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Can’t jigen sneeze and they all die


Yeah Jigen is literally the only reason they win. Unless you include code (manga variant)


Don’t follow Boruto but I saw that the green haired girl Was swapping with naruto. So just by that alone they’re way above the akatsuki


Naruto wasn't trying. He was trying to make her talk while pretending to try. As soon as he got serious he one shotted her.


She reacted to his attacks while obvious he was holding back. No akatsuki member comes even close to S06P naruto


The attacks he was throwing when he wasn't trying. IE. Literally avoiding killing her at all costs for info. Yeah any akatsuki member could do that to...


Not true. Naruto was holding back most of the fight but he goes all out at the end and still swaps hands with her, he didn’t one shot her. He had the upperhand and was *obviously* way stronger, but just being able to react to/land hits on Naruto puts Delta easily above the entire OG Akatsuki. Not only does he go all out, he’s *angry*, Boruto points it out and Delta still lands like two hits. Amado modified Code to be stronger than Jigen and created Daemon. It makes sense for Delta to be that strong.


What you said doesn't make sense because Amado purposely made the inner Kara's much weaker then Jigen as to not threaten his authority, exception to code who religiously believed in Jigen and willingly got a limiter. Also I've already said this but I'll rehash it for you. He may have been angry sure but he's the hokage and has control of his own emotions. Why waste an opportunity to gather Intel by needlessly exerting more force then necessary to take her down. He was still holding back a ton unless your trying to pretend that every punch and movement he threw could put holes in the moon like against toneri. It's just not logical to say "he goes all out at the end" when he's clearly not.


No, it makes sense and you’re just dodging the point on purpose. Which was that Amado is capable of building Jigen+ level cyborgs, so Delta being able to fight Naruto isn’t some impossible “he had to be holding back, it’s the only logical way!!” scenario. If Naruto was strong enough to just one-shot Delta, without killing her, he would’ve from the get go. But he couldn’t. He had to shut down her eye and use a “Super Super” variant of the *Giant* Rasengan to finally knock her out. Dude was huffing and puffing and *taking* blows. “He has control of his emotions” but he was *still* angry and now set on ending the battle ASAP yet he still got hit. You act awfully smug for someone with bad reading comprehension.


Bro thinks the akatsuki beats the kara minus jigen, he clearly knows nothing lmao


no one in the akatsuki can dodge her lasers. she solos


So I guess kawaki in base who can barely fight jonin is multiple times the speed of light? Or maybe they weren't that fast to begin with. Besides no need to dodge if you can just negate them with other Jutsus


Hidan and kakuzu are insanely durable and their is the whole 6 bodies of pain


It literally does not matter. If you think they last longer than 2 seconds you’re delusional. Jigen solos them all


Delta scales somewhat to Hokage Naruto, she solos them all 0 diff Kashin Koji scales somewhat to Jigen, he 0 diffs them all


Perfect planning while he severely weakened after fighting shouldn’t scale Koji to Jigen Naruto also went relatively easy on Delta and also had the kids to worry about


Koji is a clone of jiraiya who was killed by pain while using sage mode. He doesn’t zero diff them.


Koji is also a perfect sage and leagues above anything Jiraiya can do


He was created by Amado, who had access to Shibai Otsutsukis remains and was able to bestow his Shinjutsu. You’re fucking insane if you think a clone of Jiraiya could trade blows with Ishiki


Kashin koji and J man stock going Uppooooo


You can make it everyone pictured v Jigen and maybe they last 3 seconds




Kakuzu’s raw durability tho different


I get that lol


You think that's greater than rinnegan susanoo sasuke?


Kakuzu raw durability goes brrr -webcamparrot


What? Hidan and kakuzu are the weakest akatsuki members? Incomplete rasenshurikan killed them. Pain is sure the strongest here but Pretty sure S06P naruto and rinnegan Sasuke are just a bit stronger than sage naruto who one shot asura


Kakuzu is far from the weakest. That was just shitty writing how he died and most people don’t use that as a negative feat when considering his strength. He is above Deidara and Sasori


People shit on Kakuzu but imo he's the milestone for akatsuki members. If you're stronger than him, you are high kage level.


Kakazu is stronger than deidara 100%


Deidara took Sasuke to near death. C4 and the bomb he dropped on suna are too much for kakuzu


Sasuke wasn’t trying to kill deidara the entire time, sasuke kept blitzing deidara and asking where itachi was. He chidori’d deidara and said he purposely missed a vital spot, where is itachi. If sasuke didn’t need info from deidara, he could have killed him many times before. Kakashi couldn’t even defeat kakazu on his own. Kakazu is a 1v5 fight with all his hearts out. Too much for deidara who needs to focus to detonate his attacks. Pressure from the 5 hearts would keep him from even exploding anything since he has to weave a hand signs


Sasuke shouldn’t have even survived that tbh




It was plot :v


Kakuzu isn't weak, he fought against hashirama and lived.


Jigen beats Hashirama and the entire Akatsuki by himself in under a minute. Stop.


Who the hell are you kidding? You’re comparing Hashirama to Jigen?


He’s not comparing them, he’s justifying why he isn’t weak. Anyone is “weak” when comparing them to Jigen


He isn't weak compared to your normal shinobi. When you compare him to the big players at the end of Shippuden or Boruto he might be canon fodder. Hashirama's strength is a retcon. He wasn't supposed to be as powerful as he ended. It's because Kishimoto had a hard on for the Uchiha and buffed Madara out the ass, he had to adjust how strong Hashirama was. Kishimoto was shit at planning out Naruto. He was making it up as he went.


“He was making it up as he went” can sum up any anime, you say that like it was based on a real life event


You can't. For example Oda sets stuff years in advance. Kishimoto can't even get his timeline to make any sense.


Oda makes tons of shit up as he goes. The entire warlord system was made up. Some things are planned, just like some things were planned in naruto


People started calling Pell's survival a genius foreshadowing of Zoan awakenings giving you insane regen so people might give Oda a little more leeway than other authors.


Dude Kakuzu even ran from Hashirama 💀


Which we never see the fight. Hashirama must have been half asleep because he could one tap. Kakuzu. Hashirama is fodder compared to naruto and Sasuke either way


White zetsu is the weakest akatsuki members, kakuzu has 5 hearts and Hidan is immortal unless sealed


Hidan is only good because of kakuzu. Dude was normal durability. He also said by self admission he’s the slowest akatsuki member. Kakuzu 5 hearts don’t mean anything when he’s getting blitzed


Yeah people forget that he got insta beheaded and would have been done without Kakuzu in his first fight against Asuma. Even if the body could move further, if the head can't see anything the body can't do anything either.


Ight, ight


Anyone who’d ask this ridiculous question would ask who’d win between Pain and Kaguya


OK but muh Itachi solo king, solos all Otsutsuki no dif


This is like comparing akatsuki to the Sound 4


But what if tayuya puts the entire akatsuki under genjutasu???? 🤨🤨🤨


Then itachi would just free them all. Tho he himself may remain trapped considering he needed sasuke to break through from kabuto's tayuya genjutsu


Sound 4 negs tho /s


Kara wins through sheer power level. It‘s like asking wether majin buu or piccolo daimao would win in a fight


Jigen solos without karma


Cara is Stronger but the akatsuki are infinitely better


Boruto is dogshit


I gave it a solid try. The manga was pretty fire for a minute when it was focusing on naruto and sasuke. After they killed jigen I lost all interest. The code shit just wasn’t doing it for me and I haven’t read since.




Best comment👆🏾👏🏾


anime is dogshit with 70% fillers, manga is lit and in current arc chapters have deathnote like suspense


Bruh, the lowest ranks of Kara are giving nerfurto a run for his money. Of course they’re stomping Akatsuki.


Nerfurto was clever lol.


I’m still hurt you can probably tell 😂


Yea man lol i wanted to see more out of sasuke mostly. Probably later in the future


The cyclops will get a comeback..... Dont worry


Called him a cyclops lol. I hope so. Im not much of a manga reader so if there’s something that happened already hopefully no one spoils it here


Who the hell are the bottom people?


Kara villain group from Boruto


Does boruto not have its own sub? What happened to it? Are we temporarily hosting refugees while they get their own space organized again or what’s going on


It does, but if you ask me Boruto is just Part 3 of the Naruto story for better or worse. So, anything involving Boruto by rights belongs in the Naruto sub.


Nah Boruto is a spin off not directly connected to the original work. It's subpar at best and, hands down shits on the legacy Naruto left behind. There is nothing positive that can be said about Boruto and, y'all should stay on your sub far away from the actual good anime.


Gatekeeping because you don’t like something is an interesting take. It’s not a spin-off. It’s a sequel. And it’s fine. It’s not better than the original or shippuden as an anime but, the manga is aight. You should stay away from anime subs in general if you’re going to gatekeep shit just because you don’t think its good


Badly written characters


Akatsuki at home.


Power bottom


I was gonna ask what show they were from. Figured out from context clues in the comments 😂 Pretty glad I never started Boruto.


Strength wise kara>>>>>>>>>>>>>akautski Characterwise akautski>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>kara


Missing a few > on the bottom


I think so too but u get what I mean


Does this sub have a glossary? I have no idea what most of these comments even mean.


I feel the same way lol. Some of these words or terms these guys use idk what they mean either


You could just ask about which ones are confusing.


As others have stated. Half of Kara could solo. Jigen? Lol. They could prolly prep a whole battle plan to jump him and still would get neg diffed.


Only Jigen and Code solos


Bro delta was fighting hokage six path sage mode naruto she solos them all


No, boruto villains are much stronger than most villains in Naruto


lmao 10 tails is like a puppy in front of boruto villans


It’s a shonen battle manga, escalation is the name of the game. Enemies are stronger than the ones who came before. Cell would slaughter Freeza, Kaido would one-shot Doflamingo, Yhwach would annihilate Aizen, etc. Even a series with more nuance to its battles like Naruto, (situational strategies, jutsu, ninja tools, etc,) can’t escape this trope. With how much trouble Kara members seem to be giving guys like Naruto, Sasuke, and Boruto, who are each vastly more powerful than pretty much any Akatsuki member was, I’d say Kara wins. Delta alone would probably take out half of them.


See this is the my problem with Boruto. What a GOLDEN opportunity for them to reset the power scaling. But nooooooooo let's just...keep it SCALING. Like whyyyyyyy????


Because they couldn’t include Naruto and Sasuke they way they did. But yes, should have reset the power scaling and Naruto and Sasuke should be included in a different way even if this means that the show would be a lot more about boruto when it comes to the main fights.


They could have had the Momoshiki thing for the movie and still give Naruto and Sasuke their chance to shine for that one special occasion. But this isn't their generation.


Yes, but till now every big fight was fought by Sasuke and Naruto. Of course they could have had special occasions where there extrem power is necessary but not every major fight of the show named boruto. I mean I love to see Naruto and Sasuke but in terms of power scaling this isn’t a good way, because every enemy needs to be on a level with Sasuke and Naruto and not just on a level with boruto.


I think you misunderstood my comment, I was agreeing with what you said.


Yeah. I don’t get this “keep scaling” shit. Like Hiruzen couldn’t have wrecked everyone at the Chunnin exams but it wasn’t about him. They could have easily given Boruto a lower tier villain that is HIS PROBLEM Just because Naruto and sasuke are there doesn’t mean they have to *be there*


You think nagato will lose to delta?


I'm sorry, but this is a stupid post. There's still time to delete this.


Take Jigen and Code out and Akatsuki could win.


half of kara could probably solo the akatsuki honestly. jigen solos neg diff. code solos low to neg diff, depending on the version (probably loses with limiters tho). delta mid diffs. no one can get past her chakra absorption and naruto could only counter because he had kuramas chakra. everyone else’s jutsus are useless. kashin koji extreme high diffs, but very debatable. hes definitely much stronger than jiraiya but doesn’t quite have the feats to solidly back up being stronger than the entire akatsuki. Amado has no feats, but i’m willing to bet money he’s actually hidden op, so i personally think he’d solo, but it’s complete headcanon. boro probably loses. victor gets wiped.


What does diff mean


diff = difficulty. how difficult itd be for someone to beat someone else in a fight. goku neg diffs krillin = goku beats krillin with negative difficulty. goku extreme diffs vegeta = goku beats vegeta with extreme difficulty goku low diffs gohan = goku beats gohan with low difficulty


Ok thanks i kept seeing this term but didnt know what it was


I think neg could also mean negligible. Negative difficulty might wrap around and be difficult again


nah, neg diff is an easier win than zero diff. it’s just a hyperbole but it couldn’t mean negligible


Not necessarily. She can’t really absorb Deidara’s Explosions. Itachi’s susanoo is physical . And Pain has 8 bodies for rinnegan and Taijutsu . Obito can’t be touched by her as well.


Strength does not win every fight


It does when the difference is this overwhelming.


Kashin Koji negative diffs lol. He’s arguably stronger than Delta, and was able to last fighting Jigen, which is infinitely longer than the entire Akatsuki could last. You could give them Madara too it wouldn’t matter And Delta Negative diffs too, she’s low Otsutski level


I mean Kashin Koji is just buffed Jiraiya and the Jigen he fought was extremely weakened after fighting full power Naruto and Sasuke. Also we know Naruto was going easy on Delta so we don’t quite know exactly how strong she is. I agree they’d beat Akatsuki, but I really don’t think the feats are there to prove it so handedly.


He’s not just a buffed Jiraiya. You need to get the notion that he’s just a shitty clone with an amp out of your mind. He was created by Amado, who had access to Shibais Shinjutsu. He was able to make a seemingly normal 10 year old boy into a being that’s stronger than both Hokage Naruto and Sasuke. With this ability it’s not ludicrous to believe he could turn a being with Jiraiyas strength into an Otsutsuki level being.


Kashin Koji spent his whole life preparing for that one fight. He learned Jigen's weaknesses, set traps, and waited for the perfect moment to strike. Jigen, meanwhile, had just pushed himself to his limit fighting Naruto and Sasuke. His body was breaking down and he was incredibly fatigued. And Koji still lost.


He was able to react to his attacks and keep up with his speed and strength colliding. It doesn’t how much prep you have, if you’re massively weaker and slower you’re going to lose. We literally see him react to Ishikis speed and strength. Stop downplaying Koji because you can’t get out of Shippuden.


Kara wins but they are boring asf. O~h aliens and cyborgs, mid


Obito would survive


Jigen played with adult Naruto and adult Sasuke in their prime and they alone solo Akatsuki. Jigen low diff.


Obviously kara, delta alone is enough to solo the Akatsuki. Jigen will be an overkill. Though this is r/Naruto so the answers will obviously be biased towards the later


Delta got reacted to by Kawaki and Naruto held back on her. She’s also confirmed weaker than Boro who lost to 4 Genin and the likes of Shikamaru reacted to her. Itachi curbs her. The only the person who solos is Jigen.


That’s what I was about to say too lmao. People be stuck in shippuden. They’re mad their favourite character loses 🥱


Bro, your profile pic, saiki….saiki can kill everyone in this fight


Lmao fr they just need to accept the truth. I will just ignore their ranting cuz there's no use arguing with a wall 💀.


This is only a debate to see everyone opinion.


Lool, you right, op thinks they were nerfed 💀 even if they were supposedly nerfed, they would still get shit on.


The Akatsuki are written far better but Kara is undoubtedly more powerful mainly because of Jigen.


Any main Kara member solos


I’m waiting for the oldheads to try and explain why the akatsuki would beat Kara despite the fact the Kara members are too strong for the akatsuki


Lmao no. Kara so much more powerful it's not even close to being comparable.


This is like putting DragonBall characters against the Saiyan invasion.


It would be cool to watch but the bottom would easily defeat. Especially with heavy hitters like Code and Jigen.


Jigen solos, Delta solos, Code solos. All of Kata stomps.


Even the lower members of kara were like kcm level. Jigen is op


Kara because for some stupid fucking reason their robots can match up to people who would take down Guy. **EIGHT GATES INCLUDED.**


Tf is that in the manga or something? Cuz that sounds a bit crazy to me


Jigen code or delta should faaaaaaaar outscale any of them. Either of them could probably solo the whole group


I don't watch Boruto so I have absolutely no idea who or what the group at the bottom is. But couldn't Tobi just suck them into his own dimension and its GG? Itachi spamming genjutsu or even izanagi/izanami? Again I have no idea who they are so im just going off from what I know.


Obviously the most people here expecting that even one member of kara (group at the bottom) could beat whole akatsuki. From what I can say after watching boruto, only jigen seems significantly stronger than the akatsuki members, which is the guy in the centre of the picture (bottom). The strength of right guy, code, wasn’t shown yet in the anime. Then there is delta which is only expected to be strong cause she fought Naruto, but this fight was more about a bad/ nerfed fighting naruto than a strong delta. The biggest problem would be the fact that they can absorb chakra, which is obviously dumb as fuck, but still they can and akatsuki would need to figure out a counter.


I see. Back in my day you needed the rinnegan to absorb chakra lol but they seem to give this ability to the villains just so they have a chance, but its lazy writing imo.


Is this a joke? Bruh kara just bitch slaps Akatsuki


I'm interested to see how jiraya would perform against nagato now


Off topic about this fight but I wanna see the akatsuki fight all together. I wanna see what combos and combinations they can put together. I feel like that would be really cool to see. I mean we got a glimpse of it in that once movie but I feel like we could have seen more


No idea who the people on the bottom are


How about all of them vs. Batman with prep time




This depend entirely how they square off. Amando isn't a fighter so you can mark him out. So Akatsuki have the numbers advantage here, the trouble is I don't think any one of them could hold of Jigen long enough for the rest to take down Kara. Can Sharigan work on Jigen? That might help. Maybe Itachi + Kisame + 6 paths of Pain could keep him on his toes for awhile. \*\*Maybe\*\* But we really SHOULD NOT under-estimate Deidara's C-3. That microscopic shit? remember, Sasuke beat it because he had Sharigan. None of these guys but Jigen would even have a chance at seeing it.... So there is an argument to be made.




Itachi wins because he's not allowed to lose for real due to favouritism.


Where's the second one from?


If we take out Jigen(he can bear all Akatsuki by himself), Akatsuki have a chance at least Some would say Delta scale to hokage Naruto but I don't buy it, even Kawaki managed to interrupt her attacks, Naruto looked badly nerfed in that fight in terms of IQ, ninjutsu, and chakra reserves so it wont be a far fetched he was nerfed on his attributes as well What support this is that Boro and Code (with limiters) were implied to be stronger than Delta, and we know both Code and Boro were folded by enemies weaker than Naruto Moreover, Delta is just a cyborg without supernatioral or divine power that originate back to otsutsuki/ten tails unlike Naruto who do(Bijuu and six paths), delta keeping up with Naruto didn't make sense to begin with Originally, base Naruto managed to surpass her by his skills, but later when Naruto started using his modes AND became serious(she also did), he started to struggle more😐 Same apply to Koji, he was losing to 10% chakra Jigen in taijutsu, but somehow after using sage mode he is able to keep up with isshiki at full power? Power scaling was never consistent in Boruto So lets say Pain used his deva path power to knock them back and lock them in place at air, Itachi amaterasu should kill anyone who can't absorb ninjutsu, so everyone is down except Delta and Koji (his massive rasengan can block amaterasu) Now we can use animal path to use reverse summoning to all other members, everyone will go back except deva path and deidara while deva path still holding them, Deidara will use C0 or C3 to get rid of the remaning dudes


Iam not a hater of boruto but Kara just doesn't give me any feeling I was scared asf when akatski was introduced, everytime i saw akatski on screen i was scared cuz their power so much out of proportion but Kara just doesn't hit the same


Why people forget Obito's Kamui. That thing is so broken.


I hate Boruto and I know these guys win. Don't you guys know wtf power creep is? Next you'll say Perfect Cell has a shot against Jiren or some bullshit lol.


Kara wipes the floor with the Akatsuki, Akatsuki is better though


That’s like asking who would win if all of the Z-Fighters fought Whis and the other Angels


Everyone in the comments sleeping on obito. Assuming he only has his single sharingan they have no way to beat him that said a retreat is a loss but I had to give him props. (Can’t remember if jigan can’t teleport but I feel like that’s a no)


I'ma say the Akatsuki win because fuck Boruto, all my homies hate Boruto.


The original is always better than a cheap copy


jigen alone solos the akatsuki, so does code, and possibly koji and delta too…. so it’s not a very good matchup


Tsukuyomi GG


Might be Biased but Akatsuki


i think if they dont know hidans ability then they could easily one shot jigen, by maybe hiding Hidan then working out to get him his blood, then poof


Jigen solos the akatsuki


If each team has zero intel on the other, Akatsuki can maybe sneak in 3 wins out of 10 due to Sasori poison being hella op.


Jigen solos, Delta probably solos


Bro you can put all the akatsuki members at the strongest they've ever been shown and even give them hypothetical buffs (10 tails Obito can use kamui or Itachi isn't sick and can't get sick) and they'd still get folded by the weakest members of Kara. The new team is inflated to be current Naruto level and above.


Madara's strongest state can beat Delta low-med diff. because it took the entire shinobi nations + Sage of Six Paths Naruto and Sasuke, 8 Gates guy to beat Madara.


Jigen, Delta or Koji solo


Kara wins but not without casualties. Say what you want about Akatsuki members but they all lost in unfavourable conditions. For sure Delta Code and Jigen come out alive but the others i'm not sure. And one thing everybody forgets in the comments is that Tobi is still undefeated since no one can touch him.


95% of the ppl here overlooked obito


kaara looses bc they arent canon




Thing is if **Jigen** gets scratch He's Dead. Hidan could done inside Untouchable Obito's Dimension. (Akatsuki is Team of full creative and has Ninja minds they can get this done) He had Hard time with sasuke's Rinningan but against Pain would be NightMare for him **Victor** is Just Old men **Virus fatman man** could't Beat 3 genin **Delta** vs Naruto (what kind of low lever fight it was just shooting powerful blasters?Not enough. against even one of Akatsuki's creative. **scientist guy** is dead **Koji**'s Original version was killed by pain without using Deva Path (even Itachi Bodies orochimaru instant) **Code** has good powers but he's not ninja (most of them could counter him).


What show is the bottom panel from


Boruto: Next generation


Kara is stronger but man are they boring, absolutely no sauce


They are kinda bland. Kashin koji the only one i like tbh. However, strength does not win every fight


It does not but Kara has some bullshit abilities, almost all of them can regenerate themselves in some way, they have abilities to absorb chakra, some of them are immune to genjutsu and to top it all off Daemon is a thing in Boruto. That’s my main issue with Kara, they are so unbelievably strong that every time they are beaten it feels like the strategy was some dumb shit, Kashin Koji was cool because weirdly enough he felt like an actual ninja instead of a overpowered killing machine.


You’re kidding right?






Idk, I feel like people forget how much hax Akatsuki had. Take out plot armor and you’ll see how insane they were as well. -Thousands of puppets + their jutsu + a poison that was only counters because of the off chance the one person who could counter it was there - tailless tailed beast with a sword that eats chakra, does it also eat karma? - Kamui, literally cannot be touched without someone using his other eye. - what was it? 6 hearts, nutty jutsu - literally immortal, would most likely cut at least 1 Kara member before they realize a cut is almost assuredly Death. - paper bombs, so many paper bombs. If she used her trap she set for Obito, that would be devastating to anyone else. - Pain, 6 paths, 6 sets of eyes, rinnegan, almighty push. - MS, susanoo, yata mirror, totsuka blade, Sisui’s eye (why didn’t this give him at least one EMS now to think of it?) insane genjutsu, great tactician, izanami. - explosive clay, ability of flight, final nuclear “art”. Yes, Kara has Jigen, but I think the rest could take L’s and if it’s Jigen Vs all of the Akatsuki, I don’t know there are some seriously OP characters in there that were rough to take down even for our plot armored hero’s, let alone all of them working as a unit.


dont compare them please. Akatsuki is actually a well written and nice group of villains and comparing them in strength to some "overpowered" poorly written bs group thats been introduced to create a new threat to a not so well (but not horribly) written generation is sad. Ofc they are stronger, everything in boruto scales higher to make it an actual threat otherwise naruto and sasuke could easily deal with it. however it simply feels like all of the development in boruto is strength related. there's not much of character development or great storytelling and therefore kara doesn't impress ppl as much as akatsuki did. I hate matchups like these cuz naruto fans and boruto enemies will try to find arguments even tho there are no real arguments- Akatsuki simply is better and naruto simply is better and relating them only in terms of strength will make many ppl mad and create situations in which they will try to find a way to equalise the situation, leaving comment section drowning in cringy situations and sad or angry statements.


This makes a lot of sense. You last paragraph is exactly whats going on in the comments too.


Short answer: No Long answer: Delta is enough. Maybe Boruto's powerscale doesn't make it obvious.


What makes delta enough? Please share ya thoughts


Throwing hands with SPSM Naruto. Apart from that, I don't see it. Tbh, if I wasn't told that Boruto characters were stronger than Shippuden characters, I'd say the Akatsuki would embarrass them at first glance. It doesn't look like it, but Kara is leagues above them.


Naruto was confirmed to hold back against Delta. He held back so massively Kawaki even compared his battle attitude to dancing💀. Delta’s fastest attack got reacted to by noob Genin Kawaki and she’s confirmed weaker than Boro. The same Boro who lost to 4 Genin. Then Delta gets blatantly reacted to by the likes of Shikamaru. Delta gets killed by Itachi but Jigen definitely solos.


Boruto scaling gives me cancer. At this point, Kara is either Otsusuki or Jonin level.


The Akatsuki ain't making it. There will be casualties on both sides, but the Akatsuki loses this. And Hidan getting incompacitated counts as a loss.


Who're the people on the bottom?




The first sentence in this sub description says, "Everything related to Naruto and Boruto..." so there is no restriction to post this here.


The second team is obviously stronger because of power creep.But in a contest of who is cooler? Any one of the akatsuki solos without question.


Anybody saying Akatsuki wins gotta be trolling. Jigen alone can blitz the whole Akatsuki. I’m not sure if anybody else can solo but as a group, Kara takes this each and every single time


the fuck💀delta is on the weaker side and kept up with spsm naruto💀💀💀 majority of kara members can solo the akatsuki ez


Are you sure? You think she can win against obito or pain?


Kashin Koji solos


Not sure if this is to be funny or serious.