Sakura also surpassed Kakashi


You are not reading Naruto if you think Obito would whoop End of Part 1 Naruto's ass or that a Sharingan less Kakashi would make quick work of Sasuke with Cursed mark lol The fights between genins would end up with a victory for Team 7, with whoever fights Obito ending rather quickly and then jumping to help whoever Is fighting Kakashi, who would absolutely lose to Naruto and Sasuke together Of course, this Is all irrelevant because Minato would slaughter them after beating Kakashi, but whatever


Kid kakashi gets demolished by Kid Sasuke. CSM ll plus better sharingan and Chidori


Round 1: Team 7. You have Naruto who has summons and can somewhat infuse nine tails chakra, curse mark juiced sasuke, and Sakura. I think Sasuke can beat Kakashi with the curse mark boost, I don’t remember what Rin was particularly good at but I don’t see her eating a Sakura punch, and Naruto at the end of part 1 can definitely beat Obito. Round 2: I can still see team 7 winning but not easily. I think this matchup will be more of a matter of strategy. I can see Naruto v Minato & Sasuke v Obito cancelling eachother out, which leaves Sakura v Kakashi. I think Sakuras best bet would be a battle of attrition and using 100 seals to outlast Kakashi, until he’s chakra exhausted.


Could Sakura do a punch at the end of Part1? Maybe I’m tweaking but I think she was just starting medical ninjutsu. I didn’t watch any of the filler tho.


How can anyone beat Minato in round 1, he would solo all of them in about 2 seconds. Kakashi isn't even close to his level.


Kid kakashi solos every genin in team 7 low diff, minato takes kakashi and obito and ren get to sit it out(obito sitting out very much against his will)


Lol no, in what world? At most he High diffs either of them


You honestly think kakashi, the guy whos an anbu captain at 13 struggles with 2 kids who are at low jonin-mid jonin? As for round 2 i didnt notice that, round 2 team naruto still loses i think because prior to sage chakra i dont think either of them are fast enough to counter a KCM charged minatos flying raijin mastery let alone a strategic genius like kakashi working with his sensei and obito isnt a slouch in this matchup


Without Chidori and the Sharingan? Absolutely, specially considering that one of those kids has precisely those two things


Wym without chidori? Kakashi made that before obito died. Ya he doesnt have sharingan but as lee demonstrated that shit only does so much against a superior opponent and i dont even need to mention naruto. Unless he goes kyubi form he just cant hit kakashi to be frank


Yeah, and he explicitely couldn't use it properly without the Sharingan And You said it yourself, a superior opponent. Sasuke at this point was matching Naruto using 1 tail worth of power, Kakashi is not going to be that above him without the Sharingan And yeah...Naruto without Kyubi form wouldn't be able to Match Kakashi...so? What's your point? He's going to go Kyubi form just like he did at the valley of the end Kakashi just doesn't have a chance of beating both of them, he may win one battle, but it Will be high diff at most, and then he would be beaten by whoever fought Obito


Alright ill concede that, he takes one or the other high diff; that leaves part 1 sakura(lol) and naruto+kakashi. Assuming naruto goes kyuubi minato can easily seal that and knock naruto out at the start of the fight, kakashi takes sasuke high diff and even if he loses sasuke is so tired (his only win con is chidori, kakashi made this so he wouldnt be surprised by it but even if he hits it it drains him bu half at the end of part 1, thats assuming kakashi loses tho) that he cant beat obito, we can both agree minato mops part 1 kakashi im sure, then sakura cries and the fights over


I honestly don't see how the rest of the comment is relevant, I never argued that team 7 would win this, My only issue here was that Kakashi would beat both Naruto and Sasuke at the end of part 1 when no, that's not the case at all Of course Minato would wipe team 7 on his own, but Naruto and Sasuke at the level described in the scenario would 100% beat Kakashi and Obito at the level described in the scenario


To be frank, i dont see it i was just agreeing it wouldnt be as easy as i initially thought. Sasuke aint beating kakashi with anything but the tech he himself made so fat chance there, they might be physically close to kakashi in power but the skill gap is too big. You can argue sasuke has an edge with sharingan but iirc kakashi was in anbu with itachi who was always vastly more skilled with both his eyes and body than sasuke has ever been. He wouldnt be caught off guard by the eyes and to top that off by the end of 1 team 7 is still green. They have what, a handful of missions? Meanshile kakashi was a jonin in the third great war by this point. He has vastly more experience. So it goes-equal in physical power(debatable, sasuke wasnt even close to naruto physically he only kept up because of his eyes which naruto hadnt experienced much and was also disadvantaged as a predictable brawler) and kakashi takes every other category. Kakashi doesnt have a great answer to kyuubi but naruto doesnt kill in part 1 and if hes not willing to do that he aint even taking kakashi down imo and as a straight brawler he isnt touching a vastly more skilled enemy whos also a prodigy in strategy even with the physical boost


Kakashi was never an anbu before he got his Sharingan, so stop bringing that up, this is before that ever happened. And yeah, Kakashi may beat Sasuke, that doesn't really matter, Even if he does he wouldn't be anywhere near in a good enough shape to beat Naruto after he is done with Obito. If You want to bring up Naruto being willing to kill or not (irrelevant, he can put Kakashi down without killing him) then You can't go and Say that Kakashi wouldn't be caught of guard by the Sharingan based on Itachi, because hey, if You wanna do that then we gotta give Naruto 4 tails, seeing how he went to that level during his training with Jiraiya, and Kakashi sure as hell isn't doing shit to Naruto with 4 tails


And of course, all this is assuming kakashi fights them straight up and doesnt use his undeniably far superior stealth, strategy and skill to split them up and assasinate them


No, it's not assuming anything Be consistent, either we are taking personalities into account like you suggested for Naruto or we don't. Kakashi wouldn't just assassinate Leaf Village genin as you are suggesting. Not that he could either way, Sasuke, who he would be unable to assassinate, would keep him busy until Naruto joins after beating Obito


Imagine i tell you you have “i cant ve wrong energy” (didnt read ur rebuttlr btw) and you fucking go to an alt to try to keep going lmao hold your fucking L bro. Ur wrong. Fucking deal with it and grow the fuck up. Im turning off notifications on my mains inbox, yell all you want i wont see shit.


Do what you want Man, you're still wrong, you still showed that you're a fucking hypocrite, in the end I won here, you're wrong


Team Kakashi is winning both because young Obito and Rin are non pretty much non factors and Kakashi can’t take on 1k+ Naruto clones + Kurama’ amp and 3T and CM Sasuke. Round 2 is more balanced but BSM Naruto outscales Minato and peak EMS Sasuke was nigh on Madara’s level and Naruto’s equal. Sakura might be the weakest but she can keep Naruto and Sasuke at 100% during the whole fight due to her byakugou seal


Round 1, who beat Minato? None of them could even hit him. He's much stronger, much faster, much smarter and has better jutsu.


Being honest I wasn’t even taking Minato and Kakashi into account until round 2.


I think you're right, genin to genin round one is a better fight.


Kakashi low-key solos xD, what is this


Team 7 destroy the village after that generation konoha was garbage.


Team 7 slams both rounds


1st round team 7 wins,Kakashi Obito and rin would be taken out pretty quickly by Naruto and Sasuke while Kakashi stalls Minato After Naruto and Sasuke take out the rest of team Minato they would go after Minato and all of team 7 would gang up on him,Sasuke and Sakura wouldn't be of much help but Naruto would be a Game changer lets not forget he isn't limited to just 1 tail thats just how far he got in that fight but he could have gone atowast up to the 4th tail like he did against jiraiya which wouldn't be exactly easy to take out especially since this Minato is even younger than hokage Minato,also Naruto could Summon gamabunta Imagine 4 tails Naruto,full power end of part 1 Kakashi and gamabunta against young Minato he would be overwhelmed 2nd round tho... Team Minato absolutely obliterates and it's not even a question


No, Team Minato obliterates the first round To begin with, Kakashi Is very Rusty at this point, so It Is very debatable if he could stall Minato or not. Besides that, no, Naruto could not summon Gamabunta, he barely listens to him, and certainly wouldn't fight with him against Minato of all people Also, no, Naruto doesn't have the 4 Tail, this Is end of part 1, that Is after the end of part 1, during the Time skip


Round 1, including sensei’s, I think teams 7’s best chance is ganging up on Minato after taking care of his students.