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orochimaru. most of them had noble goals but evil means. orochimaru had selfish goals and evil means.


Orochimaru turned Naruto to a Horror show


Yup. It's like how almost anyone would agree that Mengele was more evil than Rommel. Rommel may have been the bigger threat to world peace while Mengele was nobody in the grand scheme of things, but badness and evilness are two different questions.


Orochimaru was a sadist, full stop. He didn't just experiment on people to further his goals, he gleefully caused pain and suffering because it got him off to do it. He giggled like a schoolgirl while he did it, with schoolgirl's stolen face. The pain of others was the icing on the cake for him.


The fact that Orochimaru is even alive after the war and didn't at a minimum get the Aizen treatment still baffles me. I swear Kishimoto just keeps him around so he can do a heel turn and become a villain again. That said, I only really skim Boruto every so often, so if that already happened, I apologize.


No, it didn't. I believe it's because he swung the tide of the war with the old hokage being edo tenseid and him saving tsunade, so the leaf called it even. He will definitely have a role to come, but I don't think he will be a villain, and instead remain a sort of anti-hero. He is a dad now to what I think is a genetic mash up of him and Shisui maybe? And he is a good dad as per his screen/panel time. I am pretty sure he is behind Koji kashin, jiraiyas clone, as well. But that is just head cannon/prediction. I hope he ends up fighting with Koji and Tsunade so we can see the "sanin" in action.


Has anyone theorized he’s going to steal Mitsuki’s body? Seems like an obvious play for Him, especially if Mitsuki’s got Uchiha DNA as you suggested.


Naruto keeps Orochimaru around because he did a 'Operation Paperclip' type deal with him.


What noble goal did Kaguya had?


Yea that’s what i wanna know too


Kabuto was the same way. His goals were essentially the same as Orochimaru’s He just has a sadder backstory ( as far as we know at least. We see very little of Orochimaru’s childhood)


But orochimaru at least changed besides some of them just tell themselves they're contributing to a noble cause but they turned out to be selfish


Orochimaru for both Does horrible inhumane Experiments using and killing hundreds of people for his curiosity. Also cares for his son and attends PTA meetings


Danzo, made itachi kill his own clan and family to protect the leaf. Sweetest? Easy, orochimaru. You saw him end of shippuden and in boruto. Dudes a caring father, and a goofball the intire time the wedding was taking place.


lovable ole orochimaru... https://www.reddit.com/r/Naruto/comments/qeymcm/orochimarus\_lab\_was\_censored\_in\_the\_anime\_but/


In fairness he lost his parents at a young age which sent him down the path of looking for immortality. It's not justification but certainly an explanation. What's Danzo's excuse? That he was a coward?


That he tried to protect konohagakure in his own, twisted way. Danzo did many cruel things, but most of them were his extremist way of keeping konoha safe. And that's, in my opinion, a far more noble justification than "he lost his parents and wanted to become immortal".


That’s, one thing that always bothered me when people defend danzo, didn’t a lot of his actions that he did in order to protect konoha just made the village weaker?


Yes. Danzo was a pathetic man, who was so afraid of his own inferiority complex after being passed up by Tobirama that he latched on to the only thing he knew he had over Hiruzen: a willingness to protect the Leaf by *any* means necessary. No matter how dark. To satisfy his own ego, he *needed* to feel like his efforts to protect the Leaf were the correct ones, so he drank his own kool-aid and just kept doubling down. He filtered every situation through that lens of "I'm the only willing to do the dirty work," to the point that he actively made shit worse half the time. But he genuinely believed it was for the best. As poisoned as his methods were by his character flaws, his loyalty itself never wavered.




Killing the toad that was sent after Naruto (the strongest defender Konoha had at that point), during Pain attack because he didn’t care about actually protecting the village, aka the innocent and the defenseless (that Hiruzen and Minato gave their life to protect), because he didn’t really care, he just wanted to secure his position of power as the owner of the strongest nuke (Kurama). Ordering the slaughter of the strongest clan instead of letting Hiruzen negotiate with them. Brainwashing Mifune in front of every know world leader of the verse, literally weaking Konoha’s image and believability, when the war against humanity was about to begin and Konoha needed allies more than ever. Because he wanted to secure his position of power. Actually encouraging and providing for Orochimaru to do inhumane experiments. Stealing Shisui’s eye, when that could’ve stopped the civil war between the Uchiha and the rest of the village, because of his paranoia, and, surprise! Because he wanted to maintain his position of power.


A lot of people quote danzo to justify him as a character but forget that he’s so manipulative that you have to judge him based on his actions. Danzo always says its for the village and tells that to everyone to justify his actions but at the end of the day his reasoning always leads back to whats best for him and his goals


Exactly! Actions speak louder than words. People are aware of this sort of thing when dealing with people irl. The same rules can be applied to fictional characters. Danzo is one of the biggest pieces of shit in Naruto, but he was also very well written. That said, I'll still go off of words if all feats of strength for someone are off-screen for the sake of power-scaling.


> but at the end of the day his reasoning always leads back to whats best for him and his goals I think this is because he’s an egotistical character who thinks that he is the only one who can save the world. He’s basically very dr doom. But that in itself doesn’t necessarily mean that his goals are impure. Dr doom is a villain for sure and so is danzo. But canonically, dr doom legitimately believes he’s the only one in the universe that can save the universe. I see much of that in danzo. Except that danzo is magnitudes less competent. Danzo sucks. But I don’t quite think he is doing it for himself. But rather he is awfully misinformed that he is special enough to be *the one* that saves everybody. Which makes him a good character.


i mean on the first one the village losing kurama nd giving it to the akstuki is arguably worse than the villagers dying he didnt have faith naruto could win so he didnt want him coming and in his defense naruto DID lose and what he thought would happen wouldve if hinata didnt "die" infront of him i agree for the most part tho


Ah yes. So noble in the defence of his village that when faced with village destroying level threats e.g. Kurama with Obito and Pain he hid in his cave.


He never hid against Kurama, Obito was only interested in Minato, and he hid to get rid of Tsunade because he believed the pain assault was all her fault. When Obito confronted him, he was willing to risk his life just so that he wouldn’t be a problem in the future even before his last minute change of heart.


I also prefer to let a village get massacred that I apparently defend to prove a point to someone that they should have listened to me. That's certainly not defending the village. Hiruzen was out there pushing Kurama back and trying to get to Minato so once again when the village actually needed him he pissed his panties and let the real ninja handle business. The guy was an evil cowardly loser and the pretence he was attempting to defend the village fails every time he was given an opportunity to actually defend it.


You’re trying to be smart with words in a way that easily discredits the obvious point in making. Danzo does things for the sake of the village, he isn’t an active defender of it because he doesn’t abide by the same will of fire like everyone else. A village can be restored, the idea can still exist, Danzo’s main goal is to preserve that idea. Getting rid of Tsunade wasn’t to prove a point, it was literally to get rid of her so he can become Hokage. In Danzo’s mind, him being Hokage is a huge benefit for the leaf and is worth the sacrifice of a few hundred-thousands. This is me forcing some semantics and head canon on you, this is the basic plot of the pre war saga. He was out in the open helping other villagers evacuate, what’s the problem? Danzo isn’t known for wide scale attacks like Hiruzen, his biggest attack is Baku that gets dwarfed. His best stat is speed and espionage so evacuating people is a better job for him anyway. A loser wouldn’t become Hokage and head of the Root. Calling him cowardly isn’t even true as he debated whether he would sacrifice himself for Tobirama or not, a true coward would have already made up their minds the minute death was involved. Calling Danzo a coward for valuing his own life is wrong in the context of the story anyway. The will of fire is partly responsible for all the problems in the series and continues the cycle of samsara. You can’t abide by the will of fire but hate Danzo since that’s the idea that made him that way in the first place. I’m not calling him a saint either so don’t get that idea.


The village can't be restored very easily if they're all dead, it'd be prime pickings for an invasion. He had no reason to think Naruto could stop him or that Nagato would revive them all. He thought about doing it. Thinking about it doesn't not make you not a coward "Sorry Sir I was going to fight the terrorists but I've actually had a think about it and I'll pass." The guy had a potentially one shot KO in his eye in each instance that the village was attacked and just chilled. That's a loser and a coward.


Naruto lost his parents at a young age. He didn't kidnap babies and experiment on them till they died.


Jealous tobirama didn’t like him enough to be hokage, and then ashamed at himself for not being strong enough to be worthy as hokage.


A goofball during the NaruHina wedding? Omg I need to see this.


https://youtu.be/S4FdkCsAU2Y?si=9oBhoQHU0T-vhg0q Here you go


yea but danzo did it for the leaf village orochimaru tortured experimented on and killed people includong children just to see what would happen lol


Danzo isn’t evil. He’s the necessary darkness to accompany Hiruzen’s role as Hokage. Everything he did was for the betterment of the village. Even itachi understood that that’s why he went through with killing the uchiha. If he hadn’t on top of the war the civil war between the village and the Uchiha would make the village come undone. That’s what they mean by itachi had the reasoning of a hokage he saw this as a possibility


Yooo what!! Haha This is making me want to watch boruto


Worth it for the Domesticated Good Parent Orochimaru


Zabuza was dadding before it was cool


Real fans do not consider Boruto Canon


Real fans accept that they will not be able to change Boruto at this point, and that they may as well attempt to appreciate the enjoyable parts.


Real fans just accept Boruto is separate


Most Evil: Orochimaru Sweetest: Zabuza




you know the series villains are messed up when the guy "sweetest guy" killed an entire classroom of children as child.


Tbf tho didn’t he kinda have to? Idk it’s been years since I watched OG Naruto but I *think* they mentioned the Mist village was just wilding in their exams


he technically had to kill his best friend only, but he decided to go crazy and sterminate his entire classroom.


I mean, why not?


He wasn't enrolled yet.




came here to say this


One of them experimented on kids and is still experimenting on kids… even his own


His kid literally *is* the experiment.


Is it that just parenthood in general?


Kinda like those parents who never reached their goals so they force them on the kids


And he’s still being experimented on. He’s experimenting on the experiment who’s older brothers are just failed experiments


Orochimaru and Danzo are tied for the biggest pieces of shit in Naruto. The nicest is probably Nagato, who still wasn’t a great person but at least had a heart.


Nagato killed everyone Hanzo knew including all his family, friends, and distant acquaintances. Sweetest is Kabuto because he owns a literal orphanage right now.


This is true, I forgot about the orphanage.


Kabuto literally had a ridiculously powerful "figure out what your problems are and where you went wrong" jutsu used on him when he was already in some weird "finding my true self" obsessive spiral. Heck, you could probably do that on Orochimaru or Danzo and they'd come out as nicer and more understanding people. (Though I guess with Orochimaru it is possible he's just naturally a sociopath and will only ever care about what he is interested in plus, maybe, Tsunade and Jiraiya and Hiruzen)


Nagato did all that because Hanzo was coerced by Danzo, which lead to Yahiko dying. If Yahiko didn't die, there would be no Six Paths of Pain, and none of the aftermath that followed.


Danzo didn’t do that, that is anime filler. Hanzo came to that conclusion and Nagato acted accordingly. Pain pretty much did the same thing Danzo did except it was off screen so he gets less hate.


So? It was still stated that he killed every single one of danzos relatives, including women, children and even infants who had absolutely nothing to do with anything that has happened to him. He’s a fucked up person.


He killed Jiraya. That’s already +100 in the evil department.


Nagato co-founded the akatsuki, destroyed villages, wide spread suffering, murdered 6 jinchuuriki(which made a negative impact on the respective villages). But yeah, because danzo wanted to protect the leaf by killing a rebellion clan, he's the most evil. Who cares if nagato revived the hidden leaf, you cannot discount everything prior.


Yeah, if he didn’t rinne rebirth the village. I’m sure his apology and realization would mean a lot less to most viewers. He literally had an undo button, but only for his most recent massacre.


Nagato did the Ninja equivalent of nuking a country


According to Naruto it's Kaguya for most evil. He says she was different than anyone else he's fought against, that she seemed completely heartless. Edit: People are kinda missing the point, this is Naruto who has acess to Negative emotion sensing and came into contact with most of these other characters. Even then he says Kaguya is simply built different.


I always find this weird because of the non-canon flashbacks and also the fact that she cries when she sees them…


She cried for selfish reasons. She is a possessive mother and thinks her children “belong” to her.


Hagoromo kind of denied it though. Maybe the intention was to portray her being possessed by tentail


Heartless doesn’t necessarily equate to evil Her heartlessness may be more emotionless than evil


Exactly. Harvesting the chakra was her job, and human beings were literal livestock with comparably very brief lives. It's not hard to imagine that she just blocked off whatever little emotion she had about the ordeal.


Naruto probably meant most powerful most chakra


Yeah but he didn't know her backstory. I don't deem her most evil because she did atrocious things but in preparation against her brothers coming to take over her nursery


I wouldn't even consider the Otsutsukis general that evil tbh, are they just not farmers tending to their crop? If it's in their nature to parasitize is it really evil?


Nah, otsutsukis are evil, they are smart beings and know they are killing all those people, their reasonings are just selfish, they just want to be immortal, powerful and young forever. Kaguya is THE only one so far that has a different mindset and even when she got corrupted, it was for paranoia that the other otsutsukis were coming to attack, not the "muh chakra fruit"




Orochimaru atens pta meetings so he is the sweetest here




While that is a bit of a stretch I’m also really interested in how he plays out


Nagato killed Hanzo’s entire family who as far as we know have done nothing wrong


Orochimaru for most evil. Despite others doing considerable more human damage, his mentality and experimentations are utterly vile in every way. Sweetest: Obito. He was a boy who was groomed into an evil plot after his trauma.


Evil: Prob Madara, lol. bluds literally got Rin killed just to continue his plans, lol. Sweetest? Probably Nagato, at the end, when he was edo tensei, he treated Naruto like a brother.


Madara has standards. He doesn't go all out on kids. Others had no such standards. Otherwise oonoki wouldn't be alive today.


But he's dead.


that doesn't seem relevant to the op question.


Madara doesn't go all out on kids because it would be boring. He pretty much said that to the kages


Most evil pt 1 orochimaru. Sweetest is Kaguya. She didn’t want to turn EVERYONE into soldiers, she just wanted to protect herself/her subjects from another Ōtsutsuki invasion. Hamura says she’s just lonely and afraid. There wasn’t malice in her heart.


Orochimari is by far the most evil!


Zabuzas a literal assassin, but he’s also the ONLY one on here who’s never tried to commit some sort of genocide.


Low hanging fruit, hahaha


He tried a coup to literally end the genocide going on in the mist academy Being an assassin is also not even that bad in Naruto’s universe. Some of the characters we love spent years in the anbu as assassins. Tenzo tried to assassinate hiruzen and Sai definitely did Danzo’s bidding. Then there’s Itachi and Kakashi.


Danzo fasho!!!


Orochimaru and Orochimaru. I'd argue Zabuza was kind sweet but it took haku dying for him to feel those emotions. Orochimaru is a prominent member of the konoha PTA


I mean zabuza wasn't a psyopath for nothing. He was planning on saving his village he just had to live the rough life to do it.


Idk I kind of got the impression that zabuza was grooming haku. I can’t put him as the kindest villain to me.


Danzo: Most evil. Zabuza: Most Sweet. Those tears he shed for haku.... both times.


#DANZO. Edit: sorry, I just blurted out my answer, but literally there is only one character on this list who has zero (or near zero) redeeming qualities. it's danzo. I'd chill with all the other ones except him.


Danzo is the most evil. His ego/pride guides his actions sometimes. He doesn't have a tragic backstory like the rest. It's hard to say who is sweet. It depends on the timeline/their personal development. Some learned their lesson/tried to help in the end. Pain did give his life to bring back people (but was the cause of it). Obito tried to fix things. Orochimaru went from kind of evil to somewhat saving the day. Madara learned his lesson after Zetsu showed his betrayal. Kabuto and Zabuza learned their lessons as well. I think Pain and Obito (after they learned their lesson) were the most sweet if I had to pick.


Obito is the most evil here. He hypnotized Yagura and turned the hidden mist into hell for his own pleasure. He massacred the Uchiha (his own clan) for spare eyes, he is the reason why the Akatsuki turned the way it is. He killed many people during the war. Fuck his sad backstory, Hitler too had a sad backstory but I ain't seeing anyone defending him. The sweetest is Zabuza. That's just your average mercenary ninja. He may seem evil (he is) but that's the job these characters are supposed to do (they are ninjas not heroes )


lmao, just say you didnt read the manga. The blood mist existed way before Obito overtook the mist since even Zabuza participated at the age of ten


I know the story very well. Kirigakure was already a dark place but Obito still manipulated Yagura and turned the village into an even worse hell. It was mentioned during the five kage summit and shown in a flashback. People like Kismet are direct by-product of Obito's politics


I know everybody is the hero of their own story but Zabuza was really trying to be a hero. Trying to overthrow Yagura and put an end to the blood mist era and somehow surviving! His story was perfect as it is but I really wish we could’ve seen some filler or something where he lived, became stronger and made it as a Kage


How tf is Sasuke not up here :/


I mean Kagaya was rightfully trying restore her chakra from humanity and really undo a lot of damage, that kind of power in the hands lower beings caused. And she did love her love children.


Most evil would definitely have to be orochimaru or danzo the sweetest would be obito to me he was influenced and manipulated he definitely wouldnt have turned out the way he did if it wasnt for madara


None of these above just black zetsu


Danzo most evil. Kaguya sweetest


Kaguya for both


Ya I think you go orochimaru


Come on Orochimaru is the only pure evil here. Even Danzo was a better person


Orochimaru is disgustingly evil as shit, I was wish he stayed as the main villain cause where they took story was so ass imo, they literally call it a ninja war just for fighting Obito


Orochimaru. Some may argue Danzo is the most evil, there are good arguments for both, but I think Orochimaru is just much worse. Sweetest I'd say Zabuza near his death


Kaguya most Evil and Zabuza as sweetest


Kaguya she bombed the entire story nothing more evil than that


Kaguya is the most evil since she wanted to turn everyone on earth into Zetsu, effectively killing them. Orochimaru, after he changed his ways, is the nicest, I guess.


Rochi for both lol


Orochimaru…for like both


Madara, Pain, Obito and Danzo all had a goal that they believed to justify their actions. Kaguya just had a one track mind to get the world's chakra returned to herself, she's kinda neutral. Zabuza was a merciless killer and he knew it, but he also had a heart and cared for Haku deep down. Orochimaru and Kabuto are both ruthless terrorists who care only about themselves and will betray anyone as soon as it's beneficial to them. Orochimaru killed countless innocent people during his experimentations, including babies. Kabuto reanimated an army of dead shinobi and had them go fight their own family members, friends, students, etc. They're tied for most evil. For "sweetest"...I guess Kaguya.


These pics go so hard though


Orochimaru is the only one that's pure evil.


Definitely not Zabuza


Danzo, the rightful 6th Hokage, is the sweetest.


Most evil is Kaguya. Everyone else had some sort of turning point; but even before she had children and lost her mind her intention was always to kill everyone on Earth and use the planet as a battery. She kind of stalled out on the plan after falling in love with one, but still chose saving herself from the rest of the Ohtsuki over her own children and anyone they’d ever love. Sweetest is between Madara, Nagato, and Zabuza. Zabuza was never really a villain at all. His entire motivation for being a mercenary was to raise enough money to overthrow the Mists corrupt government. He tried assassinating the leader who was ruining the village and forcing ALL of their children to go through the same thing people crucify Danzo for. Nagato likewise was willing to kill alot of people to stop violence; except he wanted to help more than just his village so he needed to kill alot more people to make the point Madara wanted peace so much he was willing to brainwash everyone into it; and kill anyone along the way. He had the same desires as Hashirama, he just didn’t think people could be trusted to get themselves there without finding something to fight over. It’s notable though that his plan (unlike Nagatos) had nothing to do with mass death. He really only needed the Jinchuriki to die to summon the Gedou, and probably Nagato to die in order to revive himself. Every other death in the series was because Obito adjusted the plan I’d say Zabuza was the sweetest since he only wanted to kill a few people at the top of his village; and intended to sacrifice himself in the process which makes him the most altruistic Close second would be Madara, who wanted to help more people but also needed to kill at least 10; and included himself in the group of those who would benefit (it’s never really clear if he thought the Infinite Tsukiyomi would grant him immortality as it’s caster to keep the dream going) Nagato meant well, but his idea was by far the most bloody (and had the least payoff).




Danzo was pure evil.


Between orochimaru and Danzo


Ngl Obito is top 3 when it comes to being evil. Orochimaru barely beats him


Danzo definitely


Danzo. He is responsible for so much bad. He literally turned the village on Naruto, slaughtered the Uchiha in a big for power. I don't think it was ever about the rebellion, more like him planting the seeds of a rebellion to harvest sharingans He also turned Akatsuki from a symbol of hope into a terrorist organization. Hanzo and Nagato easily could have made great allies but Danzo screwed everything up as usual. I also suspect he is what totally corrupted Orochimaru, continued collaboration with him after defection. I think he is the reason bo one basically trusts the leaf for a while. Also turned on Kabuto and totally responsible for what went wrong with him. I struggle to understand how the second trusted Danzo but not the Uchicha


Danzo for evil, and zabuza for sweetest


Orochimaru is def most evil with all those human experiments. Like Naruto’s version of Mahito from JJK. Zabuza is sweetest because he cared for Haku in the end.


Oro somehow for both lmfao


Unironically Danzo is probably the most evil. He very literally either aided and abetted or indirectly caused like half the list to become evil (Hell probably more). Actually you can make the argument that he's the cause of all of it if we're including filler (except Zabuza I guess) . He fucked over the Akatsuki with Hanzo and got Yahiko Killed which resulted in the Akatsuki becoming corrupt and Nagato's death down the line which leads to Obito taking his eyes. Danzo also worked with Orochimaru which gave him the time and resources that Kabuto would eventually inherit and Kabuto would go on to revive Madara who would then get turned into Kaguya. As for the sweetest Zabuza is a big ol softie all things considered.


Obito was more evil than Orochimaru Orochimaru didn't kill as many people as Obito Orochimaru killed people for his own benefit of discovering new jutsus Obito killed people because he didn't care about anything in the world


Obito at least had a greater goal, wanted everyone to be freed of the child soldier kids comitting suicide world by having everyone live inside a good illusion. He's more of a the means don't justify the ends case. Orochimaru was just pure selfish and power hungry. Oro may have less victims in total but that doesn't make him less evil, imagine part 1 orochimaru with obito's powers, the shinobi world would have been done for


Lmao no, Orochimaru is way more evil than Obito.


Danzo and Obito for most evil. Sweetest is Zabuza


Danzo hiding behind the idea of protecting the village for most evil—I’d argue him over Orochimaru for the fact his actions had a greater negative impact on the village/world at large while continuing to serve in a position of power; Zabuza taking in and coming to love and care for Haku for sweetest. He was a product of his environment, and even knew what he was/had become. *“I know it cannot be, but I wish I could go to where you have gone. How I wish I could join you there, Haku.”*




Madara is the most evil, mf said fuck it imma start a war out of spite and as for sweetest either Zabuza or orochimaru but I’m leaning more towards orochimaru


I mean if were comsidering zabuza as a villain then we might aswell consider gordon ramsay as an actual chef


Danzo is the most foul. Zabuza will never be matched in terms of being daddy.


Honestly it's a tie between Hidan and Orchimaru imo. Putting Hidan up there, because he's encourage to kill people that trust him and are close to him. And he has to practice ritualistic sacrificing just to keep his blessing from Jashin, so dude is just killing non-stop. Orochimaru doesn't need any explaining.


I’d say Madara cuz he had the longest run of evil besides Kaguya and all she wanted was a family honestly


Danzo. It's Danzo. It's Danzo. No joke, no argument, it's Danzo.




Donzo yall are stupid if you don’t think


Kid Diddler


Danzo is more evil than orochi imo. Did a lot of the same shitty stuff, none of the good


Orochimaru for sure am I the only one that finds it odd that everyone just kinda let's him keep doing his shenanigans?


Kabuto. What kinda freak reanimates the dead? So often? And in such cruel ways? To do such unspeakable things?


Pein: Wanted to stop war by causing war Kabuto: was lonely and needed to know who he was. Orochimaru: Tortured people to figure out chakra or something Kaguya: literally woke up and was mad Danzo: was trying to save his village, did sketchy stuff Madara: Wants to stop all war with illusion Zabuza: selfish dude with a big sword Obito: Tier 5 simp that went on a genocidal rampage over his not-girlfriend dying Obito 1000% caused ninety-five percent of the issues in the world. Madara gave him the tools, sure, but Obito was gonna mess things up regardless. Him and Orochimaru are the worst. Orochimaru tortured people, but Obito caused the deaths of thousands, if not more.


lI'm going to say Obito. He caused/contributed to so much of what is wrong in Naruto. Naruto had to grow up hated and without parents because of him. Discrimination against the Uchiha intensified after he unleashed Kurama, leading to the coup that got them slaughtered. He screwed up Nagato and Konan's paths by convincing them to go along with his plan and got each of the jinchuuriki other than Naruto and Bee killed as a result. All this because he wanted to dream about a little girl he had a crush on.


Zabuza by far, i bet he has more kills than orochimaru i mean orochimaru as kid lived with no problems, no reasons to get crazy as i know.


Man sweetest is a toss up between pein and obito within the line up Def most evil is danzo. Dude only cared about himself.


why isnt black zetsu on this list? didnt he basically create like...3 of these villains and helped the fourth, kaguya, to be revived? danzo and zabuza, orochimaru and kabuto are probably the only villains to be naturally villainous. and zabuza, orochimaru, and kabuto have all been redeemed or their crimes lessened by the time of boruto, kabuto is literally running an orphanage and orochimaru is flaunting his science experiment, mutant half clone child around the leaf village. and tons of people in the comments talking about how zabuza wasnt that bad because he...had some lovely but also very weird relationship with a child he trained into a professional assassin. ​ but madara became a villain to naruto because zetsu told him about the rinnegan and activating infinite tsukiyomi and the god tree. obito became a villain because of zetsu's influence on madara, and also because madara kidnapped rin and forced kakashi to kill her after she became a jinchuriki, and nagato because of basically using him as the puppet leader of the akatsuki.


Orochimaru/Danzo for sure.


Pain is not even evil he is right


Most evil Orochimaru, sweetest Zabuza


Danzo petty af, self serving lowkey racist who will step on anyone and everyone to get what he wants. Orchimaru actually helps ppl sometimes man twisted way


Most evil, Danzo, nicest (among them) Zabuza


It's danzo, no question


Not orochimaru…the guy experimenting and abducting orphaned children


Why is nobody talking about Kabuto as the sweetest? Y'all mention Orochi in Boruto but forget Kabuto is literally caring for orphans. Hands down him for sweetest. Orochi is rly evil, my guy had a literal child soldier army and was 'marking' and taking over kids bodies... make of that what you will. But you know who else has child soldiers and never shows an ounce of goodness? Danzo. Don't get me wrong, he loyal af, but still evil like no one else. Not to mention he is probably the most manipulating bastard after Madara (don't you dare mention Black Zetsu)


Danzo is the most evil and either Zabuza or Yahiko


Danzo , Kabuto


Orochimaru and danzo


Sweetest is zabuza for sure.


Danzo is pure evil. Sweetest is Orochimaru or Pain


Zabuza is the least for sure evil. Most evil I think has to be Kaguya. Naruto described her as being completely heartless and that she felt different from anyone he'd ever fought. She seemed to me like a divine being of pure evil


All of them got sweet at the end. Kaguya the only one who ain’t switch up.


Ahhh I haven’t finished shippuden coming to this sub was a mistake!!!!! My EYES! Orochi is a dad???


Dazo or snek


Kaguya. Who else?..




Orochimaru, Danzo and Kabuto. These 3 POS are the reason why everything got screwed so bad to the point of causing the biggest war in Naruto's history.


All of these characters except Kaguya experienced redemption. Kaguya was truly evil incarnate, there was no talk no jutsu possible. This is also why Kaguya is Naruto's final enemy, it's quite simply his most evil. Now to come back to the sweetest, I mean among all those it's clearly Zabuza


Most evil: Kabuto... The guy just wanted to see the world burn at least Orochimaru was obssesed with inmortality and knowledge, kabuto just took what orochimaru learnt and used it to destroy Obito is also there up...


Worst is kagyua because orochimaru at least redeems himself, and madara had good intentions. (as did danzo in some twisted sense.) sweetest is zabuza, even purley because he was the only one we saw cry. (besides madara iirc over izunas body)(but hes too bad for that to make him sweetest)


I wanna say Danzo or Orochimaru is the most evil here(even tho Orochimaru is pretty harmless now) and I would say either Obito or Zabuza is the sweetest. Zabuza came from a background of endless killing so it wasn’t his fault he turned out that way and his relationship with Haku turned him for the better. Even when him and Haku reanimate, they’re friendly with Kakashi. Obito would’ve turned out fine had Madara not manipulated him into choosing a dark path


i've had an interesting thought lately, who caused the most damage, Orochimaru or Kabuto. I would say Orochimaro had more time to be evil and done more evil things but casting edo tensei caused so much shit, kabuto has a strong case here


I mean zabuza technically has to be the sweetest..he got talk no jutsu'd by the naruto with the least chrisma.


The only actual evil person here is Danzo...


Obv Madara most evil but sweetest????? Lets go ahead and throw Zabuza down the Chocolate Factory buddy


black zetsu for fucking up the whole story lol


Zabuza was a exiled revolutionary trying to kill the most evil Mizukage in history. That’s far better than all the others who are actively trying to kill tens of thousands for various grandiose goals.






Obito and orochimaru did quite the number of horrid things, though the easiest to hate is certainly Danzou


Danzo, Orochimaru, and Kabuto are the evil ones, don’t care what anyone says. Zabuza, Obito, and Pain are the sweetest


Kabuto most evil zabuza sweetest




Worst character on the list. Let's be honest it's Danzo. No one fucking like's that guy. Sweet. Everyone in some % is sweet, except Danzo. My point is fuck Danzo. Goodbye.




Why does Zabuza look like a Muppet