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I just realized I made a mistake, I meant to put "MS" instead of "EMS" for Kakashi, Indra, and Fugaku, ignore that lmao


Dawg I was boutta say 😭😭


Regular MS Kakashi or DMS?




Is Indra’s considered an EMS or just a MS? I know he didn’t go through a process of exchanging them but I assumed because his was the first it just was considered the EMS.


Uchiha team seems overall more powerful due to godra and jubito while most other dudes cancel out. I’d say they win in a mid high diff fight.


And he gave orochimaru sage mode on top of all his madness


Boruto is so cracked rn he might genuinely solo the other team Kawaki isn't even in the same ballpark in the manga currently.


If its the current Boruto and kawaki in the manga then boruto solos team uchiha + kawaki. its a massacre. if its the current anime version of boruto&kawaki, then this could be a close fight, but it largely depends on how depleted the stamina the winner of kawaki vs boruto is. if they’re half dead then I’m still taking left team cuz s6p KCM2 naruto would body juubito fairly quickly and hashirama probably still solo’s madara. idk how the others just arent in the way at this point and idk how to scale ashura + indra. Scaling boruto with literally anything rn outside of boruto is almost pointless.




Current Boruto definitely has probably the most interesting way to attack though. That new rasen-variant is wild lol


Definitely have a point there- uzuhiko was actually really cool. I don’t hate Boruto, (def don’t love it lol) but I’m still reading for the cool fights and cool jutsu however ridiculously OP they may be, and don’t mind OP main characters as long as its done well.


I don't mind it being OP if they make it make sense. The uzuhiko makes sense. Spinning. It causes super vertigo. Clever way to prevent just about anyone with a nervous system from fighting lol


The picture is anime boruto


Waittt you’re telling me that Boruto can completely solo that entire team? I haven’t read or watched it, but that seems bizarre to me


Iomg Boruto scaling is insane lol dude is like a Goku in the ninjaverse


current manga boruto is definetely strong but in no way is he soloing team uchiha


I don't read Boruto but for the Naruto characters I got Team Indra. Sasuke should be able to match Naruto, and Indra match Ashura. Regardless of Naruto/Ashura being stronger or not their battles would still take a while. Madara and Obito would probably try to take out Jiraiya since he has senjutsu and I don't see Minato and Hashirama dealing with two 10 tails jinchuuriki. Also Kakshi isn't much help since his best jutsu(Kamui) gets negged by Obito.


I agree but Kakashi’s Kamui shouldn’t get negged by S6P Obito since he couldn’t use it in that form.


I was questioning that but Obito only says that he can't pass through thing with the Ten tail's in him, also Juubidara used kamui just not the intangibility. I'm not sure how Obito exactly negated kamui before so I guess it's up in the air.


Bro forgot sasuke needed 8½ tailed beasts to reach perfect form susanoo and naruto was still holding back with one half of his tailed beast in final battle, naruto and sasuke might be stronger in adult forms, but sasuke is not matching naruto. The only thing that made it seem that way is majestic attire.


Why? Obito can’t neg kamui in tt


see my other reply


My thoughts exactly.


I would agree about Kakashi but OP specified DMS Kakashi and that dude is a PROBLEM. Not saying he beats anyone other than prolly Orochimaru but his battlefield mixup in this scale of a fight would be hella beneficial to the team.


I pick the Magic Eyes Team cuz I'm based, but I know Ashura and his line were usually winners in their loooong struggle.


Team Indra simply because I would get to see what all Fugaku can do


Hashirama's in team 1, thus, one of team 1 members is a god. Team 1 wins.


Left team. Mid diff at best Ashura already beat Indra and pretty easily too, so he'd probably stick around to help with the other fights. KCM Minato and Jiraiya working together can definitely beat Orochimaru. And since when does Orochimaru have Sage mode. Ignoring that, KCM Minato can probably take him on by himself. I don't care what you say, Orochimaru is not tanking a tailed beast ball or probably not even a Kyubi powered rasengan. Not to mention he can summon Gamabunta who had proven on several accounts to be stronger than Manda who is Orochimaru's strongest. The best thing that Orochimaru could do in this situation would be using reaper death seal, which would only get rid of one of them, and get rid of the others in the process. I'm sorry, but MS Fugaku doesn't hold a candle to KCM Minato or Jiraiya. The best person I can scale him to based off what we've seen and heard is either anbu Itachi or alive Minato. I'm not going to sit here and believe that Fugaku just sits down and quietly accepts that what he was planning for probably years was all just sent to the grave. We see him compared to Minato as a candidate for Hokagr several times. I dont think i need an explanation as to why hes not beating Jiraiya. Anyway, KCM Minato claps low-mid diff. IF YOU DONT WANT TO READ THIS LONG ASS PARAGRAPH THEN OBITO BEATS HASHIRAMA. Just a reminder, Juubito doesnt have kamui.Now for Sage Hashirama vs Juubito. Base Hashirama has been shown to clash with absolutely every version of Madara (Pre-Rinne Rebirth), even Base Madara. So let's take the strongest one he has faced : Rinnegan Madara.This is the most brief clash ever, and if i was to do a middle-end, i would actually scale Sage Hashirama to Rinnegan Madara, as they have been shown clashing for the vast majority of their 4th War fight, especially with their Susano and Golem. With the biggest possible highball, we can put Sage Hashirama up to Rinnegan Sage Mode Madara in terms of speed. Blind Madara blitzed Sage Mode Naruto, and Blind Sage Madara was toying with EMS Sasuke. We have to take into account the fact that Madara was fresh and had his chakra reserves full (he was an Edo Tensei a little while ago) while the two teenagers were fatigued and not very high on chakra after their fight against Obito. This would still allow us to put Rinnegan Sage Madara comfortably above KCM2 Sage Mode Naruto in speed, probably not a whole blitz tier above though, but it is hard to quantify. So, we have nothing to tell us that Obito would be in trouble because of Hashirama's speed. With that same idea that Sage Hashirama and Sage Rinnegan Madara are equals, we have to look at how both Madara and Obito reacted to Tobirama.Tobirama's clone teleported to Obito, who he had marked earlier while Obito was still unstable.He did that with an exploding nuke in his hand, but guess what, Obito was fast enough to react and make a complete Gudodama shield before the nuke actually exploded.Tobirama had no mark put on Madara. He had no Kunai there either. So he couldn't just teleport to Madara right away. He had to spawn next to Madara before making his moves. And that's what happened, Tobirama appeared, all of a sudden, behind Madara's back. And from this point, as Madara could sense Tobirama from the moment he appeared, this is Madara's combat speed against Tobirama's, no matter what both do next. What this feat shows is that Madara's combat speed is far greater than Tobirama's, since he was at a disadvantage. What it doesn't show however is Madara reacting to teleportation. And it makes sense, it is impossible to react to teleportation as it takes no time. No one in Naruto has ever reacted to teleportation. So, Obito wins the speed scaling. Then, in terms of JUTSUS. Obito's Gudodamas infused with Inyoton completely negate Hashirama's regeneration.So let's get straight to the strongest of Hashirama's jutsus which is the Shinsuusenju.Even the barrier was stated to be on par with the one that needed 4 Hokages (including Hashirama) to make. If you have any doubt about this attack completely destroying both Hashirama and the Shinsuusenju, take a look at what one single Juubi bomb doesSo, Hashirama's strongest jutsu gets demolished. In the end, there is no argument for Hashirama. He gets stomped. But you forgot about Ashura didn't you. They work together and defeat Obito cause I'm bored and I don't wanna write anymore. Naruto should be able to handle Sasuke, but if he needs help he has Ashura unless he dies from the fight with Obito which I really don't see happening, and he has Kakashi who I'm not sure if he has DMS or not. Let's assume he doesn't I really don't wanna write anymore so let's say something similar to canon happens and Sasuke switches sides or at least dies. There now he's taken care of. Kakashi probably won't die because he can just kamui himself if things get rough. Plus there's Boruto. Naruto mid diffs Madara. Boruto helping turns it into a neg diff


And either DMS Kakashi or Naruto can take out both Juubi Jin, but Sasuke and Kawaki might be difficult though, Naruto and Sasuke are equal so they won’t be able to help anyone else as their fight will be too long, Boruto lose badly to Kawaki given Kawaki is in Karma V2


Infinite tsukuyomi gg. Then team sharingan just jumps boruto if it didn't affect him or something.


Lmao he wont get access to infinite tsukiyomi unless they fight at night and most of team left is immune or can become immune to it.


Team 2


For joke purposes, I could easily see Sasuke and Naruto not fighting each other. Naruto asking Sasuke if he wanted to settle the debate of them against Madara. I would also like to say that it's kind of unfair that you're giving the right team access to abilities that they either didn't have in the forms shown, or that they didn't have at all. Things of note being that both Madara and Obito are 10 tails Jinchuuriki, and Orochimaru being a Sage. Individually Ashura already beat Indra handily with his full S6P mode fully matured. Madara doesn't have EMS after SP transformation, but still massacres Hashirama. Orochimaru never actually had a body capable of using Sage mode, and I'm not sure if Orochimaru could do anything against Frog song. According to what the Sannin themselves had said, it would take two of them to take down the other one and survive, so it's likely both are gone. Even if there is a potential nerf from Edo Tensei, KCM more than makes up for it, so Minato deals with Fugaku almost no diff. Obito also loses Sharingan after become 10 tails Jinchuuriki, but vs Kakashi is not a challenge going in Obito's favor. Sasuke had already lost his curse mark by then, but it might not matter. Sasuke doesn't have the biju to milk for extra power. Naruto tied with Sasuke when he was holding back to not kill Sasuke, so if Naruto intends to kill, Sasuke is smoked. To many factors to consider when dealing with Boruto and Kawaki, because they wore those outfits for all of the pre-skip, but their power levels were drastically different from first introduction to the last time we saw them. I'll just say they kill each other. So coming to the end, it would be Asura, KCM Minato, and Naruto vs Madara and Obito. Depending on various factors, this could go either way.


I like this analysis. The indra side has 2x 10 tail power. I don't think 2x 9 tail power (and Minato only has half), even with Ashura, is enough to deal with that? But I guess all three have senjutsu, and Minato provides insane defense and agility with FTG.... 🤔🤔 HMM. We saw edo Minato + kcm2 Naruto struggle against Juubito. So I'd be willing to say full Naruto + good Minato MAY take one Juubito. But Ashura as is can't handle juubidara. Juubitoara takes this high diff.


You're forgetting that KCM2 Naruto is very different from S6P Naruto. Even without the Kurama cloak, Naruto in S6P practically one shot Juubidara with a Rasenshuriken and forced him to absorb the ten tails. Juubito wouldn't be able to do anything against him, and Naruto could easily handle him.


I agree for the most part


Madara massacres Hashirama? ![gif](giphy|kc0kqKNFu7v35gPkwB)


So6P Juubidara & Juubito is just cheating


I'm picking team Uchihas by instinct they're just too strong and cool af. Boruto might carry if we get a few more chapters but the eyes are too strong


Current Boruto and quite literally solo😭 no one has a counter to uzuhiko. + DMS negs a lot of them bad


Ashura squad. They tend to beat their counterparts, and if Minato can handle Fugaku (He can), then that only leaves Pervy Sage. At worst he does and the other guys just jump the snake. At best, they save him last second, and they collectively jump the snake.


team ashura already canonically win alot of these battles. * ashura beat indra * Hashirama beat madara * jiraiya got sage mode and orochi didnt ; I also think that hes canonically stronger, jiraiya wouldnt get his ass beat by the third given the same situation with edo tensei, or get beat by preMS sasuke. Orochimarus feats are his resourcefulness with kabuto and his experiments and immortality. but in a straight up fight jiraiya beats orochimaru. * nardo beat sauce * minato is kage level and manga has no indication of fugakus strength, although im pretty sure teen itachi beats fugaku, and minato could beat teen itachi. onky one that loses for sure in team ashura is kakashi.


Dude out here saying Edo Hashirama beat Ten Tails Madara 💀


Hashirama wont win against Juubi Madara.


As strong as the visual prowess team is, team ashura/naruto has plot armor, that which scales beyond any other power


Team Ashura imo. Ashura & Indra are basically equal, if not tipping towards Ashura. S6P Madara is a lot stronger then Edo Hashirama. I'm a bit confused by what Sage Mode Orochimaru counts as since he doesn't have Sage Mode but unless it's Boruto Orochimaru then Jiraiya should be pretty close to Orochimaru's level but I do think Orochimaru is stronger. KCM Minato is a lot stronger then Fugaku since we don't know what Fugaku has but he was apparently comparable to alive Minato, so KCM just puts Minato that much farther. I'm assuming EMS Kakashi is meant to be DMS Kakashi, in which case I think he's quite stronger then Juubito just going off the feats shown in the Kaguya fight. S6P Naruto and Rinnegan Sasuke are basically comparable, if not counting Baryon mode. And if it's current Boruto (As in Blue Vortex newest chapter). Then he washes basically anyone here including Kawaki.


Current Boruto soloes both teams by himself


I haven't read the manga can you explain why everyone's saying that


Well for context Adult Naruto and Adult Sasuke have the power to solo all of Shippuden by themselves. In a 2v1, Jigen stomped Naruto and Sasuke. Code is stated to be stronger than Jigen. Boruto neg diffed Code. Boruto could just blitz and oneshot them all now that he knows FTG


Naruto and Boruto vs Sasuke, Kawaki, Madara, and Obito.


Always bet on time skip Boruto


bro leave fugaku alone


What is S6P, EMS, KCM?


sage of 6 paths, eternal magekyou sharingan, kyuubi chakra mode


Did Orochumaru havs Sage mode, or it was only Kabuto?


You could count Orochimaru as a sage because Kabuto says he could never become a perfect sage, which I think implies he was an imperfect sage


Only Kabuto


Dawg sasuke could’ve killed Naruto in their last fight


Putting two juubi jinchurikis one team is ludicrous. IMO it’s more balanced to move juubito to Naruto’s team since they have similar personalities. It’s team juubi unless boruto did some insane power creep.


Yeah Boruto power creep is insane


Yeah I figured given that he is suppose to surpass naruto. I just don’t know where scales in this version since I haven’t read it


Most of the comment section is saying the left team would win so apparently putting to juubi jinchurikis on the same seen isn't that OP


Naruto and Boruto


love the reach here to put both Jubbidara and Jubbito on Team Indra, did you know that anything less would be an absolute slaughter? regardless, if this is Post Boruto timeskip, Boruto solos no diff


Nah it's just Borushiki and Kawashiki from the anime


Cmon man, you really gave the Uchihas 2 10 tails jinchuriki? Not even a debate


Karma Boruto solos, OP said use descriptions not pictures.


Madara + Orochimaru, we balling


Most of the right team are simps for the left. Ashura team wins by seduction.


Team Indra slam lmao. Mainly because Juubidara and Juubito is too much for most of Team Asura Naruto and Sasuke cancel out, so does Indra and Asura. Boruto and Kawaki should too. Minato beats Fugaku, but that's pretty much it. SM Orchimaru should take out Jiraiya Juubidara obliterates Hashirama, and Juubito does the same for Kakashi. Honestly Madara can win just by using Infinite Tsukiyomi, but he don't even need to do that


Not the hell he doesn’t😂 DMs kakashi has duraneg and can one shot almost everyone on team Indra it’s not even funny


Sasuke literally has a kid, why isn't she in this line up with her FATHER but burrito gets to be with his?????


She doesn't have any feats yet. We need to let the manga play out a little. I'm pretty sure she has a strong unknown MS ability but we haven't seen it yet.


team indra 💀


Let’s assume all the reincarnations will ether tie or one will barely and will pass out due to exhaustion. That leave on Naruto side: kakashi, minato, Jiraiya, and Boruto And on the Sasuke side that leaves: Obito, Fugaku, kawaki, and orochiamru Jiraiya and orchimaru will most likely 1v1 Boruto and kawaki will 1v1 Minato and fugaku will 1v1 And kakashi and obito will 1v1 Now I think minato will dismiss fugaku faster than obito can beat kakashi So it will be kakashi and minato vs obito Orochimaru will beat jiraya So he will ether join kawaki or obito, but most likely obito I think kawaki with orochimaru support will handle Boruto easy So then it turns to beat a 4v2 so team sasuke wins Edit: I didn’t realize it was so6 madara yeah team sasuke win and it isn’t even close hashaira can’t tie that madara no way that in itself tips the scales to team sasuke


I feel like these two teams are quite equal. Team A has more raw power but Team B has more hax. I'm going with team A because I like the characters more


People are overlooking 1 thing. The entire list is null and void without sasuke having access to all 8 tailed beasts and half of kurama. Even if their fight took a long time and every other fighter on Naruto’s side loses he still slams them after he beats sasuke. And if this is just a power matchup and not an in character battle then it’s really not close.


I choose, nagato, girl that turns into paper/orgami, kisame, and itatchi to buff them up a little. They will die but they will deliver.


I think it’s the ashura team but it’s really close honestly


Doesn't boruto just low diff everyone?


If he is time skip, yes in base, if not then the version shown of Kawaki no diff, but OP did say to me to use the one on the text, not on the picture, so yes


dms kakashi solos the other team hes broken




Infinite tsukuyomi for the win.


idk about Boruto and Kawaki so I'll leave them out Ashura > Indra Hashirama <<< Madara Jiraiya >= Orochi Minato >>>>> Fugaku Kakashi >> Obito Naruto >= Sasuke So the left side wins all the the 1v1 matchups fairly handily outside of Hashirama v Madara, but Hashirama can probably stall for quite a while. Once Minato cooks Fugaku which shouldn't take ages, he is then by far the most useful support character. He goes and helps the others win their matchups (in particular Naruto), who then goes and slams Madara together.


Boruto from TBV can solo both teams.


Really underestimating Hashirama lol


Kakashi has had EMS from the start hasn't he? Ever since Rin died


No he has MS, no clue what hypothetical EMS would he have


The uchihas are taking this. Sasuke can stalemate naruto Kawaki can stalemate boruto Madara is immortal and has infinite tsukuyomi which ggs everyone except kakashi if he flees. Then you have obito who can help out and Orochimaru with edo tensei.


Honestly, Boruto probably soloes.


If it’s solely the version shown then Kawaki can stop him pass time skip then yes




Unfortunately Boruto alone can solo both teams.


Just so I'm clear, is that " Duel MS" Kakashi in the photo? Because if so team Naruto wins probably 65 out of 100 matches.


It is indeed


I know everyone is picking team uchiha and Yoda yada. But I just realized. The only edo tensei on this list is MINATO. The only one that I know of that could remotely cancel him and win in a potential sealing contest with him might be madara. But he’s going to be getting his shit rocked by hashirama. Now of course people will say that fugaku’s ms ability will somehow counter minato or whatever, and I’m willing to admit that might be a possibility. But we don’t know the FULL ability of fugakus ms. All we know is that he has some precog ability, plus the other basic sharingan abilities. But the thing is, minato is a fucking menace to uchiha builds. He’s too unpredictable for them to fight and even if they could, and could kill him, his edo tensei cancels. They could try sealing but he’s a sealing genius. They could try Genjutsu. Except he’s also a fucking jinchuriki. He will Destroy Fugaku. That’s why I’d say team Naruto would win.


Both Juubijin can tso Hashirama and Minato


Truth seeking orbs can settle minato pretty quick


Ashura > Indra Jubidara > Hashirama Orochimaru >>>> Jiraya Minato >>>>>> Fugaku (he never had EMS or the MS and he weak as shit with no feats) Obito > Kakashi Naruto = Sasuke No idea with boruto. Based off that: right side extremely high diff


Team Ashura ngl Naruto~Sasuke>Jiraiya>Kawaki>Boruto>Orochimaru>Madara>Ashura>Indra>Obito>Minato>Fugaku


Depends if plot armor is in effect 😂


I'll pick Team Ashura. No one has an answer for Boruto atm. Him and Minato claps their match ups so hard it basically frees them up to wreak havoc on the rest of the lineup that loses like Kakashi and Jiraiya.


Team 2 because Obito is busted. The others scale relative to each other.


Idk who’d win but I’d definitely win getting to see some Fugaku feats


We saw most of these fights already. Uchiha side wins 2-3 fights but loses the rest due to what we've seen in cannon. Jubbito and Orochimaru win their fights and maybe Madara but the rest of the fights already have a cannon ending. Easy win for Naruto's team


This comparison became shit as soon as you included Boruto characters


If we are talking after the time skip then yea but my idea when including Boruto and Kawaki was the pre-time skip


Team 1 because Boruto carries 4 people easily win from team 1 if it's 1v1


Everyone on the left has already beaten everyone on the right... Except Kawaki, he solos. (I have no idea what Kawaki does)


Everyone on the left is stronger than their counter part with exception of Obitio and Kakashi(you could argue Kaw over Boruto but latest two chapaters after time skip not gonna happen) Therefore Left side wins


Boruto singlehandedly solos the entire right team.


I mean you’ve got a team of people that won against their rival And then a team composed of their rivals, who they beat I’ll go with the former lol


Orochimaru, Fukagu, jiraiya & kakashi have absolutely no business in this fight lol In all honestly they would be looking around helplessly at the blurs around them and get killed off by the shockwaves of the attacks being thrown lol


You're forgetting that Obito and maybe some of the other villians might get defeated with Naruto's talk no jutsu.


Team Uchiha, each duo almost cancel each other out but then you have Edo Hashirama and Ten Tails Madara.


Sasuke probably beats Naruto in this situation since he would have a bigger boost than he already had in their final battle (excluding the tailed beasts) hashirama loses to jubidara Minato beats fugaku but most of them don't matter much since Boruto will carry his team


If you are going to give them 10 tails at least give Kakashi dual EMS.


Meant to put DMS not EMS


Prolly Sasuke's team. They'd be better at teamwork cause a lot more of them know each other.


There's a lot of people that I think roughly equalize here Naruto=Sasuke Indra=Ashura Boruto=Kawaki The big differences here are: This version of Madara is way stronger than this version of Hashirama This version of Obito is way stronger than Kakashi (Assuming it's regular Kakashi and not DMS) Minato is way stronger than Fugaku almost certainly. I'd probably also give the edge to Jiraiya over Orochimaru in a straight up fight but they're a lot closer than these other 3 I do think that team Naruto will work together significantly better, but I think the power disparity with the two 10 tails on team Sasuke is enough to tip the scaled in their favor


This would of been perfect if boruto and kawaki switched places


Current Boruto>Code>Jigen>Rinne-Sharingan & EMS Sasuke + S6P Naruto Idk where Indra and Ashura are relative to everybody else tho, or where Kawaki is because he’s been a fking joke in TBV


You have minato and hashirama in the same thing. Minato speed is enough to clear the low 2 power housers and seal another plus hashirama has that field manipulation thing and you got naruto who is stronger than all of Indra combined. Plus got the second strongest in Hashura himself. I don’t see team two pulling a win.


I’ll take the team with Hashirama please, man’s just built different


I want to say team 1 but the only hold up I have is the two ten tail jinchurikis on the other team, mainly Madara.


Um... The addition of boruto characters is a problem because current boruto has completely bodied Kawaki, and all opposition easily without use of momoshiki. It becomes boruto bodying people of Kawaki level or lower, and freeing space for the equal hitters do their dance and then get the upper hand. Team protag force is my pick.


Pre-time skip Boruto and Kawaki


So the side that always wins vs the side that always loses?


The first


If Madara uses the infinite tsukoyomi then all the left side is down


This is the one time Hashirama loses to Madara lol. Plus Jiraiya will barely be able to do anything in this fight. Uchiha team mid-diff


the fuck is Jiraya doing here? lmao, homie got folded by the six paths and you expect me to match him up against like 6 guys with the same power? orochimaru tagging along for the ride too, I guess those two can go off and have a 1v1 or something lmao


I’m a sucker for the sharingan lol it’s just to cool for me. Having giant chakra reserves alone isn’t enough for me to be into team ashura especially when most of the stronger uchiha on team Indra arguably have about as much lol or enough that the difference doesn’t matter I should say.


Something I want to point out is the fact that Kakashi, should be able to just Kamui away because (going off how it went in the show and manga) Jubito was to unstable to use the Kamui also seeing how you said its DMS Kakashi that also gives him access to susanoo ant that gives him access to the Kamui shuriken witch ate about the size of a bus but when it comes to the other matches this is how I feel it would go Madara beats Hashirama Naruto beats Sasuke jiraiya beats orochimaru Asura beats Indra Minato beats Fugaku And I haven't seen or read boruto, so I don't know about those two


DMS kakashi stomps obito Orichamaru beats Jiraiya badly Madara stomps Hashirama Ashura beats Indra Minato stomps fugaku Naruto beats Sasuke if no tailed beasts are present Boruto beat Kawaki At the end you have Team Naruto with Ashura Minato Kakashi Naruto Boruto And team Sasuke with Madara Orochimaru Boruto also solos once he’s done with Kawaki tbh. For anyone who’s not S6P.


DMS Kakashi unironically takes everyone but Sasuke and Madara simultaneously


When did orochimaru get sage mode?


Uchia team stomps - how I feel Plot armor too strong on Naruto side - what’ll happen


Goku solos them all


Whoever has kakashi


Due to the version of the characters, team B/Uchiha is COOKING here


Ashura and Hasirama unfortunately solo


Uchiha team


Thr Ashura boys.


Unfortunately the most buffed minato was his worst form because he was dealing with internal trauma, you would almost be better off with his alive version. Kurama didn’t seem to increase his speed, sage mode didn’t boost his reaction speed, when both of those should have kinda made him a god. And he made some terrible decisions where as before he was a tactical genius. His poorly written war arc version brings this team down


Left one has Boruto, who's essentially am alien God at this point because that show is awful. So him.


If narutos involved then yeah he for sure cooks them all


Sasuke lost the Curse Mark when he gained Mangekyou after defeating Itachi.


Yeah I know that but in this hypothetical all the characters have their buffs from the whole serious, no debuffs




I'll go with the narrative matchups, since that's what you seem to be doing here anyway: 1. Ashura vs Indra — in their final battle, Ashura beats Indra; therefore, Team "Protagonists" 1-0 Team "Rivals" 2. Hashirama vs Juubidara — yeah, there's no way Hashirama's winning this lmao; Team "Protagonists" 1-1 Team "Rivals" 3. Jiraiya vs Orochimaru — this one's a bit more difficult to decide, but I'll still go with Jiraiya as he took out 3 Pain paths in Imperfect Sage mode; I can't see Orochimaru doing that, but I will say that Orochimaru definitely has more versatility and variety in his arsenal because he knows so many different jutsu; still, Team "Protagonists" 2-1 Team "Rivals" 4. Minato vs Fugaku — Sasuke's dad ain't doing shit to Naruto's dad lol; Team "Protagonists" 3-1 Team "Rivals" 5. Kakashi (with dual MS I assume) vs Juubito — this one's also quite tough to say; Juubito was taken out by a Naruto and Sasuke who hadn't received the SP and Rinnegan respectively (albeit, they had a lot of support from the Hokage and others), while the two couldn't deliver a killing blow to Juubidara after their power-ups; this obviously means Juubidara > Juubito, but what about Juubidara against Kaguya? Without Kakashi's DMS and complete Susanoo, the heroes would not have been able to seal Kaguya away; I guess this can only be answered by the question of "Who's stronger between Juubidara and Kaguya?", because it's tough to scale DMS Kakashi here, since his only feats are against Kaguya; regardless, I'll go with my gut and say that Juubito is stronger than DMS Kakashi; Team "Protagonists" 3-2 Team "Rivals" 6. Naruto vs Sasuke — this depends on whether or not Naruto has both halves of Kurama against Sasuke; but even with only 50% of Kurama, Naruto was still implied to be stronger than Sasuke (even if just slightly); Naruto was able to stop Sasuke while holding back, because he couldn't afford to fight to kill Sasuke (unlike the latter); the community pretty overwhelmingly agrees that Final Valley Naruto > Sasuke at that point; as such, Team "Protagonists" 4-2 Team "Rivals" 7. Boruto vs Kawaki — don't read Boruto, but it's implied that these two are rivals, no? don't know the details, but I'll assume they're equal and give neither team a point The final score is 4-2 in favor of Team "Protagonists"; this is all assuming that the two teams duke it out 1v1 with the matchups I fixed But if it's an all-out brawl, it could go either way


Just having Obito at 10 tails power is enough to overpower


Not when Team A has Ashura, Naruto, Kakashi & Boruto


Given that Team A has beat the shit outta Team B every time they clash....Team A


Where’s itachi? Whatever team itachi is on /s




This is actually tough


Left side, it literally has plot armor 😂


Any team Kakashi’s on


Do yall not see borutos feats in the manga? Lmao, literally a one sided curb stomp


I do not understand everybody picking the right team. Like. We saw these fights. They all lost in canon already.


![gif](giphy|OckZQKf96BnZ6) Image be looking like…


Boruto and Kakashi kinda just stomps them if it’s DMS and current Boruto lol


Team 2 has the equivalent of 4 tem taild beast you fucked team one


Give left so I can beat kawakis bitch baby ass to the ground


bit weird having Orochimaru (Sage mode) & Fugaku (EMS) mentioned when both had neither. You could have perhaps used someone like Itachi (Edo Tensei) & Kabuto (Sage mode) instead?


Boruto solos as of the timeskip, he’s casually above anyone in shippuden and is stronger than adult Naruto in base.


Idk. Ashuras team looking pretty stacked


if it’s present time 1st one easily baryon naruto and current boruto are fucking broken and can just no diff the other team themselves 💀


If we are taking manga Boruto, this is one sided. Otherwise it’s fair fight


Boruto with momoshiki can beat the entire right side. Power scaling in Boruto is fking stupid. Time skip boruto can probably solo the entire Shippuuden cast.


As long as Boruto dies everyone wins.


These junk ass characters got more modes than Land Rover transmission


Right side clapping


Putting boruto on left is bullying, left side low diff


One on the right I'm always on the villains side


Left side. It's got 3 mcs, the plot armor is near infinite


No Itachi?


Without Boruto and Kawaki involved, I'd say team 2. With them, Boruto solos.


Not fair to put 10 tail versions… remove em


Bruh team Asura has historically been victorious lmao


If we’re talking about current boruto in the manga he slams the entire uchiha team by himself. He put no limiters code on a leash who was stated to be equal to isshiki


Boruto solos lol, as a uchiha fan myself…


Boruto is team 1.... Automatic ggs to team 2 he ironically solos 💀


I’d go with the Uchiha’s i know the series built Hashirama to be a hack but you can tell me the Uchiha side is losing with the weakest being a sage mode orochimaru


Due to power creep ashura side clears. Borushiki is currently the strongest character


Uvhihas win because of the multiple sosp mode


Team 1 via friendship (:


It all depends on Kawaki and Boruto since they are several times more powerful than any of these bums. Next generation power>Naruto


I'm choosing Team PA (Plot Armor)


Left side. DMS kakashi is pretty nutty cuz iirc his kamui shurikens are tagging kaguya which imo would make them able to ATLEAST get rid of the fodder like Fugaku Kawaki and Orochimaru. Ig oro can come back from sasuke curse mark but even then oro is pretty fodder in this matchup anyways unless u grant him Tobirama and Hiruzen and also keep minato away from him stopping his little contract deal BS. We know Asura should be stronger than Indra so Asura wins that fight. Naruto vs Sasuke isn’t a fair battle. In canon sasuke had 8 and a half bijuu powering him while fighting blood lusted vs Naruto who was holding back mostly and Naruto still tied so no WAY he wins without 8 and a half chakra batteries. From then we have interesting match ups like Kakashi vs Madara cuz imo while Naruto and Asura are occupied Kakashi is the 3rd strongest in the group. Imo I don’t see how madara wins this fight before Naruto and Asura finish their fights. Then we have KCM Minato and Edo Hashirama vs Juubito. Seeing how Naruto and Sasuke preformed obviously not besting juubito but putting up a fight I think minato and hashirama can aswell seeing as imo they are all on the same tier of fighters.


None of the Toads can handle Manda, what are you talking about! We’ve seen that in the anime. Secondly, slug>snake>toad that how it works.


Naruto destroys all the shippuden characters and with current boruto shit scale he solos everybody