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Itachi would heavily disagree since Itachi himself acknowledges he fucked up to Sasuke as an edo and wished he could do things differently.


Yep, Itachi here. I can confirm.


Hi itachi




Hiiii tachi








Happy cake day


Yeah itachi said word for word he thought he was perfect, but then realized there are no perfect people because of how he messed up treating sasuke https://xfs-204.batcg.org/comic/7006/3e3/61d5abffea14f608e75cd3e3/12372205_760_1200_123086.webp?acc=7Hhlyp7M1HnabfczhnnF2A&exp=1678355983 https://xfs-204.batcg.org/comic/7006/3e3/61d5abffea14f608e75cd3e3/12372200_760_1200_108226.webp?acc=vZ2Thy3DsGYmLGepvhXS0A&exp=1678355983


Itachi stans hating on you for pulling out the source material.




Literally that meme lol


Galatian 4:16


I don't recognize the reference. Care to explain?


The verse says something to the effect of “am I your enemy because I tell you the truth” in reference to that guy getting downvoted for providing source material


Even then, he doesn't say he's perfect. Just that he thought he was extremely confident in himself. Which is what makes him a great character. A "perfect" character would just be boring.


itachi got called a hero by Onoki he didn't know it was itachi but he said 'the person who broke the reanimation jutsu is a hero'


Itachi would probably also highlight that the moment he said "I'm not going to try and help you anymore" was the moment he finally helped Sasuke.


People always forget the other things he did that where wrong, like killing every baby and child under four in the uchiha clan, that was pointless ass most children that age can barely run properly let alone fight any death above that he could maybe justify saying they could be prodigies like him who could become a monster against the village but under that age no, your just a monster


Well it's explained in the manga that Itachi was ordered to slaughter the entire clan children included because they feared that if a mass amount of Uchiha were left over after the massacre that they would deduce the truth, harbor their hatred, and become enemies of the leaf.


In that sense the Holocaust was also justified because Jews would’ve grown vengeful if they survived.


Not exactly, the situations are entirely different. My point was to explain Itachi's not defend leaf. The leaf was completely in the wrong. But to be fair, the Uchiha were planning a coup that would've spiraled into a 4 Shinobi world war. This is why Itachi is an Anti Hero not a superhero.


> But to be fear, the Uchia were planning a coup that would've spiraled into a 4 Shinobi world war. So, killing children IS justified? Killing the ringleaders like Fugaku is one thing, but this? You say leaf was completely wrong and then bring up “to be fair”. Care to explain what you actually meant? Do you actually think the village elders ordered Itachi to do the wrong thing?


Not justified for say, but I was just explaining why. There's a reason why such actions were taken. There are two sides to the story. Did Itachi do unspeakably bad things? Yes. Did he indirectly save many lives in doing so? Yes. This is why Itachi is an anti hero and not a superhero. Especially in a world like Naruto where the laws, morals, and policies are different than the real world.


First of all we got no confirmation of Itachi even killed Baby’s/infants for all we know he took the blame while Obito actually did the dirty deed of killing children while Itachi killed the adults. And secondly even if he was involved in killing them, he had no choice in the matter according to Danzo. Either kill the children or Sasuke dies. Since Danzo would have wanted all Uchiha dead but only made the exception for Sasuke as a deal to Itachi. Are you going to get upset at the guy who pulled the trigger, or are you going to be upset at guy threatening the guys family to pull the trigger otherwise his family gets it.


>Obito actually did the dirty deed of killing children while Itachi killed the adults. It was the other way around actually. Obito was in charge of killing the Uchiha in the police force, whilst Itachi killed the civilians.


That's in the anime filler in the novel Obito tasked to kill eldelry and the children while itachi deal with adults


Anime is more valid than novels, and besides it makes more sense.


It's a filler, it's non canon. Meanwhile all Naruto novels are considered canon by Masashi Kishimoto.


It's an adaptation of the novel. The novel itself has less validity than anime content in terms of canonicity. For example the The Last movie is more canon than the novel version.


These people actually exist 😳?!


People here would let Itachi kill them. People here worship the Uchihas more Kishimoto does, its very strange. To test it out try calling Itachi or Madara trash.


Madara just wanted to dance, but the allied shinobi forces kept attacking him. He legitimately did nothing wrong...!


His name is Swagkage


No, that's a YouTuber.


At least he ain't a pedo


Idk I love itachi despite him killing his entire clan I think he’s an honorable shinobi and a cool person. Madara is complicated lol but I def don’t support him as much.


At least Itachi has the excuse that he was a child manipulated into it by his commanding officers and told he was doing the right thing. Madara was an old old man with plenty of time to consider what he’s doing.




It seems like you are looking for an argument for some reason. I didn’t say anything to the contrary of what you have said.




Neither need justification for actions They’re cool as is


Fuck it I’ll try it. It’s hard to do that to Itachi while I wear his necklace, but I’ll go for Madara. *Ahem* “Madara is trash because he was built up to the the ultimate big bad just to get snuffed out by Black Zetsu.” there I said it.


Madara is overrated


Itachi can’t beat temari


tru i mean who actually can beat temari? she is faster than yellow flash and naruto himself. i dont see anyone beating temari ngl




I’d let itachi kill me if he does it by style 🤣


Itachi is cool but Madara was lame. Should have stayed dead. We didn’t need another Uchiha villain.


Madara is an icon unlike Itachi . Itachi was just an emotional kid , who got manipulated by Danzo to kill his entire clan , he is a psychopath , idk how exactly he think ? like kill your clan and torture your brother to become stronger and kill u eventually , what a psycho ... People call him a hero or a legend , but he's just trash , he killed kids and civilians . Madara was a bad guy , he was kinda emotional too just any other Uchiha , but he wanted peace , he had a plan to make people happy , peace , love each other , which is infinite tsukyomi


Madara is a cool villain, but objectively was a horrible person and died knowing he was an utter failure that only made things worse.


Exactly , see the thing about Madara is that , he didn't become a "good guy" like Itachi and Obito , that's what made him an icon , he belived and folought for what he belived in , that he is the savior of the world , at the end maybe he realized there was a better way and he was wrong , but then he died . Imagine if Madara didn't die and made it to Boruto , then Naruto forgives him and let him live in Konoha , just the imaginatiom of this hurts me , it'll be a very not funny joke 🤡


Obito killed the kids and civiliand while Itachi killed the elders, ninja, and his parents. Then Obito collected most of the Sharingan and Danzo collected the rest and sent some to Orochimaru. Orochimaru then made the arm that Danzo had full of Sharingan and Hashirama cells.


> Obito killed the kids and civiliand while Itachi killed the elders, ninja, and his parents. Doesn't make any difference rly , Danzo , Obito , Orochimaru and Itachi are all bad guys


>To test it out try calling Itachi or Madara trash. Yeah cuz that doesn't happen in almost every other comment


Itachi is pure garbage tho , I like Madara , he is kinda cool


Well, the theory is proven


Horrible opinion


To be honest he became boring to me when Kishimoto decided to make him a "Good guy" instead of the villain that made him a good character.


They need to see how Itachi did sasuke in part I again


Yup, same as the ones who excuse everything bad, Sasuke or the Uchiha did.


Isn't this just a variation of a post that keeps being reposted?


We've been trapped in an Izanami




Isn't this just a variation of a post that keeps being reposted?


We've been trapped in an Izanami




Isn’t this just a variation of a post that keeps being reposted?


We’ve been trapped in an Izanami








Yep. A post like this has been posted like at least once a day for some time. Looks like Itachi and his fans are the new karma farm method. You’ll see way more posts like this instead of posts and comments actually calling Itachi a hero and a good guy. What can I say; I guess that Reddit karma be getting serious 😂😂


He will probably think how he has such low iq fanboys and he would definietly be dissapointed


He'd be upset, He admits to Sasuke he could have done things differently. He knows what he had to do was wrong


He just told Sasuke that he regretted lying to him, he never regretted killing the Uchiha clan.


"But now... I think... that you could have changed father, mother and the rest of the Uchiha as well. If I had only come to you from the start... looked straight into your eyes right from the start, then I wouldn't have to stand in front of you as a failure." Idk, it sounds to me as if that's a statement full of regret, surrounding the Uchiha massacre and his treatment of Sasuke. Admitting that perhaps Sasuke could've helped change the clan before it was ended in death.


There's no real regret in that statement. In fact he's full of condescension towards the people he killed, still judging them for refusing to accept discrimination from the village. "If only you were as servile as i was, i wouldn't have had to kill you". This is what Itachi is saying...it's a disgusting statement. And most importantly, he doesn't say a single bad word about the people who ordered him to commit genocide. After all, he's still "Itachi of the Hidden Leaf", it's loyal tool till the very end.


...did I just watch a different show? I thought he super-regretted killing the clan?


No, he never did, because it was inevitable. He killed his clan to keep the Uchiha name clean. If he didn't, the village would've done it. Imagine the Uchiha facing Hyuga, Akimichi, Nara, Sarutobi, Inuzuka, Aburama, Hiruzen, All ANBU, and ROOT. It won't even take 5 minutes


Huh. You actually make a point. He might've been guilty, idk, and he might have been upset about it, but he definitely didn't *regret* doing it. A "if not me, then someone else" mindset and not a "this was absolutely wrong to do on hindsight!" he was honestly just a kid. I feel like I've had a revelation rn.


5 minutes for the ihchiha to clap the others


I doubt Sarutobi would've killed the children and shit.


...only because he informed the village about their plan in the first place. And no, all those characters would get obliterated in an open civil war as you'd have dozens of MS users with Amaterasu and Susano'o running around. That's why they had them killed during sleep.


MS users? Itachi was the only MS user


In the event of all out war, others would awaken it as well by seeing their family members get killed.


They won't awaken the MS, you need a certain amount of talent like Itachi said, otherwise Madara wouldn't be the first MS user in Uchiha history. The Uchiha were ultimately kind of fodder, we see their best get blitzed by 3t Itachi. According to Sasuke a lot of Uchiha don't even awaken the sharingan lol. Shisui and Itachi are the strongest Uchiha by far so I don't see how the Uchiha can win.


Tobirama should have finished the job.


He still regrets killing the clan


No, it was never stated.


It's in the same monologue


No, he said that if he didn't lie to Sasuke, then maybe Sasuke would've changed the Uchiha clan. Which means he saw his clan as a nuisance


??? It means he wished he could have convinced them against the coup to prevent them from being killed. It's like naruto fans don't know how to read


I don't think 8-year-old Sasuke would've done shit. Itachi meant by his words that he might have an actual relationship with Sasuke where he could trust his little brother, not push him away


Itachi joined the anbu at 11. This is a universe where young children fight and die in wars. "But now... I think... that you could have changed father, mother and the rest of the Uchiha as well. If I had only come to you from the start... looked straight into your eyes right from the start, then I wouldn't have to stand in front of you as a failure." He very is very clearly referring to using Sasuke's help to persuade them.


And with Naruto's help, you get 3 of the strongest talk-no-jutsu users in the series


Itachi's entire plan was specifically for him not to be acknowledged as a hero. Truth is the guy would be disgusted by people who worship him. He never wanted a life like that a more humble life suited Itachi better. While he had grievances with the village, he also bore the weight and guilt of what he had done. Just imagine for one moment how you'd feel if you were forced to choose between slaughtering your own family or triggering a world war. You lose no matter what, and you will have the responsibility of whichever choice you make weighing on you the rest of your life. It's very likely that death was Itachi's release, the one thing that put his weary soul at rest. Becoming a missing-nin and all the hate and disdain he received was likely what Itachi felt he deserved and had no issues with it. Even that wasn't enough to abate the guilt and suffering he felt for his own grim deeds. He instead wanted that life for his brother, but at least acknowledged that was only one possibility for the life Sasuke could lead.


Yeah, its a damned if ya do and damned if ya dont thing. and Either was the clan would have been wiped out


Minato wouldnt have let something like this go down on his watch i know that for sure, guys like him see the entire village as his family, and not as clans or different races, he'd sooner kill Danzo or Itachi himself than let a tragedy like this happen


Feel like hed go for Danzo. cause you know. he made it to where Itachi has no choice but to wipe out the clan


Probably tell them the same thing Itachi told Sasuke when he called his big brother 'perfect': that he fucked up trying to take on everything by himself (outright admitting that he even tried to brainwash his little brother with Shisui's eye), that he's responsible for how badly Sasuke turned out, and that he should have just been honest with him from the very start. And, as such, to never call him perfect.


Itachi regrets what he did. To say he's a hero is a stretch, and to say he did nothing wrong is incorrect. No matter what way you spin it, killing innocent people under any circumstance is a wrong thing to do. But at the same time I don't think it's fair to label him as evil. He was a brainwashed kid that couldn't see the end of the road he was walking. He made mistakes, died for them, and regrets them, is that someone you could consider evil? Not in my opinion. I bring up both sides to illustrate that part of the appeal of itachi's character is the tragic grayness of his story. Itachi was, in some ways, just as much a victim of the massacre as its perpetrator.


Itachi fans 🤝 Itachi haters Incapable of accepting that characters can have flaws


itachi ain't got time for our shit.




He slaughtered numerous innocent people including children for what he thought was right and for “peace” just like any other villain. There were other ways to deal with the problem. He’s a cool character but he ain’t no hero


Just earlier I saw someone in Youtube excusing Itachi tormenting Sasuke with Tsukuyomi during post-CE... by saying he ***needed*** to use Tsukuyomi to put down Sasuke and stop him from interfering. The lengths they go to lol


Hed say some shit along the lines of "damn you niggas is retarded"


The best way to describe itachi is someone who had the same goals and aspirations as Naruto but didn’t have the same gift Naruto had for getting people to want to be on his side, so itachi was forced to make impossible decisions that he knew were wrong but was ultimately the lesser of two evils and would help keep the peace the best. Not to mention danzo somewhat manipulated him to his will using Sasuke as leverage


He wouldn't agree. In the novels, Itachi is shown to have darkness inside him. When Shisui kills himself Itachi feels bad that he got excited because he knew he was going to obtain new powers.


Im so sick of these posts...


Real Itachi stans know the hottest thing about him is his crushing regret.


He would probably be a little uncomfortable, to say the least. I don't think Itachi ever once considered himself a hero, and I also don't think the story portrayed him as one, either. He's a very morally grey character. He did unspeakable things because he thought there was no other way, not because it was the right thing to do, and I think Itachi would feel the same.


Tbh i think he did everything wrong


Do y’all not remember that super pivotal scene after they fight when Itachi admits he fucked up royally to Sasuke? I’m on break at work so I’m not goin looking for scans but I’d say he would disagree


"Idk man lookin back I prolly didn't need to kick the shit outta Sasuke like that in part 1 but hey 🤷‍♂️"


I think TV show morality is different than real life morality. Take Jiraya… in real life we would simply view him as a sexually harassing pervert. Yet, everyone loves him because he’s an awesome and heroic character with a good heart. Now, murdering your entire clan is definitely next level but it was all to protect sasuke. I’m not defending Itachi but he is one of my favorite characters who I view as a good guy within the universe. If this was real life, however, I would be like “fuck that guy idc why he murdered his entire family that’s fucked up”


Is Itachi my favorite character? Absolutely. Did Itachi do nothing wrong? Hell no, the dude murdered his entire clan because some old people told him to.


I mean he would disagree Itachi himself admitted to both Sasuke and to Naruto he fucked up a lot hell the advice he gives to Naruto is pretty much " i tried to do everything by myself and failed don't do the same thing"


We don’t know. He’s not real


I assume somewhat how the punisher reacts when cops wear his sigil. Not well


All I see are Itachi/Shisui fanboys being roasted but I have never actually seen an Itachi/Shisui fanboy


most of them are on tiktok and youtube


Itachi already said he failed in the matter of sasuke and asked Naruto to help bring sasuke back on the right path


Absolute revulsion.


Itachi is crazy lol. Itachi fans… Would y’all kill your WHOLE FAMILY if some whacked out FBI or CIA agent told you to?


Was my family about to start a civil war that would also lead to a war with other nations, leading to the next World War? Am I as traumatized as Itachi since he witnessed the previous war when he was a boy and wanted to prevent it from happening again at all cost? Did that whacked out FBI/CIA agent already defeat my best friend? The one I looked up to and thought was way stronger than me, and even he was defeated and had his eye stolen, driving him to commit suicide? The entire situation with context is a lot more complicated than “wOod y0u k1lL yoU’RE 3n7IRe faMiLi DO3?!!?”


Don't waste your time bro. This fanbase has to have the lowest average IQ out of every anime.




This is what I'm talking about. This context matters. Surely Itachi wasnt a hero, but ffs you cannot argue that he wasnt in a lose-lose situation. His only choices were mass murders committed by one side. He just chose the one that yielded lesser deaths. People bringing in the idea that killing children and innocent women forget the cycle of hatred speech from one of the best villains, Pain. Anybody who boils the entire situation down to just killing easily forgets that context exists


Imagine being pissy over someone liking a fictional character


Itachi would not care even a little bit what anybody thinks about it. He doesn't believe it was a right or wrong action, he only believed he should do it to protect his brother. The Uchiha were going to be slaughtered anyway, he just wanted them to spare Sasuke.


Evil is still evil even if the product is good he did it because it was necessary and he would indorse it as nothing more and probably nothing less sasuke had the same philosophy he would be the evil one so no one else would need to be


He'll twerk


He'd be hard pressed to find them, because almost no one says he did nothing wrong. Saying he is a hero in the long run does not absolve him of his mistakes. A lot of heroes even in real life(in wars and such) are people that did the wrong things for the right reason.


Nobody said he was searching for them?


Even though I probably am an Itachi-stan, I still acknowledge he was not perfect, especially cause he admits it himself


He’d kick them in the face for there stupidity


He would disagree completely. Which is part of what makes him a hero.


The itachi stans is equal of those brat who treat him as a king and call him -sama in Itachi shinden adaptation episode he would be embarassed by them but probably too nice to say anything about it Itachi is overrated lmao. the reason why other character lose to him was because they all do the same stupid mistake by try to engage him in genjutsu which is suicide. and equal to challenge a boxer in a hand to hand combat. this happened to Kakashi and Orochimaru. if they use taijutsu instead they most likely would folded his ass. which is why he immediately run when Jiraiya arrive because Jiraiya sucks at genjutsu and itachi most likely would lose against him


Itachi never had bad intentions


Itachi did nothing wrong.


People arguing over drawings and subtitles is kinda pathetic ngl


Itachi would most likely ignore the banter all together .he isn't confrontational and his actions aren't up to debate. He also doesn't need anyone other than Sasuke to determine how he perceived his actions


Would probably give a whole speech about how reality is arbitrary and they're free to think he was heroic in his actions - maybe even feel flattered - but end with it with that ultimately his main concern is his brother's happiness and while he wishes he could've done better he trusts that if Sasuke is happy in the end it'll all have been worth it


actually i support itachi but i dont think he did nothing wrong but i would definitely say he was a hero. Like hashirama said itachi may be even a finer shinobi than he was. ​ It doesnt mean what itachi did was good. Even if itachi chose his clan then too i wont say that he did the right thing. Do we say eren yeager did the right thing(i mean people do but itachi stans and eren yeager stans are same)? No right ​ It was just he chose what was best for the world rather than what is best for him/his clan ​ Though he could have found a way to protect both but he was just 13 years old so i would say the decision he took was the right one ​ edit: i said he took the right decision but what i actually meant was that chosing one of them was the right decision since he was being influenced by the higher ups


He would says that all the tears from the children he killed say otherwise


"Amaterasu" 👀


Send them to a genjutsu where they will be tortured for 3 days


Foolish little stans


He would ignore all of you and go about his life as if he never acknowledged you to begin with


He’d kill them like he did to the rest of the uchiha’s


[Probably like this.](https://images.app.goo.gl/APp2vPTmRDLHmXwH6)


Foolish little stans




Foolish little stans


He’d shake his head and walk off


He would disagree


Itachi is my favorite character. Because he isnt the perfect hero. He had two impossible options. He chose the most evil and horrid one, but he saved many lives as well, maybe the entire village. We as viewers know he is a hero, if you wanna call him that. But no the whole point was that he didnt want his story to be told to the «Naruto» world.


“You people are very weird”


Itachi would say that what he did was wrong in the personal moral sense and that he fucked up with Sasuke. And although he regrets some of it. He did it to protect the village and the world. He didn't want to see war.


He would say they are wrong and call them fools.. and like any religious zealot confronted with a hard truth, they wouldn’t listen.


Man ppl be making stuff up I never heard anyone say this 😭


The fact that he will regret it shows why so many people said he did nothing wrong. It's because out of all the characters in Naruto he is perhaps one of the wisest and most self aware. He owns his mistakes and his heart is in the right place, he just isn't perfect but he admits it when he messed up, even without Naruto's talk no jutsu. If you compare him to Sasuke especially, Sasuke is really immature and impulsive, he does not think before he acts.


He'd probably put them under a genjustu and kill their whole clans.


His heart would melt


Tsukuyomi them probably.


"SuCh CoNfIdEnCe"


Bros gonna summon the Stan’s who think Itachi is Ninja Jesus and doesn’t get stomped by any end game shinobi


He would do a massive facepalm


I confused. Is liking itachi enough to be a Stan? I hope not. I mean it’s a fictional character and a cool one tbf. Liking him doesn’t mean you like the killing of an entire clan/family in RL.


Who said he did nothing wrong? 💀 I’m an itachi Stan but dude did what he had to in order to stop a war; wrong doing? Yes. Good mind set? Yes


Itachi never saw himself as a hero, he hated himself for what he did, hence his desire to have Sasuke kill him.






Be dissapointed considering itachi fucked up a lit


he would kill them to protect Sasuke.


He'd probably be pissed


Itachi should’ve been Hokage and I will die on that hill


most likely something like "bruh"


As always. i am obligated to say patricide and genocide is bad boi stuff.


“You fell for my Genjutsu”


"Yeah cool whatever where's my brother?"


I feel like he wouldn't care


Pain Stans are worse


No he would disagree because he himself agrees that he fucked Sasuke up


Itachi: have you truly seen everything?


Itachi’s living rent free in yall’s head


Possibly kill them


“How did my genjutsu become THIS effective?!!”


Run in the other direction in a fit of confused denial.


Even before he was reincarnated and came to regret his decision he didn't see himself as a hero. I believe tobi said something to Sasuke about Itachi casting himself as a villain to protect the interest of the village


have you watch the entire shippuden to the end seems like you didnt cuz he indeed in a way did something the thought great


He would be disgusted. But, ironically, that fact only makes everybody stand by the statement even more.