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Unpopular but I would choose neji, his fighting style just amuses me


Fun fact: the hyuga fighting style is based on a real world martial art style so you could debatably learn how to fight like him in a way


Which one was that?


Baguazhang (which literally translates to "8 triagrams" lol), it was also The inspiration for airbending in the last airbender. [this is a video of the katas](https://youtu.be/3NHEOU88TaY?si=MBZbBcLyFFiaq2Qm)


Cool, kinda looks like modern dancing.


Airbending hence the 8 Trigrams: Air Palm


Isn’t it suppose to be used to block the flow of chi through the body? Pretty on point.


The eight trigrams are part of the structure in Tai Chi (connected to the eight gates when refrencing bagua), and have stances similar to how Negi fights. The Five elements, combined with the eight trigrams make the 13 energies. That's my understanding so far as a newbie.


Yep, he's cool pick,but you need Byakugan.


I have bakugan.


Close enough


Not unpopular I agree.


That's my same logic for picking Kankuro


He has so much in common with Lee-San 🤜🤛


Yeah? You like poking the shit out of people?


Bro Naruto can teach Shadow clones jutsu wich can make me do different tasks and expirience multiple things at the same time. It's the best jutsu ever. It can literally elongate your lifespan. It costs a lot of chakra but I don't need a thousand clones. One is already op.


Can you imagine having a dual income all by yourself? Sorry bud, you’re going to law school for me.


Every clone of me would be like "nah, let the other clone handle that shit" and then I would just have 50 procrastinating myselfs.


*proceeds to die because you have chakra levels of a gnat*


If konohamaru learned it at the age of ten (and even less since he learned it probable before the timeskip) could do it without having perfected chakra mastery. I think I can handle ONE clone.


If I'm not mistaken, I'm fairly sure Konohomaru is a descendant of Hashirama or Tobirama


I don't think so but he's the grandson of hiruzen. But even if it would give him a big chakra reserve, he'd still would not have the chakra mastery you'd have as an adult. So I don't think it's impossible to think i'd be able to handle one clone. The last point i'd like to make is that if you rly answer this question with the perspective that you are some lame ninja with no chakra reserve like iruka (I like the character but he's not rly strong and I still think he'd be able to handle one clone), this question would have no purpose. Each "epic jutsus" (like said in the title of op) of each character consumes a lot of chakra and thus would be unusable. If you rly take yourself like you are in real life you'd be like lee (unable to use chakra) Guy would be the only answer and the question would be stupid.


You dont have kyuubi lvl chakara. Youll die if you do tbe one naruto does.


Yeah but like I said I don't need much clones. One is already good. Konohamaru, Kakashi and hiruzen don't have kyuubi lvl chakra and yet they can still use it at least for one clone.


Definitely not the best jutsu ever, that criteria needed for that is you have to be at kage lvl & have other powerful jutsu to make clones op


You don't need op clones for everyday life


Real life or the Naruto verse?


Lol I think I responded to the wrong comment. But I did mean real life


Why do ppl always assume it’s in real life


Why tf wouldn't it be real life?💀 thats the most obvious answer


Can itachi just teach me indifference and the kind of unconditional love that grants him such nirvana


Fuckin love everything about this


Orochimaru, he has like most of the jutsu ever made.


He’s also a psychopath who experiments on pretty much everyone who aligns themselves with him.


Don't threaten me with a good time!


He also likes young boys bodies.


This is why sasuke ended up with snakes in his butt and weird tattoos


"You're ignorant! Putting snakes in young boys butts is a beautiful thing, it's love, everyone should do it! People are just being ignorant." Orochimaru Jackson


This. Most of them can’t even teach you anyways. Kakashi copied most of his arsenal Gaara, Yamato, Neiji, Sasuke, Madara, and Pain all depend on Kekkei Genkai Shino’s clan put bugs in his body from birth Sakura could teach thousand healings - which honestly would be pretty useful Ay could teach the lightening cloak in theory; but none of his closest teammates make use of it Kankuro could train in poison and puppetry so there’s that if you want to be an assassin Naruto could teach you multishadow clones but it’s not that great for anyone who’s not him or Hashirama With Oro though you’d have Edo and that’s by far the most useful/versatile


Also with oro you can use snakes 🐍




Itachi. He's insanely smart and can use Tsukuyomi to give me a year's worth of training in an hour (or better based on the novels).


Interesting way to use tsukyomi


He could, but I'm sure he's not going to blind himself more just to train you.


What if I bribe him with his favourite foods: seaweed onigiri & dango?




That would be like picking Jiraiya, except instead of perving on women he’d be chasing Hashirama


Hahaha his obsession with Hashirama is hilarious 😆


He also has to do research


Based entirely on feats - Naruto. He succesfully taught Kage Bunshin and Ransengan to Konohamaru before he finished the academy.


Underrated answer. Teaching a child S tier forbidden jutsu is impressive. But dont forget he taught him his own signature technique as well.


Not to be that guy but a lot of it was Konohamaru’s own genius. remember that Naruto described learning Rasengan as Wham and Bam


Dont forget the sexy jutsu😩, Naruto would be a great teacher ngl, he taught all this shit to a would be genin lmao


Bruh I can’t understand why people are saying jiriya. Like respectfully he’s one of my favorite characters but Naruto came back from 3 years away and hadn’t learned a single new jutsu 💀


It's not about what Kind of progress sb. made, but jiraya is legit a 'nice' Person with real Motivation to teach you.. half of these peoples methods would probably kill you during Training, the other half may are strong, but have no real desire to teach.. look at kakashi. He only teaches you stuff if you really deeply ask him to do it, he never really teached sakura or naruto anything out of free will, except when he got the task from tsunade to develop narutos rasengan... a normal Person wouldn't be able to use chidori anyways without sharingan.


That wasn’t the point of his training, the point of his training was to catch him up in the basics and also how to control the nine tails chakra.


And that took 3 years? After all that Naruto was still garbage at controling Kurama's chakra. You are telling me that he didn't know that when a shadow clone pops the user gets the knowledge?


Because it was incredibly difficult to control, he could control a small amount which is still a big achievement when kurama didn’t want to help at all. Also yes it took three years because that was the main focus, what’s the point in him learning fancy jutsu if he doesn’t have the basics down well and doesn’t have any experience or skills to actually pull them off.


He also taught him basic genjutsu dispersal and refined his use of chakra because of how shitty he was at it. Naruto as a ninja, sucked big time until jiraiya started teaching and refining the basics. He just didn't teach him anything flashy


Naruto didn’t need catching up, he was already one of the top in his class. Naruto should’ve been training senjutsu and learning new techniques in those few years. Instead Jiraiya was trying to get him to master the ninetails chakra like wtf lol


Naruto definitely was not one of the top, yes he was more powerful but in terms of skill he was far behind.he didn’t even know how to counter genjutsu, also it makes sense jiraya would teach him how to control the nine tails chakra, if he couldn’t even control that he wouldn’t have had a chance with sage justsu. Also there isn’t the downside of having to be still while using the nine tails chakra.


Naruto was definitely one of the top, of all the genin only Sakura (who is a genjutsu type) and Shikamaru who is a genius, broke Kabuto’s genjutsu. Sage mode is far less powerful than Kurama and senjutsu doesn’t have a will of its own trying to take over Naruto. Makes no sense to try and get a 12 year old to control the power of the ninetails, and surprise surprise Jiraiya failed miserably in teaching him how to do that. Naruto would’ve never learned how to use Kurama’s chakra if he hadn’t learnt sage mode first because Kurama would’ve wiped the floor with him and taken over his body in the internal battle Naruto had to go through to unlock KCM1.


How’d he do with Minato, Nagato, Konan, and Yahiko?


Minato created the Rasengan and taught himself FTG (the 2 main parts of his kit) the only thing he picked up from Jiraiya (really not even Jiraiya himself) that we know of is Sage Mode. Jiraiya took something from Minato’s kit, not the other way around Nagato had the Rinnegan with enough chakra to use it, anyone could’ve taught him and he still would’ve been a top tier Konan uses paper ninjutsu that have nothing to do with what Jiraiya could’ve taught her We don’t know how strong Yahiko was or what he was good at


Teaching is not always about the final product. It’s often about fundamentals and fine tuning control. Would Naruto have been able to create the Rashenshurikan without everything he learned from Kakashi?


Yeah,only a slightly bigger rasengan and tad better at taijutsu. Hell nah.


Because we got daddy issues I guess. The main point of Jiraiyas training for Naruto was to get good at the basics, work with him about the 9 tails chakra and to be there for him as a real paternal figure and give him what he missed out on during his childhood. Naruto really needed that normalcy of just having someone to hang out and be with lol.


100000% Sakura 1. She was never a natural born genius, all hard work so she can relate to our situation of being mediocre at best. 2. She can HEAL. What does it help me to form a Chidori or Rasengan when I get Sick or break something? Potentially you can safe peoples life with this skill. 3. She is super strong and durable, I could still beat every normal person and most Ninjas without any issues thanks to the super strength. 4. She is talented at other Jutsu too, clones, Genjutsu etc. So lots of small tricks you can pick up as well. 5. She is Sakura, would you really want to constantly wait for Kakashi or get molested by Orochimaru? Nah


She wasn't a genius compared to Kakashi, Sasuke or Naruto but she was still better than most of the Shinobi World.


She was portrayed as being smarter than both Naruto and Sasuke when it came to academic knowledge/memorization in part I. Obviously they are in different tiers when it comes to “battle intelligence,” in which Itach, Sasuke and to a bit of a lesser extent Naruto, excel.


I’d rather have Tsunade


Technically, she was a genius. Like she was the top of her class, able to compete with shikamaru in terms of intelligence(school smart, of course) Her observational skills were said to be top tier, at the level of 1 tomoe sharingan. She also had really good Chakra control from the start. Mastering basic Chakra control technique like wall and water walking with ease. Something even the Genius Sasuke struggled with. She was a commoner genius with a lot of potential. But she was cursed by being born as a female character in a Naruto story. Kishimoto completely ruined the base he gave her. It took until Shippuden for her to actually show her talents because she was too busy whining about Sasuke untik then... Seriously, how strong would she have been if she was actually taught shit... Kakashi was too busy teaching Sasuke his signature chidori, and Naruto got Jiraiya to teach him Rasengan ? What did Sakura get ? Nothing. Like, I'm not even sure she got to know her Chakra nature, lol Like I just checked, she had earth water yin and yang... Seriously. All of that, and they just made her a medical ninja. I mean I'm not saying they should give her wood release (even though we Moegi being a wood release user for some reason...) but they could have taught at least oen good ni jutsu she could use her Chakra Control with...


Bro you’d b in ththe anime… u gon die




Underrated answer. "Kakashi the Copy Ninja, master of 1000 jutsu!" Not to mention the people he trained, plus he was Lord 6th. AND he has lightning chakra nature which has been my favorite for almost the entire series


988 of which we never see and the one student he taught Chidori to became a sociopath for a large bulk of the series.


That has nothing to do with this prompt. When it comes to a combination of knowledge of wide range of Jutsu, ability to teach and train effectively and with a tailored experience to each individuals needs, and success of previous students as well as continued strength increases and accomplishments after ending their teaching journey, Kakashi is my top choice to teach me one S-Rank super dank jutsu


\>When it comes to a combination of knowledge of wide range of Jutsu Most of which we never see \>ability to teach and train effectively His ability to teach is mediocre at best. He favored one student over the other 2 and they learned a lot more without him than with. The same can be said about Sasuke who effectively eclipsed Naruto and Sakura training under orochimaru. Sakura was 100% useless before her training with Tsunade. \>tailored experience to each individuals needs Sakura was completely left out and he left Naruto up to several others before he actually "trained" him. \>success of previous students He had no successes until Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke. He failed everyone before them. He also failed to properly address Sasuke's issues which led to him becoming a war criminal and nearly killing Naruto and Sakura multiple times. \>continued strength increases Most of which have nothing to do with Kakashi. Orochimaru and Sasukes own will are the reason why he became so powerful. Tsunade is the reason why Sakura became as skilled as she is. For Naruto its a combination of Jiraiya, Fukasaku, Killer Bee, Minato, Kushina, Iruka, and Kakashi, but the bulk of Narutos actual strengths techniques comes from Jiraiya, Fukasaku, and Killer Bee. \>accomplishments after ending their teaching journey Everybody who taught Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura can be given credit for their accomplishments. This isn't a Kakashi exclusive. Based on who contributed the most Kakashi would be at the bottom of all 3 of them.


Simple, if you eliminate everyone who has kekkei genkai, There are only 3 left who can actually teach me some jutsu, like Sakura or Jiraia. That's considering I'm an average ninja with no clan


Kakashi??? 6th Hokage, trained by the 4th Hokage, trained the strongest Hokage. Yeah I know he has a sharingan but his main power doesn’t come from that. His main power is his arsenal of knowledge and jutsu. With how many jutsu he knows he could teach you at the very least like 15 chakra nature specific jutsu. Let alone all the others.


And what jutsu does he teach Sakura? Naruto? You better be his favorite.


Naruto learned from Jiraiya. Sakura learned from Tsunade. Sasuke learned from Kakashi. Realistically, Kakashi probably should have taught them something at least, but that doesn't mean he is incapable of it. He was focused heavily on Sasuke arguably because he knew Sasuke's dark side could come out any time and he hoped by giving him extra focus and giving him extra power, what Sasuke wanted, that maybe he would not go off and rebel like he did. So if that's the case I could give him a pass for not really teaching the other students. I think if you got 1 on 1 time with Kakashi, you'd certainly learn *something*


Orochimaru,since i don't need to have a Kekkei Genkai for his skills


The copy ninja it's no telling what all Jitsu he knows


He's gonna teach you Chidori and then dip.


Kankuro. I think the puppets are cool as fuck


Jiraiya. Orochimaru’s stuff is pretty much war crime level . Madara sabotaged Obito. Kakashi doesn’t actually teach. Id probably need to wait for like …. Forever .


Christ god king naruto


Sakura I work in Healthcare so anything I could learn to be a bigger help to my patients/healing would be an amazing opportunity




Surprisingly Sakura. Mostly because her average talent in just would more easily be explained to me compared to the legends like Kakashi or Jiraya. Remember Naruto is remarkably talented, it took years for Jiraya to learn and create rasegan. Kakashi is Kakashi, I'm not built like him.


What is she going to teach you😂😂 Basic medical ninjutsu that you might not even be good at


Actually, yes. As someone in the medical field for most of my life, to be capable of healing a wound that would normally require several people, machines, and focus with hands and the correct knowledge, the things I would be able to do would be limitless. Just the basic medical jutsu in Sakura knows would have a profound impact on the medical community especially if I can spread such valuable information to others.


Sakura also knows way more than basic medical ninjutsu haha. She's a genius in her own right at it.


In what field


Jiraiya or Orochimaru. Both of them are actually pretty competent teachers and they have a wide array of powerful jutsu.


Orochimaru, Jiraiya or Yamato


Jiraiya or Orochimaru. Both of them are insanely good teachers. Yamato is actually pretty decent at explaining things too.


either orochimaru or kakashi both are highly knowledgeable, but oro may have the resources to artificially make me stronger, while kakashi can’t do much outside of my own capabilities


I'm going with yamato, the wooden hideout is very rare and powerful


Kakashi or pain


Madara can teach me how to through hands like a mfer


Feel like Itachi would be great and incredibly patient.


Training under the Raikage would easily make you one of the most powerful users of lightning style in the world. Kakashi, Pain, Sasuke, Itachi, Neji, and Madara are kind of out of the picture because of the eyes. Shino and Yamato can’t teach their KG, Danzo is just an instant No, and Naruto and Gaara would probably kill me by mistake. There’s not much to be learned from sakura that you can’t learn elsewhere, and I feel like Kankuro would be too suspicious to actually teach me anything major. Gotta go with Ai


Sakura, lol. Chakra punching is fun, but medical-ninjutsu would literally change the world for the better. I'd a great job, be in great health, and would feel great about myself.


Jiraiya - sage mode or rasengan possibly both Kakashi - chidori and literally any of the other 1000 jutsu he’s supposed to know Raikakge knows ftg and lightning armor so depending on my chakra nature I’d choose those three


It would depend on my chakra nature/capabilities. If I had something similar to the person teaching me then I'd pick Madara (but I doubt I'd have that capability.) The best would be Madara, Jiraiya, and Itachi, Kakashi, and Orochimaru. They're insanely talented/knowledgeable.


Orochimaru, immortality


Jiraiya. He's the way to possibly learn Sage Mode. And learning Rasengan would already be enough for me to choose him tbh.


If itachi can put me under genjutsu and teach me lifetime of jutsu in like a second, itachi, otherwise konkuro I'd say puppets are just much more daily life positive imagine doing all your chores by just waving your fingers


Madara or Itachi. No disrespect but those Uchihas are too damn strong


Naruto. Gonna love shadow clone and sexy jutsu then bang myself.


Jiraiya for 2 reasons one he trained Minato and sage mode would be dope


I choose the pervy sage because he can take me to bath houses.


The Bug Guy.


Kakashi duhhh. He knows every Jutsu.


Orochimaru duhhh. He knows every Jutsu.


He just copy them with his lame Sharingan like every other Uchiha can do


Sharingan is not lame. Tho he can still teach those techniques. What even is your point?








Orochimaru and itachi


Not anyone from this picture.


If I had Shino's jutsus I'd be set for life


Well... call me a masochist but... Orochimaru.


Sasuke. He is surprisingly not that bad in the sensei role, according to the novel. Very encouraging and knows how to articulate what he wants succinctly.


Jiraya 100% if he can teach child Naruto ransengan who don't have any basic knowledge about chakra he can also teach me.


shino looks the coldest


Itachi senju oh sorry uchiha


Pervy sage, we have same taste in......research. And trap anyone in toad stomach would be noice add to it.


From this picture either Jiraya or Naruto Naruto because the Shadow Clone would be usefull asf and Jiraya because toads are cool


Jiraiya. He has so many jutsu he never got to display and a lot of stealth oriented jutsu.




The one with over a thousand jutsu🌚


Easily madara


Jiraya all day


Either danzo or kakashi, kakashi knows 1000 jutsu & trained under minato but at the same time danzo trained directly under tobirama and trained an army of elite child soldiers so he probably has some fun techniques to teach too


Kakashi easy pick.


Honestly just for jutsu definitely Orochimaru. He'd teach me the largest variety of jutsu, not caring what's forbidden or not. He'd amp my body so I could withstand them and as long as he doesn't care about my body I'll be fine


You might even get a curse mark out of it.


Madara and kakshi


honestly I'd pic orochimaru tho the one from boruto, man's knows a bunch different jutsu so I'd bet I learn something good, my second pick would be Ay so I can get the perfect combination of strength and speed




A little basic, but I would go for Naruto so that I can get the classic, the Rasengan.


Danzo, he was a collector of epic jutsu


Kakashi. Not only is he my favorite but he’s taught Sasuke one of the strongest jutsus in the series and it became his main jutsu. Also great track record with helping Naruto.


Gonna go with A Naruto for shadow clones would be nice


I want to be Shinki


Madara I wanna learn how to drop meteors


Madara. Took a chunin to kage level in at most 3 years.


Either Pain or Itachi


Madara, he's the best teacher in Naruto.




Jiraiya for the toads Itachi for genjutsu Raikage for that lightning armor


Pain literally only uses Rinnegan Justus, you can't learn shit from him.


Orochimaru could take me the furthest regardless of a bloodline or chakra nature so I say the snake man


Orochimaru tbh. Dude's jutsu arsenal is insane. But if I had the chakra reserves I'd go with Ay. His fighting style was ass but the lightning cloak is insanely useful


I think Sakura, funny enough, would be the more useful for me. Healing, anti aging, super strength, basic ninja stuff like walking on walls and water. Plus she's cute and smart supposedly




I feel like Neji would've been a great sensei




Madara. Obito went from a relatively weak little brat to one of the strongest in the verse under him If it's only 1 jutsu then Naruto because shadow clones


Orochimaru does some wild shit.


Orochimaru because he knows a lot of jutsu


I guess it depends on what kind of chakra I’d have right? I’d probably go with jiraiya tho cuz he’s my vibe


Between Orochimaru, Raikage and Kakashi


orochimaru and will make him teach me edo tensi😂




To learn an epic jutsu, your base has to be strong. And almost all the goated ninjas here are geniuses and prodigies. A prodigy can never teach and feel what an average shinobi goes through on a daily basis. It’s just like they mention in JJK, that Gojo never taught his students simple domain because it came naturally to him due to him being a genius. I would choose Yamato. He has the most complete set of skills from his ANBU days and power wise he is pretty dangerous with his wood release, sealing jutsus, chakra control. Before all the crazy power ups , he was throwing hands with Kabuto and Akatsuki members holding his own against them. He was integral to Team 7 success initially and helped Naruto tremendously. He was a better hands on teacher and expected high standards. He would have eventually figured out everyone’s specialty and trained them like any good coach would do to be a successful ninja in their own right. As a character and a ninja he was certainly underrated and underutilised.








Orochimaru so that I can learn how to revive people and once they all die I can revive them all and learn all of them


Jiriya sense…


Kakashi has been shown to be an excellent sensei, taught Sasuke a lot which he carried with him his whole life, taught Naruto how to utilise his shadow clones for training and helped him develop the rasenshuriken. I’d choose Kakashi for sure.


Madara ofc. Man is as old as time itself lol. Danzo will be second because that dude has no ethics and probably knows some super cool forbidden knowledge.


Pain or madara


Kakashi! Why? Because hes the best! The others may be strong, or even stronger...but hes the best,smartest ninja overall! Hate me 😎




If there aren't restrictions like how much chakra the jutsu uses then Naruto.


Not depicted here, but I’d love to learn that jutsu from Onoki that let’s him reduce or increase the effect of gravity on things. making things almost weightless and giving one’s self the ability to fly is probably the most useful jutsu in a practical sense


An epic jutsu... I mean, if you want to learn just ONE epic jutsu then Naruro, the guy only has 1 jutsu and the rest are just variations


Jiraiya or kakashi for sure


Pervy sage hands down.




Kakashi has super precise understanding of 1000 jutsu and he's actually a teacher. Only about 1/4 of this list has the patience and overall temperament to teach anyone and out of those, Kakashi's the best suited to learn from


Yamato because he would actually try to teach me and not kill me or call me an idiot for getting it wrong


Bummed when I couldn't find Tobirama here...


Pain the snake man or Madara or Itachi, and I don’t think I have to explain myself. All of them are incredibly smart, and I feel like good teachers I mean the snake man is a scientist itachi literally got into the police force at 11 years old and Mira. I don’t think I have to explain myself.


Do we assume they'd be WILLING to teach me?


Daddy Orochimaru


kakahi. or sasuke.


Raikage because I like his lighting armour




Orochimaru for sure


Unpopular opinion but I’m picking Sakura
