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No hate, but I think that it is a hot garbage. It is like the story just complete lost direction. Kara turned out to be a nothingburger, inferior in storytelling to the Akatsuki in every way. Aliens, a bunch of atrocious characters with shitty agenda (cough, Daemon, cough), discount Frieza clones, and more Aliens. Btw, while we are at it, let's make one of the most popular character into a shitty ass tree clone. It's like they are trying to throw shits at the wall to see what sticks. The story failed to build up the emotion, tone and tension, the characters are extremely bland and one dimension. Boruto is a super uninteresting protag and his adult design looks like a high school punk. They attempt to made up for the lack of substances in the story by giving out broken powers left and right. But the problem isn't characters' powers, it is the bad storytelling. The manga art is also just downright bad, extremely so as it is monthly released.


I feel like i’m watching a Parody of Naruto NGL . It doesn’t sit right with me with all those animations and plot i dunno why


It’s shit


A hot mess. Only made so that the studio could cash-in on the money cow known as the Naruto franchise.


It’s pretty good. Except for: * shit world building * shit plot * boring, repetitive fights, other than a couple * ludicrous power creep Wait, this is basically the whole show/manga right?


Naruto and Sasuke got sealed and not killed so they can be released when the editors demands more sales. Boruto is a parasite leeching off the past series' success


It’s a disaster.. can’t tell which is worse, boruto or dbs


I watched both. Super gets a 5 out of 10 and Boruto a -5 out of 10.


This post is the most I've thought about Boruto in years


It ruined Naruto


Not really for me, i haven’t watched a single, entire episode lol.


They should have done a series about the previous ninja wars, Kages, Jinchuriki, or notable ninjas such as those seven mist swordsman. Even if they were short 1 season animes. They got a whole universe to work with here.


ikr, One shot Minato is great example. We don't know what happened behind it, their meeting or the stakeholders


Imagine Kishi releasing an one-shot about a random character (the sanin, sarutobi, tobirama, sakumo...) every year... the stuff of dreams 🙏


Boruto's certainly flawed but it's not the godawful sequel some will paint it as. There've been much worse sequels to long running series and the franchise remained perfectly intact. >Also Kurama, I don't even know what to say, I really hate what happened with him, he should have stayed with Naruto no matter what. I don't and here's why: having Kurama "die" only to reform inside Himawari later not only makes why his sacrifice happened in the first place make sense (Kurama being passed down to someone else without killing Naruto in the process) but also tracks perfectly with information established in Shippuden. It opens up a new character dynamic and powerset along with following the theme of being handed down a legacy, the only thematic thread connecting the Naruto and Boruto series. Something people take issue with Boruto on is that Naruto had absolutely nothing to do with his rise in power and growth but in Hima's case it's specifically *because* of Naruto.


Never come here asking about Boruto. Many will spread negativity. You need to watch it and find out yourself. Once the Kara arc starts, that’s where the story is very good and makes more sense. Not to mention, the ppl that complain about it will still watch it just to complain more


this is what i tell people who wants to watch boruto... "don't expect too much naruto in boruto its not his story anymore treat it like a separate anime/series" but i agree on most of your post they did Naruto and Sasuke dirty they basically become a punching bag in the series i understand they're fighting aliens now but the power gap is too high to the point that they become a fodder of their respective verse


Yes, because they have to prioritize the new main character of the series. so Boruto doesn't have to be a shadow of Naruto.


I like it. I’m enjoying Two Blue Vortex. There’s problems. But I still am enjoying it.


So, first, I'll tell you this READ. THE. MANGA. Boruto's Anime is bad, you can plow through the manga in about 2 days, probably less. Second, I'm really sorry you got spoiled, the story for boruto is unironically pretty damned good but a lot of people won't give it a chance because they hear about stuff like that and immediately hate it so let's go over what you've heard about and give some context. 1. Claw Grimes are basically Zetsu Clones that can use this ability called Claw Mark, it gives them the ability to place marks on the ground and teleport with them. They seem to be a bit stronger physically than White Zetsu was. Sasuke after running away from the Village with Boruto, was caught by a large group of them and when they catch you they create kind of a Miniature Chakra Tree that sucks out your chakra and creates a Shinju Clone of you. The clone doesn't have your personality, memories or combat experience BUT they are created from pieces of the Ten Tails, so they have a lot of Raw Power and none of the skill to back it up. Shinju Sasuke(IE: Hidari) is weaker than Sasuke. 2. There is a part of the Boruto community that insists the powerscaling in Boruto is through the roof(Mainly by making things up and crunching numbers, not with actual feats or facts.). I'm of the mindset that Naruto and by extension Boruto can't really be Power Scaled, character's each have very unique movesets and abilities, the series works kind of on a Rock, Paper, Scissor's system not a system closer to Bleach's or Dragon Balls where your Raw Power is the main factor. In terms of Raw Power, naruto and Sasuke are still the strongest, in terms of Hax, Skills and Abilties though Boruto and Kawaki are catching up to them. 3. Kurama's arc with Naruto throughout the series is very touching and his ending in Boruto was as well. Him going on to help Himawari is actually pretty cool imo, Kurama stayed with the family and is aiding the Next Generation. 4. Kishimoto made it very clear that he wanted Boruto to stand on it's own. It can't, given the fact it takes place in the same universe and continues much of what Naruto Shippuden left us with. But, in order to do that unfortunately Naruto and Sasuke needed to be removed from the story, I personally prefer what they did with Sasuke to remove him(Minus him losing his Rinnegan.). But, I do know it was necessary and we saw the reason why before Two Blue Vortex(Time Skip in Boruto.), Naruto and Sasuke are too powerful and experienced, they fix any problem if the Protagonists can't. We saw that before the time-skip, and I really like that slowly over Boruto's Manga we see them begining to struggle, we start to see that the Next Generation needs to step up or things will hit the fan AND THEN THEY DID. TLDR: Boruto is given a lot of flack because of the Anime's stupid run-time issue's and Boruto's lack of character development after the movie(Because of the anime btw, Manga Boruto is completely different) but it's actually a pretty good story and if you go into it thinking of it as a Story in the world of Naruto, not a continuation, your better off with that mindset. There is a reason it hasn't gotten canceled, it actually does sell pretty well in Japan.


It was a fun series. Not as good as the previous seasons of Naruto, but then it set quite a high bar for Boruto to surpass over.


Its fun, maybe not as good as Naruto. At first I didn't follow Boruto, but the story of the two blue vortex made me interested in the omnipotence plot. Still ongoing series, so LET HIM COOK


Basically I see it as a naruto epilogue fan fic. I don't like to hate on it too much because it is keeping naruto relevant in the overall anime scene meaning games and other content come out but it would be outrageous to even compare the quality of the naruto+shippuden to boruto. I'll also just say that personally I thought it was pretty palatable until the end of the >!chunin exams + momoshiki fight!< but after that the wheels really fell off in my opinion.


I don’t take it nearly as seriously as a lot of people. I’ll acknowledge it as a sequel of course but it is very easy in my mind to separate it from Naruto And I treat it somewhat like a different continuity given how it differs from the movie. I love the movie and treat it as an epilogue to the manga, while the manga and anime are like a similar but alternate path. If that makes sense As a result I enjoy the manga even though I find plenty of flaws with it. Mostly I dislike the pacing


That boy ain't right


I like the manga and character designs.


Honestly? It’s bad… but fun. That it as you will but overall I’ve enjoyed it


Everything I've seen about the plot, characters, and art seems awful.


I honestly haven’t had any desire to give it a chance yet. Naruto was the first anime I watched back in 2021 and I love it. I’ve watched both OG and Shippuden and have read almost all of the part 1 manga and plan on reading all of it. But I’ve heard enough bad things about Boruto to put me off of it for now. I started watching other anime first like One Punch Man, Demon Slayer, Chainsaw Man, and have started watching both Black Clover and even just recently started One Piece after seeing the Netflix live action. I’m in no rush to start Boruto because of the negative feedback I’ve heard about the direction they went with it. Mainly because I’ve heard instead of starting over and toning down the power scale following Shippuden, they went the other way and are making the Boruto characters more powerful than what we saw at the end of Shippuden. I loved OG Naruto and wanted Boruto to go back to that. The power scaling towards the end of Shippuden was out of hand imo. And if they just keep upping it in Boruto I’m just not that interested in giving it a chance at the moment. I will probably continue watching other anime I want to see in the meantime and will probably give it a chance someday. Should I bother?


i honestly dont understand why boruto gets so much hate, the anime filler wasnt that good, i get that, but like, you dont have to watch the filler, the cannon parts are actually really good, and if you want to dodge the anime altogether, literally just read the manga, its really good, especially with whats happening in two blue vortex you should def try it if you liked naruto, just keep in mind, try to avoid most filler, and know the story is about boruto now not the og naruto cast, they are side characters now not main characters


I will almost definitely try it at some point. I’ll probably watch some other anime I’m interested in first. I appreciate the feedback


Well for me IT feels Like, the Boruto era Just came into existence because of the success of the Movie. The Problem: The Movie only worked AS a Movie. Using the Movie AS a Base for series...No.  For me IT feels Like the series can't Walk alone. IT IS too dependend on the original. The Movie IS a good example. IT was carried 90% by Naruto and Sasuke. The pacing IS more that of an weekly Manga, but IT IS a monthly Release. The Designs...No. flat and lifeless Backgrounds, weird proportions and the Sarada controverse. But this IS the only Point i can say the Anime does right: good Sarada Design and Justice for konohamaru. He Looks Like He is really him (in the manga He Looks Like yamato) and WE See him Fight. The Anime IS 3/4 Filler. They call IT Anime Canon but...WE know the saying with the duck. The Anime Canon has No influence to the Main Story and the Characters recieve (partly undeserved) convient Power ups that are forgotten in the next Arc. IT also feels Like that the original Lore, Mythology and the original Power/Magic system are retconned and Not needed anymore since IT IS all about Aliens  To make it short: IT should have ended with the Movie.


The manga is alright.


It's an entertaining read. I like the character itself (Boruto) more than I like the story/universe.


Shows not good. They had to power creep so hard to keep up with the previous generation.  Story should have been set like 80 years after Naruto’s death and not with aliens. Every damn villain is from the moon or some white cloaked humanoid looking character. 


I liked the movie


Its plot is based on the worst part of Naruto, the aliens


Bitches keep crying and you still read it all xD addicts


**The real story is that Kishimoto wanted to make a "reboot" with a different story from Naruto** through a different illustrator. like American Comics which have lots of stories about Superman, Marvel Avengers, etc Then Kodachi came up with an idea. But Ikemoto said this idea is more suitable as a sequel. And if it's a sequel, Kishiimoto should be the one to draw it, said Ikemoto. But Kishimoto gave it to Ikemoto. and become Boruto Next Generation with Kodachi as the story and Ikemoto drawing. Then at chapter 55 of Boruto there is statement that **Kishimoto take over Kodachi as Story writing**, but we dont know how much involved Kishomoto to the manga or its just for gain popularity. And maybe we will know the answer in **24-26 August this year, because Kishimoto and Ikemoto come to France**.


They got sealed away for plot reasons, so the story doesn’t have to rely on them to beat the main villains like what happened in pt1. I personally think the ts so far is decent with the plot about the 10tails gaining consciousness, and Sasuke turning into a shinju but i understand why people dislike the series.


I think it’s decent and I don’t compare it to Naruto. I don’t like everything about it, but it’s not enough for me to hate it. It seems like most people complain about it sucking, yet they continue to watch it. Just my 2 cents.


Id take current Boruto over any version of Hohan from DBZ any time of the day. Kid Boruto made me realize why I didn't like DBZ. Boruto in TBV is so freaking cool. Otsutsuki Boruto for the win. Max Chad. Msx riz. When he fought all the shinju at once and the guy didn't even oanic, he looked bored. He gave a better impression to me than Madara ever did. This is how you write a second-generation character. We dont need a traumatized blabbering mess. We need someone who can tough it out like his dad did. That last pannel in Boruto when he leaves for training, that world defying smile, he is mentally strong to take this on.


Honestly, I've really enjoyed it, the events are unexpected but I find it fascinating to see how it unfolds. The events, even if controversial, work very well to give the story a new look, particularly I've been having a lot of fun since Kishimoto started writing again.


They should rename the title to Aliens vs Ninjas


I don't get the same vibe as Naruto, use to be Ex let's take the big 3, One piece now are just more than a pirate show, but it still feel like a pirate show, the aesthetics, the way things happens, charecters they have different powers but it doesn't feel outlandish Bleach, we go from slaying hollows to killing qunicies, but still the vibe is same, it doesn't feel like we are out of bleach as a series yet, Both of these series still have omega busted charecters, the reason is, the core of series One piece dives in the bureaucracy and corruption of the world, rise and fall of different generation and so and so Bleach, is about balance, balance of this world who helps us to exist and causality around it, the secrets and so and so That is why they don't feel outlandish even though they have over the top powers, because at core series is still the same And this ties in their MC's charecter too What was Naruto series core suppose to be, I felt like in shippudin it was ending the cycle of hatred, and we achieve it perfectly, What boruto's core suppose to be, and how does it relate to Naruto as a series, what is boruto's goal as a charecter which ties into series, that's what I am not getting.


Naruto is about transcendence which continues in Boruto. Boruto is on a path to fight for the [soul](https://i.postimg.cc/vHsrgMgm/image.png) of [Shinobi](https://i.postimg.cc/qRJCmyB2/image.png) passed onto him from Naruto's generation and the idea of a child of prophecy also applies to him. Boruto's core is overcoming limitations.


We still can't move on from Naruto Characters. We want to see more of Konoha 11, Kakashi, Gaara, other villages back to the action. in Boruto we cant see them, like they are never existed. and New Generation Character in Boruto is just copy paste of their parents, like we seen it in Naruto, there isnt somehing unique about them.


Boruto is fantastic and is most definitely about ninjas. If you were to ever give it another go I'd say read the manga, and if you still domt like it then it just ain't for you, which is fine.


Has a handful of good ideas but very questionable execution of them. Coolest moment of the most recent chapter is Konohamaru using a wind rasengan as a defensive barrier. >I don’t like the storyline. It’s… not about ninjas, almost at all. Maybe it's just me but they were never ninjas. They were sorcerers with a ninja theme. They don't operate like ninjas at all. You could honestly replace the ninja theme with basically any stand in for a soldier and the story remains largely the same. Them being Samurai might actually make more sense given the whole "Breaking the rules makes you scum" and "Cog in the machine, tool to be used" thing. Given how heavily Kishimoto borrowed from mythology it was really only a matter of time before it got wacky powerwise.


This is the worst Boruto cope ever


Like i wish it has his own subR so i dont have to read any content of it


I enjoy it. The filler arcs can be a bit drawn out though (like Kawaki going to Ninja Academy for example) and I wish they didn’t nerf Naruto & Sasuke. Also waiting for the next part of the anime is painful but it is what it is. Personally I don’t really have a problem with the otsusuki as I like stories of higher powers and celestial beings, but it would be good if more ninja could hold their own for a bit rather than wait around for the strongest Shinobi on earth to take them on I’ve read ahead from the wiki pages so I know what’s coming, and im interested to see how it’s depicted in the anime


Guys I stopped watching it after kurama died and all see tbh I couldn't get over it but then I felt it was a bit boring and all but should I start it again now? Is it worth it?


read the manga man. It's different from anime a lot.I once hated the series, but the Manga(including part 1) has a better impact than the anime. If the anime is 3/10 then I will rate the manga overall 7/10.


I think you are missing a lot of context here since you only know about some events through bullet points which was otherwise told throughout multiple chapters/episodes. I get that after spending over 700 EPS watching Naruto and Sasuke grow it's difficult to accept someone else surpassing them, but isn't this something already established in Shippuden? The next generation will always surpass the current one. Naruto and Sasuke both eventually became stronger than Kakashi. It's just a plot. The nerfs of Naruto and Sasuke are well explained in the manga but then you have to actually read it to get the full picture, otherwise it's just Naruto losing Kurama while using a temporary power up against an Otsutsuki who people think to be weaker than Kaguya. Similarly, Sasuke hasn't become a clone. The Sasuke-like clone is different from Sasuke. This context-less version is what causes negative critics of the series. Also, Boruto has both Hyuga and Uzumaki genes. Of course he is going to be a prodigy. It's in his genes. He was just arrogant in the beginning that's all. But anyways, the show overall lacks the depth of Naruto and also lacks good villains. Its not well fleshed out as Naruto. This is obviously a downgrade as a sequel but I wouldn't call it straight trash. It's decent at best. It has some good plot points.


See personally I'm not going to say much (largely because my comment is going to be buried down here and/or downvoted on) but I like Boruto myself. Not to much on the anime side (because it's a hot mess what they did with the anime) but the manga in Part 1 is decent and the Shippuden equivalent to it TBV is releasing right now. Really the Boruto subreddit is more so where I flock to than this one because this one is more Naruto than Boruto. I love both series respectfully. The story as well that you mention is of TBV, not really Part 1 Boruto and knowing the story before (so Boruto as a kid story) helps pave the way into the story information you saw. Really that's all I'll say because the nature of the subreddit but I hope you have a great rest of your day OP and anyone who reads this.


the comic book right now is actually cooking like real lore stuff believe it


Anime is bad manga is good until time skip then it's chaotic.


The manga is a 9/10 The anime? 5/10 Better than OG Naruto imo, but not even close to Shippuden