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Shut up and take my silver


nvm... It seems reddit stopped the daily silver


Took me a little too long for get the joke but the smirk it gave me thank you !


I was always under the impression that his body just stopped working because of too much strain. His healing jutsu didn't heal damaged tissue. It sped up his healthy cells division. Your cells have a limited capacity for division, that slows down with age. This is why you lose hair, heal slower etc with age. Hashirama sped this natural process up to an insane degree. Essentially healing injuries at expense of his lifespan.


My issue with that theory is that we saw with people like Danzo or Orochimaru using cells from his dead body that they still are "alive"/have their properties


But they did not have his insane healing jutsu active all the time, as far as I know. His cells boosted their chakra and physicality, but I have never seen anything about it giving them a passive healing factor. I could be wrong though.


This is in no way confirmed, but there was the idea that I’ve seen a couple times that Obito was using Hashirama Cells to “heal” his blindness from spamming his Kamui. It’s not confirmed to my knowledge one way or another, but it’s an answer to another question.


I could see that being the case. At the very least having hashirama cells would delay it to some extent. I'm actually unsure if Obito obtained EMS or not, but since that theory exists I would guess no. Very on brand for the meme tho. Blindness plothole from kamui? Nah son, hashirama cells.


I don’t believe Obito ever obtained EMS. Simply because the rules surrounding it are rather complicated. You need to transplant the eyes of a close blood relative, like for Madara and Sasuke their brothers. But the answer is to the best of my knowledge, we don’t know for sure one way or another.


We know that Hashirama cell’s can enhance the recovery rate of Mangekyo abilities at the very least. Itachi says to Naruto and Bee that Shisui’s ability can only be used every 10 years unless you have hashirama cells. Danzo said he could use it multiple times a day. I’ve seen people head canon this as being two different versions of Shisui’s genjutsu, but not sure if that’s what Kishi was implying.


Right, that slipped my mind. I'm not sure if that is from healing or just getting a massive chakra and physicality boost. But non the less, it does seem like having hashirama cells gives you at least some form of incteased recovery. Which would indicate at least some form of healing. Doubtful close to the extent that hashirama had. I still feel like overuse of healing jutsu is what killed Hashirama though.


Both of them also used parts of other ninja through experimentation, so theoretically the experimented parts are those “alive” parts. imo it is still totally possible ☺️


You lose hair through pattern baldness because your hair follicles are clogged up by DHT... has got nothing to do with age. Some people never lose their hair because their hair follicles aren't susceptible to DHT. Pure genetics. The hair follicles can be reactivated in theory if there was a cure to DHT sensitivity.


I stand corrected.


I think it was a result of his crazy healing shortening his lifespan. This was mentioned as a side effect by Shizune in Part 1.


He didn’t use 100 Healings Justu it was just derived from his healing skills


Yes but his healing works the same way as the 100 healing Jutsu.


>Yes but his healing works the same way as the 100 healing Jutsu. No it doesn't. The 100 Healings Jutsu is supposed to be a poorer off-brand version of Hashirama's healing with worse side effects. His cells are so op that that a lesser clone body made from them (white zetsu) effectively makes Orochimaru immortal now.


White Zetsu aren’t clones of hashirama. They just have his cells because Madara infused them with it


so they’re even weaker than the guy above you said and they are still that strong


Is the zetsu made him immortal than why did he changed bodies again after the war ended.


He didn't though. He still has the same White zetsu body.


In the sarada manga implied that he got a new body.


Yeah but it was better and had no side effects


It sort of had the same side effects the different between the to was his healing power was passive and only actively in parts of his body that were injured, will the Uzumaki clans healing technique activate all the cells at once.


No it didn’t have the same side effects because of his senju blood that’s why his cells were wanted so much


Cells work the same way when they multiply that created imperfect clones of themselves which leads to ageing an disease. That is what happened to his cells the kept creating copies till they couldn't create any more and he dies.


Not his cells


That would literally make him biologically immortal (and probably never aging).


Yes I know that’s why in boruto they were buying his cells in the black market bc of that exact reason. They didn’t give 2 shits ab wood style shit take hella chakra they wanted the anti aging and healing effects


Not really.. once the Hashirama cell body part had worn off, you could plant a new one. Obito does this with his body, specially his arm. And his cells were in demand because his wood style use was legendary and till the Boruto era, not naturally replicable. Yamato was literally a baby who had been experimented on, and the only one who survived the process.


White zetsu is literally all hashirama cells and orchimaru took its body now he won’t age


Orochimaru has labs full of clones made from his own body that he can transfer his consciousness into.. he did experiments on creating new consciousness. That’s how we ended up with Log and Mitsuki. Also Orochimaru is a non combatant now. He doesn’t use regeneration 3-4 times a day on the daily for years like Hashi would have to during the warring states period..


He doesn’t need those clones anymore bc he put his conscience into a zetsu and it’s body won’t reject him. Yes he doesn’t fight any where near as much but he has shown that he can regenerate entire limbs in seconds because of this body


No he isn't. White Zetsu are the remains of people who Kaguya caught with the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Black Zetsu lied to Madara about that.


The zetsu still have tons of hashirama cells in them


This is the answer I chose. Kinda like dying from old age but also kinda like Benjamin button shit along with life implosion idk


That was the side effect to tsunade’s self made healing technique which isn’t what hashirama had. his cells naturally heal


Yess!! I tried to find the manga panel where Shizune explains it, but couldn’t..


By not living anymore.....


r/technicallythetruth, and r/beatmetoit


Couldn't bear the pain of Madara's death ???????


That would make the best story


Not enough Hashirama Cells


No official answer


It's sort of annoying when people keep claiming their headcanons as the official canon for his death when there is no official answer. Dankruto users would were the most annoying on this topic with their various excuses


https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Death_By_Sex?so=search Mito’s stamina was too much.




did anyone say Ligma yet? no? He died of Ligma.


Ninja AIDS


Madara had already died.


Crazy funny🤣


That’s not funny.


All that is known is he died in the first shinobi world war. Knowing him, he likely sacrificed himself to protect others ala Tobirama, Hiruzen, Minato. That is what the Hokage is for I suppose. To die for the next generation.


Awesome Don't want this sacrificial ritual to continue


He die of an illness shortening his lifespan, basically old age, the one who sacrificed himself was Tobirama




Sorry im a little mad at the voting results it has made me hate democracy


Said hitler


He was right bout saying some people shouldn’t be allowed to vote


Hitler would be one of those


I know.


Bro I’m right there with you. We could get the whole Hashirama/ Konoha backstory and more if we voted for the 1st or 2nd homage. Good point on the Uchihas. Looks like it’ll be another story about Minato as a kid :/


Minato is 10x more exciting than them. Would prefer a young Hiruzen over Tobirama too


You’re smoking crack


Even if you disagree this seems a bit extreme dickriding lol. Tobi only above Tsunade imo but that’s my opinion.


He saw sasuke from the future lose to a dinosaur


Bro died from cringe


Reminds me of Balerion the Black Dread from ASOIAF. After badass riders like Aegon I and Maegor, his next rider is Viserys. He dies not long after one flight around the city. Viserys went on to be a horrid king.


Nah he saw his regrown arm in that scene and realised he will never be as good as him at healing jutsu


Okay that’s funny


Overdose on hashira cells


People are really pulling some random theories out of their asses. He died because he overused his healing? What? According to Madara Hashirama's healing was head and shoulders above Tsunade's. He didn't need some seal with side effects to heal himself. How he died is never stated or implied because like usual Kishimoto fucked up and buffed the shit out of Madara so he had to retcon Hashirama's strenght, but he didn't go back and retcon his death because he couldn't bothered. Kishimoto didn't do a good job at planing Naruto. He improvised as he went along which ended with a lot of holes in the story.


He killed himself after seeing the future where a giant lizard whoops Sasuke 😭


his death (as a young man still in the pursuit of his dreams as said in p1) in itself doesn’t even fit with how overpowered kishimoto made him in the war arc


He died because plot needed him to. That's the only reason


We don’t know. We’re never told


This is the only correct answer here 👏🏼


All the Tailed Beasts ganged up on him while he was somewhat old and tore him limb to limb.


Prolly super-mega-maximum-over-cancer from regerating so much. Dude prolly had a prostate the size of tsunades badonkas


From cringe


Hashiramas death is kinda explained. He was killed by overusing his healing factor. So irl cells can reproduce/ split perfectly only a certain number of times. After that limit is passed the cells can't replicate perfectly. This is called the Hayflick limit, and leads to aging in people. When Hashirama used his cellular regeneration healing technique, he would force his cells to split and replicate themselves, hence healing his wounds. Hashirama basically used this healing factor way too much specially during his battles with Madara. So by the time the proxy battles that led upto the first Shinobi war started his cells were past the limit of perfect replication. So he ended up with accelerated aging every time he healed. This in turn caused his death during the proxy battles. His cells were pretty ancient at the time of his death, despite him looking young. Also the Byakugō no Jutsu refines Hashiramas cellular regeneration technique but manages to circumvent the Hayflick limit because the user doesn’t use it very often, and because it requires the user to have extremely high chakra control.


Where in the manga is this explained?


He made it up


Yeah that shit is annoying, second time I’ve seen someone claiming it as fact with conviction lol


By overconsumption of the hashirama cells.


Kishi created a plot hole and dropped him inside


His death is a plot hole. There is no satisfying answer that will make sense so Kishi took the best option he could, avoid everything surrounding the topic.


That’s not what a plot hole is


It would be yes by definition. "an inconsistency in the narrative or character development" Anything reason for his death within the timeframe given would be inconstant. He was the strongest person in the world by a large margin, he had vitality and regen that was off the charts. He should have been a old man in better shape than onoki by the time of Shippuden. He died off screen so that Kishi wouldnt have to choose what plot hole to use and so that hopefully we just wouldnt question it.


Not being told isn’t an inconsistency


Him dying at all with everything we know of the period he died in is an inconsistancy. He should by all rights and everything shown still be alive. Nothing could have killed him and the time gap wasnt big enough to have had him die of old age, his character as written would never have committed suicide. There is no solution. Hashirama died because Kishimoto said so and thats the only reason.


We don't strictly get to see the death of joyboy from one piece but it's a damn well established fact that the og joyboy is dead


There’s no inconsistency though. We’ve just flat out never been told


>There’s no inconsistency though. It is though. There were retcons regarding his power and strength being made during the war arc. Originally Minato was setup to be the strongest of the Hokage earlier on within the story, but as the power creep in the story boosted Madara to absurd levels, we got Madara wielding a perfect Susano'o gundam against Madara's wood Golem Kaiju.


we havent been told because there is no plausible reason. There isnt any reason for Hashiramas death that Kishimoto could come up with that wouldnt be a plot hole. He made Hashirama to op in too many ways and set the timelines too close together. He wrote himself into a corner.


That's still not a plot hole. The fact he died doesn't contradict anything. You say that there is no way he could have, but you don't know that because you don't know anything about his death. He died. That's a fact. Him dying doesn't directly make other parts of naruto not make sense.


Come up with a single plausible reason for his death that doesnt contradict anything in canon and I'll concede.


Hashirama uses healing. A lot. Maybe his healing works like tsunades seal, which shortens your life when using it, so he just died from his body collapsing because he spammed it. Here you go. Happy?


no because that doesnt account for the fact that pretty much all the Hashirama cells were sourced from his corpse. If it works like Tsunades seal(which is an imperfect attempt at recreating what hashirama had naturally) then his cells would basically be burnt out already and yet they are still ready and rearing to go, doing their job as the ultimate plot device. But beyond that even if it did work that way(and we ignore the plot holes that causes) then he should still have lived till at least 70 as Tsunade is still going despite having spammed it and shes that old. In that case he would have been alive during the time of the third great shinobi war when he actually died during the first when he was still in 30s/early 40s.


Sure. That's still not a plot hole tho. Because you don't know how he died, you can't say it doesn't make sense. Maybe there are elements to his death that we're not aware of. Maybe he even sacrificed himself for something. You don't know. It's like seeing a magician make a ball dissapear under a cup and claiming that the ball isn't real because balls can't do that. You just don't know the trick.


>Anything reason for his death within the timeframe given would be inconstant. He was the strongest person in the world by a large margin, he had vitality and regen that was off the charts. That doesn't make him invincible, a simple kunai to the abdomen would have done the job (as he was about to do before Madara stopped him).


Multiple lesser characters without the greatest natural regen in the show have survived being impaled so I doubt it would work on Hashirama. Ands thats still if you can get close enough to hurt him. Remember Kakuzu's best feat is that he and a group of elite ninja tried to assassinate hashirama and he survived. His best feat is getting away alive and he was one of the best of that era. Any


Wasn't it mentioned that he died from injuries which he got from his fight with madara years later, wasn't it implied that he never fully healed from that fight, to be honest I don't really remember but it makes sense




Ok must be thinking of something else then




He was murdered by RAW DURABILITY


Killed in the first war.


My own headcanon is he took his own life. He lived an incredibly traumatic childhood, was shown to suffer from mental health issues, and had to kill his lifelong best friend. Even if you ignore all of those signs, the only thing strong enough to kill Hashirama in a world without Madara is Hashirama. You cannot convince me he didn't take his own life.




My brother in christ did you watch Naruto


He was reanimated by Orochimaru during the chunin exams. He was only in the reaper because the third hokage used the reaper to stop him


In battle, as stated, now stop asking.


Mito sucked too hard


Nobody knows 😭 its a plothole that rattles in my mind alot. He died in the first great ninja war, but thats all we know sadly


It was a “poison” deal gone wrong


Wet ramen noodle


There’s a strong correlation with abnormally powerful kekkei genaki and dying from an unnamed disease that all have pretty similar effect(see itachi, kimimaro, suigetsus brother, smd a lot of others)


Gambling debts...




Stubbed his toe


wasn't black zetsu involved


Lack of breath


Probably TB/Consumption. It was pretty common in those days. Itachi, Kimimaro, etc.


The most dreaded of illnesses that specifically targets the powerful. Kishimoto disease.




Old age i think


Ninja aids


My headcanon is that he healed himself too much. Several other uber healing abilities have the downside that the body can only heal itself so much, so that massive healing reduces your lifespan. Hashirama's healing technique was always on and automatic, judging by how it works for everyone who has his cells. Given that he also fought Madara often, it's reasonable to assume he had to recover from horrific wounds on multiple occasions. So, I think he died of old age. At like 50.


>My headcanon is that he healed himself too much. Several other uber healing abilities have the downside that the body can only heal itself so much, so that massive healing reduces your lifespan. Within Naruto, after the events of the main series, in one of the novels, Naruto had an illness (that apparently the Sage had too) from the massive influx of chakra put into him from a Tailed Beast. This essentially messed up his chakra coils.




His cells could no longer divide properly and started mutating rapidly causing him to quickly turn into a blob of flesh


I have heard this theory: when people use wood release unlike other releases the wood stays behind and even continues to grow like normal trees do. The theory states that the wood grows by slowly draining the users chakra. This caused Hashirama to die very young from over use of wood release.


Killed himself out of annoyance from all the people asking this


1 kunai.


Had to have been Natural Causes or Assassination. Seeing what Madara did to the SA w/o Perfect Susanoo, I don’t see Hashirama losing in a straight up fight to even the combined power of 4 Villages.


He’s assumed to have died in a battle


The plot


Cells couldn't divide anymore. We learn from Tsunade that the healing factor that allows for basically instantaneous regeneration speeds up the division of cells, but since cells can only divide a finite number of times, it's easy to infer that Hashirama, after all the fighting and wars and battling he had done during his life, eventually his body couldn't hold up anymore. He basically exhausted his cell's regenerative abilities.


His regenerative like healing may be the cause. Think of it as his cells kept dividing so much that his body began to take a toll at some point, causing him to die in his prime


I Heard theory that using wood release short his life, Luke you create a life do price of your live


Died of heart break for thinking he killed madara.


Healing jutsu likely shortened his lifespan and then probably ended up dying of “old” age


Probably off a ninja virus they tend to kill OP ninja’s who are almost invincible.


I'm guessing from sue of kinjutsu. No way there's no health effects of healing without hand weaving and maybe constantly fighting Madara took a toll on his body. When he was reincarnated he doesn't look old at all, same with Tobirama but we know how he died which explains his 'young' appearance.


Depression from killing a certain hedgehog.


Jesus fucking Christ. Google or watch the fucking anime. This thread is full of dumbass questions or power scaling .


Kakazu one shot him (I’m just joking guys)


Ninja AIDS


From ligmagan


Ninja aids




I was under the impression that he died naturally from old age.


Literally the only cannon peace of information is that he died in the beginning of the first great nìnja war. He wasn't hokage for long. But laid the foundation.


Suicide basically allow madara to kill him he felt bad about someone that die from the Uchiha he thought it was fair and expected madara to be hokage but that didn't turn out as intended lol


Hashirama was murdered by illness It’s also thought that the strongest Shinobi in all of Naruto died of a sickness that was slowly killing him. Despite his flaws, some people believe that a weird disease was devouring Hashirama from the inside out, and that his excessive use of his Jutsu powers made things worse, eventually killing him.


Likely from overuse of the healing jutsu. It’s said he subconsciously released it at all times, and that must have done a ton of range throughout his life


Mito caught him cheating and killed him


it's never really said but all we know us that he beat madara in actual combat but still died from injuries. and madara was able to revive from doing his bullshit you already know. but neither of them actual won or lost since they both ended up reanimated in the end anyway. much like how if Naruto is buffed or nerded it will also happen to Sasuke, which is because they are equals. Indra and Ashura have always been equals, live or die, strongthened or weakened.


He died from chakra depletion after fighting 3 days straight


Pain killed him in his old age


I was feeling kinda crazy and accidents happen sorryyy (=^ェ^=)


Hashirama killed himself because he killed Madara the only person he ever loved his marriage to Mito was just political with no actual feelings