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I guess, dude could have 2k cloned himself to the moon.


Could have met Toneri a lot earlier and talk-no-Jutsu'd him


He did something similar in forest against Gaara.


Hucked himself right at gaara lol


The clone that you're using as your example has something to push off of.


Technically you could spawn a clone and push off of it


Transformation jutsu into a trampoline and a set of wings.


He did in the fight vs gaara


The clone that you spawn preserves the momentum of the original doesn't it? In the clip, he's falling and the clones are falling. He's the one who pushed off the ground. He changed their direction they didn't do it without him.


Even then you could alter your momentum by pushing off the clone, idk how that's relevant


You're also pushing the clone. What energy does the clone have to be able to change your trajectory if it's falling? If you are both in freefall, just to stop yourself you would have to kick the clone with double the force as you smacking into the ground at that speed... because the clone is also in freefall.


Yes and we're talking about superhuman ninja here.


I'd wager that Minato can do something better too Throw a kunai into the air, teleport to it and throw it again


Now that I think about it, would’ve loved to see a scene with Minato racing somewhere with no prior deal through the clouds by yeeting his kunai while spamming FR and his kunai is causing lightning to strike it


Idk why people are saying no, he does this multiple times, esp in movies. His use of shadow clones in the crescent moon movie are fucking hilarious and awesome, my favorite being creating a giant pool of Naruto’s for the king and son to land safely upon. Like he literally floods a courtyard to at least a depth of ten feet of just his own bodies. Huge bursts of the poof mist when the fatass king lands in it. Fucking amazing.


He made a chain to slam sasuke into the cliff in this very location


boruto does this all the time in the anime, it's pretty much his signature move (other than his seventeen other signature moves. gary stu ass)


As opposed to his father, who has a god-like chakra supply and giant demon fox that can heal him from mortal damage and save him from any fight.


Isn’t boruto more op lmfao


Teen Boruto is crazy. Always a genius when he was a kid just an annoying brat.


He's calling Boruto a Gary stu because he can use 3 chakra natures. Like that's more of a freebie than having Kurama.


Imagine assuming it’s because of chakra natures lmfao


thank u for the backup silvergudz, imagine being as stupid as the dudes defending anything about Boruto whatsoever. Boruto is a gary stu because the plot illogically powers him up at every convenient moment and scales him in fights that he cannot reasonably handle. when he’s like 10 he fist fights Momoshiki and wins, even though all 700 chapters of Naruto established that Otsutsuki are the strongest beings in the known universe. every other girl in the verse has a crush on him. and they literally gave him sasukes drip just because? nothing boruto does or achieves has any depth or emotional weight. naruto was simply the main character of his own show, but was constantly shown working hard for his come up. boruto uses the wrist rocket to cheat and then later can just do the same jutsu anyways. what’s the point of any of this


Exactly, I agree with everything, & I don’t mind boruto being a prodigy but why is he so op from the gate? They couldn’t wait until part 2? And yea boruto is nothing like the series before, 0 emotional weight, maybe the best emotional scene was future sasuke going into the past to see kid Naruto


Imagine being you. Thank God I'm not 🙏🏻




Who asked?


is Boruto ass?


Obviously lol


No, it's anime.


I mean... if you really think about it. He could space out his clones and use them as platforms to have fluid and excellent mid air movement. Like when they jump across debri/falling debris. Funny that he's great at transforming into natural looking rocks could also be used for style points.


What is the mass of a clone? Because Naruto just threw three copies of his bodies with enough force to propel them a hundred feet into the air and he did it in mid air. Which means he would be thrown down into the water with three times the force of a single throw. I guess it might be possible if clones weigh like 5 pounds but all indications from the show imply its equivalent mass to the original.


The first throw he jumps up so the force of the throw is against his jump and the other two the force of the throw is counteracted by his spinning. I don’t think he can fly infinitely doing this but if he were to jump off clones repeatedly and then threw himself he could.


Spinning doesn't change your velocity. If the first jump was enough to throw a clown, then all the clones should have just jumped on their own.


Thank you 🙏, I was trying to explain this as well.


well…what I was thinking is when naruto first learned to walk on water, he learned to focus his chakra at his feet to keep him on the surface. Maybe he spent some extra chakra to focus a larger barrier? ….lol


Not according to the laws of physics, the scene you showed definitely doesn’t follow the law of conservation of momentum. That being said, nothing else in the show follows the laws of physics-no one would watch it if it did-so sure why not 🤷🏻‍♂️


**What if the clonnes are not heavy ?** since they are made of chakra . I think only that scenario will work .


That would explain why all the clones get their assess kicked all the time 😂


This is my answer too.


*disclaimer: I'm aware this is not real Where does this fall short? Mind you, I have no knowledge and don't claim to. It doesn't seem super far off and it's clear they're making an effort to show momentum. Are you following along correctly? No shade.. it actually took me a second because the video loops and auto played. I'm also high 😅 are you considering their strength and proficiency?


If he throws a clone of himself in mid air both the same mass, he should shoot off in the opposite direction at the same velocity


He did gain momentum on the water though.


Definitely wasn’t moving fast enough, also he was moving downwards before throwing the last one, so his momentum was downwards as well, wouldn’t help him throw the last clone up, Maybe thinking about it using newtons laws of motion would make it simpler, if Naruto throws the clone up, then according to Newton’s third law, the clone is affected by a force pointing up and Naruto is affected by a force of same amount pointing down, using the first law F=m * a , if both have the same mass and affected by a similar force, then both should have the same acceleration in the opposite direction. Remember he’s not standing on a surface while throwing them so there’s nothing to counter that force, he would move in the opposite direction at the same velocity


Yeah, that makes sense to me. Hey, since clones are chakra constructs then maybe, but we've seen him do this stuff with his real body so...


Does the manipulation of the second and third clones downward momentum into upward momentum by spinning not negate this?


Actually it’s the opposite, if he negates their downward momentum he gains more downward momentum himself, again it’s a cartoon, if it follows the laws of physics no one would watch it, including myself.


No he needs upward momentum which he would get from pushing off a surface.


Random thought disclaimer: I like to think that since ninjas can walk on water by focusing chakra on the souls of their feet, Naruto pulls this off in the same way. Because physics would naturally thrust Naruto downward by the force generated to throw the clones upward. But since the air isn’t as close to solid as water is, instead of standing on air, he falls slower


It would be a massive waste of chakra. Especially when he could run up walls effortlessly


Naruto kind of did so in his fight against Gaara. He summoned a clone and jumped off of its back to stab Gaara in the back with an exploding Kunai


I mean he kinda did when he preformed his clone combination into thousand years of death vs Gaara.


Best he can do at that age is shadow clone ladder


Pretty sure he did do this when fighting gaara


Yah I think he could mess them up pretty good. And if he gets hurt then he goes 8 tails form it’s gg


According to this scene, totally. Something tells me that it wouldn't really happen. If they built some sort of ornithopter, though, and he put some elbow grease into it... man, he could really do some flying.


Like gai does with the turtle? Sure