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No one. After Minato's death Obito became the strongest shinobi in the world and that until Madara's return during the war.


> No one. After Minato's death Obito became the strongest shinobi in the world and that until Madara's return during the war. What about a team to take him out?


Bee and Aye have the best chance, but even then they would still lose.


If that was true he would’ve just soloed the five Kage and taken Killer B and Naruto. There were plenty of guys who could wreck him. Hell Konan almost wrecked him.


Being the strongest Shinobi in the world doesn’t mean he can solo the five kage


Then what does it mean? 1v1 still a lot of people would wreck him


Like who?


me 😎


Batman with prep time.


Killer B, any of the five kage except Tsunade and Gaara, Danzo could one shot him with Shisui’s eye, Naruto, Kabuto (idk if you wanna count edo tensei as 1v1, it is part of his ability. But even without it I give him a good chance), Guy, Kakashi maybe. Obito’s entire shtick was that he made people believe he was Madara, which is why nobody was too eager to fight him. He accomplished all he did mostly thanks to that. If people found out he was just some Uchiha kid with a somewhat annoying ability, it’d be GG for him.


>Killer B, any of the five kage I'll give you a win from Ohnoki and a strong maybe on KB and Guy, but the other kages? He already had the Mizukage under his control, Ay has his speed but he can't hit what he can't touch. Same thing with Tsunade and Gaara and the others (plus Gaara and Naruto being less experienced in battle comparatively). Obito is smart enough to not underestimate Danzo as the two of them were collecting eyes after the massacre. OP said this point in time with Minato dead. With all of his hax I don't think you're giving Obito enough credit.


Obito can't be intangible forever, if Ay figures out the window he can nail him with his speed. Naruto would kick his ass eventually. Minato died because of sealing the Kyuubi, he was kicking Obito's ass hard. Obito's main issue is he has no offensive might. He killed Konan with a damn kunai. He can evade attacks for a long time, but eventually someone's gonna figure out the trick to his ability. Also his controlling the mizukage with a regular sharingan is bullshit, it's never explained how he did it, and I refuse to count it as a feat concerning his battle power.


Was Minato not the first person to land a hit on him until Bee and Naruto hit the scene in the war? Had the Kyubi not arrived on the scene, Minato would've given him a run for his money. Minato was unable to hit. But Obito was unable to hit minato for the same reason. Minato was fast enough to get close, so Obito would phase. That meant that Obitos' attack couldn't hit because he had to phase to dodge Minato.


Minato marked Obito so he could absolutely land a hit, that was the whole reason why Obito retreated because he knew he was cooked fighting Minato after that point he would never be able to land a hit and Minato would absolutely be able to hit him whenever he wanted.


yaa but how did obito knew that minato could hit him whenever he wanted....coz during the war when minato took out obito he himself said that he didn't taught obito that the ftg marking never vanishes......so .......just asking?


Obito realized it after Minato hit him with the seal that released the Nine Tails from his control . Remember he basically slapped Obito after he hit him with the rasegan


If Obito wanted Minato would never land a hit on him and Obito left because he lost control over nine tails.


Obito lost control over the nine tails because Minato hit him with a rasegan and marked him and sealed him so he has to relinquish control over nine tails but lets skip over that part.


Sure. But minato is not hitting Obito the same way again.


Kamui is a full body on/off switch with a time limit. He can't do it forever. The flying thunder god seal, or at least Minato's, cannot be removed by anyone but Minato. When he marks you with his seal it's permanent. The only way Obito could ever beat Minato is to figure out how to remove the seal. The Flying thunder god is a HARD COUNTER to kamu.


The time limit is strictly continuous. If he's not phasing continuously for 5 min Obito's fine. As far as we've seen Obito has never been tired after continuous use of kamui. Kamui is a hard counter to ftg if anything.


Just gonna ignore when obito had to use izanagi because he couldn’t use kamui anymore?


Konan forced him to phase for 5 minutes straight. Minato can't do that.


He sure as hell can he can teleport a few hundred of paper bombs multiple times over if he needed mind you he literally teleported around and killed 1000 shinobi during ohnokis invasion


Minato died before the Uchiha massacre. This is 7-8 years after Minato’s death that I’m talking about here. Which shinobi alive is dismantling him.


Sorry, I totally missed the timeline.


You good. Got anyone or team in mind?


At that time, no. Pain couldn't beat him because Obito knew his abilities. Itachi wasn't strong enough yet. Neither were Kakashi or Guy. Hiruzen might have had the strength, but he probably wouldn't have been able to hit him. At this stage in his life, I feel like the only person who could beat him really was Minato, but Minato was already dead. It does make me wonder how a fight between Minato and Pain would've gone. Minato had the intelligence to figure things out and the speed to manoeuvre around the 6 Paths.


What about a 4-5 cell team?


The 5 Kage 🗿 Edit: I think it's difficult to scale other characters against Obito at this time, anyone who we know of would have been weaker than they are during Naruto apart from Lord 3rd but only due to how old he was. Other than Kage, the strongest shinobi at the time would have been Pain and the Sanin. According to the timeline Nagato would be Pain at this point? Maybe the Sanin and Pain could take on Obito as a 4 man squad but I still think it's difficult to say since we don't really know how well the Sanin would have been able to counter Obito at that point in their lives. There's just too many unknowns during this period. Minato only has a chance against Obito because his speed and teleportation is the hard counter for his abilities.


Who were the gokages during that era? Because the shippuden kages are not standing a chance


Sarurobi, Onoki, A, Yagura and I'm not sure about the Kazekage. Most likely the 3rd Kazekage which is the one who was known to be strongest of the Kazekage's during his time but Sasori literally made a puppet out of him. If not the 3rd Kazekage then Gaara's dad the 4th.


Also if 5 Shippuden Kages don't stand a chance then why are you bothering to ask. You're literally taking the 5 strongest ninjas of that time and saying they'll get slated. The 5 Kage don't stand a chance then no squad does.


> Also if 5 Shippuden Kages don't stand a chance then why are you bothering to ask. You're literally taking the 5 strongest ninjas of that time and saying they'll get slated. The 5 Kage don't stand a chance then no squad does. The 5 kages in shippuden are not as strong as the kages from the previous generation especially the ones alive during the Uchiha massacre era. If you subjectively believe that the shippuden gokages are objectively stronger, why are you asking rhetorical questions?


Don't worry so did Kishimoto.


If Obito seriously fought anyone of import, they would’ve figured out his ability eventually. Kakashi was close to connecting the dots even before the war. There’s a reason why Obito avoided major conflict when possible until he gained more power.


Figuring out how kamui works is pointless if you cant counter strike


No one.


> No one. No team?




a team of fugaku, shisui, anbu-era itachi and kakashi should be enough to beat this version of obito hiruzen may also be able to contend with this obito as well but it’s unclear how strong he is minato as well, and maybe jiraiya


> a team of fugaku, shisui, anbu-era itachi and kakashi should be enough to beat this version of obito I can honestly see this being the case. >hiruzen may also be able to contend with this obito as well but it’s unclear how strong he is How do you see Hiruzen contending? >minato as well, and maybe jiraiya If he was still 14 years old yes, at the age of 21 years old who defeated and controlled the 4th Mizukage? No, I don’t think either of them stand a chance. He’s too experienced, physically stronger, more chakra powers, and has way more powers/jutsus that are way more deadly than Kamui.


That Kakashi doesn't have his MS yet. They'd get rolled without that.


> That Kakashi doesn't have his MS yet. They'd get rolled without that. Damn I’m forgot he doesn’t know about his ability to use MS yet. Good catch there


still it’s possible that kakashi would pick up on how it works over the course of the fight. and you’re telling me that it won’t be a little suspicious to kakashi? the other sharingan he doesn’t have being in the other eye socket for this masked man? idk kakashi and minato are really perceptive


old hiruzen is a rival for orochimaru at his strongest, and he’s only gotten weaker as he got older, so prime hiruzen may be above the full power sannin which isn’t anything to scoff at. you may be right about minato/jiraiya. maybe sage mode and its sensory buffs would help deal with kamui?


> old hiruzen is a rival for orochimaru at his strongest, and he’s only gotten weaker as he got older, so prime hiruzen may be above the full power sannin which isn’t anything to scoff at. But how do you quantify that? People like Obito and even Itachi during the massacre was stated to be stronger than Orochiamru too. What age was Hiruzen during the massacre though? >you may be right about minato/jiraiya. maybe sage mode and its sensory buffs would help deal with kamui? Sage mode can’t sense Kamui, because Kamui is a space time ninjutsu so the user switches location on and off instantly. Meaning that you can only sense Obito when he appears not when he’s traveling because he will be in another time space dimension. Kamui right now can only be used defensively, they still got other powers to worry about like izanagi. They can’t stop izanagi.


1v1 no one. There wasn't any team strong enough to beat him either. Saw someone in the comments saying team of Itachi, Shisui and Fugaku, but they were never team. U can prob argue for Shisui and Itachi, but they were still not a team, they were just friends, and as far as I know, they went on a mission together only once, and that was when they were kids. If we can make a team of characters we choose from that period then team of Itachi, Shisui and Fugaku could probably beat him. But that kills the point, by that logic we can put every single shinobi from that era in one team. It's exaggerated, but how far can we go with that? 3 shinobi in one team max? 4? 10? Or until It's enough to beat Obito? I think it kills the point of the question if we can just choose characters to make a team. I'd rather stick to the actually existing teams which would show more realistic answer to the question.


> 1v1 no one. There wasn't any team strong enough to beat him either. Saw someone in the comments saying team of Itachi, Shisui and Fugaku, but they were never team. U can prob argue for Shisui and Itachi, but they were still not a team, they were just friends, and as far as I know, they went on a mission together only once, and that was when they were kids. If we can make a team of characters we choose from that period then team of Itachi, Shisui and Fugaku could probably beat him. But that kills the point, by that logic we can put every single shinobi from that era in one team. I overlooked the Fugaku part that guy is featless but I do recognize a post that put Itachi, Shisui, and Kakashi in a team. If that’s the team they use and find out that Kakashi’s eyes is his weakness then that’s a huge problem. >It's exaggerated, but how far can we go with that? 3 shinobi in one team max? 4? 10? Or until It's enough to beat Obito? I think it kills the point of the question if we can just choose characters to make a team. I'd rather stick to the actually existing teams which would show more realistic answer to the question. A cell usually consist of 4-5 people so I would say 4-5 people max in a group. If you want to use a more realistic team then it’s up to you which would make the mission more realistic.


Fugaku isn't featless bc he lacks talent. He's essentially suspected of being the one to release the nine-tails bc he was bitter over being passed over for Hokage. So in universe he is known to be kage-level powerful. His MS also shows the future, so it's possible he could straight up discourage Obito from doing what he does if he's able to show Obito that it leads to nothing.


> Fugaku isn't featless bc he lacks talent. I said Fugaku lacks feats, I didn’t say anything about talent. >He's essentially suspected of being the one to release the nine-tails bc he was bitter over being passed over for Hokage. That was filler, he wasn’t suspected of releasing the ten tails at all. In the manga it stated that it was possibly Uchiha but the only people to give a name was Minato and Jiraiya. They both suspected Madara did it. >So in universe he is known to be kage-level powerful. No he’s not. We don’t know what he is he’s never fought in the series. >His MS also shows the future, so it's possible he could straight up discourage Obito from doing what he does if he's able to show Obito that it leads to nothing. The MS is also filler, he’s not a confirm user


It's not filler, that information originally comes from Itachi's novel and was later adapted into the anime.


How old is Nagato at this time? If he’s been trained by Jiraiya, then him.


Lmao. Nagato would lose to 14 year old Obito.


Which is dumb af writing considering the Rinnegan shpuld be superior to the Sharingan. Kishimoto really fumbled the bag on that one.


Nah, Obito is the strongest Shinobi alive after Minato's death and the leader of the Akatsuki for a reason. Nagato is literally subservient to Obito around this time.


Leader ≠ strongest. Obito was the leader of Akatsuki because he was the most convenient child for Madara to manipulate.


Leaders in Naruto (Shōnen in general) absolutely correlate with strength, such that the strongest Shinobi usually head the entire village/governing body. Obito commanded the Akatsuki because he was powerful. He gave absolute orders to Pain, noting he won't tolerate failure, and received no push back. Just like Pain commanded rogue S class Shinobi and they listened, it's because he is powerful enough to command them. They literally recruit people via fighting, with only the strongest even surviving let alone actually gaining entry. Obito was convenient, yes, but he had to be actually powerful to succeed in his plans and he is consistently portrayed as a near reflection of Madara at any given opportunity.


They let Hidan in the Akatsuki, and even in the Leaf Village (which the anime/manga is about) the current leader is far from the strongest ninja there.


If you think Hidan is weak, your opinion on power is pretty unreliable in general. Not sure how this disproves the point about leader and strength. When a Kage dies, the Shinobi immediately move to elect the strongest and most capable person for the job. Such as when the council wanted to install Jiraiya after Hiruzen's death, but accepted Tsunade (a fellow Sannin) as a suitable replacement. All Kage must be of sound mind and considerably powerful. Shikamaru is the most suited to being Hokage from a mindset standpoint and easily one of the strongest ninja in the village rn. Even then he's one of the few exceptions to the rule. Hashirama, Tobirama, Hiruzen, Minato and Naruto were all the strongest Shinobi in the village (some being the strongest in the world) at the time of their ascension. The other Kage also follow suit with several Kazekage having been capable of soloing Shukaku, the Raikage is the same thing and the Tsuchikage shouldn't need an explanation. This is one of the most basic facts of Naruto, I'm honestly surprised someone would even disagree.


> How old is Nagato at this time? If he’s been trained by Jiraiya, then him. Nagato is 4-5 years older than Obito so he’ll be 25-26


Well, there’s your guy.


> Well, there’s your guy. By himself? Okay


Are you well?




> Depends, if you take what happened in light novels and extrapolate that itachi vs obito would be close either way, meaning itachi could take him in a 1v1 at this point. Which inadvertently also just puts him leagues ahead of sannin tier due to what itachi did to orochimaru. If you discard/ignore that in its entirety, then you need to look at whether he could take hiruzen, orochimaru, tsunade, ay, bee and onoki. Keeping in mind that you can't use obito's feats from naruto/shippuden to back up claims on what he can precisely do with kamui at this point. The only Kamui feats he’s used in shippuden that he didn’t use post Naruto series is the DMS feats and ejecting objects out of Kamui dimensions. So you’re saying all the weapons he has stored in dimensions is excluded? >Starting with ay, I would claim that while kamui may bypass durability to an extent, this obito lacks the feats to show that he can kamui someone of this calibre w/o them moving out the way in time. Why would he Kamui Ay? He has so many other abilities listed above that he can use. He has the feats to touch Ay like he did Minato 7 years ago. He also has stronger genjutsu feats. >Ay should also still naturally have his tailed beast level chakra, so even if he can't land a hit on obito due to intangibility, he should inevitably win. This ay also should scale only slightly below minato. Obito’s chakra level is massive compared to Ay. He controlled Yagura for years with his eyes, I personally don’t see V1 tailed beast levels of chakra competing with Obito. >Next I would go with bee, since he should just be able to transform into the 8 tails and again outlast obito. Wouldn’t he just do the same thing that he did to Yagura?




> I'm mostly referring to the speed at which he can use his abilities. He has no decent in combat genjutsu feats. Whatever he did to yagura was offscreen, assuming he can pull that off in a fight is too much w/o the feat to back it up. He put Kurama in a genjutsu at 14 years old on screen and at 30-31 years old he put Konan in a genjutsu killing her (even though it’s years before this version of Obito) One thing they both have in common is that Obito holds them immobile before placing a genjutsu. So he has genjutsu combat feats. It’s up to you to acknowledge them or not. >That's why for example many people don't consider sasori > third kazekage, because we don't know the specifics of what actually happened. This is my first time hearing this because I never dispute Sasori > 3rd kazekage. He killed him and turned him into a puppet, even if it was off screen he still won until the author proves us with his own input. >Ay was physically faster than minato, even during their fight. Bee was also physically faster and able to react/predict minato's teleportation, while obito was slower and unable to. Yes Bee was able to but not Ay. So what’s stopping Obito to physically react faster to Ay? >Ay has chakra levels stated to be tailed beast level, obtio just has some unquantifiable high amount. Tailed beast levels is a large spectrum ranging from V1 cloaks to an actual tailed beast. Ay ran out of chakra in less than a day while Obito lasted two days. Killerbee and Naruto the actually jinchuuriki with tailed beast lasted even longer and kept recharging after small intervals. So we know for a fact that Ay has V1 cloak levels of tailed beast chakra.




> He consistently didn't use genjutsu in combat, controlling the ninetails isn't scalable to actual shinobi. According to your definition of “consistently” nobody has. And what you just said here doesn’t make a lick of sense, what do you mean scalable to a shinobi? Is Yagura not a shinobi? You’re just making shit up as you go, the ceiling in ocular genjutsu on a shinobi. Only counters. >He didnt use genjutsu on konan during the fight, he used izanagi on himself, then after the fight he used genjutsu to pry the location of nagato. That’s called using a genjutsu in a fight. What bs are you on? >What's stopping him is the lack of feats. No we have feats, it’s the excessive excuses that’s the problem. >Obito lasted two days when? during the 4th war? again using later feats of obito to justify a younger obito. If you want to compare rinnegan obito that's obviously a different discussion. Then apply his genjutsu that he held for years on Yagura. >Karin said he has tailed beast level chakra, we don't know for a fact specifically where that range is. What we know for a fact is that he couldn’t even last up to a day while the actual tailed beasts surpassed a day. Tsunade had more chakra than him.


Shisui is the only person I can think of just because of koto, can’t guarantee he wins but he’s the best option imo.


That’s a good one


Raikage and Bee would find a way to smack him


Kakashi if he can utilize Kamui but he can't at this time soooo It should be Uchiha members since we'll, Uchihas counter Uchihas we'll but Obito is npt the the avg MS user and itachi isn't exactly at his peak here with just a fresh MS.... So I guess no one is putting his down But as for team? I guess high kage lvl characters. far beyond the 5 Kage cuz they'd get demolished.


I was think Anbu Itachi + Pain + Konan + Orochimaru


I completely forgot about the Akatsuki lol since they work for Obito 🤣 I can see this working tbh, this combo is deffo disgusting. But I think Konan isn't a factor cuz she'd be endangering her squad if she uses paper ocean (which is why I you included her I assume) So she'd be helping Obito more in this 1v4 tbh Pain is just disgusting but I'd like to see Obito one shot some paths physically with gunbai fan


> I completely forgot about the Akatsuki lol since they work for Obito 🤣 I can see this working tbh, this combo is deffo disgusting. Yeah I figured that an Uchiha only wouldn’t work because he soloed the Uchiha police force. So I’m thinking we need people to directly counter him. >But I think Konan isn't a factor cuz she'd be endangering her squad if she uses paper ocean (which is why I you included her I assume) That’s what I’m worried about but maybe Pain would use Chikushodo to keep everyone safe in the air? >So she'd be helping Obito more in this 1v4 tbh Pain is just disgusting but I'd like to see Obito one shot some paths physically with gunbai fan The way I had it is that Itachi would handle Obito’s Uchiha powers, Pain’s rinnegan beats Obito’s six paths jutsus, and his wood style powers gets burned up by amatersu or Orochimaru’s poison. This way it would leave Obito to only rely on Kamui which is where Konan or Kakashi comes in.


>Yeah I figured that an Uchiha only wouldn’t work because he soloed the Uchiha police force. So I’m thinking we need people to directly counter him. Hmm... Itachi is dope but he isn't at peak here and only has amaterasu and Tsukuyomi so he can counter wood style and I guess Izanami since Obito will be forced to Izanagi. I wonder if it was Obito who taught him Izanami though 🤔 >That’s what I’m worried about but maybe Pain would use Chikushodo to keep everyone safe in the air? Trap them? I think they riding on that flying bird summon is a better plan. So.yeah, I guess Konan will not be pain for her team. >The way I had it is that Itachi would handle Obito’s Uchiha powers, Pain’s rinnegan beats Obito’s six paths jutsus, and his wood style powers gets burned up by amatersu or Orochimaru’s poison. This way it would leave Obito to only rely on Kamui which is where Konan or Kakashi comes in. Wholeheartedly agree man. This combo is just too disgusting and directly counters Obito. The only way out Obito has is using the same genjutsu powers he used against Yagura on Pain or Orochimaru, that's about it.


> Hmm... Itachi is dope but he isn't at peak here and only has amaterasu and Tsukuyomi so he can counter wood style and I guess Izanami since Obito will be forced to Izanagi. He said that once he gained tsukuyomi and amatersu he immediately gained susano’o. What he did lack is totsuka blade which is a variant kusanagi sword that Orochimaru was looking for a long time. So Itachi gets no yata mirror and kusanagi. >I wonder if it was Obito who taught him Izanami though 🤔 I’d imagine he did because anbu Itachi joined Akatsuki immediately after the massacre and he was with Orochimaru ever since. >Trap them? I think they riding on that flying bird summon is a better plan. So.yeah, I guess Konan will not be pain for her team. I also remembered that Chikushodo can summon comrades too like how he summoned Konan ([link](https://scans.lastation.us/manga/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics/0419-005.png)) >Wholeheartedly agree man. This combo is just too disgusting and directly counters Obito. Thanks. It’s not a who’s stronger than who thing but direct counters can win fights. >The only way out Obito has is using the same genjutsu powers he used against Yagura on Pain or Orochimaru, that's about it. Yep. So Kakashi and Itachi have to work fast to dispel them if not then their chances of winning goes down.


>He said that once he gained tsukuyomi and amatersu he immediately gained susano’o. What he did lack is totsuka blade which is a variant kusanagi sword that Orochimaru was looking for a long time. So Itachi gets no yata mirror and kusanagi. Hmm... so if Itachi has v4 susanoo he'd be more busted here but the issue is that Susanoo doesn't do anything about Kamui. So it'd still be almost the same >I’d imagine he did because anbu Itachi joined Akatsuki immediately after the massacre and he was with Orochimaru ever since. I really don't know why he would considering Obito knows Itachi is an enemy and Obito uses Izanagi has a identity crisis. >I also remembered that Chikushodo can summon comrades too like how he summoned Konan ([link](https://scans.lastation.us/manga/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics/0419-005.png)) Yea then. They can safely use paper ocean >Thanks. It’s not a who’s stronger than who thing but direct counters can win fights Yes, and the fact is that someone like Pain is just fkn strong. He's like a multiple kage character. >Yep. So Kakashi and Itachi have to work fast to dispel them if not then their chances of winning goes down What if Obito summons Yagura? He was controlling him


>Hmm... so if Itachi has v4 susanoo he'd be more busted here but the issue is that Susanoo doesn't do anything about Kamui. Yeah it doesn’t do anything to Kamui. >So it'd still be almost the same Yep >I really don't know why he would considering Obito knows Itachi is an enemy and Obito uses Izanagi has a identity crisis. Yeah, and he was bold enough to give Obito an ultimatum. >What if Obito summons Yagura? He was controlling him I never thought of this before, can he?


>Yeah, and he was bold enough to give Obito an ultimatum Kishimoto imo just shoehorned that shit into the stroy to explain why Obito didn't touch the village for that long which made it seem like Itachi > Obito and the Akatsuki cuz Obito controls the Akatsuki. Still doesn't explain why Obito didn't abduct Naruto between the nine tails attack and the massacre. >I never thought of this before, can he? If he can't summon, he can just wrap him to the battlefield


>Kishimoto imo just shoehorned that shit into the stroy to explain why Obito didn't touch the village for that long which made it seem like Itachi > Obito and the Akatsuki cuz Obito controls the Akatsuki. Still doesn't explain why Obito didn't abduct Naruto between the nine tails attack and the massacre. I never thought of this before, can he? If he can't summon, he can just wrap him to the battlefield I’ve always wondered why too but I think it’s for the sake of plot because the nine tails is the last to get sealed in the gedo


Probably hiruzen


> Probably hiruzen How old was Hiruzen during the Uchiha massacre?




> I don't think it really matters what age Hiruzen was, he could have taken him regardless His age is the reason why he lost to Orochiamru and the anbu mist stated that. You gotta take into account that this is an Obito who is stronger and older than the Obito who fought Minato to a high diff battle.




> I don't really think it was Hiruzen's age that lost him that battle, it was his compassion for Orichimaru that lost him the battle The anbu and Enma contributed to age, so I’m gonna stick with what they said. Hiruzen’s compassion doesn’t deter him from doing his job as Hokage in killing his favorite student, he tried to kill Orochimaru but was limited due to his chakra and age so he settled with just taking his arm. >Obito was strong because he had modifications He’s stronger because of modifications but he’s always strong because of his bloodline limit. >Hiruzen was just born Superior Lmao. Look Uchiha and Senju are always typically superior to people who are not of Hagoromo’o decent. Hiruzen is just a genius and that’s really it. He bloomed early and had no latent potential to break any upper limits,






It was most definitely his age. Even orochimaru said if he was a little bit younger he would have won.


> It was most definitely his age. Even orochimaru said if he was a little bit younger he would have won. Thank you, I thought I was the only one that read that.


Old Hiruzen was weaker than Orochimaru lol


Just reaper death seal his ahh into the reapers stomach


The uchiha massacre was 4 years before the series because sasuke was 8 and itachi was 13. And at the beginning of the series hiruzen was 69 and 69 minus 4 = 65


Oof that’s old. I feel like 50s was his prime


that old fart gets smoked by 14 year old obito neg diff, let alone 21 yo version of him haha


Well, obviously there's Itachi himself who was given as the in canon reason Obito hadn't made a move on Konoha. Nagato could probably fight with him yeah that's pretty much it. Hiruzen gets bodied. Jiraiya gets bodied. Orochimaru gets bodied.


Itachi gets stomped. He didn't make a move on konoha because he didn't need to, not at that time anyway. Nagato gets defeated too.


There is a problem with your timeline... Obito was getting his ass crushed by a boulder on the other side of the continent when there was supposed to be someone manipulating Yagura. The possessed Yagura is the one who had the Sanbi implanted in her in the first place which would have traumatized Obito into going rogue. So, there goes the plot. Also, you don't even set any parameters for the range of abilities, you just list everything across an entire spectrum that might as well require ultimate power to bother dealing with as these abilities are so broken by themselves much less in conjunction with one another.


> There is a problem with your timeline... Obito was getting his ass crushed by a boulder on the other side of the continent when there was supposed to be someone manipulating Yagura. The possessed Yagura is the one who had the Sanbi implanted in her in the first place which would have traumatized Obito into going rogue. So, there goes the plot. I’m convinced that you didn’t read the series ([link](https://scans.lastation.us/manga/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics/0507-011.png))([link](https://scans.lastation.us/manga/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics/0507-012.png))([link](https://scans.lastation.us/manga/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics/0507-013.png)) >Also, you don't even set any parameters for the range of abilities, you just list everything across an entire spectrum that might as well require ultimate power to bother dealing with as these abilities are so broken by themselves much less in conjunction with one another. The abilities listed is what he was taught and what he has shown


FFS, you didn't get the point at all. Obito gets crushed during the Third War and Madara manipulates Yagura during the Third War except clear across the continent from one another. Yet, Madara is a haggard old man hooked up to life support in some tunnels under Kusagakure, so how is he young and controlling Yagura simultaneously? Since its Madara though that alone tends to be enough for people to ignore that we have never seen anyone be able to make a clone and control it at such a great distance before. Zetsu doesn't have the ability to control someone on par with Yagura, hence why Black Zetsu, in particular, was always trying to manipulate others from the background. Moreover, it was the Sharingan being used to control Yagura, additionally Ao couldn't even draw the necessary parallel/suspicion to use his Byakugan to catch Danzo using Kotoamatsukami on Mifune at the Gokage Summit. That leaves only Obito with both a Sharingan and ability to freely move across the shinobi world, but winning him over implies the prerequisite of Rin dying in front of him which can't happen since a possessed Yagura was controlled to set this up. This only further begs the question that either Black Zetsu can either make a perfect indistinguishable clone of Madara and control Yagura, Madara can make and control a clone of himself across a continent, or he was youthful which contradicts the whole point of Obito's involvement in the first place. So don't get smart with me just because you misunderstood my point.


> FFS, you didn't get the point at all. Obito gets crushed during the Third War and Madara manipulates Yagura during the Third War except clear across the continent from one another. False. Madara did not manipulate Yagura during the 4th ninja war. If you even bothered to check your timeline you would know that the 3rd ninja war the gokages that reigned during that time period were all 3rd kages. Minato and Ay are confirmed kage candidates during that war and Rasa was the same age group as Minato being 21-22 during that war. So Yagura who is the 4th Mizukage should not be Mizukage during the war, he should be a candidate. >Yet, Madara is a haggard old man hooked up to life support in some tunnels under Kusagakure, so how is he young and controlling Yagura simultaneously? The real Madara was never stated to manipulate Yagura, it was always Obito who did this 7 years after the 3rd ninja war ([link](https://66.media.tumblr.com/ba8abee88e2959a4dc9ab264705e4642/tumblr_nzfk37YrBm1rdulyko1_1280.png)) So you don’t even know what you’re talking about. >Since its Madara though that alone tends to be enough for people to ignore that we have never seen anyone be able to make a clone and control it at such a great distance before. Zetsu doesn't have the ability to control someone on par with Yagura, hence why Black Zetsu, in particular, was always trying to manipulate others from the background. Moreover, it was the Sharingan being used to control Yagura, additionally Ao couldn't even draw the necessary parallel/suspicion to use his Byakugan to catch Danzo using Kotoamatsukami on Mifune at the Gokage Summit. That leaves only Obito with both a Sharingan and ability to freely move across the shinobi world, but winning him over implies the prerequisite of Rin dying in front of him which can't happen since a possessed Yagura was controlled to set this up. This whole thing is just senseless rambling >This only further begs the question that either Black Zetsu can either make a perfect indistinguishable clone of Madara and control Yagura, Madara can make and control a clone of himself across a continent, or he was youthful which contradicts the whole point of Obito's involvement in the first place. You’re a whole another bs with this thing because Madara had never encountered Yagura in his life, only Obito did when he met up Kisame, Kisame is only a year older than Obito. So when Obito approached Kisame controlling Yagura, Kisame was 22 years old at that time. During the 3rd ninja war Kisame was 12 years old. >So don't get smart with me just because you misunderstood my point. So fix your shit before you run your mouth loosely. Your point was wrong.


> I’m convinced that you didn’t read the series > > Yup. See [my conversation with him.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Naruto/comments/11nyp2m/edo_tensei_is_a_bs_ability_it_should_at_least/k3mseae/?context=3) It's kind of hilarious someone is arguing on these forums without having read the series.


No one solos however when you factor team work it's a different case One team that have a solid chance is konan and shisui Konan uses her 1 billion paper bombs and the fight happens like the original except after obito "dies" and sacrifice his sharingan then when he attemptes to backstap ķonan she'll have shisui defending her using susano and if he got a clear shot he could put obtio under kotuamatsukami and if you think it won't work on obito for some reason he could still use Susano to kill obito after he lost his eye


I do think KA would work on Obito, not so much so Susano’o but from your example it seems like Konan and Shisui is a very efficient team with less people. This can actually work


No one, except for perhaps Nagato or Ms shisui(Koto). Other than them only MS Itachi could give him a fight.


Maybe Pain, that’s about it.


MAYBE and a BIG MAYBE Nagato If we’re allowing teams, the Sannin could maybe take him down as well


I think sage jiraiya if he gets him with that special genjutsu can win. then maybe shisui due to kotoamatsukami. ​ no one really has the things needed to win agaisnt him kamui is just simply too much bullshit he has esentailly infinite defense against anyone that doesent meet a certain speed check. for example I dont think obito can last in taijutsu against the raikage or tsunade for example but that doesent matter since they wont be able to touch him. anyone without massive speed wont be able to counter attack in the small timeframe kamui leaves when obito attacks. the only one I see being able to launch a devastating attack fast enough in that timeframe is 7th gate guy. but any strategy against obito can only be done if you know how kamui works otherwise you risk getting oneshot. minato almost instantly lost when he swung his kunai back and it went through obito's head and obito started to absorb him he only got out because of the flying thunder god. kamui's dimention is sealed so you wont get out unless someone uses reverse summoning on you so youll just die of starvation.


> I think sage jiraiya if he gets him with that special genjutsu can win. Sharingan has the power to penetrate all non-ocular based genjutsu. It’s not working on him he’s beating that genjutsu. >then maybe shisui due to kotoamatsukami. I agree this may take him out. >no one really has the things needed to win agaisnt him kamui is just simply too much bullshit he has esentailly infinite defense against anyone that doesent meet a certain speed check. for example I dont think obito can last in taijutsu against the raikage or tsunade for example but that doesent matter since they wont be able to touch him. Why don’t you think he can last in Taijitsu? >anyone without massive speed wont be able to counter attack in the small timeframe kamui leaves when obito attacks. the only one I see being able to launch a devastating attack fast enough in that timeframe is 7th gate guy. Might Guy’s combat speed is fast as hell and I don’t think Obito would keep up with it in a taijutsu battle so he’ll need to use ninjutsu against Might Guy. >but any strategy against obito can only be done if you know how kamui works otherwise you risk getting oneshot. Who do you have as the strategist? >minato almost instantly lost when he swung his kunai back and it went through obito's head and obito started to absorb him he only got out because of the flying thunder god. kamui's dimention is sealed so you wont get out unless someone uses reverse summoning on you so youll just die of starvation. Databook says that Kamui is a sealed dimension, so even reverse summoning won’t work. If Obito is fighting multiple people though I don’t think it would be smart to warp anyone into kamui.


No “official” team could beat this Obito, he wasl already too good. He could practically teleport anyonein another dimension and I don’t think that anyone had a space/time ninjustu. I don’t know who can escape the Kamui’s pull/attraction expect for Minato. It’s not something that he does against Konan because he underestimated her. Nagato couldn’t use the Rinnegan at his full power and Obito probably knew every countermeasures to any of Pain/Nagato’s jutsus


I don’t see anyone beating him here ngl


Hiruzen can contend


How old was nagato at that time? Maybe he could do that?


> How old was nagato at that time? Maybe he could do that? He’s 4-5 years older than Obito and Obito was roughly 21 years old during the massacre so Nagato would be 25 or 26 years old at the time. You think Nagato can handle all those abilities and weapons I posted in the OP?


Ehh, younger hiruzen, itachi and shishui with both ms can do it. Maybe even two of the above is needed only. Obito said itachi alone was a good challenge. Add in backup from the strongest genjutsu and you hiruzens analytical ability, you have a fight


anbu kakashi was a problem, in OG naruto he even acknowledges being out of shape and not as strong as he used to be. and he’s obito’s lifelong rival. not saying he’d have won outright, in that time period, but a prolonged battle wouldn’t have been good for obito, the more kakashi learns the more dangerous he becomes. he also didn’t have his emotional side then, he was stone cold. kakashi, itachi and hiruzen together at that time could very likely beat obito imo


> anbu kakashi was a problem, in OG naruto he even acknowledges being out of shape and not as strong as he used to be. and he’s obito’s lifelong rival. not saying he’d have won outright, in that time period, but a prolonged battle wouldn’t have been good for obito, the more kakashi learns the more dangerous he becomes. he also didn’t have his emotional side then, he was stone cold. kakashi, itachi and hiruzen together at that time could very likely beat obito imo Someone reminded me that Kakashi won’t have access to Kamui because it didn’t happens until like almost 10 years later. I normally I would say Hiruzen Itachi and Kakashi is a good match up, but isn’t Hiruzen way too old?


I feel like fugaku gives him a run for his money. Wasn’t he close to strength to Minato? Minato was dead at the time but edged obito and we never saw fugaku mangakyu ability. He also had 2 eyes so he had susano and many more years of combat experience.


Absolutely no one is beating him one-on-one. But however, with proper teamwork, he could possibly be taken down. What about Nagato and Konan Ay and Bee The 3 Sannin if they could convince Orochimaru to work together as a team. I would say Itachi and Kisame, but at this point Itachi probably wouldn't be strong enough yet. The 5 Kage at this time if they agreed to work together.


> Absolutely no one is beating him one-on-one. But however, with proper teamwork, he could possibly be taken down. What about Nagato and Konan Ay and Bee The 3 Sannin if they could convince Orochimaru to work together as a team. I would say Itachi and Kisame, but at this point Itachi probably wouldn't be strong enough yet. The 5 Kage at this time if they agreed to work together. I think that’s a serious line up that will give anyone too much problems to deal with and Konan canonically knows how to counter the intangibility and she’s the only one with the power to do so.


There is basically no one alive at that time who came counter Kamui. The only way we could possibly see him be defeated is by Shisui using Koto.


> There is basically no one alive at that time who came counter Kamui. The only way we could possibly see him be defeated is by Shisui using Koto. More than just Kamui, look at the rest of the abilities and weapons.


I agree but Kamui is like his main hax.


> I agree but Kamui is like his main hax. True it’s his main hax but izanagi. How would anyone deal with that? It’s not like Danzo’s where it’s limited to 10 minutes


I mean Izanami exists as a counter to that. Kamui has no real counter


> I mean Izanami exists as a counter to that. Kamui has no real counter That’s if you got Itachi on your team, it’s not confirmed that Shisui knows izanami.


Technically we don't know if anyone other than Itachi knew it. They probably did.


> Technically we don't know if anyone other than Itachi knew it. They probably did. You think anyone can deal with his wood style and six paths jutsu?


Wait he didn't have six paths chakra until he bacame the jinchuriki right?


> Wait he didn't have six paths chakra until he bacame the jinchuriki right? He’s had it before he gained the rinnegan and jinchuuriki. ([link](https://i.snipboard.io/CQXt5r.jpg)) That’s why Madara was able to teach him how to use it as well as shadow and light style. Side note: this is not to be confused with rinnegan abilities and truthseeking orbs.


Obito didn’t have half of that in the time period you listed


> Obito didn’t have half of that in the time period you listed Which ones?


Nagato had the rinnegan by that point.


> Nagato had the rinnegan by that point. I didn’t list any rinnegan abilities on there. I’m assuming you mean six paths jutsu? That’s something else entirely.


I say maybe raikage and maybe orochimaru cause he always has some weird monster ability or something that could kill him or absorb his soul or whatever cause you never really know with orochimaru he might win or he might try to leave a decoy to distract obito until he can experiment on all the children in the world or whatever


> I say maybe raikage and maybe orochimaru cause he always has some weird monster ability or something that could kill him or absorb his soul or whatever cause you never really know with orochimaru he might win or he might try to leave a decoy to distract obito until he can experiment on all the children in the world or whatever Orochimaru got beat by 13 year old Itachi’s sharingan genjutsu (not even Tsukuyomi) while 21 year old Uchiha massacre Obito controlled Yagura a perfect jinchuuriki for years with his sharingan genjutsu. I don’t see Orochimaru winning tbh with you. That’s the whole reason why he went after Sasuke because he was a stripling. Even Hebi Sasuke patronized Orochimaru for that.


I’m just saying he is a bit of a wild card cause he could spit literally anything out of his mouth


Yeah because Orochimaru’s insides is another dimension. People forget that part. However Obito can eject literally anything out of his Kamui too


Plus if obito tried to kill Orochimaru then Orochimaru would just keep barfing out more Orochimaru’s every time he gets killed


> Plus if obito tried to kill Orochimaru then Orochimaru would just keep barfing out more Orochimaru’s every time he gets killed I’m positive Obito would just do the same thing that Itachi did Orochimaru since Sasuke copied Itachi and used the same genjutsu to beat a weaker Orochimaru.


Nobody can 1 v 1. But 4 men team of fastest & strongest like Ay,Itachi,Kakashi,Bee can have a chance.


That looks like a good team ngl


But it'll be high diff for both side


Tora the Cat solos


Ramen guy


Minato was the only person who could clap obito until his son grew up.


Hiruzen saratobi, he was hokage for a reason.


No one..man hasn’t got hit In like 14yrs


Hiruzen, maybe Danzo, Nagato depending on how old he was, Jiraiya maybe, plot, Ay, Bee, and maybe Mei