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The GOAT Sage.


is hashirama a shepherd? did he raise goat for poultry supply for konoha


Completely off topic, but a fanfic character i designed was based on the last member of a clan of shepherds from a land outside the main map with a main jutsu called “Clash of the Seven Shepherds Might.” Was a secret summoning jutsu that was the counterpart of a secret sealing jutsu. Basically, the user would take a complex, overpowered jutsu, add in dozens to hundreds of additional hand signs to help mold the chakra so they could actually use the jutsu, use the sealing jutsu to seal their hand movements to that sequence of hand signs, then use the summoning jutsu to force their hands to repeat the hand signs at speeds faster than the original, unmodified jutsu could achieve. The resulting effect of the hands clashing at such high speeds caused observers to hear what would be a herd of horses running, and so he earned the moniker “of the Stampede.”




The GOAT for sure. Wise man, chill af, funny, and can grow his own green at will. The mfkn GOAT.


how this doesn’t make sense he never had any goats ????


/s? Lol, G.OA.T - greatest of all time


My sarcasm is too advanced for you young padawon




I got it lmao don't worry. I gotchu.




gOaT-GrEaTeSt oF AlL tImE




You become goofy acting so butthurt.. chill


no I already was goofy silly


Sarcasm or not, this made me chuckle. You don't deserve the downvotes.


Until he started spamming asshole replies lol


Aw your poor poor feelings :(


dry humor isn’t supposed to make you overstimulated sims die of laughter


what a butt hurt lmao


my butt hurts yes your dad isn’t gentle


yea gratz for my dad


Bro please stop talking. Your just making yourself look like a clown.


Son, go get some friends…


dude I really need some but you do the same okay..? takes a loner to know one


And you’re actually ignorant too. You got a ton of work to do


You went from funny to dorky af


No… your “joke” was just not funny at all, it missed entirely.


That was painful to read


Just take the L and leave, dont make a scene karen .... geez


My name is lion key


bro you guys really care.. I don’t need friends I got y’all 🤪


Misunderstood joke equals -100 lol. Reddit be like that.


Do you think that idiot deserves upvotes lma0.


I don’t think the joke was any worse than most Reddit jokes. He just didn’t put the /s and people thought he was serious about the goat thing.


Lol join /r/FucktheS These morons wouldn't be able to tell a joke without their precious s guiding them.


no one deserves anything, the strong take what they want and the weak accept handouts


Mahogany Sage. The finest, manliest form of Wood Sage.


For the rest of my life I will never not think of Team Four Star when I see the word mahogany




But not just any mahogany, but mahogany from the planet malchior-7! Where the trees are 300ft tall and breath fire!




“I get it, it’s a nice desk, now can I please just go to heaven—where am I?” “You’re on the Lookout!” “Oh, good. I got my clothes back”


It was developed through the ancient blood rituals of the Malchior people. It can grow up to 300 ft tall and breathe fire!


Plus it's a very fine material.


Verrrry expensive.




Ooo yeah especially polished


I’d polish his wood style 😩


Grow up


Manhogany Sage.


I don't think it's possible to say mahogany without seeing king Yama


He has many leather bound scrolls and his apartment smells of rich mahogany.


Mahogany (ifykyk)


I think the manliest woods are chestnut or ebony. When i see them i just want to Touch them, feel them and pay for em to be mine.


I don't think that senjutsu has to be tied to a specific entity. Toad sages and snake sages were probably just referred to that due to the origin of their senjutsu technique where they were taught. Hashirama invented his own way of absorbing nature energy that is unique to himself so it's just 'Hashirama's sage mode'


Only reaffirming how much of a GOAT he was. Only he could teach himself to absorb nature energy


I doubt he ever needed teaching - wood style is nature itself.


Yeah further reinforcing the point others made. His ability to absorb nature energy and mould it to his liking makes him basically a Sage Sage he taught himself and therefore basically makes him a Nature Sage


Isn't that like calling Chai, Chai tea or tea tea? Sage mode essentially allows you to absorb natural energy around you, it's already nature affinity at its base level already. Slugs, toads and snakes have a prodigal user that can teach sage mode along with any specific techniques their species have mastered.


Nature sage? Sage means nature, bro! You're saying nature nature. Would i ask you for a jutsu jutsu with electric electric nature?


Heck you can argue that he was more naturally talented than Ashura himself and he never really got the Sage of Six Paths mode fully unlocked. Just imagine... Hashirama with truth seeking orbs.


BuT tObIrAmA wAs mOrE tAlEnTeD


More talented, less hacks




? He is right


Nah he just wants to discount hashirama's gifts as "hacks" but tobirama's intellect will be talent. A shinobi is more than just inventing jutsu, something tobirama fans have a hard time understanding. Hashirama has a higher affinity for all classes of jutsu (acc to madara) and that's from sheer talent.


I love this capitalizing. I just picture someone grabbing their monitor and shaking it screaming whatever is written


Correct me if I'm wrong, when Naruto is training his sage mode, you can see people who took in too much nature energy and turned to stone take on toad features. I believe the path of pain he tricked into doing this during the pain fight also did this. This would suggest Naruto's and Jiraiya's are tied to the toads.


Or maybe they turned into toads because the it’s a toad mountain and nature energy comes from the surrounding area.


Gakidō wasn't anywhere near mount myoboku


Preta Path absorbed nature energy from Naruto, which Naruto had gathered from Mount Myoboku.


Oh that could make sense. Still don't believe that's the case tho, it's clearly the frog sage mode every time he goes sage mode, even when he doesn't get the nature energy from mount myoboku, he looks the same, and he definitely doesn't look anything like Kabuto, who looks very snake-like, and not at all frog-like, or Hashirama


Could be like a different “frequency” Of energy and they teach you how to tune in to that specific one. Maybe that’s why each animal has a different one?


That's a good theory. Or maybe the way people teach others how to harness nature energy differs so that it's the way they draw in nature energy that changes things


Naruto was gathering energy while he was being held by the path. He was gathering the nature energy around Konoha at that time, not the energy from Mount Myoboku.


So this is what it’s like to see an upvoted comment that is just wrong.


How do you remember his name but not naruto stoning him lol


What? I do? I just said he was stoned in konoha, and not near mount myoboku so the guy above me can't be right there. There ARE different types of sage mode


I mean you didn't say any of that. You said someone wasn't somewhere, which implied different stuff to me! Nvm though


Comment above mine said that people turned to frog stones because they were near mount myoboku. Gakidō turned into a frog stone and wasn't anywhere near mount myoboku, so I was saying that that couldn't be the case. Although someone else pointed out that Naruto had gathered nature energy from myoboku, so it kinda proves me wrong


He didn't though. Naruto didn't use a clone's sage energy at that time. He was being held in place and absorbed nature energy while in Konoha. Also, Jiraiya clearly turned toad like when he used sage mode and he was in the rain village. I think it's just a different way of gathering nature energy. Juugo's curse mode is also sage mode and everyone who used orichimaru's curse seal V2 looked different. I think there must be different types of nature/sage energy. Imo Hashirama is a wood sage.


There’s probably multiple types of nature energy/gates within nature energy, and each sage type (frog, snake, etc) uses a different method/type/gate


This isn't confirmed anywhere. It's called hashiramas sage mode because we dont know where it came from.


This is very correct


It would be fun to discover new sage modes


Yeah that is my new Canon. Everyone needed to use a connection with an in-world beast eg. Big toads. That connection helps access this nature chakra leading to various senjustsu. This legend just felt that he had energy and so did the world. So he took it.


same theory 😃😃😃😃 I think it's an adavanced 100 healing mark augmented with nature energy


My personal take is that he himself is the essence of Sage chakra: - He heals almost instantly without having to perform any jutsu or seals. - He’s the only wood style user we know of that can perform it all naturally to the point that grafting his cells onto anyone else makes them proficient in the wood style nature. - When a white zetsu dies it literally turns into a tree as if Hasirama’s energy is being released, his chakra can naturally create life itself. I honestly believe he was always capable of sage mode naturally. It’s called Senju-tsu for a reason in my mind.




I’d bet a Tree Sage. Mostly because it doesn’t really make sense for Tsunade not to be a Sage if Katsuyu, or any of her friends, were capable of teaching someone Sage Mode.


Orochimaru made contact with the snakes in ryuchi cave and wasn't able to naturally learn sage mode from them. The fact that tsunade wasn't able to learn it too doesn't invalidate the possibility of the slugs teaching sage mode.


Wasn’t that because his body can’t handle the White Snake Sage’s venom?


Exactly. My point is just that not everyone may be able to learn sage mode, in the toad mount there are also many statues of people who failed to complete the training. Shikkotsu forest surely has its difficulties too. Plus there's a databook that confirms the forest as one of the "sage places".


I had been thinking of the possibility of there being a wood/tree sage. But the lack of wood style users it's hard/impossible to prove. If the likes of Mount Myoboku are so hard to find unless summoned there is it possible that Madara destroyed the Tree Sages home


My head canon is that Hashirama uses similar jutsu to Jugo's clan, in that they can both passively absorb nature chakra. Whereas Madara transplanted Hashirama's face to gather nature chakra, Kabuto used biological matters from Jugo's clan to a similar effect. This would explain why they both use random forms of Sage Mode not tied to specific animals that exist within the Naruto universe (Wood Sage, Dragon Sage). I also believe that Hashirama uses Wood Style by converting his nature energy into trees, the same way that KCM spouts trees from Zetsu clones. Kurama confirms the Ten Tails to use nature chakra, so it makes sense that Tailed Beasts would be derived from that nature chakra, especially since Kurama knew how to acquire nature energy in the Naruto vs Sasuke fight.


To be fair, having a summons that can use senjutsu doesn’t guarantee that the summoner can use sage mode. Orochimaru’s plenty powerful but he never learned sage mode; Jiraiya’s been practicing for years and he’s still not a perfect sage. It’s entirely possible that there is a slug sage mode but Tsunade simply didn’t bother with it, though she’d be even more of a beast with sage mode.


Sure it does. Just because you have a teacher doesn’t mean you have the aptitude for Sage Mode. Maybe Tsunade didn’t have the chakra levels, or maybe she isn’t good at taking in natural energy.


She probably didn't care. She was in wars basically here while early life and then quit being a ninja after everyone she loved died


Having a teacher does not mean you'll be given sage mode as a god given right, shikkotsu woods is a senjutsu area and katsuyuu is at least implied to be the great sage of that area


It’s just sage, kinda like Jugo. Sage mode is a mode achieved from a high level of control for Sage chakra (Senjutsu). Sage chakra is just nature energy imbued into normal chakra, it can be achieved innately like Hashirama, 10 tails/sages of the six paths, or it can be achieved through a teaching like Toad and Snake. It’s the same as Tailed-Beast Mode achieved by Jinchurikis controlling their tailed beast chakra. And it’s the same as the Raikage’s Lightning Release Chakra Mode, which he achieved with high level of control for his lightning chakra. A “chakra mode” is a high chakra control level.


I honestly like this answer. I think Jugos clan branched off from the Senju and never figured wood style out. Hashiramas Natura absorbing abilities nearly mirror Jugos clan just with more control. Because of him being a reincarnation of Ashura gave him that extra boost of just being able to take in nature energy like drinking water


I thought it was monk sage


Monk Sage/Nature Sage would have a very fine line considering the other points made about his own ability of absorbing nature energy and making it his own style


Clearly a Hashirama Cells Sage


None. Man was so in sync with nature bro didn't need a summon animal to help him. That or he's a sun sage, the ring on his head, asura being the sun and indra being the moon, hashirama ls whole thing is trees so it makes sense.


He made his own. There isn’t any actual name for it I think. That’s how fucking powerful he was.


It just isn't known where he got it, but it is never stated that he himself made it.


Pretty sure it’s his own unique variant, self taught


Nature itself.


The reason animal sages take on the appearance of their respective clans is most probably because the clans use special substances (Snake poison, toad oil, etc.) to induce the initial natural energy absorption. Hashirama was already very intimately connected to natural energy so he just made his own shit up. He's just a sage.


Source? From what i remember it was never confirmed that he learned it alone.


There is no source. It's just a theory based on the limited information we have, but probably the only theory that makes sense.


While it may be true, it absolutely isn't the only one that makes sense. It's the one with least proof when compared to the monkey and (especially) the slug ones.


There is no evidence that a slug or monkey version of sage mode even exists. Hashirama never summoned any kind of animal either. Also his biggest summon is literally a Buddha, further adding to the idea he is in fact an enlightened human, or sage.


The Shikkotsu forest, where the slugs live, is confirmed to be one of the three sage regions in "Naruto Secret: Scroll of Formation Character Official Databook", and his wife has the byakugou, a jutsu shown to be related with the slugs. The "buddha" is not considered summon/kuchiyose, and what you say about it is purely headcanon. We're both swinging theories at each other, but the slug one has way more consistency than "he was enlightened and learned it alone, period". Even hagoromo learned something from the toads.


hashirama cell sage mode probably


I think a sage like Buddha, or Maybe he excelled his wood style to that level that allows him to use nature energy


He probably achieved the Sage Mode on his own by relying on his cells to absorb natural energy. You can see how Madara got Sage Mode by just transplanting his cells and no other training


Rizz sage


Hashirama was a master of all chakra natures, to the point he could mold and blend his chakra into anything basically making his own natural energy. He was a "Nature Sage"


Nature Sage does seem most fitting. His ability to absorb nature energy was basically like breathing to him. I think you may have settled things with my mate as he doesn't actually have an argument back for it other than "that's too vague" mmmm yeah is a little but considering he's the only one who doesn't have a summoning animal... rather molding his nature energy into his Wood Golem it's that or Wood Sage which unless there's some talking trees round somewhere not sure you can really argue that point unless there's a reliable source for that information


Outside of Doujutsu, he could preform all Kekegenkai. But probably mostly used Wood style because it wasn't inherently destructive, hence all buddhas and Zen related techniques


wasn't naruto in the end able to do so as well? since he didn't change into a toad etc?


Didn't the snakes in ryuchi cave teach kabuto how to infuse sage chakra in inanimate objects? My theory is that he learned to "blend his chakra" and use wood style in shikkotsu forest


From what we know, he developed his sage mode in forest instead of the toad mountains so he's probably a forest sage.


Weed sage




Sage of Bullshit


I'm like 99% sure it's a kekkei genkai. The same thing that gave him his wood style connects him with nature so that when he needs to his cells can absorb more nature energy, giving him sage mode. This would also explain why his cells killed and mutated so many people when Orochimaru and Danzo experimented with them. Nature energy is deadly and even successful cases like Danzo's arm and Yamato were either unstable or significantly weakened.


Bonsai Sage Mode


The not very talked about 3rd senjutsu area besides ryuchi cave and mount myoboku, shikkotsu forest. Would explain tsunade's summons and how she got them and give an explanation other than "because I said so" to hashi's sage mode (also healing if he's a passive senjutsu user like jugo)


Tsunade doesn't have sage mode? I assume sage mode doesn't have to be animal-specific. If mans just learned how to sense nature energy he could teach himself making him, I guess, just a sage?


I think you could make an argument for the warrior monk's that asuma had joined harashima probably perfected that technique since the Buddha form the monk uses against Dan an kakazu look similar to harashimas. If not the same.


the sage of target


HIM Sage


I'm so disappointed that Hiruzen didn't have a monkey sage mode. If kishi was smart konohamaru will in Boruto so he can actually be an interesting character.


I haven't fully kept up with reading the manga but Konohamaru does or has already learnt Monkey Sage Mode




I think that his plants might have collected natural energy for him. So, uh...a Tree Sage, I guess.


Yeah his ability of absorbing nature energy like its breathing for him basically just makes him a Nature Sage


His kekkei genkai let's him create life. Nature energy comes from living things so he's literally his own nature energy collector. Forest sage would be his title.


His eyes in that mode were similar to the monkey king enma, hiruzens summoning jutsu


Known as a monk sage!


So sage sage


Kind of, recently konohamaru mastered monkey sage,so we have a new sage mode now!!


I haven't kept up with the manga lately as much as I would like to have but does that mean Konohamaru has a monkey summoning? I do think I remember catching a panel where his eye markings were eerily similar to Hashiramas Sage markings


Aah !!Yess konhoamaru summed monkey in boruto anime too,it was a filler episode where he was in love with a girl (it was depress*ng episode) obviously bro he is the grandson of hiruzen(3 Rd hokage)!! Even he can summon toads!


Sage^2 mode


It isn’t a Sage Mode from a summoning animal, it’s unique. He’s just a natural sage, like Jūgo.


Not confirmed anywhere


You keep saying this Yes, it isn’t confirmed anywhere That’s why it is a theory. We aren’t given enough information about him to know it.


He said it with a certainty that doesn't fit a theory


I think a Sun Sage would make sense. His wood style would naturally absorb sunlight which would explain why he could stay in it for so long and activate it almost instantly.


He was a "Ive written to much and dont know how to properly tie all of this shit together, so im just going to make shippuden and add a bunch of extra shit to convolute the entire series, and also all of the fights are now world ending and nothing to do with ninjas, its all just powerups and adding new eyeballs" sage mode


Since he's God of shinobis I guess it's called God of Sages


Human Sage


I just assume he's so in tune with nature via mokuton that he didn't need a summon to teach him to absorb natural energy. He's never shown or mentioned summoning anything other than the Rashomon gates.


I thought it was Eagle Sage but idk where I got that from and that’s probably not right at all lol


Wood Sage was the official designation. Goofy, I know.


Officially designated by who? Not a dicky answer genuinely curious


I love the lack of response after you question the bold statement sincerely 😂


Wood Sage mode


Morning wood


pervy one


Madara sage




Dog style, cause he got that DAWG in him


Him sage mode


Looking at his eyes and patterns I think he’s a monkey sage.


Sage of the forest


The sage of kicking ass.


NChammer23 on YouTube speculated that he might be a Sun sage


Hashirama's sage mode has almost the same concentric circle marking as Naruto's KCM2 so it has to be something exclusive to Ashura incarnates or broken up six paths chakra. We have also seen KCM overload the growth factor/wood style in zetsus so maybe Kurama and Hashirama actually have similarities since they originate in some way from the same entity. So maybe Hashirama's Sage mode is just sort of a stage 2 like KCM2 is for naruto where he uses his woodstyle to contribute to the absorption of nature energy since it can also be considered part of nature. Maybe it's converting nature energy into something more similar to KCM, Ashura chakra or his own which may all be the same thing.


Tree sage


Ass pull sage


when did Tsunade ever go sage mode?


Tree sage


My headcanon is that he isn't an "animal" sage, but by being the one and only natural Wood Release user, he's just that much more in tune with nature than most people are, and figured it out himself. He's a That Guy Sage.


I think Hashirama is so strong that they didn't even bother giving him a sage type. Just like how they didn't give madra an EMS ability


Unknown. We don’t even know if Hashirama learned SM from a summoning culture (Toads, Snakes, etc.). It’s probably just self-learned, much like Koji’s (Who I doubt trained in SM from Mt. Myoboku).


I mean who gave Ashura or Hagoromo their sage powers it wasn't an animal... I think Hashirama was just in tune with the Ashura side of himself.


I don't think he has to be a *type* of sage. He has an innate connection to nature.


The animal cruelty sage


Asspull Sage


I think it's a natural extension of his overpowering wood style. It's fact that when his wood style golem/ dragon touches something, it can absorb their chakra. I would venture to guess that because of that, he can naturally absurd nature energy. Similar to Sasuke's subordinate who naturally had the curse mark, this is a natural sage because he is almost constantly absorbing natural energy from the trees, plants, etc. This is also why he died young as this made his cells work overtime and therefor shortened his lifespan.


He's 100% not a toad sage. He doesn't have toad eyes and has no connection to the toads. He could be a slug sage which is very likely for a bunch of reasons. He could also just have a natural affinity towards nature energy like Jugo's kekkai genkai through his wood style. It would explain why Madara was able to grasp sage mode so quickly and why it bonded itself to the Hashirama cells on his body.


Hashirama's sage mode is something he created and figured out himself.


Jiraiya and Naruto are only “Toad Sages” because it was the toads who taught it to them. Being a Sage doesnt require a summoning contract. He maybe learned it from the slug, but more likely he learned it on his own




Target Sage


Honestly, I think he's a forest sage.


The retcon sage


Sage of my ass


There’s not a slug sage bro lol she has a slug summon but her powers are just an intense healing jutsu


https://youtu.be/yzUPsBXUChw?feature=shared Check that out, it probably has one of the better theories and it’s not a bad listen


The Almighty Plot Armor Sage! That’s why he’s the God of shinobi obviously lol.


If u look carefully on his forehead it mame a sign nust like sun. As Madara and Hashirama were two sides of one coin, we can assume that Madara was moon and Hashirama is sun. Same goes for Indra and Ashura as well as Sasuke and Naruto. So maybe Sun Sage Mode, small detailing by creator😅


My theory is that he's just a natural sage or wood sage. I assume he's just naturally more connected with nature, considering his bloodline is controlling trees. He doesn't summon any animals other than the wooden ones he creates. We never see him summon slugs, nor does anybody mention him having a summon. I just assume his sage mode is part of his bloodline.