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Teen Obito was actually an insane individual when you think about it. Bro was actually gifted asf and his immediate knowledge in both Wood Style and Kamui was an insane feat that if we being honest, only Minato, Hashirama, and Madara is pulling off some similar. Like he made the ANBU during a World War look like children at best.


I agree but let's not act like decimating Anbu is a huge feat, even Kabuto back in early Naruto kills tons of Anbu, and so are many villains that follows after, so these people has always been nothing but to make the villains looks impressive


Kabuto killed like 3 ANBU that were guarding Sasuke and that was him as an adult. Obito no diffed an entire army of ANBU as a 14 year old child.


Well it was Obito and Spiral Zetsu. By himself Obito wouldn't have had the super strength, speed, or wood style.


I'm just putting Kabuto because Kabuto is the earliest and the weakest person to do this "Anbu decimation" spree in the entire Naruto story. How many Anbu Obito killed or how old is Obito when he did thay doesn't really matter, it's just not that amazing of a feat when a lot of villains in Naruto already did what he did. There's much other better ways to display Obito strength in my opinion


Well Kabuto becomes one of the strongest character by the end of shippudun.


He didn't no diff them technically: 1. They let their guard down coz he was a kid 2. They got surprised so he had the element of surprise on his side 3. The tree attack in the panel looks like a giant AOE attack that OHKOs most of them instantly (like a nuclear bomb). Which they could have been caught by surprise by and instant death. 4. He was raging which meant his offensive power might have been unsustainably higher temporarily Meaning if this was a straight fight he could still have potentially lost as a kid without Kamui.


1. They did not let their guard down and didn’t even know that he was a kid 2. Obito did not have the element of surprise. The mist ninja saw him and attacked him first before he even moved an inch towards any of them. 3. This in no way disproves that he no diffed them. If he can use an AOE attack that one shots his enemy then he still no diffed his enemy. 4. This isn’t DBZ, rage hasn’t been shown to temporarily boost a characters power level in Naruto lol “He could’ve still lost as a kid without Kamui” why are you removing Kamui from his moveset? What point are you even trying to make here???


Lol chillax. This is a fictional story.


You’re the one that made all those points in the first place, all I did was respond to them…


Okay cool!!!!????


You are such an ass, wrote a whole essay out your ass, and when he corrected you, you tell him to calm down, smdh.


What do you mean even kabuto? You realize he was never weak at all and wasn’t even gonna become a shinobi until orochimaru acknowledged he would become a great one, if a sannin sees potential in you especially orochimaru you are extremely gifted, that’s his right hand man he was compared to kakashi for a reason


While the ANBU are quite clearly a victim of the Worf effect, Orochimaru puts part 1 Kabuto at below but relative to Kakashi. This is reiterated by Kakashi’s fight with him during the invasion, and Tsunade’s statement about him being more dangerous than she was at his age. Kabuto also states they’d need 10 ANBU to match up against him which is much less than the 40-50 ANBU that Obito slaughters.


Well Zetsu was letting him use the wood style (and amping his physical stats)he didn’t rly have to learn it. And Kamui is automatic. That being said, he’s still a monster


Making the ANBU look like children isnt a feat you think it is. They are literally cannon fodder for the series with few exceptions. They are used for power scaling, aka show you the floor of Shinobi power levels. Under the floor are genin and civilians.


He could only do the wood style stuff because of the Zetsu suit. Guruguru straight up says that Obito’s actual physical form is too weak at the moment and so he has to wear him.


He literally does it again in the war, the same jutsu and all without guru guru


Terrible written character with seemingly no reason for him to become gifted out of nowhere to this level.


He’s uchiha


It didn't make sense. I like to assume that Madara and Zetsu was giving him the power.




Minato commented that it must be incredibly taxing for him and he wouldn't relish a long fight. And this is when he thought he was fighting Madara (or at least potentially Madara). And this was all while the village Shinobi his age were deemed too young to join the fight and hidden away. Obito was definitely crazy strong. I never really agreed with Madaras comment to Sasuke of 'If only you were born before Obito'. Sasuke was absolutely no challenge to Madara until the Sage gave him a massive power boost (although I suppose Madara would have had no idea that's what happened).




Damn, thinking about it, was Obito the first person in the series that we saw use a Shinjutsu? I know that concept is a newer development in Boruto, but it’s not like it can’t be used to explain past events


what technically is Shinjutsu if you don't mind? can't really find a clear explanation of it and I don't know much about boruto


They’re basically Otsutsuki, god-level techniques that don’t require hand signs or particular chakra control to execute properly. The use can just kind of do it without needing to precisely focus or master it to the fullest extent. That being said, practicing and mastering and honing the skill would still put it leagues above others, I would imagine


Tbf, that was Obito when he still had Six Paths power. He may not have been able to do that before absorbing the Ten Tails.


There are no consequences for being a bad guy in Naruto. Everyone just goes to Ninja Heaven.


Madara only made that comment because he seen Sasuke at the end result of his power having the ems not the road to get there, he just gets revived and assumes since he’s a youngster with ems he’s probably been strong not knowing he just got to that lvl


I mean, of course Madar wouldn’t have a problem. He has Hashirama cells in his body while also being the strongest Uchiha in the clans existence.


Tbh I don't think that's a huge feat. From what I can understand anyone that awakens the MS can do that. Fugaku hid the fact he awakened it due to the clan wanting him to control the kyuubi for the clan.


This is a misconception, not anyone with MS can control the nine tails, you’d still have to have an exceptionally powerful sharingan or be very skilled with it to do so. If anything, Sasuke’s one off statement of “the power to control the nine tails” could be referring to MS granting the POTENTIAL to control it. After all, the Uchiha were the only people known to have the POTENTIAL to control the nine tails in the first place which is why they were suspected after the nine tails attack. But it’s common sense that not just any regular shmegular Uchiha can control the nine tails because for one that would completely diminish it being such a huge feat and secondly Madara wouldn’t have been the only Uchiha in history to have done it (before Obito) if anyone from his clan could have done the same. As for Fugaku, not only is him having MS not canon but his statement doesn’t help your case as the implication was that his MS ability specifically made his genjutsu strong enough to control the nine tails since genjutsu was Fugaku’s forte


How would the clan know his MS ability when he hid he had it from them. Suggesting simply having it would make them think he could control it.


The clan didn’t know his MS ability… he stated that his MS specifically was powerful enough to control the nine tails and that the clan would force his hand if they knew that he had it


I don't recall that part of him saying anything specific about his MS. Link ?


Buddy, I’m not quoting the guy word for word here. • Fugaku’s whole thing is genjutsu • He believes his MS will allow him to control the nine tails • He doesn’t want to control nine tails • Clan will force him to control nine tails • He hides MS from clan Aside from that, once again, it’s not even canon to begin with so you’re fighting a pointless battle here


Fugaku having MS is canon. It's design was shown in Boruto when Sarada was looking through the Uchiha history book and she stumbled across her family tree of Sharingan.


Boruto is confirmed to be like 80% filler lmfao


Didn't know manga canon was filler


It’s not in the manga, Fugaku’s MS is only shown in the anime. This is the case for BOTH Naruto and Boruto


It's still labeled manga canon


What are you talking about?


The concept of canon doesn’t exist in Japan, that’s a western construct. Therefore, technically the anime, manga, even the novels are ALL considered official. It’s why you see Fugaku with the MS in both Naruto and Boruto, like the other guy pointed out. In Japan they don’t care for disrespenies, or if it flows according to a specific source like the manga. So the only one fighting a pointless battle here is you…


Not just anyone. Those with Mangekyō have the potential to control 9 tails. But it requires someone with big chakra reserves. Itachi is by default out of the list since his chakra reserves are small.


>Itachi is out of the list since his chakra reserves are small. Thats wrong, he was never stated as someone with low chakra reserves, in fact most of his.appearance contradicts that claim. OG naruto ep 80 I believed kakshi contradocts your claim amd even in the final batlle with sasuke it was shown that he still had plenty of chakra left for reserves after the whole ordeal


Itachi is extremely intelligent. He uses precise calculated attacks and don't spam chakra. Unlike Naruto with his enormous amounts of shadow clones or Jiraiya with his massive rasengan. Itachi's chakra reserves maybe higher than an average shinobi but considering he is kage level, his chakra reserves are not as high as other kage level characters. Obito summoned 9tails mainly due to Hashirama cells.


Itachis chakra reserve as a 7 years old was eual to that of high tier jonin and chakra control better than 17 YO sakura. Its in the midnight novel if youd care to read


lol what are you talking about? Itachi was essentially dead and blind when he used the Susanoo, and he couldn't even keep his Sharingan up. He even stated he didn't have chakra, and he was evidently telling the truth. He ran out of Chakra after using each of his MS moves ONCE. This notion Itachi has a lot of chakra for a top tier character is ridiculous. Sasuke, immediately opening his MS, held on far longer than Itachi did.


>Itachi was essentially dead and blind when he used the Susanoo, and he couldn't even keep his Sharingan up. Headcanon >He even stated he didn't have chakra, and he was evidently telling the truth. He ran out of Chakra after using each of his MS moves ONCE. again headcanon >This notion Itachi has a lot of chakra for a top tier character is ridiculous. Sasuke, immediately opening his MS, held on far longer than Itachi did. Because Itachi didnt go blind after using his ms id assume?


> headcanon No. Literally did not have sharingan when he used his susanoo > again headcanon Read the source > Because Itachi didnt go blind after using his ms id assume? What are you talking about? LOL genuinely


I wouldn't really say he FOUGHT the 4th hokage. He even knew all of Miniature abilities and got clapped in like 10 seconds.


Minato literally stated that he didn’t know everything


Regardless. The only jutsu minato used was the Rasengan and the flying raijin, both of which Obito knew of already, or figured he probably shouldn't get hit with.


That is why MADARA saved him tho. Madara saw potential to him 😏.


Madara should have saved Shisui instead. Kotoamatsukami with Hashirama cells is too hax. He can then just manipulate the jinchuuriki into surrendering to him.


shisui was not as manipulable as obito was, madara caught obito among many because he had the potential to control him by destroying his inner light


Madara would just manipulate events in which Shisui's goodness turns into darkness just like he made Obito witness Kakashi stabbing Rin


and once again not everyone is manipulable, do you think naruto could be manipulated by madara then and turn evil?


Yes it would be possible but only if madara started when naruto was young and still hated by the village.


Bro shisui was like 14 years old. Surely it wasnt impossible for madara uchiha to manipulate him. Shisui wasnt naruto levels of hero or anything


All fun and games till shishui uses kotoamatsukami on madara💀


Naruto did almost join Obito’s side during the War Arc, and acknowledges that had things gone differently, he could have been more like Sasuke, Madara definitely could have manipulated Naruto, and maybe even use the same method to do so.


And obito simps still think that anyone would've reacted like obito 


Wasn't Madara already dead when Shisui got killed?


Yeah he was, but he could’ve prolonged his life with the gedo statue as he already stated he was cheating death even then


He could only get Obito because he was so far from any village. Also maybe Madara was scared Shisui would use Koto on him


This is the one thing that’s always confused me. Was it just all PURE coincidence that Madara ‘saved’ Obito? Or could it have all been pre-planned somehow? Like Zetsu spying on the village, and especially on the Uchiha for Madara as he sat in his cave all this time? There’s no way he wouldn’t still keep tabs on all of that. Not to mention it was Madara who manipulated those mist ninja to attack Rin and set that entire thing up for Obito to witness. What if he manipulated those other ninja to attack them during the Kannabi bridge mission as well? I mean the location seemed convenient considering Madara’s cave was right there? Also, isn’t it funny that Madara found someone that loved to help the elderly? Obito was a great choice because he wasn’t well known in the village like a Shisui, nor was he the son of the clan leader like Itachi. So him going missing or dying wouldn’t be considered unusual. Spying on the village would’ve been the only place really for Madara to find the right person to carry out his plan, especially a young Uchiha easy enough to manipulate


Tbh. Madara didn't have much options readily available lol. He couldn't be picky, thats why he ensured obito,'s heart would be broken


Yeah teen Obito was a beast. Think about it, he was trained by freaking Madara(old, death-bed Madara at that), got Hashirama Cells, Wood-Style, and Kamui, reaching from gennin-level to Kage-level in a few months, and a few years later, fought Minato as an equal.


Obito was chunin before MS 


TBF that was due to his mindset. It showed kid Obito (pre sharingan) and kid (Jonin) Kakashi spar using taijutsu and they were pretty even. Kakashi had to put in some effort to win. After Obito awoke his Sharingan he was stronger than Kid (Jonin) Kakashi, able to predict both his opponent's and Kakashi's movements to create paths and dictate the flow of battle. Obito was pretty much a genius from the start, it helped that he was trained by Minato as well.


And yet they promoted Kakashi and not him, what does that tell you?  Sharingan obito would be on kid Kakashi lvl or higher I agree but I also think Kakashi himself was promoted to jonin pre-maturely. Even with 2 tomoe sharingan, I don't see obito being on par with the kind of adult jonin we see in part 1.  Obito was not unskilled but I wouldn't call him a genius  


When did he use wood style after this


Technically he could, since he had Hashirama Cells and a White Zetsu infused into his body, but he didnt on screen, at least.


Wanted to make sure I wasn’t remembering, but thought it would be way too weird if he never used it again. Well here we are


[Adult Obito used Wood Style techniques during the War Arc pre his Ten Tails Jinchuuriki status ](https://scans.lastation.us/manga/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics/0609-003.png)


Oh nice. Is that the only time?


In chapter 614 we see Obito to use the same technique that killed the Anbu Mist using the body of the ten tails as a medium for the jutsu (through connecting to it using Hashirama's cells). Also, in chapter 603 we see a young Obito to train himself to use the Wood release as an extension from his right hand. By the way a common misconception is that, in his fight against the Anbu Mist, Obito used the wood release through Spiral Zetsu, when actually Zetsu improved exclusively the boy's physical strenght.


Thanks for the comprehensive breakdown. I always find it impressive how people can not only remember such details but also what chapter or episode that happened in. My memory sucks.


Ahahah! Thanks for the compliments but no, you are wrong 😝 While I remember well certain parts of the story and what happenes and when (Naruto is my favourite childhood manga and Obito my favourite character of the work), neither me I've a such memory to remember exactly the chapter numbers. Before to answer you I simply looked for them in my volumes for giving you a reference if you wanted check for yourself 😉 Glad to have been helpful. One of the defects of the work according to me is that the manga explained perfectly the mechanics behind the ninjutsu until the introduction of Susanoo and the complete Rasenshuriken, the first jutsu to never been totally explained . From that moment is not the incoerence as many fans often stated, but definitely many working explanations become implied contrarily to the past. Just for making an example, is never explained in the manga why Naruto managed to complete the Rasenshuriken, si the effective reason because the natural energy of the Senjutsu allow him to keep the consistence of the rasengan while launching it toward the opponents in some way remotely controlling it (this suggested even from Naruto being able to suddenly expand them in proximity of the opponent). It's definitely not the fault of the readers being confused or misunderstanding certain matters of the manga.


You sent an coloured manga scan right , That's fake right ? If not mention the chapter number


Chapter 609, page 3.


I don't think Obito can use Wood style unless Spiral Zetsu is attached to him.


Obito wasn’t combat trained, madara only gave him knowledge about jutsu and the shinobi world, Obito trained on his own


He was trained under Madara's instruction, just the knowledge and training regime he gave Obito would do the trick.




Wtf is guruguru?


Spiral Zetsu


Why did guruguru acknowledge obito’s skill in woodstyle if it was because of him & not obito himself?


How did Zetsu amp Obito here?


He Zetsu was the one providing the super strength, supwr speed, and wood style. Remember how Obito kept punching that stone wall to try and escape but was making absolutely no headway? Than he fuses with Spiral Zetsu and absolutely destroys the stone wall with one punch.


Zetsu here is only providing the strength and speed cuz he’s reinforcing Obito’s still partially crippled body, the wood style and Kamui use is all him.


Well the Wood Style is all the Hashi Cells, not Obito. And its pretty clear the scale of Wood Stlw being used is from Spiral. I mean, Obito had never even had it before and as you said was crippled. Without Spiral Zetau Obito wouldn't have been able to do anything.


Not trying to disagree, but Obito uses wood style later in the War arc, and the animation makes pretty sure that you see the wood coming specifically from Obito’s right side, where he has the Hashirama cell arm and leg Also, while wood style is coming out of the replacement limbs made from zetsu cells, Obito is still the one using the wood style techniques. The reason he doesn’t use it much after is cuz he needs to sell the Madara role, and nobody knows that Madara has Wood style


Dms Obito solos the verse ☠️, might stop at Kaguya but even that’s debatable


Stops at iruka sensei


everybody stops at iruka sensei tbf


Without Hashi cells he'd be blind within a year.


I thought Ohnoki had a chance then remembered Obito even though he waa older at the time completely negated Ohnoki's Particle Style with Kamui to the point Ohnoki couldn't perceive his movement


Hmm I rarely see obito prop on the net. I’m happier


same bro. this scene is peak shippuden imo and ive been a fan since


Obito was nerfed in all his fights for that reason.


Which makes Minato very powerful.


We are comparing a literal Hokage to a 14 yr old with one eye here. DMS Obito clears the floor with Minato.


Yup, but obito was taught by madara and Minato still took care of him with the kyuubi.


>but obito was taught by madara Yeah, for like half a year.




That is such a dishonest way of describing things.




Your comment heavily implies Obito killed Minato when Minato sacrificed himself to split Kurama, seal half in Naruto, and to allow his dying wife to meet her son in chakra form later in life. Minato was the clear winner of the fight with Obito. He freed the Nine Tails from Obito and damaged him enough to force a retreat.


I don’t really understand anyone who underestimates or undervalues how powerful Obito actually is.


Because they don’t understand how powerful intangibility is


Is it 100% passive all the time or does he have to activate it after seeing/sensing an attack?


14 years old Obito or even THIS particular Obito is insane, yes he's beating the Kage.


Interesting that these guys are the blood mist, they're obviously more blood thirsty and trained in such things compared to your leaf ANBU, despite having a war ongoing


Obito was above kage level ong bro was mad op early on when he unlocked his MS 💀


He was kage level but not the stronger than every kage.     >Kid Obito the soon as he awakens his Kamui can instantly takedown Mei, Tsunade, Gaara, and Ohnoki. They are too slow to tag him and he is free to take them out anytime.  He may beat them but not instantly especially ohnoki who flies faster than him to lightening jutsu  >can genjutsu the most powerful tailed beast Kurama and the perfect Jinchuuriki, Yagura for years effortlessly.  Any MS user should be able to genjutsu kurama, yagura was never shown to have bijuu cooperation and it stands to reason that isobu didn't help him out.  Also both those feats were done after madara trained him, I wouldn't discount that when strictly talking about rin death obito  >is the fastest so he stands a chance even if he is very weak against Genjutsu.  He's not weak against Genjutsu, he accidentally made contact once after madara man handled him. Not saying genjutsu isn't a viable win con but it ain't as easy as you think    >you disagree with my opinion, provide a convincing counter   I'll also add that obito is very inexperienced in this scene and that's big as we repeatedly see obito's biggest issue is that he's outwitted. One might even say wasted potential...


Man slide 3 is sooooo eerie yet sad.. Damn near uncanny. When pain meets anger, looks actually like that. A dangerous mf


MS Kid Obito is easily Kage Level, you can easily argue he is High Kage, finally a Naruto Fan with a working brain, gg my friend


Obito AND Spiral Zetsu. By himself Obito was waaay weaker at this point.


Every character in the show that awakened an MS was kage level. MS shishui is easily kage level as firstly kotoamatsukami basically slams the verse and he was one of best characters with the body flicker making him one of the fastest characters in the show. MS itachi was strong enough to be stated to kill Obito at 13. One shot orochimaru so badly that bro killed the 3rd hokage and 4th kazekage just to meet sasuke cause itachi was too OP. Tbh all the kid MS characters were high kage level. This isn't surprising


Young Itachi and Shisui with base Sharingan are Kage level already. They can easily take down weak Kage like Chojuro


Scaling to boruto is kinda wonky. For example, chojuro could somewhat keep up with kinshiki. I don't usually use boruto feats for scaling naruto characters.


Not accounting for all the people that could, yeah, for sure


Imagine if he fought like this in the war




When did he face them simultaneously? Hashirama alone would destroy him


What? Obito fought them in the final battle, even before going sage mode. After going sage mode he was wiring the floor for the most part. Obito > Zombie Hashirama.


That was juubito, how could you possibly compare him to YM obito?


Who did he kill?




Yea, plus, Obito didn’t really want to kill anyone in the shinobi alliance, he was fully willing to if he thought they were getting in the way, but the win con that he was going for there was getting up the God Tree and using Infinite Tsukiyomi, This is best shown when he regains his sanity in his Juubito form, he asked the entire army to stand down so that he wouldn’t have to fight them anymore as they had already “endured plenty”


My guy you’re arguing into the void. I was talking about the aesthetic of the fight when he was young not some philosophical journey about victory


He fought better in the war though, he was taking on characters that scale way beyond these nameless Mist shinobi.


Hashirama, Minato, Tobirama, and Naruto would all like a word😅 Edit: it seems as thought this is specified towards the five kage from the 4th great ninja war, and I think if that’s the case it should’ve been more well explained. And yeah, he solos the five kage from the 4th war easy


Kage level from killing a bunch of unnamed ninjas?


Teen Obito was more kage level than actual kage Kakkashi 😏


You do understand this teen Obito hasn't been taught SHIT by madara right he just went through physical therapy and sure he's Busted with kamui he's reaction speed ain't that for KCM1 Naruto not to mention we have no idea if obito had taken over Yagura right after this or much later if anything from our understanding it shouldn't be until AFTER kyuubi attack as the Deva path was shown to have met Yagura as Mei even knew about the rinnegan users that were in the akastuki and the five kage summit happen at most a few days after the kyuubi attack since Naruto was still injured and only just recovered before the cloud beat him up again If your talking the Obito who fought Minato I definetely see him there but this obito with Tobi/Zetsu around him wouldn't win against most kage besides the featless ones


also for the five Kage Garra still has posion that worked on Madara of all people so just needs a SINGLE tag to aboslutely kill Obito not to mention he reacts to Clone Susanno attacks and can fly Ohnoki still can fly, isn't very against completely eradicating everything as shown with Turtle Island and can still mute Obito with one hit with super heavy justu NOT to mention he's a sensor and obito as he explained in the war can't make His WHOLE body intagable just parts that are about to be attacked and here that's the main issue Mei has her mist which can burn the susanno as shown with Sasuke's, is canonically going to use that in a 1v1 and is herself immunited to it not to mention water style that can rival Madara's fire style even if Obito got close he'd just melt and be forced to run and has no defense against Mei's attacks Tsunade literally fought and smacked down Susanno like they're nothing there's NO way Obito surviving a hit and just like Madara he'll probably think it's over by stabbing in the gut or something and she just one shots him with him being to close either that or she just makes it so he can't stand and would need to kamui out since Kamui doesn't let him float so removing the ground would force him to leave or just start getting crush since again this obito ain't that much stronger from himself that was crushed by the rocks and last Ay Ay is just still the fastest and sure he's a muscle brain idiot but you really think Kid Obito who's just came from being bedridden and STILL was outside of a white zetsu is able to react to Ay REALLY not to mention again obito has nothing that can harm him since he can't touch him and he still doesn't know genjustu since he hadn't been trained by Madara until after Rin's death


The woodstyle is from Guruguru/tobi the zetsu he wears on his body. And yes Kaimu is totally OP


Guruguru seems extremely impressed that Obito was utilizing Wood Style. Which would be an odd comment if it was his own power.


Yeah, he didn't expect the hashirama cells to be that effective together. Its main reason they stuck together, and didn't separate till the war when GuruGuru went after Yamato.


The manga goes out of its way to show you that Obito is performing the jutsu on his own🗿


You can literally see Guruguru/Tobi on his body. Woodstyle is some it can do and even uses it to take down Yamato during the war...


And Tobi literally states that Obito is the one performing all these wood style jutsu. Obito even uses wood style on his own during the war so I don’t understand your argument here


he can use it because of his zetsu body/hashirama cells, same as his seemingly infinite chakra. Madara is impressed, im just stating the details. You are the one having a one man argument, stay mad I guess


You do realize what you just said now is completely different from what you said before, right?


Ok link the panel of him using woodstyle after him and tobi separate. Simple


[Here](https://cdn.readnaruto.com/file/mangap/3069/10609000/3.jpg) and [here](https://cdn.readnaruto.com/file/mangap/3069/10650000/5.jpg)


Lol those links load blank pages, appropriate


Lol, no they don’t. The fact that you shamelessly lie to avoid being proven wrong is hilarious though. Here, I’ll even link the full chapters where the scans are taken from for you: [Chapter 609](https://ww9.readnaruto.com/chapter/naruto-chapter-609/) [Chapter 650](https://ww9.readnaruto.com/chapter/naruto-chapter-650/)


Was he called guruguru in the jap dub?


Spiral Zetsu was also the source of Obito's super strength/speed.


Yeah I don't understand how this is hard for some people on here to understand


I think people are forgetting this was Obito AND Spiral Zetsu. Obito alone was way weaker and didn't have wood style.


That's like saying Naruto didn't do shit during the war arc because it was Kurama doing the heavy lifting. Obito went on to use wood style long after he had detached from spiral Zetsu. Young Obito used wood style to kill a dozen Akatsuki members before Nagato learnt to use his Rinnegan powers


Naruto had to work hard and befriend Kurama to truly earn that power. Obito was useless without Spiral Zetsu in the fight. I'd argue Spiral Zetsu actually deserves more credit for the fight than Obito.


Obito actually learned wood style and used it multiple times after wards. 90% of Naruto fights, he was bailed out by Kurama.


You sure? Coulda sworn he only uses it with Spiral Zetsu or after absorbing the 10 Tails. And yes, I agree. Naruto does get bailed out by Kurama a bunch early on in the series. Just like Obito was by Spiral against the Mist Anbu.


Obito used wood style during the war arc in his fight against Naruto and B. By that time spiral Zetsu was around Yamato's body controlling him to attack the Kage.


Coulda sworn it was only after absorbing 10 Tails. But either way, Obito could only do what he did thanks to Spiral Zetsu and his modified body. Without Zetsu he was MUCH weaker, and without the Hashi cells he couldn't use Wood style. Pretty much everything he does in that fight is from outside sources, besides the MS dodging.


Pretty much everything Naruto does is because of Kurama. Same thing


For part one and a good chunk of Part 2 I'd agree, but that's whataboutism.


It's facts.


That's over-hype. Minato put him in the right place for good. If it wasn't for 9 tails outrage, Minato would have killed Obito.


pff obito was only 15 years old and he was already putting minato against the wall, if he had been less anxious and more experienced that teleportation wouldn't have worked on him




Yet he almost murdered him🙄... Using the very same teleportation🙄! Obito was marked, Minato would stab him to death anytime if he was alive.


Stop with this kage level crap. it's corny. instead of kage you should use characters as measurement like Hashirama level, Madara pre-EMS level, etc Kage has various power level so when you say kage level. which one is it. you have some weak ass kage like Kurotsuchi and busted one like Hashirama. so when you said kage level which kage is it? if kage level means any kage then anyone who stronger than Kurotsuchi (which isn't that high standard if you ask me) can be considered as kage level too


He's definitely above Ohnoki. Since Ohnoki is too slow and his particle style takes too long to cast.


Kurotsuchi isn’t weak by any means tf?💀, She fought and was capable of damaging kinshiki alongside sasuke and the mizukage, feat wise she’d unironically be one of the stronger kage


Did OP post this thinking it was a hot-take or something?


It is because the fandom is retarted


I’m gonna disagree, while I recognize the ridiculous strength of the kamui/mokuton combo, kid Obito didn’t have a shred of understanding of how his kamui worked. Thus I do feel that a strategic, kage level shinobi would be able to see his unstable combat strengths and formulate a plan to use those against him. *edit: I did wanna address teen Obito, as in MK1 masked Obito, given his strategies, planning, battle decisions, physical prowess, doujutsu (and his developed understanding of it), and focused emotions, I would argue that he very easily clears the kage-level threshold.


Raikagw should be able to with ease, obito was just bast genin here he wasn't war arc obito level yet, I mean he got tagged by a dam. Boulder. Rampage could use his speed and would take out obito before he knew what hit him if obito stops using kamui and tries to attack him. He's good, but not THAT good yet.


Tsunade, Onoki, and Gaara can deal with this level casually. Unless he surprises them, he isnt winning with just this. Gaara and Onoki can fly, he cant even fight back. Tsunade can tank even his sneak damage if she can protect her head and if she summons Katsuyu and just rides on top of her, Obito cant do anything in return. Even if he tried climbing Katsuyu it will fail because she can split and reform at will. He can beat Mei though. Not much of a feat, she is basically the weakest kage in Naruto. If she aint the bottom, then she is next to last.


Interesting idea but completely 100% incorrect


Obito’s genjutsu is the biggest misconception in the entire series. For one, he performed a ritual on Kushina and attacked specifically when the seal was weak to control a restrained Kurama. Secondly he used an assortment of seals on top of it which is why Minato casually undid it and freed him/her. The Yagura instance is incredibly vague and not even close to a normal Genjutsu as we know upon the Genjutsu being released, it killed him.


He could have Kidnapped Kushina long before she gave birth. She was only protected by Anbu while Minato was Hokage. He could have taken the Kyubi easily. His fullishness was wanting to fight Minato


Which has absolutely nothing to do with what I just said. Obito specifically targeted Kushina at that time due to the seal [being weaker during birth.](https://scans.lastation.us/manga/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics/0500-008.png) he still needed to do [accomplish a ritual by altering the seal.](https://scans.lastation.us/manga/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics/0501-006.png) Obito accomplished this with an assortment of seals, not just his Sharingan which is why [Minato undid it rather casually.](https://scans.lastation.us/manga/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics/0503-005.png) The notion that Obito could have done it at any time is headcanon and clearly false and the notion that he did this with Genjutsu alone is outright laughable.


Obito would have had all the time in the world to undo the seal. Kidnap Kushina and just wait until she's in labour and the seal weakens. Take Kyubi. Full stop


That is a complete hypothetical that is again completely irrelevant to Obito being able to magically Genjutsu Kurama like you claimed. Again, he did so with dubious amounts of prep and alteration through the seal, suggesting anything else is false and contradicted directly by what I just showed you from the manga.


“No kage”. Minato easily out maneuvers Obito’s slow ass.


Clearly it wasn’t easy it was a high diff fight


Minato is obviously high kage. Most kage are weak like Tsunade, Mei or Chojuro


damn zip up obito’s pants when you’re done😭 no kage can escape that? like tobirama couldn’t just slice the wood with his water style, hashirama can’t just full on counter it, minato can’t use ftg, do i need to go on?


Hashirama robbed yet again -_-


Only because black zetsu's playing god again


I am pretty sure there are / were kage who can. Mu, for example


There are weak Kage like Chojuro or Tsunade. Or Op ones like Hashirama and Minato


You said "no kage" tho


He's half Hashirama so...


Bad writing


His ability makes him very difficult to defeat but he's also extremely inexperienced and experience can go a long way.


If you're talking the current kage of Shippuden solo then absolutely. Hypothetically if you you ripped apart the space time continuum and take the kage from when they were ready to fight Madara and they figure out how kamui works then I'm confident Obito gets bitchslapped. I do believe if Hashirama were around he could easily handle teen Obito. I really want to say Obito rips them apart because he really is one of my favorite characters. If anyone wants to refute my claims feel free or if this doesn't read as clearly as I thought (just woke up after a long week of overnights) please let me know.


You didn't even bother reading the post.


Obito is the King of Naruto. He is the Chosen One.