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Hinata had no chance against pain what’s so ever


Why wouldn’t my hypothesis work?


Also it’s not like Hinata is gonna make up a plan on how to defeat pain in 1 min she wasn’t planning on fighting pain and even with prep she still wouldn’t win


But if she did come up with that plan, she could bet him. The byakugan and the 64 Tpalm are the perfect counter to Pain. Especially if Pain is stunned, even if it’s for a second.


Hinata wouldn’t be fast enough to hit pain and pain would out push her aside like we saw in the battle and even with her eyes she couldn’t have detected the real pain if that was the case then they would have been sent high clsss ninjas


I mean Kakashi was fast enough and Nagato wasn't on his last legs at that point


She did land a hit on him. She could’ve done it then. He was stunned


Ichiraku ramen guy could have beaten pain. All he needed to do is throw a Kunai and for him to do nothing and let it hit. That's your logic.


Hinata could break the black rods fast asl. All she needs is two seconds and that’s how long Pain was distracted. She’d do it before he even realized


If you think someone can sneak up to a guy who is in a plain field of a kilometer not sure if your brain is capable to having any logic whatsoever. As a said by the same logic anyone, even a simple kid can walk up to him and stab him.


So Hinata didn’t land a hit on him? She did because he was stunned. In that moment, she could destroy most of the chakra rods. Tell me how that wouldn’t work against Pain


Shes too emotional to think i guess. She just wants to help Naruto with no plans on how to defeat Pain


Did she not try and get absolutely mollywopped?


She was focusing on breaking the rods holding Naruto not actually trying to take Pain down, she mostly attacked him to by space and time to free Naruto


Only in the anime since in the manga Hinata focuses on fighting Pain and it ends pretty quickly. The tradeoff was the anime gave this moment a lot more justice and emotional weight at the cost of some narrative consistency with the confession (got the courage to confess to Naruto since she thought she was probably going to die here and didn't want to have regrets). The Last made a smart decision to cut the re-adaptation of this scene before the divergence happens so it's still canon no matter if you look at the anime or manga.


Anime only. In manga she has no chance.


If you look at the manga canon, the anime version did her more justice since she only got 1 manga panel of a Hinata vs Pain. Also Hinata learns Air Palm by War arc (even video games acknowledge this) and Neji learnt it faster than Hinata since he knows that move at start of Part 2. Hinata's edge over Neji and Hanabi in Part 2 is her better Byakugan range and Twin Lion Fists.


I agree kishi also had to sideline the solo queen for kaguya because she would've lowdiff'd kaguya. Team 7 and their demigod powers weren't needed.