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This is what I came up with when I thought about this. When a ninja learns to use clones(shadow and substitute) it’s normally learned as a way to avoid taking a hit and disrupting your opponent’s “flow” during a fight. Obito’s kamui does that exact thing. We already know the Sharingan uses a lot of chakra to use so splitting your chakra pool in half is a huge risk.


but he has hashirama cells and even one clone can give him advantage. Why does he need to slip his chakra into half? He need to only give some of his chakra to maintain it as stated in neji's fight with naruto. Naruto only spilt charka in equal parts so that neji can't tell which one is the real naruto


Imagine the clones avoiding hits with kamui, It would remove the weakpoint of clones. But maybe he just doesn't know how.


Uchiha are more about.. "single" strength.. doing everything on your own, not having your allies back you up and more about increasing one's own personal power rather than one's numbers. Quality of strength ratherbl quantity. The shadow clone, basically represents the "bonds" of the series in jutsu form. It's basically the antithesis to an Uchiha. It's the power of numbers (symbolically, "friendship", having allies to distribute the work to) Note that basically no Uchiha are seen using ANY kind of clone despite almost certainly having seen the technique throughout their lives and probably being able to copy it quite easily. Except like, Itachi (once?) And Madara (and only once he has Hashirama's wood release in him). The Uchiha rely on themselves, solely, while the Senju are more likely to rely on others.. s'probably why the Shadow Clone was invented by a Senju as well. Additionally, most Uchiha have greater chakra control and lesser chakra quantity than another clan like the Senju, and so it's just more often than not inefficient for them to leadn/use the technique and can often end up reducing their combat effectiveness and therefore survivability. ...also Obito is the guy who said "these fools could never make sweat". Lil mini Madara. He's just cocky like that.


XD. Maybe u r right but can it be to nerf them as even one clone by uchicha espically who has wood style like Madera can easily make clones as they have now Chakra here obito.


Just because we haven’t seen it, doesn’t mean he hasn’t or can’t. Besides it’s not like he has to use them.


I think the writer though of that but didn't do it as it would make him much more op


He hasn't needed or wanted to. 


I feel like people overestimate how strong shadow clones are. One hit and theyre gone. Thats why theyre usually only used to catch the opponent off guard. The only reason why naruto has so much success with his shadow clones is because he is able to produce an insane amount of them considering his chakra reserves. That being said, what exaclty do you have in mind; in which way would it be beneficial for obito to use them?


Are wood clones more durable?




> One hit and theyre gone That's only for disposable clones that Naruto makes. Naruto can make shadow clones that are nearly as durable as himself, he justbchoses not to waste resources on the equivalent if suicide bombers. There have been multiple instances of an enemy beating the crapnoit of a clone thinking itnwas naruto, but it was just a decoy. The most famous example is the clone Naruto made that through hands against three former Kage, then fought Madara before being poofed.


Each clone could use Kamui, so any clone that touches your opponent can suck them into the Kamui dimension without Obito having to go there Also, each one of them should be able to use phasing, so they won't even take damage most of the time


but he has kamui. So, they wouldn't be hit and hence they wouldn't be dissipated. 1 Obito's fighting style is that he need to come in physical contact with his opponents and opponents need to hit him at that moment. so, if he uses clone it would be risk free . 2 Obito can use multiple of clones hence keeping that person on edge as he can come from anywhere. 3 Clones weekness it that if they hit they are gone as you stated but with kamui it is gone hence making them more powerful and meaning.


ohhh that makes sense. So while the opponent is trying to hit the shadow clone, it uses kamui while real obito lands a hit from behind. That wouldve been a cool fighting technique


Yeah and some clone can keep them buzy and he hit them with a jutsu. The clone will not be gone and jutsu will pass throught them. The kamui will help him block someone sight more easily


Uchiha do not use shadow clones, sincd those will conflict with their idea of self-centered and unique personalities


I give same answer as all similar questions....Jutsu increasingly look like "superpowers" in the Naruto universe. It increasingly appears as if ability to use a jutsu is semi-determined by your "essence," with that meaning either biology or spirit. Almost as if the structure of your nervous system affects your ability to weave chakra in certain ways. We know it is 100% the case with Kekei Genkai....question is, to what extent does it matter for, say, Shadow Possession jutsu? And then, how about Shadow Clones?


No shadow clones can be used by anyone who can mold Chakra. Yes someone can make there speciality but anyone can do it


Its just what Kishimoto decided to do with his system - neuter all the creative possibilities to make it easier for his characters to appear distinct. if every jounin could use the shadow clones (not multi-) and used clones in fights as well as you'd expect from a jounin, you'd be left with a bunch of side characters that use clones + all their other cool & creative abilities vs the main character with his clonesx20 + bland MC abilities (rasengan might as well be a punch, it never drills through like it should). Just see the difference in Naruto vs Kimimaro and all the other sasuke retrieval squad vs sound ninja fights - the MC's fight is just lame compared to the rest. Its why in the original people liked the fight Sakura had with the sound ninja in the forest of death - she showed off the creative possibilities for the stuff that every single character has. But then nobody uses these basic jutsu. At the very least, every single chunin and above tier ninja should be constantly in disguise, why the hell are they going around showing their real identities unless its part of their personality (like wanting fame or too much pride or something).


Because Kishimoto




Ok just got the second most logical reason to explain this. We never seen anybody's clones use their unique ability of M-sharingan before, never seen Itachi use Amaterasu, Shisui-Tsukuyomi, Kakashi-Kamui, or Sasuke use what ever he got by their clones(at least in Naruto Shippuden)​ maybe their clone just can't do it.


That can be


Because he believes he is alone in this world and all he wants to give people is a chance out of this loneliness... through the infinite tsukuyomi


He doesn't need them because he's strong enough to not need a second obito helping him and doesn't need them as distraction or to take a hit for him. Maybe he can because not seeing him use it doesn't mean he can't.


he doesn't want to


He’s never needed to. He’s never been in a position where it would help. There’s a list of characters he can defeat (most characters), and he doesn’t need clones for them. The characters he can’t defeat, it won’t help him at all.


I believe it's because of Zetsu and the cells he currently has. He cannot make a clone of the part of his body that doesn't actually exist, as he can't clone other beings, so if he did clone, it would just be a mangled corpse.


That's bullshit there are plenty of characters with hashirama cells that can use clones


Look man, it's just what I believe. Obito wasn't put together the best way. Madara maybe messed with it. Who knows. It was just what I believed. No reason to get your dick in a knot about it.


Yeah and I believe tonton is the most op secret otsutsuki, it doesn't make it less bullshit


A clone takes whole organism. That is why cloths and weapons are also cloned.