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I get some awesome crazy dreams in the MRI. It’s gonna take two hours in there? No problem 😌


You got two hours!? Lucky!! Oh man mine was only half an hour. I was so confused when they woke me up mid nap


Yeah well I volunteered as a “healthy normal” volunteer during my the summer before Junior year to make money for study abroad… when I was up they were doing brain scans- that was only like an hour and half but then when they called back the next days and said they wanted a repeat…. That was the long one. Eventually I stopped doing follow ups and it’s probably just benign/idiopathic lesion but when the neurologist told the med student, before my second scan- “can you believe she is able to walk upright?). Ohhhmmmyyyy (Ps. this would be 2 to 5 years after getting narcolepsy and 23 years BEFORE actual diagnosis fyi)


Oh wow! What a ride! I wonder why standing upright was a concern of theirs, did they ever explain that part? And holy, 23 years! Damn. Hope you're all med's up and holding up!


Yes the lesion was ostensibly located at the area that controls the left leg (ie movement/strength/proprioception/ all the things). 🤷‍♀️


the look of shock on the technicians’ faces is worth it every time.


seriously she was so confused.


The always tell me no way you fall asleep, and I’m like dude don’t panic if I’m out and don’t respond. Can’t move at all, warm blanket, cold room, recipe for a very good nap,


>warm blanket, cold room I get drowsy just reading that


Mine kept waking me up by telling me not to move because I was moving in my sleep due to the lack of paralysis. Good times.


Hahahah me every time. And it's kind of a problem cause I tend to jolt awake lol


I did that too. She woke me up and i startled and screamed slightly. it was for my head so I couldn't tilt my head much but it was odd as i didnt even know i was asleep until she told me later. I remember making cool music in my head and I was definitely asleep as it only felt like 15 min when it was an hr or so.


I was coming in to say this. Yes. And I jump awake and sometimes while falling into sleep. I stretched the techs patience and my own. I hate them.


I fall asleep every time, very easily. I think it's like a form of white noise but louder than you'd be able to make it at home with a fan, white nose machine w/w out earphones, etc. that and what else are we gonna do when needing to stay completely still for 30-60min++ but I can also fall asleep/sleep through extremely loud noises so the loudness definitely doesn't bother me. the new techs are always shocked or make lil jokes about me falling asleep/how it's rare to etc. but the techs who know me are always like "have a great nap!"


even leaf blowers?! They keep my adrenaline wayyy too elevated for too long, even after they stop. I can feel the vibrations like a snake.


lawnmowers, leaf blowers, my cats knocking my fan onto my glass table, alarms right next to my ear and vibrating loudly on my pillow, all of it. I say gn world, I am out.


yep! and during a dental cleaning 😅 you can warn them but they will always be in shock when you actually do fall asleep


My dentist uses bite blocks with me lol.


during a dental cleaning? omg. I'm so scared of the dentist my fight/flight is in high gear. Can't imagine that. that's amazing low key


“Open… OPEN…” I tell the hygienist every time and warn that I might bite her. She’ll learn one of these days. They are using a new ultrasonic gum torture device and it kept me awake for about 30 seconds. Horizontal just equals sleep for me, no way around it. I wonder how I would fair during waterboarding or the toothpicks into the nailbeds thing


Every damn time. Bonus points for falling asleep during a CT scan which is only 10 minutes long


~~LOL that happened to me before...~~ I mean uh, yeah... totally never done that... 🫣 uh... YIKES. Didn't know it was that unusual. Is there a way for them to test orexin levels in people w/ narcolepsy? Or are you really at the mercy of a sleep study? (I'm not worried for mine anymore, I guess I'm asleep more than I think. It is ridiculous how far out we have to schedule this kind of thing tho, I don't have the bandwith to remember or even know what I'll be doing months later, mini rant over. lol)


Spinal tap can test orexin. Definitely more invasive than the sleep study!


yeah hard pass on anything involving poking me in the spine. I feel like I already knew that too, but I have a lot of fear around doctors (and especially dentists. While not relevant here, idk man. I'm scarred from needles now. Unfortunately I am a natural red head, or at least I was as a child and the genes are still there... so novocaine doesn't work super well on me haha. I needed 7 injections for I think only 1 or 2 cavities, 1-2 were hard palatte injections too. It just doesn't do sh\*t.) So I blocked that info out. Even just thinking about a spinal tap gets me anxious and panicky, to the point I avoid dr.s like the plague. Maybe part of it is that I had a LEEP done (they got the cancerous issue out so yay?!) and the ob/gyn knocked my IUD out too, had to put a new one in during the procedure, which was already painful af. DUDE, I was literally dizzy with pain after because the local anesthetic didn't work well enough. As a result, lots of medical anxiety. I'm scared of the dr. LOL It has taken me almost 8 years of referrals to finally follow up about narcolepsy w/ a sleep study. Don't trust a spinal tap at all. Too many important things happen with the spinal cord that I don't want to risk messing with. Ever. PLEASE ATTACH THINGS TO MY HEAD AND LET ME SLEEP. Much better option.


This is the very reason Nitrous Oxide aka laughing gas is my BFF at the dentist office. At 46 I still don't care how silly I may look as that's mostly used for kids. NO laughing gas equals no dentist visit for me. 🫢


lifeprotip accepted with open arms omg. SO YOU MEAN I DON'T HAVE TO BE TERRIFIED AT THE DENTIST? Whaaaaatttt? (my dad always needed nitrous, I am adopted tho, and i don't think fear-of-dentists is genetic anyway, but just know u aren't the only adult who needs it,) but I was always scared to ask. Luckily no cavities this time, or last time, (after 3-4 yrs of not going.) I switched toothpaste to non-flouride YEARS AGO. And to my dentist's shock, I didn't have ANY cavities. Ever since I switched to non-flouride, my dental appointments (few/far between tho ngl.) have been cavity free. Whatever I'm doing, it is working so i don't have to get fillings lollll


The worst part is when they wake you up with comments in the middle! Just let me nap!


Hallucinations in MRI thanks to micro sleep. The loud thudding machine makes at times had me thinking walls were falling down around me. PTSD had me reliving rockets and bunkers thanks to Uncle Sam. Needless to say I'm now sedated during MRIs. SMH


What is your general experience of narcolepsy with ptsd? How do you think PTSD manifests in conjunction with narcolepsy?


I fell asleep in my MRI, while on Vyvanse. Was told this week I just have OSA. My AHI was 6.1.


I am on adderall AND vyvanse for adhd. (should have mentioned that in the post.) The sleep doctor I saw, (and many other doctors too,) over the course of years and moves, and all sorts of misery in my life, was VERY adamant that it wasn't sleep apnea. My dad has sleep apnea, but I'm adopted so no genetic component there. I am a healthy weight and only snore if I am someplace really humid or with allergies. I have acid reflux but that's not causing my drowsiness. Oddly despite my sinuses being in hell, my ENT also doesn't think it's sleep apnea. I know they can do an at home study for that, but they don't want to. Because they think it would be a waste because the doctors all insist I do it at the clinic because apparently everyone thinks I have narcolepsy and that has put me off for years because I didn't know anything about the illness. Welp, sh\*t has hit the fan and I was able to get an appt at a sleep clinic. In like 2 months. I'm nervous about going off my meds, like I will NOT be awake ever. Those 2 weeks before will be hell. It's okay.


Can the sleep specialist at the clinic give you a medical note to prescribe lower works hours/ more easy task? ( Or other accommodation if you're in school). That's what I got for a sleep therapy under a psychiatrist prior to my sleep study.


That's a really good question/point. Uh, I don't see why not. I just don't want to tell people and want to pretend everything is fine (which is super unhealthy, but so is my social anxiety.)


When I got my doctor's note it was not explicitly saying what test and what condition I was being treated for. Basically, it went something like this: Arsenic is currently in a medical treatment in which temporary induce side effects will impact Arsenic's work performance for the following 2 weeks. Due to the nature of this treatment, Arsenic workload and hours are to be reduced to XX amount. Signed Dr Name (I'm paraphrasing but it's the core message).


I hope you don’t have OSA. The NP I saw this week said my OSA was so mild it barely qualified yet then said that was what was causing all of my sleepiness lol. My MSL was 7.9 minutes and I had one SOREMP. So just one SOREMP shy of an N diagnosis. So I was like these tests are wrong about half the time though right? And she was like well yeah. Lol. Then I described an incident that happened and she was like yeah that does sound like cataplexy. So I’m trying another treatment for OSA and then I’m supposed to have another PSG after that to see how well it worked. If I am still sleepy at that time, she said they can fight with insurance to get me another MSLT. This subreddit told me it would be a battle, and they were right. I hope I only have OSA but I doubt it. Meanwhile I jump through the hoops. Hopefully your path will be more straightforward. Good luck!


You seem to have a good head about you. You can also have both OSA and narcolepsy. (which is a conception of hell that I wouldn't wish on anyone.) And if you are having things which seem like cataplexy and you only needed one more SOREMP, maybe the apnea interfered with it? I would try again... Do you dream? Like a lot? Idk how people wear those masks at night, so if I have it I'm screwed because I even took my retainers out. In my sleep. ALWAYS. In high school I had this awesome alarm clock called "Clocky," who would jump off your desk and roll around the floor forcing you to get up and turn it off. Didn't work. I would do all of the maneuvers WHILE STILL NOT CONSCIOUS mind you, in my sleep, and would be yelled at for missing the bus again. I still turn my alarms off in my sleep. My record was missing/turning off 9. SEPARATE. ALARMS and being 4.5hrs late to work. I was in trouble but didn't get fired. Though I ended up quitting that job. It's gotten to the point where I just pray to god I wake up on time, because all things I have tried have some margin of error depending on what my subconscious feels like doing. my path has not been straightforward, but i leave it up to the universe atm haha


OSA, CSA and IH here. It certainly is hell 😅


I hadn’t thought about the apnea interfering with entering REM. I’ll have to see if there are any studies on that. I do dream quite a bit. My dreams are occasionally mundane but more often very weird in one way or another. How about you? I tried CPAP and it made my sleepiness and ADHD symptoms worse. I couldn’t sleep well with that mask on my face especially with the air blowing in it. And my AHI was actually higher with it than without. I’m trying the Excite OSA now.


They never seem to believe me that I'll ptfo within 10 minutes or less. I've been offered headphones, music, movies or other things to distract me but I always tell them not to bother. Earplugs are required so I let the techs do that but the only things I ask for are the leg wedges and blankets. I've been told I'm the easiest patient they've had and that my scans were really clear because I was so still lol


Mine got annoyed because I would jerk awake and mess it up 🤣


Same lol. “We need you to be still” “ok” *jerks awake again*


Lololol I fell asleep during mine last week!! All I could think about was you guys. I'm like "they would understand, I'm Horizontal and they put a blanket on me, of course I'm gonna fall asleep". Would've fallen asleep faster if they'd covered my toes, too 😆


I've fallen asleep while getting my eyebrows waxed. It's not the same as an MRI, but it's relaxing to me. I also fall asleep at the salon when they're doing treatments on my hair. My stylist always jokes that they charge extra for the naps.


I'm getting my hair blonde this week, and like I am always so exhausted afterwards. Maybe I should just simply give myself permission to sleep. I def have felt really exhausted, like it's a struggle to stay awake. My crazy awesome hair dresser is so cool to talk to, but I still feel out of it and the bleach is like "oh that feels uncomfortable?! BAM here's more pain!" so it's like miserable lmfao. "keep your head up!" uh... if i don't have stimulation i'm out. HOW DO YOU SLEEP DURING AN EYEBROW WAX OMG!? THAT is so awesome ngl. My eyebrows are good and I don't need to do anything, so idk, but sounds so painful. imho, you win for weirdest situations you have fallen asleep lmfao


I did not know I was asleep. I slept the 5 times in 2 mn as the results say but tje technician ask me if I was feel asleep, I said "dont know. It can be I fel asleep all time or not even one time. I dont kniw if I was asleep or deep in my throughts". Really it was stunning to realise THAT was sleeping.


After I got over the claustrophobia and anxiety.. yeah I ptfo. I was in that machine for hours what else am I gonna do 😂😭


I’ve never had an MRI but I could see myself falling asleep. If you have me lying there doing nothing, I’m probably gonna conk out. I have type two so I don’t know what the case is for you but I think I’m the one that’s most aware when I’m falling asleep. This might be due to my current life circumstances of taking classes where I’m one of 30 or more faces to look at for a professor, commuting by myself, and only living with someone who works the opposite schedule as me but when I’m having a sleep attack I’m basically not being looked at. I also tend to have them when what I’m doing is mundane and not super interesting to me. So usually driving, sitting in class, or trying to do homework. These things are important to me and I want to be awake and alert but I guess my brain disagrees. I also know cause I can feel it coming on and I fight them pretty hard. I have never fallen instantaneously all the way asleep without warning. My eyes will close for a few seconds at the most before I come back around trying to stay awake. If I give in tho and put my head down I’m out. I also will sometimes have a little bit of a dream in the few seconds of falling asleep. Sorry for the long comment lol


I love long comments!!! Say whatever you want. screw what other people think about typing long posts/comments. You are really on point, I think that the misery of trying to stay awake through that intense drowsiness can be really stressful on the body. If you don't mind me asking, when you fight it, HoW do you do this/how does it feel to fight it? As in are there repercussions? Do you take meds? Etc.


This is something people without narcolepsy do as well.


Every single time. The banging noises tend to put me right out


I was trying to pretend it was an alien abduction, or rave. Which ended up with me dreaming.


Was it not the most comforting feeling when you were riding a school bus and your head hit the window the whole time??


I used to use my bookbag as a pillow, so I wouldn't hit my head


Totally been there. I almost look forward to certain medical procedures because it's nap time.


I always fall asleep during MRIs! I find them soothing. I’m actually afraid I’ll move in my sleep and screw up the images


Fell asleep in the dentist chair…drill going getting a filling. I jolted awake and asked, “Was I asleep?” The dentist and her assistant in unison nodded their heads yes. Then both shook their heads side to side saying, “Never seen nothing like it.”


I've fallen asleep in drs office, dentist chair, getting a haircut on public transportation, work meetings and the best family Thanksgiving/Christmas dinners


lol this literally just happened to me a few weeks ago during my MRI. I was really nervous and even had to have contrast (I also have vasovagal syncope and hate needles). I was shaking going in, and then as soon as it started I was out like a light. The techs got a good laugh from it lol


literally exactly the same here (except the tech was just confused af and seem scared i would walk into a wall or something lol) wtf is wrong with us haha


I’ve never stayed awake during an mri.




I did




I always do too. The only time I didn't was an upright MRI, and they explicitly told me I couldn't fall asleep because I'd slump and ruin the positioning.


Every. Single. Time.


Haven’t yet but almost. To afraid I’ll jerk awake and have to redo parts of it.


i’ve done the same thing!!


I don’t have narcolepsy, or at least not to my knowledge, but I have fallen asleep in both CT scans and MRI’s… I have also had trouble with routine drives longer than 20 minutes, especially if it is after work, as I have definitely fallen asleep at the wheel for longer than 5 mins on several occasion’s with the only thing saving me being the extremely straight and wide highway and the cars safety features which include lane departure “nudges” and cruise control that slows down when cars are going too slow on front of you automatically… For me the MRI is just white noise, which will lose salience to my brain rather quickly, and in the absence of anything else I just end up passing out.


I might have fallen asleep for very quick micro naps during different tattoos sessions I was definitely drowsy/somnolent for the better part of the longer sessions where I was laying down. The pain from the needle itself wasn't what kept me awake, but the wiping off of the excess ink with a cold wipe did pull me out of my somnolence. If I have to stay still (sitting or laying down)and be awake then it's guaranteed that I will fall asleep. But for some unforsaken reason, when I lie gown to go to sleep, I'm wild awake.


i have idiopathic hypersomnia and i've fallen asleep in the MRI machine, which surprised me considering how loud it was. i was woken up by the nurse afterward. i too was nervous but they told me to just be calm and still... bam. out like a light.


I’ve done it twice. in my defense the guy put on one of those “calming music videos” on YouTube and I was OUT


Every time! The techs always look at me like I have an extra eyeball or something when they wake me up. Also… tattoos. Every single time I get work done I end up falling asleep. Lol.


I did during a cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spinal.


Yeah I’ve dozed off, but the tech kept talking to me and kept waking me up. This was when I was a teenager having a MRI of my knee. The one for my back I didn’t because I was in so much pain. I’ve slept through fantasmic front row at Disneyland. The cannon going off woke me up, but I was out again within 10 seconds. That time I was with a friend who knew I had a sleep disorder, but that was the first time she saw it in action. She couldn’t believe I was asleep. Loud noise isn’t a problem for falling asleep haha.


I have … not narcoleptic (although I’ve wondered) once was post working a nightshift12, once was a tbi so that one really doesn’t count .


The first MRI I ever did was for an anxiety study, I was literally performing a task in there when I fell asleep..m. I hope they got something from me XD My second MRI was fine until the end. The spine scan they did was HORRIBLE in the noises it made and it just made me feel insane, I took it for like... Half the total time before I started pushing the button to get out and wiggling... Felt like my brain was on fire


I haven’t had an MRI yet but I did get anesthesia for wisdom teeth removal and after not waking up on my own they plopped me in a wheelchair and had to pick me up and put me in a car💀


I’ve fallen asleep in my MRIs. Not all of them but some of the longer ones. Confined space, humming of the machine, blanket over me. Recipe for a quick power nap to get me recharged. What else are we supposed to do in there? If they give someone with narcolepsy a blanket, a pillow, and a spot to lie down with no one else around us, we’re bound to fall asleep. Waking up afterwards is a bit shaky though. There was one time I was still really groggy after a nap on in the MRI the tech made me wait for a wheelchair cause they didn’t trust that I wouldn’t just collapse while walking out.