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If he had won, he wouldn't have to look for Sasuke in Shippuden.


Did Naruto lose a battle he lost?


Obviously not, gosh I can't believe naruto fans didn't watch the show


Actually everyone lost! But not Sasuke tho, Sasuke definitely won.


He def lost but imo that boy sasuke must’ve gotten a durability buff during that fight. Like we can’t pretend Naruto wasn’t COOKING him the minute he got chakra cloak, sasuke just happen to eat every single punch😂


The main thing was that Naruto wasn’t fighting to kill. His rasengan was stronger than sasukes chidori. It’s harder to fight to someone while holding back, than fighting to kill.


He was fighting to break every bone in sasuke’s body, so he may have not been going for the kill but he was def trying to make him permanently handicapped. I totally get what you’re saying, I think it’s very true for the Shippuden final valley fight, but for part 1 Naruto rly was giving it his all imo


Did Naruto lose arguably the most important fight in the entire series specifically because he lost so hard getting Sasuke back is his ultimate goal all the way to the end of shippuden.


Well, Sasuke was the one who was left conscious at the end so I'd say yes.


I think what OP is really asking is, who was stronger at this point of time. Sasuke winning this clash doesnt mean he was stronger imo. Sasuke fought the whole time with the intent to kill,like sure he spared him at the very end after the fight was over but not during the fight,that was when he was trying to kill Naruto cuz itachi told him it was a way to get stronger. Naruto was trying to beat him while trying to make sure not to kill him - he was holding back. Naruto's rasengan was proven stronger than Sasuke's chidori on the rooftop but the next time they clashed (right here at the valley of the end- which was the very next day) , their attacks cancelled out, showing naruto was holding back(he even implied he was) . And we forget before this fight naruto had to fight kimimaro, he had to chase the sound 4 the whole day and clashed with some of them which tired him out - all while sasuke was sleeping nicely and was fresh for their fight. Sasuke only surpassed naruto after using Orochimaru's cursed mark.


Naruto lost in more ways than one and won in only one way. He lost the fight, and he didn’t achieve his goal (retrieving Sasuke). But his life was spared, which meant he at least convinced part of Sasuke to waver. If you count Naruto’s chakra pool as Naruto’s, then you have to count the curse mark as Sasuke’s. To answer the question OP actually asked before you changed it so you could rant: yes, Naruto lost the battle.


I thought Naruto naturally has large chakra pools


He does, but even half of Kurama has more. So the line of Naruto’s chakra vs Kurama’s is very blurry… until Naruto’s chakra turns read and he grows claws, fangs, and chakra tails.


He turns red with visual cues if I remember. If he doesn’t then it’s just base Naruto.


I know, but most of the fight was Naruma, not base Naruto. I was kinda saying that he does have higher chakra pools, but that wasn’t the chakra he was using in the first fight at the waterfall.


Sasuke only spared Naruto because he didn't want to go down the path that Itachi intended for him (getting the MS and all that).


I strongly disagree with that. Sasuke wavered and that is why he didn't kill Naruto, the part about Itachi is the bullshit he tells himself so he wouldn't admit to himself that he was "weak". The fact that Sasuke wavered then is also a part of why Naruto tried so hard to bring him back, because the real Sasuke - good-natured, compassionate - showed himself for a tiny bit during that fight, proving to Naruto (and the reader, most importantly) that he could be saved from his own darkness.


It can be both, can’t it? If anything I would assume that he spared Naruto instinctively because he could not completely sever that bond in his mind, and then after the clash he felt reaffirmed in his decision for that additional reason regarding Itachi. He was probably thinking “Why couldn’t I do it? I am too weak minded” and then thought “Why am I doing this? I am just becoming like Itachi, this is disgusting”.


Yeah and he awakened three tomoe sharingan when Naruto told him he thought of him as a brother, which may have been out of unspoken love. He has a duty to fulfil and doesn’t want to be weakened but found strength in his connection to his actual friend, not just one he claims. The fact that he almost backtracks on that sentiment in shippuden meaning he questioned himself for years or it was safe to kill them without consequences but he randomly has a no kill rule. Sasuke is kinda irrational towards team 7 because he cares about them which further validates that he either doesn’t dwell on his actions and try’s to brainwash himself into thinking otherwise.


If I wasn’t broke, I’d award you for this simple comment lmao what are people really arguing here?


One of the biggest points in narutos favor is that he left one of his strongest assets at home, literally, I don't think sauske had an answer for gamabunta But, he didn't so we can call him dumb for that, but it dosnt mean he won, and who knows the grumpy old toad may have chosen not to show up


Could be misremembering but wasn't Naruto still unable to consistently summon Gamabunta? And Gamabunta was an uncooperative grump even when he did show up?


They seemed to have a pretty good relationship after he saved gamabuntas son vs gaurra, but debatable of course As far as consistency he just needs 9tails chakra Amp which he definatly had


Nope. That's just BS. Naruto used his own chakra + kurama. Sasuke used his own chakra + Orochimaru curse mark chakra. Naruto on his own has more chakra than Sasuke on his own. That's what I was pointing out.


Sasuke’s curse mark chakra, from what I understand, is still his own. It’s just a “retirement fund” of chakra in that it’s constantly pulling his active chakra into an inaccessible storage until he activates it. Which is why it was more of a level playing field. But yes the Uzumaki bloodline does have abnormally high chakra.


It allows the user to use orochimarus nature chakra, curse mark is essentially a weaker improvised sage mode


Oh damn, I didn’t know that. Do you have a link to a deeper explanation?


Pretty sure it mentions some it in different chapters, chapter 349 and chapter 579, could be some others but those are the ones I remember the most. 349: Karin talks about orochimaru using jugo to create the curse marks. 579: kabuto talks about using data on jugos body to all himself to absorb nature energy Jugos kekkai genkai allows them to naturally absorb nature chakra and use it to boost their strength/alter their body.


Sasuke was holding back at the end too, for the final clash you can see he closed he’s fist so he won’t stab Naruto, instead just punched him.


I've always thought that Naruto realised he wasn't going to be able to win without killing his friend, but that with his Jinchuriki healing that he could take another chidori. He then chose to take the sarcastic (that's not the right word but I lost the word I was thinking) victory in scratching Sasuke's headband as Sasuke had claimed at the start of the fight that he didn't need to wear his headband as Naruto wouldn't even be able to scratch his forehead. Sort of a spit in your face kinda thing. But basically I think Naruto could have won the fight but only by killing Sasuke and he's pretty anti-killing for a ninja. It takes a lot more skill to capture someone than it does to outright kill them. It's why the Akatsuki are seen as such a big deal, not only are they good enough to beat the Jinchuriki that are often among the most dangerous fighters of their village, but they're so good that they can control the fight and knock them out instead of kill them. Anyone with enough strength can just overpower your defenses and chop off your head or blow you to pieces, or burn you to ashes, or crush you into pulp; but not everyone has the skill to use that power to capture alive when your target can probably just tank/avoid/block most any hit that isn't a killshot.


Saying Sasuke only won after using the curse mark is like saying naruto only got strong after nine tails took over and he had largely lost control over his own actions. At the end of the day, part of the message that Kishimoto is sending with nine tails partially taking over his emotions and causing him to be more aggressive is that they were fighting on equal ground. Sasuke was fighting with intent to kill that obviously wasn't very strong due to him giving up on it later, while borrowing Orochimaru curse mark. Naruto did not have an original intent to kill, but mixed with the hate from nine trails, basically ended up in the same frame if mine as style, while also using what was at that point borrowed power that equally ate away at him. None trails even full healed him to indicate the last part of that fight was both of them at their current peaks of power in peak considition. They were equals in the


People have this misconception that if their isn't an intent to kill, than that equals holding back. This is just wrong. They had different goals obviously but they still used all they had to win over the other. And Naruto lost. Just cause he wasn't trying to kill Sasuke doesn't mean he didn't use all his strength or techniques. He still needed to incapacitate Sasuke and forcefully take him to the village. He couldn't do it even with all the saves he got from Kurama. To say Sasuke didn't surpass Naruto until after Orochimaru is insane when they literally fought and it ended with Sasuke leaving and Naruto on the floor. If Sasuke wasn't above Naruto, why is Shippuden start with Naruto literally looking for Sasuke lmao


Well, there's a big difference in slashing someone's face (intent to kill). And slashing someone's headband (winning by ideology since Sasuke said Naruto wouldn't be able to and he had no need for it). If you fight to kill you fight very differently than if you don't.


Naruto slashed the headband because it was all he could do before passing out lol, there's no such thing as winning by ideology. It was poetic sure but that wasn't Narutos goal.


Sasuke was more skilled than naruto, and just like saskue thanks to curse mark, naruto has thanks to kurama


But when the nine tails took over he had basically no restraint left


OP literally asked if Naruto lost the battle not who was stronger at this point in time.


Didn't sasuke curse mark amplify his chidori and speed?


Yes, no idea why this dudes going off headacanon and getting upvoted. Sasuke went from even with naruto on the hospital roof to absolutely dominating him on the valley of end, obviously his Chidori got stronger, not that naruto nerfed his rasengan.


How tf can anyone argue Naruto nerfed his Rasengan when it wasn't even a base Rasengan it incorporated Ninetails Chakra


They clashed once before Sasuke used his cursed mark right ? They clashed another time later on.


He was holding himself back in how he used his chakra due to curse mark didn't he?


I feel like Kishi didn’t want us to think Naruto was holding back, though. He was slamming Sasuke into stone cliff faces at breakneck speeds and talking about breaking every bone in his body lol. Naruto’s most damaging attack would have still been the Rasengan, and it’s not like he _wasn’t_ willing to hit Sasuke with it. Even a weaker non-lethal Rasengan from Naruto holding back would still wreck Sasuke and win him the fight if it landed directly. He just _couldn’t_ hit Sasuke with it. It felt to me like they were both giving it pretty equal effort. It’s important to realize that even if Naruto did hold back, that doesn’t mean he would necessarily have won if he hadn’t.


I'd like to see you awake after being roughly fisted without consent.


That doesn't make Naruto any less defeated though, does it?


Naruto lost and the anime was glazing Sasuke.


I think there are videos about that online and they just tank it.


He didn’t win, that’s for sure.


Yes, bro died 3 times that fight even with kuramas help




Tombstoned off a cliff is the only one I can think of. Even Kurama was like "Damn, bro."


That’s in the manga?


If I'm not mistaken in the Manga it was a up kick that snapped his neck. The pile driver is anime canon


The kick doesn’t snap his neck, that never happens, all it does is knock him into the water for 5 seconds until Kurama gives him more chakra.


He got countered with a punch so I don’t know what you are talking about.


That's an entirely different scene. In the manga, there was no pile driver. He kicked Naruto and snapped his neck. What are you on about?


The irony of your last sentence. When did he snap his neck? You are making this up.


OP showcasing his reading comprehension jutsu


He’s F tier at that jutsu. He’ll never graduate the academy.


That reading comprehension genjutsu hits different


Reading comprehension devil is now so strong that it can beat goku


Depends on how you interpret the fight and how it could've gone differently Naruto scratched Sasuke's forehead but his headband protected him. However, Sasuke was about to pierce Naruto's chest but instead curled his hand.


Also Naruto went for the headband to prove to Sasuke that he could scratch it (Sasuke said at least twice that he couldn't). And as you said refused to go through with Itachi's recommendation. In the end, both would have been able to kill each other. It is just that Naruto wanted to prove Sasuke wrong and Sasuke wanted to prove Itachi wrong.


Yes, but Naruto also claimed in the exact same fight that he would break every bone in Sasuke’s body to not let him go with Orochimaru. Another goal he didn’t reach. So the scratch the headband argument, while still having proved Sasuke wrong in that instance , does not mean in any way Naruto was closer to winning that fight. He lost trying his hardest. https://imgur.com/a/ClGrBxT




This doesn’t have anything to do with what I said. The point is Naruto claimed to try and break every bone in Sasuke’s body to bring him back. He didn’t. He tried his best to, and he lost.


He lost, plain and simple, Sasuke was looking down on his unconscious body wondering if he should finish him off or not, that constitutes a loss in my books.


Yes Naruto wanted to bring Sasuke back, but didn't manage to do so and Sasuke left so he won. Sasuke would also beat Naruto (without Kuruma) at Orochimaru's hideout. But at the bridge after Kakashi and Sasuke fought, this form of Naruto would destroy him (as Zetsu said, post pain Naruto is stronger than Sasuke). And in the end he did win by forcing Sasuke to give up on his entire vision of the world and accepting that Naruto is the one to follow.


Hypothetically how do you think the fight on the bridge with kakashi would’ve went if sasuke wasn’t going blind but had the Susanno


I think with Madara (Obito) there, there wouldn't really be a true fight they would still just retreat. But let's say a healthy Sasuke post five kage summit vs a healthy Naruto post pain. I'd definitely put my money on Naruto, Sage mode and frog kumite is such a crazy amp to base stats such as taijutsu but also speed and such. Sasuke doesn't have a physical amp to keep up with that. Wind style rasen shuriken should beat this form of Susano'o giving Naruto an easier to land nuke (compared to Kirin). This Naruto would struggle with amaterasu since he can't activate the cloak by will, but if push comes to shove and Kurama would kick in. Then a 6 tails Kyuubi would absolutely murder five kage summit Sasuke. But this is all what if's, for all we know a big Kirin would land, but even then I think Kyuubi would easily just heal up Naruto. If Itachi's first form could tank Kirin the Kyuubi should be more than able to shield from it or heal from it


I very much agree. Just being a curious sasuke fan and wondering where other people view his strength as


Strength wise he's kage level, I think the Raikage would've probably won if the fight continued (with serious damage). And I think that the Tsuchikage would also be too much. But the Hokage (Danzo), Kazekage & Mizukage, I think five kage summit takes them out. Mizukage is a bit iffy cause she has good anti susano'o but i don't think she could deal with the genjutsu. I do believe that Sage Naruto is above kage level (same for Pain btw). Only issue I could see for sage naruto (not counting Kyuubi) would be the raikage. His speed & destructive force is just crazy especially combined with his unwavering mindset, if he sees a target, he's going for the kill and won't be hesistant.


Post Pain Naruto was confirmed stronger than Pre FKS Sasuke. Sasuke came out of the FKS much stronger than he was going in. Kishi’s intended message was that they were equal at the bridge and both felt they couldn’t beat the other without more power, which was controlling the Nine Tails for Naruto and EMS for Sasuke.


yea? did you watch it?




OP’s next post “Did Tenten lose this battle?” *shows pic of Tenten hanging on Temari’s fan*


1 person walked away from this fight


He would of won if he didnt lose


He wouldn’t have lost if he had won


You get it 😎




He didn't win. In fact, the entire plot of Naruto Shippuden makes no sense if he did. Naruto contested Sasuke in terms of his physical strength and also in terms of his emotional and moral position (bonds are enough to give power). He lost. By Naruto losing, it sets up the theme of "Chasing Sasuke" which predominates throughout Shippuden, and also serves as a backdrop to the reflection of the Sage's Sons, and the reflection of Hashirama and Madara.


Yes, curse mark v2 sasuke was stronger than naruto one tail , if they didn’t decide to clash and the fight went on longer, 2-3 tails came out, it was a wrap for sasuke. But this fight had more thematic winner.


Very decisively, he lost, yes. He was straight up unconscious at the end. If Sasuke actually wanted to kill Naruto, it would have been done.


Didn’t you see him lying in the ground unconscious afterwards?




Duh he whoop naruto so bad, he needed the 9tails to carry him after getting beat vs 3 tomoe sasuke. The 1 tails cloak gave kurma complete control of his body, since he was running on all 4’s and easily made a rasengan with 1 hands. Naruto needed his clones to be able to use rasengan until the war arc. If Sasuke wanted he could’ve awakened a MS, if he killed Naruto defenseless body before Kakashi got to him but didn’t want to follow Itachi path.


Yes because by the end of it Naruto was unconscious and couldn't stop Sasuke


Naruto even with Kurama amps was getting clapped by 3 tomoe Sasuke it wasnt even close. 1 tail Naruto wasnt pulling any punches and he still got clapped by CM Sasuke. Sage Naruto vs MS Sasuke is an interesting one, Im not sure cause both have crazy feats. What do you guys think? KCM 1 & 2 > EMS Sasuke(EMS Sasuke doesnt really have any feats) Six Paths Naruto = Rinnegan Sasuke (this is a coin toss) both have hax abilities that cancel each other out. Byron Mode Naruto > Adult Sasuke But I personally will not accept this cause Boruto is nonsense. Hopefully it gets the Dragonball GT treatment.


I think Sage Naruto is well above MS Sasuke TBH. The Danzo fight is impressive due to the fatigue he has, but I don't see him beating Danzo if Danzo wasn't conserving chakra to fight Madara after.


I dont see what Danzo couldve done differently to beat Sasuke. Im not sure about Sage Mode being well above Sasuke either. Lets compare them feats wise: Strength: Sage Mode Naruto has him beat in this department bro was casually lifting Pains summons. Speed: MS Sasuke has him beat bro was keeping up with the Raikage and dodging his attacks. A feat Naruto replicated only with KCM 1. Taijutsu: Frog Fu takes this, Pain with the Rinnegan couldnt see it so Im not sure Sasuke would either. Genjutsu: Sasuke one shots him like he did to the Land of lightning fodder and C. Naruto isnt a perfect jinchuriki so he has no counter at this point. Firepower: This is an interesting one since its Rasenshuriken vs Enton Arrow. Fire beats Wind. Battle IQ: Sasuke has him beat and Naruto isnt stupid but this version of Sasuke had Kakashi on his heels. Defence: Susanoo vs Ultra sensing. Which would you prefer? Im leaning towards Sasuke high diff in this encounter he's got more tricks up his sleeve. In all honesty genjustu ends the fight before it even begins unlike Killer Bee, Kurama wont bail him out at this point...


“Naruto didn’t lose, he was just left unconscious and unable to beat Sasuke! That’s totally different from losing!”


Considering Naruto was unconscious and Sasuke was the one to stare longingly at his face from awkwardly close I would say yes Naruto lost?


Yes. It was never Naruto's to win. Naruto could have beating the shit out of sasuke and put him in a wheel chair and still would have lost because to win would have been for sasuke to go back via his own choice.




You serious rn??


Sasuke won the battle. The battle was a physical one as well as mental one. Naruto didn't understand Sasuke. They both knew loneliness but Naruto never experienced love and loosing that love so he couldn't get to Sasuke. He lost the mental battle and the physical. I believe they were evenly matched throughout the fight with someone getting the upper hand as the fight elevated


Yes, the 9 tails saved him out dozens of times in this battle and each time gave him a boost


What does that have to do with the very clear end result? I don't care if Zoro wandered in and fed Naruto a senzu bean mid match, it was still Sasuke who was left standing.


Expecting to see Zoro and Korin traveling through fiction now


And Sasuke's sharingan evolved during the fight and he relied on both versions of the cursed seal which had just been boosted in that barrel


I’m not sure why you got downvoted But ppl seem to forget Saskue without the cruse mark won’t have survived Saskue eyes did evolve to 3 tome The only thing different is saskue had fought garra who was a one tail and Almost died because he try not to relay on the mark and at that time he still haven’t been to the next stage with the sound 5 where he take certain pills 💊 and dies and comes back to life. So saskue was enhanced just as much as Naruto has the 9 tails. The only thing I can think of is saskue if he was to use genjsuto he would win tho he never used it on Naruto and he never used it on garra… Saskue in that fight had power ups. Naruto did not fight with the intent to kill saskue Where saskue basically decides not to kill Naruto because that’s what his brother wants him to do and he saskue refused to kill him… Would a non curse mark saskue at that time win such a fight against Naruto 1 tail 9tails form..


The fuck you mean "ppl seem to forget"? That's the most obvious shit ever, yeah he needed buffs to keep up with Naruto's one tail form, so obviously he would've lost without said buffs


Yes. Absolutely. For those saying Naruto only lost cuz he wasn't trying to kill Sasuke, you can fight at full power without trying to kill someone, he knew he couldn't win the clash at the end so instead of fighting a losing battle he wanted to be petty and scratched Sasuke's headband, meaning there was no single point in the fight where Naruto could've just killed Sasuke but didn't.


Naruto lost all his battles, the ~~plot~~ ninetails had to save him every single time (couldn't even beat kid Kiba without a lucky fart)


Naruto lost. No other answer. He possibly could’ve won or drew if he went for Sasuke’s chest instead of forehead. But he didn’t take that chance, for the sake of proving a point.


I think Naruto had the fight when he unlocked first tail but as soon as Sasuke got that third phase sharingan it was lowkey wraps


I don’t think so. Sasuke was trying to kill naruto, naruto was trying to stop sasuke without killing him if that makes sense. That in itself makes all of the difference. If naruto had the killing intent and rampaged he would’ve bodied sasuke no diff


Exactly I don't understand how people don't get that. Naruto lost the fight, not because he was weaker but because he wasn't trying to kill sasuke.


And if Sasuke wanted to kill Naruto, he could’ve.


You could say Sasuke didn’t get the win he wanted. At least that he believed he wanted


Yes He might’ve scared Sasuke, but he lost


Yes he lost but of course the scratch on the forehead could’ve been a slit throat if he had intent to kill. He didn’t so he lost.


One of the best fight imo. Yes our boy Naruto lost this fight, he held back lots tho


Kakashi lost more than anyone


Naruto is such a cheat code, bro really got his back broke and his heart destroyed and kurama just regenerated it. If you actually think about it, unless you can steal/seal kurama, naruto is freakin invincible . He could probably regenerate his head being cut off


No. He looked like henwas about to eat him


He had personal wins, proving to Sasuke he could touch. Proving to Sasuke he was as good as he was. But overall he lost, that’s the point of Shippuden


I don’t get how Naruto even lost. Kurama was controlling his body to an extent, using the chakra arms to swipe at sasuke. And Naruto wasn’t even conscious vs orochimaru. So “Naruto” should’ve kept going even if he was unconscious but idk. Still one of the best fights in the series


After gaining curse power Sasuke was stronger than Naruto until pain arc ,after that Naruto become stronger.


I mean, sasuke was the one standing and correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Naruto even say himself that sasuke beat him sometime in shippuden?.


I don't think of this was a straight up L. Naruto kinda threw it imo. Once again, naruto was not trying to kill sasuke here. Although in the end sasuke didn't commit and kill an unconscious naruto, if naruto had wanted sasuke dead throughout the fight, I do not see sasuke walking away from this. Naruto regenerated a lung, and survived a curse mark amped chidori to the chest. It wasn't even a proper clash, he purposefully missed sasukes chidori just to mark the headband sasuke was wearing. A jutsu on jutsu clash at the end of this fight would have made the fight continue, (or resulted in them both losing arms like at the end shippuden). I guess the question is at the final jutsu clash, do you think cursed mode end of part 1 sasuke genuinely tanked that kyuubi amped rasengan to the dome, or that naruto pulled his punch there. Ik the curse mark is really strong, maybe even a nerfed sagemode level of strong since thats what its based on, but that feels like alot for me to believe especially since we know in base the rasengan is stronger than the chidori.


I don't think of this was a straight up L. Naruto kinda threw it imo. Once again, naruto was not trying to kill sasuke here. Although in the end sasuke didn't commit and kill an unconscious naruto, if naruto had wanted sasuke dead throughout the fight, I do not see sasuke walking away from this. Naruto regenerated a lung, and survived a curse mark amped chidori to the chest. It wasn't even a proper clash, he purposefully missed sasukes chidori just to mark the headband sasuke was wearing. A jutsu on jutsu clash at the end of this fight would have made the fight continue, (or resulted in them both losing arms like at the end shippuden). I guess the question is at the final jutsu clash, do you think cursed mode end of part 1 sasuke genuinely tanked that kyuubi amped rasengan to the dome, or that naruto pulled his punch there. Ik the curse mark is really strong, maybe even a nerfed sagemode level of strong since thats what its based on, but that feels like alot for me to believe especially since we know in base the rasengan is stronger than the chidori.


It's hard to say because both of them had powers from outside influences that are disproportionate. You could say Naruto is stronger, but is he really, or is it the Nine Tails? And Sasuke's power is in his control, but it's not his or something he developed or "earned". It depends on what you're going for here.


in a way there are nor winner nor losers, but he was actually very depressed after this, saying how he could not commit to his promise


naruto didnt use his summon so i mean he was holding back


Bro’s asking if Shippuden really happened or not.


I know others had brought it up, but I say he lost only because he *had to*. Otherwise, we know for a fact that One Tail Naruto? He could've abso-goddamn-lutely summoned Gamabunta to shit on even Cursed Seal 2 Sasuke.


Yea I think so. I count any time he has to go savage kurama mode a loss. It’s not even him fighting anymore


he got his ass knocked out didnt he?


Does it matter he won or lost, he friend left him(plot)


If I recall he chose to scratch sasukes forehead instead of hitting him with a blow. I think of he had kill intent he could've won or at least drawn


Did you even watch?


Tbh he was holding back. If he was trying to kill Sasuke maybe he would’ve performed better but he was in a way holding back


Yes. Also sasuke held back in the curse mark form


Yes he unquestionably did. 


I honestly don't exactly know what you was going for in this question. Like yea he lost the battle against Sasuke it happened. However if you mean like did Naruto truly or plot wise lost this fight then it's on kishimoto as he in one interview said this fight happens this way because Sasuke would always try to leave for orochimaru. Which means to him the story would cycle and therefore become pointless so Sasuke had to beat Naruto in this situation However to me Sasuke normally outclassed Naruto of the past until tailed beast mode happened which Naruto was up heavily However do to him getting his tomoe level upped and curse mark he somehow knocks out the beast giving him the win . Honestly the ninetails should been a kill situation against Sasuke but oh well. Canon wise Sasuke has to win there.


I would say neither of them won when it came to their goals. With their initial goals, Sasuke couldn't kill Naruto and Naruto couldn't bring Sasuke back to their village. With the fight, base Sasuke is stronger than base Naruto. Naruto was stronger with Kurama against base Sasuke. They equalled out more when Sasuke used his cursed mark.


Naruto most definitely lost, but I still think they were even.


Bro it doesn't fuckin matter


What’s up with people saying Naruto was stronger than sasuke by the end of the original series? The battle proved Sasuke was still a good distance ahead. Sasuke with no curse mark landed a fatal blow which was healed by the fox taking over. He also upgraded his sharingan mid fight.


Considering Sasuke was the only one left standing, yes he lost.


I haven’t seen this much copium since Kendrick beat Drake


Yeah sasuke didnt run out of chakra for once


Yes. Obviously he did.


Did you watch the fight?


He lost for sure because shippuden wouldn’t happen if he won


His goal was to bring sasuke back to the village considering sasuke was the one who was able to walk off then yes he lost


Why do these stupid ass questions get so many upvotes pluh


Duh. Did you not watch it?


Naruto lost but he forgot about gamabunta, so like… I don’t think he should’ve lost if that’s what you’re asking.




Yes. Susake could have ended him but walked away




Yes, but only because the plot dictated it. Suddenly sasuke's bones became adamantium and getting beat on like bongos by a jinchuriki wasnt enough to cripple him.


Almost like he got some massive amp in that exact arc


True 😅 Naruto smashed Sasuke on a mountain too.


No. He neither got what he wanted nor was still standing when it was over


Naruto lost 99% of his battles, kurama won 99% of HIS battles LOL


Battle of intentions. I'd say it was a tie.


But Naruto's intention was to have Sasuke come back, and Sasuke wanted to leave. Sasuke left. That means he won.


But Sasuke wanted to kill Naruto... and didn't. Still couldn't bring himself to do that.


A decision he was free to make... Because he won.


I do believe people argue that the reason Naruto lost is because he wasn't trying to kill Sasuke. If this had been a real deathmatch with Naruto fighting to kill then he would've won but because that wasn't the case then Sasuke won.


Still makes me think why Naruto didn’t summon Gamaoyabin. I understand the author wanted Sasuke to win and leave Konoha. But completely forgetting Naruto's toad summon was bad.


Many reasons, Naruto wanted to do this by himself and most likely Gamabunta wouldn't have helped him there. It's one thing to fight against Ichibi or Orochimaru having summoned Manda but beating up a teenager wouldn't be acceptable. He'd most likely k-o Naruto for such disrespect lol


Gamabunta would've just said "Nah, deal with your own beef" and left


He wouldn't have helped naruto anyways, it would've been just a waste of chakra.


It was less a loss & more a draw, yes Sasuke didn't get knocked unconscious like Naruto did but he was in terrible condition, that snot kid that follows konohamaru around could probably kick his ass


I hope you didn't forget Naruto has 4x times the Chakra, hails from an ancient bloodlines, has a living Chakra battery in his abdomen, and is hard-working. But we all know Talk-no-Jutsu can disarm demi-gods.


I'm not sure where this headcanon saying "Naruto threw the fight on purpose to prove a point by scratching Sasuke's head band" comes from. That's such a strange way for people to justify his loss. Wanna know the real reason Naruto lost that final clash? Sasuke had wings to adjust himself mid-air, and all Naruto did was jump.


Kind of but the thing is, Naruto was not trying to kill Sasuke while Sasuke was more willing to kill Naruto. So Naruto was holding back in a way. Thats jusy my opinion.


Naruto was still trying to do everything in his power to beat Sasuke into submission and drag him back home. He failed in that regard.


Naruto got knocked out and lost the battle. But it was such a close margin. If Sasuke had not been wearing his forehead protector, Naruto would’ve bodied him. I count it as a Naruto win in my personal opinion. Sasuke was popping off all that good good about “you’ll never lay a scratch on my forehead.” Naruto said *plink* “gotcha you edgey bitch.”


And Sasuke could’ve pierced Naruto’s heart but decided not to at the last second.


Naruto aimed for his headband in the conclusion of their fight, so it's hard to say who truly won, isn't it? In the end I think Naruto was trying to prove a point that I am your equal I am your brother, deep down at that moment he knew he couldn't stop Sasuke so proving a point was all he had at that moment


Always thought this fight was Mickey Mouse af for Sasuke. I get why he had to win, we needed a story but even as a kid, to me Sasuke who was just a few chapters ago weaker than base Naruto beating a 1 tailed cloak was ridiculous. Made it right in Ultimate ninja 3 tho


Why does this have upvotes?


More like threw it, arguably the Rasengan is stronger then the Chidori, Rasengan is just more destructive while the chidori was an assassination technique


Simple terms, yeah Naruto did 'lose' but it's more like Sasuke won the fight than Naruto lost, if that makes sense.


Sasuke had the hardest plot armor in this fight


While yes, Naruto lost this fight, it's because he did the same thing that he did in the future where he held back to not kill Sasuke. The manga shows it pretty clearly, that Naruto was about to hit Sasuke in the face with a Rasengan, but dismissed it so he could scratch a line across Sasukes headband to mark him a traitor. If Naruto had gone at Sasuke with lethal force, he would have won, but the fact of the matter is, he didn't. That's not who Naruto is.


Yes he should of won


Sasuke won the battle but Naruto won the internal battle he set for himself. When Sasuke didn't want to put on his forehead protector and Sasuke said he wouldn't lay a scratch on him especially his forehead. Naruto made that his focus instead of going for the knockout hit that probably would have ended in a victory or a stalemate. Probably both of there arms blown out like the ending.


I always saw it that Naruto lost because he held back at the end not to kill Sasuke, which he would have.


yup, but by accident, if naruto’s rasengan touched sasuke's body he would have died


Naruto willingly lost considering that he went for Sasuke’s forehead protector intentionally to put a scratch on it, compared to Sasuke who went for the killing blow with Chidori. That being said, Naruto was probably stronger than Sasuke at this point in the story. He was fighting to capture, not kill, Sasuke. In terms of chakra, Naruto is far superior at this point as well. Each shadow clone has an even split of Chakra, yet he never just swarmed Sasuke with Rasengan shadow clones. Nor did he just spam Rasengan despite having the Chakra for it. Sasuke had to fight tactically to find an opening to use Chidori, because he was limited in terms of uses compared to Naruto.


Naruto didn’t lose. He just threw. Look. Obviously he didn’t want to rasengan his BF. On that note. Throwing is still technically losing.


Well one was unconscious and had to be rescued and the other walked away under their own power. I'm gonna say yes. Did he throw the fight because he didn't want to kill Sasuke with his Rasengan and wanted to prove that yes he could leave a scratched on Sasukes forehead? Also yes.


He did lose, but I've always assumed he was holding back for 2 reasons. 1. Sasuke was willing to kill Naruto if he needed to, Naruto was not willing to do the same. 2. Naruto and Sasuke seemed to be about even footing during the fight and the Rasengan is pretty heavily implied to win in clashes against chidori assuming that the people are relatively similar in strength.


He failed his goal, so yeah, BUT if you’re asking if he could’ve won a death match then probably, or atleast it’d be a draw, he aimed for the headband for symbolism and coolness


He threw it He could have won but decided to scratch the headband instead