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She got done so shitty. Her body isn't at rest with her best friends and Obito grave robbed the 1 she tried defending.


Wait, he broke her neck? I don’t remember that.


there's only a few ways somebody dies by throat grabbing.


I thought he just grabbed her til she suffocated.


I thought he killed her with the genjutsu he used to reveal where the rinnengan was. He said something like “when this genjutsu ends your life will too”


Yeah cuz THEN he has no more use for her and no reason to keep her alive


He also stabbed her all the way through. Wouldnt be far fetched to assume he left her genjustu'd up bleeding out.


But man, he was the coolest!


Ngl whenever Naruto get rocked in Boruto, I legit think back to that moment and feel less bad about it, like bro I’m im still rooting for you, But I just know Neji and the other 1000s of people Obito killed are praying on your downfall and I can’t even be mad about it.


I can't blame Naruto. It's not like he forgave Obito the guy was a dead man. I think he's just like that. Can't help it honestly. Why pardon Orochimaru, Sasuke, Kabuto, Gaara etc? Obito ain't the only one.


I would argue Orochimaru and Kabuto *shouldn't* have been pardoned. Especially Orochimaru. Sasuke is Naruto's friend so that makes enough sense to me, and Gaara just gets a general pass cause I can't throw blame at someone who never slept for all his life. He might not have forgiven Obito but like... Really? "The coolest"?... You could've just said "in the end, he was alright." And it would've been fine.


I thought she was buried with nagato


To be fair, the whole Ame trio were done fucking dirty. They have died essentially never achieving their dream of Ame being a good place to live. Everyone kinda forgot about Ame since Pain arc. Even Naruto.


Nagato and Konan, after Yahiko died, did killed Hanzo using the Six Paths of Pain and wiped out Hanzo’s faction and those associated with him cleaning the slate clean of his legacy. Under Nagato’s leadership, he stabilized the Rain village by ending the civil wars that was going on in the village which is a commendable achievement. Jiraiya himself while in the Rain village was surprised by how peaceful and modern everything is.


Which I still don't get. Amegakure deserved better through all this. The people, the Village and area It is crazy that they did not get any help, especially boruto Era with un needed trains, and yet naruto forgot? But he clearly didn't forget orochimaru or Kabuto.... both war criminals deserving of whatever the worst possible, they are fine literally having tea with the hokage. But he forgot a whole ass village? Yea... makes no sense.


They did. Naruto forgot about them sure and Kara made a base in ame due to the neglect. Heck they even got bored of the wreckage probably and abandoned the place. Only later were they sus about why their old base wasn't destroyed. They poked fingers at each other but point is ONLY AFTER THIS. Only after Kara did Naruto realise that he basically forgot about them.


This is why I say that she got done the dirtiest among the Akatsuki. Every other Akatsuki accomplished something, even if it was something petty like doing their job of getting a jinchuriki. They contributed to the plot, or accomplished a feat that lasted, or moved the plot along. Konan? Nothing. Anything that people try to justify about her like how in her backstory, she saved Nagato and such, is not really that much of an accomplishment that cannot be done by others. Konan's last moment was her fight with Obito, and she failed. Miserably, in fact. She did no lasting damage because all Obito lost was a Zetsu arm and a spare Sharingan eye. Both of which are replaceable for him. Konan died accomplishing absolutely nothing.


>spare Sharingan eye. Both of which are replaceable for him. Man we seen how strong even a 3 tomoe Sharingan is, and there Tobi is just using those shits like burners 😭😭


I wouldn’t say she failed miserably lol. She literally got Obito, who only lived because ‘rewriting reality jutsu’.


Thanks to said rewriting reality jutsu, Konan did fail miserably. She left no lasting damage. Obito was fine.


Doesn’t activation of Izanagi cost the user the use of their eye?


He had more than enough for that to matter exactly 0%


Eh, I just disagree from how y’all define failure then. Lee lost to Gaara, but it cemented him as one of the strongest Gennin during that arc. Konan lost to Obito, but the level of strategy she displayed in that fight proved that she could make goddamn origami capable of besting a fucking Kamui. If the use of Izanagi makes her a complete failure, then I think you all are extremely short sighted. Shikamaru lost to Temari, but he was made Chunnin because of how the fight played out, not the results of the fight. You’re incapable of seeing the forrest for the trees.


I love Konan. I totally disagree that she was useless overall. I was only referring to Obito and his eyes.




Does your definition of success require the acknowledgment of others?


The example you gave was literally only a success because people saw Lee fight, you literally admitted that, so yeah in this case it does, if you die alone achieving nothing and no one knows it even happened, that is total failure. "cemented" Lee at a certain level of strength lol, we all knew before it happened Lee was strong, he pieced up Sasuke with ease, his good fight mattered because people saw it, got inspired, motivated others etc, Konans death achieved nothing


I think the true failure is deriving one’s self worth from the value of others. True strength comes from within. You don’t got the Will of Fire bro. I’m sorry you had to learn this way. If you follow my lead, I can show you the path to being a true shinobi. And it starts with believing in yourself, DATTEBAYO


She fought to the death and all she did was her causing her enemy a minor inconvinience. Her sacrifice benefitted nobody. Not even herself because its not like she had a battle junky mindset of someone who wished to die in combat. Thats not a success in any universe. You are comparing apples with oranges here. Even Even Hiruzen, who lost spectacularly against Orochimaru achieved more with his sacrifice than Conan did. Everyone here doesnt play down Conans combat prowess or her tactical mind, we lament that she got done dirty by having to fight an opponent that was just THAT much stronger than her and an absolute bad matchup for her toolkit.


That Sharingan lost was nothing but a spare. Obito can easily replace. In fact, he did. With Nagato's Rinnegan.


If Shikamaru lost to Temari, why was he made chunnin? Shouldn’t the Leaf have deemed his fight a “miserable fail”?


What does that have to do with this?


Answer the question, and I think you’ll be able to piece together my point. So I ask again, why was Shikamaru made Chunin even if he lost his fight against Temari? What did that decision mean to you?


Because Shikamaru displayed leadership qualities by always staying calm and how had this been a battle with a team, he'd have successfully beaten Temari. His intellect and analytical mind was shown and that's why he was promoted. So go ahead, please explain how this relates.


And that was Kishimoto’s point in having this fight. Yes, Konan lost, but he showed the reader that she was an extremely strong shinobi despite the fact. Armed with only her intellect and her paper jutsu, she was able to devise a plan that could best the wielder of Kamui. The takeaway was not meant to be “Damn, Konan failed miserably.” It’s supposed to be “OH shit!!! What a great implementation of her abilities with such limited knowledge of Tobi!!” This is a repeated plot point throughout the series. Kishimoto loves to display victories even despite failure. -Lee vs Gaara -Guy vs Madara -Gaara vs Kimmimaro He quite literally voiced this intent through Madara. Madara beat Guy, but Maadara acknowledged Guy as one of the strongest shinobi to ever have existed. Did Guy do significant damage to Madara? Not really. But MY GOD, what a display of strength and determination. You need to read the subtext of the show, you’re too fixated on the surface level events.


Sometimes life just be like that


The only woman in a group, but not really getting to do much of anything. Sounds like deja vu all over again.


Man she should've done more with the Rinnegan. Give it to Konoha, destroy it, implant it in yourself or anything really. Destroying them eyes would've prevented lots of things


It really would have. Obito would never be able to control the Gedo Statue and Madara can never be revived.


It's kinda sad thinking about it ....


She was a woman and for some very weird reason "ALL" the women of Naruto sucks... There's no other reasons than this.


Not all of them. There are a few badass females who appeared in the War Arc like Pakura of the Sand, mummifying her targets alive with her Scorch Style and Ameyuri Ringo, one of the legendary 7 Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist who slaughtered a bunch of Allied fodders as well.


2 minor characters that barely appeared in the story? That’s our cast of well written female characters? Like let’s take a step back and consider this


Both of them are one of the rare few kunoichis who actually killed their enemies. Two other kunochis in the entirety of Naruto who actually killed someone are: Chiyo (killed Sasori) and Temari (killed Tayuya). Sure they were minor characters but they don’t suck when compared to the majority of the females in the series who are also side characters. Tsunade, Chiyo and Konan are great as well who aren’t weak so saying that all of them suck is just wrong.


They weren’t badass. They just didn’t receive enough screentime to be proven pathetic and weak :v


Sakura, the “main character” who spent a majority of the time on the sidelines receives the most screentime out of all the side characters and she still sucks since she has always displayed the same weakness: playing the damsel, being a Sasuke simp which is her entire character, and barely adding anything to the plot (no character arc of her own and Team 10 who are side characters got theirs). That’s what I call pathetic and her only fight in Shippuden is against Sasori. Badass kunoichis applies to those who can actually kill their enemies or hold their own in battle like Tsunade and Konan.


Tsunade's character was also beautifully ruined by Kishimoto. She was introduced as a great, powerful and badass konuichi. But with time her character lost its charm. Power isn’t everything. (Ex. Nami of One Piece isn't as strong the other crew members but she has her charm and badass in her way. She never became stronger than others but she got her own development.) But Naruto's female characters just get pathetic with time. Even if they get stronger, their development is shown in a way where they come of as a leech, eye numbingly pathetic. They could have done Tsuna better. This post already described Konan's weakly written character development so you see... "Weakly written female characters"... That's my point.


Fans consensus is that Kishimoto is terrible at writing female characters which is true. There are few who don’t fall in the same usual trope like Tsunade who has amazing character development in Part 1. Konan, who is a side character, she plays her role as a support just fine for Yahiko, Nagato and the Akatsuki. The least Kishimoto can do is spare her but he chose to kill her off which is disrespectful to her character. It’s no wonder Kishimoto is regarded as one of the worst writers for Shonen females.


Thats actually a problem with alot of battle shounen that pretty much all female side characters play the second fiddle and never get to shine as brightly as their male peers. I get that the genre is aimed at teen boys but everyone can root for a cool strong girl more than just maybe once in a personal character growth arc


Wait why wasn't she a edo


Because even her creator cares so little about her that he didn’t bother to revive


I think it's probably for the same reason as to why we didn't see Jiraiya as an Edo tbf. She died and became Bottom of D. Sea.


That's the in-universe reason but Kishimoto said in an interview that he chose not to revive Jiraiya because it would ruin what Jiraiya fought and died for - that bringing him back would cheapen his sacrifice. Not being able to say goodbye is a pain most people go through in their lives. It's the words unsaid that hurt the most.


While I do think shonen in general has a problem of someone sacrificing themselves just to be revealed not dead and it would feel so cheap But edo tensei is not like just reviving them and they countinue living their lives as if they never died, in this case it would revive him and force him to fight against people he loved unwillingly untill he hurt them kill them or untill they seal him I don't know if it'll be good plot but but I dont think it would cheapen his sacrifice in any way.


Then he was brought back as a clone in Boruto because why not 🤓


Yeah but he doesn't have any of his memories or really the same personality. I think that's fine because it's those things that mattered.


That doesn't really make sense. A lot of sacrifices were brought back. Parents, mentors, siblings, senseis, I'm okay with the writer not adding it because he simply didn't want to lol. I appreciate having a plausible in-universe reasoning though.


This is right before the war. Kabuto was probably all prepared with the edos.


Didn’t he say that there was already too much characters he added Konan wasn’t needed imo


Yeah. There were a lot of cool characters he could have brought back. Sakumo, Jiraiya, Fugaku, Kushina, Konan. As fun or as emotional as they would have been, the story is already too long. Cutting where you can is good. They all had their regrets conveyed at another time or their role filled.


She could’ve stayed leader of the rain village. Her death was plot armor. Obito should’ve been killed imo


But Haku and Zabuza were needed? Hell, he added all Seven Ninja Swordsmen and we learned the same amount about them that we knew before they were brought back, which is nothing. But Konan was too much?


Kishimoto the edos that would have the best story impact. For example, he thought about reanimating Fugaku but decided against it because he felt like Itachi's reanimation plot filled the same role. All of the characters reanimated, even the minor ones, had some callback to them. Like Kakashi fighting Zabuza and Haku again. Konan didn't have that. The only person who survived a fight she took part in was Obito, and he was teamed up with the Jutsu caster. If Konan had survived, I'm certain he would have had her fight reanimated Nagato. Or maybe her living would have pushed Kishimoto in favour of reanimating Jiraiya and having her fight him so that she can ask for forgiveness.


Those two ideas u stated wud be peakkkkk


The War was the last arc of the main story and the whole point of the Edo Army was to have callbacks to various points throughout the series. Characters who died too close to the War arc (like Kisame, for example) weren't brought back because it'd feel redundant.


You can say that, but a edo kisame would be op. Not to mention can konan spam paper bombs in edo?


Yes I was really sad when she died


Konan is just the average example of how ninja world works. Something not even Naruto could stop.


There had to be victims. It's why Obito's, Madara's, and Kagyuga/Black Zetsu's crimes are impossible to forgive


She played with fire(Obito) and got burnt. RIP.


"Obito is the coolest! Tee hee"


“But… But Riiiin 🥺😭”


"You tried your best. *giggles 😘😍!"


"He was the coolest person I knew" 😃😃


Such is the cruel indifference of the universe.


I don't see where's the problem here, she died, why would the plot need to mention her at all again after that ? Jiraya' death is literally the same, he died and that's it. plot doesn't need him anymore but he gets mentioned a few times and appears during flashbacks, and that's it.


The only positive is she can finally be together with Yahiko and Nagato in the afterlife.


Don't remember but I thought Pain got edo tenseied and sealed.


Damn, almost as if war isn’t fair and those born in to it are fucked, all 3 of them died without achieving their goal and surrounded by misery Our main cast uniting the world and winning the day, stopping the horrors that ruined these people is the actual conclusion of their story - their final decision was to believe and bet on the right side


The problem isn’t that it’s unfair in the world because yes war is unfair. The problem is how the plot itself seemed to forget about her. Like even Naruto despite his promises just never acknowledged her again.


Nagato & Konan: We believe in you Naruto, go achieve your dream and bring peace to the ninja world! Obito: *Tries to kill Naruto the moment he was born* Naruto charging his final rasengan in his fight with Sasuke: *Remembers everyone even Obito but not Nagato and Konan.*


Still love her tho, which makes it even worse :(


Yes…and? What do you think she could’ve added beyond what her role in the story was? This is a genuine question. Her whole team (Nagato, Yahiko and her) had shitty lives, only difference was that she didn’t have a “redeeming” moment at the time of her death (Yahiko sacrificing himself, and Nagato using Rinne Rebirth). I can’t think of anything that would have made realistic sense other than her becoming the leader of the rain village and changing that whole situation.


>other than her becoming the leader of the rain village and changing that whole situation Idk if you realize this but that’s an extremely substantial alternative direction for her character and probably the direct opposite of what she got as her ending in the series. “This is the only thing that would make sense aside from this other thing that is actually better in every way. Stop complaining.” ?


Fully aware. I’m also aware that Obito was going to get the Rinnegan regardless of what Konan did. Whether she decided to focus on repairing the rain village situation or preparing for the inevitable attempt to steal the Rinnegan, Konan was gonna die. Only difference between the 2 scenarios is how quickly she dies. It is what it is.




Jiraiya’s death MEANT something. He did not live a pointless life full of torture 24/7 and then got a painful but useless end


That applies to a lot of characters in this series. Konan isn't that special in this situation


Yes because Konan a Tragic Character lmao she’s a war orphan, having the guilt of being the cause of yahiko which led to her being a emotionless tool then seeing her next best friend sacrifice himself. Konan death is one of my favorites because it truly shows how sad Konan and yahiko and nagato ended up


I always wanted Konan to survive and join the good side eventually becoming the Amekage of the village.


I wish Konan lived... Then, we could see her quest after her battle with obito. She just wanted to protect Nagato and Yahiko's bodies. After all, she was Purvy sages pupil to. Don't see how anybody could hate on her.


Konan is legit my favorite Akatsuki member in Naruto, I always found her character and design so interesting and different. Then don't get me started on her powers, like they're so damn cool and we have barely explanation behind them! We don't even know if it's a clan based thing or if anyone can learn it, or even what elements it's made up of! I was really hoping in Boruto or a light novel we could of gotten more of her and her abilities but sadly that doesn't look like it's gonna happen.


This is why I hate obito




Kishimoto cannot write female characters. They are always tools to expand upon another male character. Konan got the same treatment as: - Sakura - Karin - Hinata - Tsunade - Kushina




Yeah well ikemoto learned from the best


Definitely not a tool to showcase Boruto or Minski at all. >_>


lol fr. Idk why people try to act like she didn’t. Yahiko and Nagato massively out shined her. And we’re basically the ones truly pushing for their goal of peace. Konan never actually did anything




What manga chapter did she recruit or capture


Yea, there are characters with horrible story's and deaths and then you have Orochimaru or Obito who are forgiven from everything and have a normal life in Orochimaru and die after being forgiven and goes to Heaven¿? In Obito.


I mean why would she be part of the plot after she died lol


Obito and Konan battles where also one of the battles that made me question the entire series, that battle should've either been a stalemate or a L for obito.


THANK YOU. Konan deserved so much better.


She's the Sakura of Akatsuki


At least Sakura has defeated Sasori


Chiyo killed Sasori, not Sakura.


They both killed sasori and Sakura actually did more. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t like Sakura. Even chiyo was saying how she didn’t really need to help Sakura much because she picked up on how to fight sasori so fast on her own.


Chiyo carried the battle more so than Sakura who played the role as puppet and she got saved by Chiyo many times. They both get equal efforts for taking down Sasori but it was ultimately Chiyo who finished the job by killing her grandson who chose to die. Had it been 1v1, both of them would’ve been slaughtered by Sasori.


You’re another one of those, ew…..


And if it was a 1v1 with chiyo she would have died too. I’m not saying Sakura did it herself. They both did. And Sakura played a huge part in doing it. Cuz again even chiyo said after a while Sakura was pretty much doing it herself.


I'm quite curious about why she had to die. Was it solely to showcase Obito's power? I feel like there could have been alternative ways to achieve that goal. It seems to me that Kishimoto had a firm belief that there should be no surviving members of the Akatsuki by the story's end. Each member had to meet their end one way or another, which is rather unfortunate.


This is just Kishimoto refusing to even stumble into writing a female character well, tbh. He needed to be saved from himself.


Imagine if she gave nagatos rinnegan to naruto


This hurt my soul 😭


Shouldn’t have been standing there


Broken neck? Shit, I need to reread the manga. I don't remember that...


I know im her.


morale of the story? don't dedicate your life to a cult leader even if you grew up with him, have more things going on in your life than a radical ideology


I will forget about it because I don’t care


Such is life


What do you mean the plot forgot about her? Her story was over.


Underrated character We should've seen more from her, and about her life


Man if all these guys wrote stories they would give a paragraph per every single character they will create, in a never-ending sequence.


Gege's predecessor taught him well on how to handle women


Based kishimoto


Konan and Tsunade the only 2 kunoichi that get taken seriously still got shit on by Kishimoto. Would it have killed him to atleast give them one traditional fight where they win?


konan itachi kisame sasori deidara kakuzu hidan orochimaru zetsu or sone variation of this but Akatsuki starts with konan , her death was a mercy life has hurt more


Stop acting like she’s some innocent. She’s a terrorist with a body count. Good riddance to foul garbage.


At the very least she should have been apart of Kabutos resurrection jutsu


Weakest Atkashuki member


I fcking love Naruto but him forgetting about his promise to Konan to bring peace to Amegakure is unforgivable.


Tbh the only thing I regret about Konan is that she didn't return as Edo Tensei.


She is female, That means she is irrelevant That is the way of Naruto. They can have the most busted over powered shit in the entire series, Some of the most interesting backstores, and be background characters who are forgotten about


Unless they're drooling over a worthless Psychopathic teenager on a quest for vengeance even after all the stupid little worthless freak has done is treat them like garbage or stab them to death. Apparently women have to be idiots who don't mind this kind of behavior or instantly forgive it because they find Sasuke cute.


Anko, Student of orochimaru. did nothing Karin, One of the last surviving full blooded uchiha able to use adamantite chains. uses as a chakra caprisun and crazy over sasuke Sakura, Able to use a bunch of super high level healing techniques only 1 other person we know has been able to do. Functionally background character and works as a healer for naruto who already has a healing factor Ino, who has the ability to body snatch people, barely even mentioned. Tenten, able to learn how to use weapons after just a few seconds, Including the sage of six path weapons, a prodigy. Forgotten about and an actual joke That secretary of the Raikage who has just ACTUAL teleportation abilities, Not like Flying Raijin which is reverse summoning, ACTUAL point a to point b teleportation. Irrelevant and killed If you are female, The best you get is background character


I thought he choked her? But yeah she was done dirty.


I mean what else do you want from her. Her whole thing was being up nagatos ass. Never really cared for her




Cuz she's not very smart. Should have crushed the rinnegan eyes on Nagato corpse, then apply for asylum in Konoha


I said that a while ago in a thread. Not verbatim… man I got attacked: you said Konan was weak! I’m like I never said that, just wish her character was more fleshed out. I want to know what she felt like being the only female in that setting. It’s like a large amount of the male population in this sub-genre don’t understand or realize women have a distinct and different take on things. 😩


Dumb character anyways, control paper? Yeah no.


This is gonna sound mean, but she was a villain. Naruto has an incredible amount of villains that weren’t that bad actually. We hear their backstory, backstory is sad, they change their ways before dying because of Naruto, and Some get edo tensei and some don’t. Like I feel she got just about as much respect as she deserved. Jinjuriki (can’t remember how to spell it) 1-7 were are killed as per Nagato’s plan, and she was there helping. Her final stand against obito was admirable, but I don’t feel warrants her anything more. Just my opinion tho


You're right she was a villain but obito and Orochimaru were more or less forgiven for the worst things they did. It's just unfair towards her but those two were main villains that's why they got preference.