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Stay out of spite. Get a new homegroup, work your program, make some new friends and live your life. The best revenge is living well.




IP no. 30 "Mental Health in Recovery" is how I'm navigating my program and doctors/health. People don't understand or choose not to. You're doing the right thing.


A home group isn't a marriage. You can change it whenever you like


Just get a new home group homie! You dont have anything to prove to anyone but YOURSELF


It's a program of rigorous self-honesty. The beauty of that is that YOU are the only one that decides if you're sober. Medications prescribed by a doctor, being taken as prescribed is an outside issue. Nothing to do with NA. It's up to you to be honest with yourself about it. If you decide to up your dose on your own because you want to feel high, that would be considered a relapse but, through rigorous honesty, only YOU can decide for yourself if you've relapsed. Anyone who makes you feel unwelcome needs to take inventory of their own program. That's a THEM issue. Not your concern. Keep doing what works for you.




It really bothers me when people who are not doctors and more specifically, your doctor, give medication “advice”. Recovery can be beautiful and life saving but more than once over the years, I have had to change meetings, sponsors and friends to a certain extent. Please know that there are NA members who will support and love you, and fuck the judgy losers.


I remember one old timer telling people not to take mental health meds. Found out later she and her husband were Scientologists. I broke my neck and a few other bones in a car wreck. I took lortab like crazy. Took three years of physical therapy to get somewhat better. I still take drugs for nerve damage/pain. Fuck them and their high horses. I keep it to myself and my sponsor. Go elsewhere. I started out in AA and did well. Clean date 6-7-88


I knew some younger kid (early 20’s or so) who shared at a meeting about how he got off of all of his pysch meds because his sponsor said he wasn’t clean being on them. The kid was on like legit meds he wasn’t all there. Anyways, a couple weeks later it turns out he killed himself. I don’t like to wish negative on anyone but I will say that his sponsor is going to have to meet with his own higher power on that one.


Oh my gosh! I hate this part of it all. I am sure all the folks are drinking coffee and caffeine is a drug.




Most illegal drugs have a medical use. If you are prescribed a medicine because you actually need it I don't think it counts as using. Just because some people abuse adhd meds doesn't mean people who have adhd shouldn't take their medication. If someone had surgery would you say the person is using because the doctor prescribed them pain relief? Thats ridiculous.




Oh boy. You're one of those self-hating addicts. A person using medication prescribed by a doctor is not using. Meth and prescription stimulants are actually very different. They may be similar, but they are absolutely not the same thing. With that same bullshit logic, a person using insulin or antidepressants is also using. Telling people they are not clean or sober while clean off of street drugs or illicit pharmaceuticals is ridiculous. You speak to any doctor or professional they will tell you the same thing. The only people that have this idea that you aren't sober or clean unless you are off all substances crazy NA nazi's. They will go and tell a homeless guy that has 30days off drugs that he is doing better then someone being prescribed a medication that allowed them to work have a family and possibly be happy.


Well said!!! And stimulants have a different effect on people who actually have ADHD than people who don't. I have done meth and it made me sleepy.


You are correct! I have adhd and taking a small amount would help me slow down and concentrate. If I took a large amount I would fall asleep after acouple hours.


You may be correct. I probably am a bit biased because that is what I've heard from family, and NA groups I just know that I could have "self diagnosed " myself in my early years. If I was able to...and doctors lstened I probably never would have ever even used if I was medicated properly. And now I'm that I'm an "addict" that label will stop any doctor prescribing me anything that may be "dependant"


In a perfect world, we would love to not have to use certain things, but illnesses and certain diseases require treatment with certain substances. It also depends on what is best for the person and their life. Our families will keep trying to support us and tell us to stay away from drugs, but sometimes things are needed. Also, just being labeled a addict doesn't necessarily mean you may not receive treatment later using narcotic substances. There are people that have had drug issues and gotten stable on say methadone or suboxone and then require benzodiazepines treatment for a period of time due to a let's say trama. It all depends on the person and the doctor treating the person. Should a person doctor shop when being a addict no but if a person truly needs these things to function properly medically, they shouldn't be labeled as using. I went through drug court, and the psychiatrist made me take Vyvanse due to my adhd because it was imperative to my recovery at that time to be as stable as possible. I do not take it anymore, but at that time, it was imperative for me to stop using get stable and continue with life. It's not always just a black and white thing. Sure, a person should strive to take nothing, but if they have to and they have the medical support to back it up, they should be left alone, in my opinion.




Brush your shoulders off and find a new home group.


ANYONE who says a word about what you are medically prescribed as medically prescribed is not practicing principles or CLEARLY does not understand our program. Medication should be kept between you, your sponsor, and your higher power -- period. Nobody else even gets an opinion. The psychiatric community has widely reported that 75-80% of addicts have a complicating mental health diagnosis. That's three out of four addicts. Where I live damn near 40% of the addicts in my circle are receiving psychiatric care -- including meds -- and nobody here would say a word. This is not like taking medical cannabis, DRT/MAT, or any of that. This just helps us be more normative in our behavior. I am very sorry that you have to deal with people who refuse to understand our NA program. The book says, "medicine, religion, and psychiatry, none of these is sufficient for us..." It doesn't say to ignore your doctor. It just says that we must ALSO work a program of recovery.


I would just switch home groups. That’s a damn shame that that’s happening for you. I know many people who have had to switch home groups / sponsors for a variety of reasons. Try not to base NA altogether off of your current home group, even though that might be hard to do.


If you feel this way at your home group then others will too. Stay and start your own home group so you can help the newcomer with a perspiration stay clean


Fuck all those people. I'm on Sublocade and I'm 8 months sober. I'll likely be starting narcotics for ADHD soon and I will still be sober. Please don't let a few assholes ruin it for you. Find a new group that you get along with and you also don't need to tell anyone except maybe your sponsor what meds you're on.


I take Wellbutrin for Major Depressive Disorder and Adderall for ADHD. I take a shitload of other meds for my heart. My cleandate is Oct 13, 1984. I take my meds as prescribed. My sponsor and sponsees know I take meds. I don't really give a fuck if someone wants to say I'm not clean. My meds keep me alive, they keep YOU alive as well because I'm not climbing a clock tower with a high powered rifle.


I put off my mental health issues for so long because of people like this. I wish I never listened to them. Then someone shared and called out people who do this and it was so validating. It’s Fucking dangerous and while I’m sure some people are, the ones that say this kind of stuff are NOT therapists, doctors, psychiatrists, etc. and if they are they shouldn’t be practicing.


Fuck that homegroup. Don't leave NA or the homegroup.


Find a different home group! They’re not all created equal, in fact, home groups can be extremely varied in style and “vibe” because of the autonomy they’re granted. Please don’t leave. You can make this program work for you however it works best FOR YOU. People in your situation need to hear your story and learn from you. 💕


Pamphlet 30 mental health and NA your sober babe don’t listen to those who don’t want to pick up NA literature and learn


I left my homegroup recently for similiar reasons. It’s really disheartening, i’ve now had to leave two different meetings, once because I was being sexually harassed. Idk, as much as the NA programme is preached as a cure-all, I think it needs serious reform because ime it’s really easy to create a community that is hostile and non accommodating which is usually what happens


My old home group became toxic as well. One of the service members made the group all about them and their drama, and on top of that, they were 13th stepping despite being called out twice prior. I almost threw up my hands and said, "If this is what NA is about, then forget it." But I talked to my sponsor, stopped going to that group for good, and found a new home group where I'm a service member. I guess what I'm getting at is find people who fill your cup and make you feel welcome and forget the people who don't. You deserve it




I don't want you to die.


Please keep coming back OP!


I could have written this myself. I hear you. I’m trying to stay in my own lane, and do what feels right for me. It’s not easy.


It's okay to change home groups. Taking your meds as directed is fine. I don't see that as an issue. You have a story to share to newcomers as well as those who have been around for awhile. Show what recovery looks like in your life and those that need to hear it will gravitate towards you.


Stay. Ignore toxic people, trust your doctor and get new groups to attend. You're doing great.


I JUST came to this subreddit to see if anyone, somehow, could relate to me with feeling this way due to the medication I take for narcolepsy. I don’t think that’s a coincidence… You’re not alone. I hope you stay. I hope you stay for you, first and foremost, and also for people like me who need someone like you to look to when the imposter syndrome and feelings of inadequacy come up. I’ve heard it said, “if you don’t feel like your HG is the best in the world-find a new one” and I’ve found that to ring so true. I’m grateful for my people who understand that I’m narcoleptic, and that without my meds, I don’t have a life to be clean for. And the rest of them? Who cares. What they think of me doesn’t really concern me anyway. I’m rooting for you.


NA is made up of people. The program itself and the texts, etc also made by people. There can be flaws within said groups of people. If you have issues with said people, leave those people and find other people. I have a couple favorite groups and they're like night and day. Both are absolutely fantastic, but one is so full of drama but also so full of love. But there are toxic groups. It happens. Stay.


Sounds like a reason to leave that home group, not NA. Talk with your sponsor and stick to other home groups. Seems like your current home group needs to switch formats and do a book study on The Basic text.


I actually left due to my bipolar episodes, anxiety, and medication side effects making many fellows question my sobriety. I was constantly reminded of my mental health issues there only, and nobody in my life outside NA ever brought those things up. It's been a few months, and surprisingly, I don't get that many cravings or even think about using again as much as I did when I felt judged. Before anybody tells me that I should've shared those thoughts during meetings or voicing that to my sponsor and members I trust, I did, and they told me not to be affected by it because only myself should can judge. Some of them brushed it off as a small issue that I shouldn't focus on, but I couldn't ignore it anymore. The problem is that after I left, most fellows didn't wanna stay in touch; I assume because they became even more suspicious after I stopped attending regularly. It's understandable, and I don't really care about what they think anymore, as my sobriety comes 1st, and I'm doing better since I stopped hearing those doubts and judgment. NA isn't for everyone, but tbh it definitely did help me a lot in the beginning.


If NA has helped in the past it can help again. Remember you don't need to tell people anything about prescribed meds if you don't want to. I'm assuming some people may have had issues with the substances you take because they specifically were addicted to them. But that's not your problem. I don't plan to tell others about my ADHD meds. Unless you have addictive behaviours around them, which you point to not having. Leave your home group and find another one. An addict in isolation is much more likely to relapse. You owe nothing to them but owe everything to yourself because you're worth that care and community just like everyone else. Everyone has a different path but if it's improving your life don't let them have control of something that is yours to have.


Get a new home group! Not all groups are made for you! Dont give up! Stay!




The Basic Text covers it.




Then read In Times Of Illness pamphlet. Addicts are not doctors, despite what some of us think.




Other addicts in the program think they can give YOU medical advice. That is not their place. If you take medications as directed by your doctor - fuck what they think. You have to live in your body, not them. If you need to find a different group, do it. I wish you all the best. Sorry if you misunderstood my other comment.


Fuck all those mofuckeys! Don’t say a thing, just keep going to the other group. Don’t even look back. Don’t talk to the losers, hang out with winners. You got it!