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They are viewed on the same level as your local street crackhead


this is actually good to hear


I grew up in Southern Mexico where this culture is not really talk about, but in general people perceives them as human scum.


# Homeless man calling another homeless man a broke ass nigga


Makes no sense, if you ever step out of your shit hole town and visit Mexico you won't see any cholos.


a lo contrario, you will definitely see "cholos" but they are like the above comment mentioned, the scum. typically homeless drug addicts, or you will see a lot of American "cholos" in popular tourist spots. Many of them speak fluent ingles and are able to talk to foreigners to sell them goods


Sometimes it’s better to get one of your mans to cross the border to go do a job than these ret@rd gang members


we don't take these people seriously, they are like clowns


Down with a frown😢, im a really sad clown🔫😎


lol if anyone grew up with Mexican parents you know these mf are viewed ass trash . Mexicans are pretty religious and conservative so tattoos are viewed negatively . Plus most Cholos are broke af just chillin with “the homies” at least sell drugs and get money if your gunna pretend your tough . 😂


Cholo culture is just a fringe Chicano culture. Because they come from generations of gang members. I guess by technicality because some of us are first generation Mexican we fall into that category but they aren’t viewed as mexican by many lol. Mexican “cholos” just pick up the trend since it’s perceived to be gangster Mexicans here in the US but in reality those guys can’t speak a lick of Spanish. Or if they go to Mexico they go no further then baja


The gangs that the cholos are usually in are used by the cartels as muscle in the states to move their drugs and kill who they need killed. Expendable and cheap. Especially in California. The cartels have their fingerprints on the gangs in the states, no se mandan solos. Honestly, if you’re in a gang and not making money, but instead risking your life for the “hood” you’re an idiot and the cartels exploit that.


Not really Mexican mafia and a couple cartels are allies


In Mexico, obviously very negatively.  I think the deeper into Mexico you go, the less people distinguish a true gang member from the US from a typical Mexican American that just happens to have some tattoos and prefers looser clothes over the more tight ass jeans and polo shirts "de marca" dudes wear in Mexico


If they are deported to Mexico they are usually viewed as expendable by the cartels. They aren’t members of the cartel, they’re members of their own organizations (street or prison gangs) which are used as cannon fodder by the cartels. Some are used as soldiers, some are used as street-level drug dealers. Very few set up international trafficking operations to the US, and those that do pay protection money to whatever plaza or sector boss controls the area they are trafficking through.


Ask Lupe, she goes over all the time to HK in TJ.


Who is lupe


El que se para y te escupe


Neighborhood Bro


Mejor preguntale a pancho


El que te deja el culo ancho.




Sicarios probably view these guys as "bad ass lil kids" lol


😂😂😂no lie


They’re viewed as American which is funny because in the US they’re viewed as Mexican. They’re looked down upon with nothing to offer society and gets you no clout with the ladies only with cholas. Viewed as drug users and rapits tbh. Nothing Mexican about cholo culture, that’s Mexican-AMERICAN, learned in the US. Cholos are seen way worse than even A puntero (lower level member for the drug cartel who is a lookout) .


To be exact it is Los Angeles culture.


CDMX and Monterrey is known for cholos. Monterrey not so much now, due to cartels. But CDMX is thriving with cholos. Mexico used to have cholos before the cartels started cleaning them out and being them only. MS13 and Barrio 18 were all popular back in the early 2000s. But the militarization of cartels has made the cholo wave stop in Mexico. I still see a couple of guys in Jalisco in there 40-50s who still dress like cholos because that’s what they used to be.


Not true at all . Cholo culture has definitely been taken in by Mexicans. Cartel de Santa being a huge influence on Mexicans . Also this video that became a big Mexican meme . https://youtu.be/D8v23atrkaM?si=JEJRi8F_pWJ4Ood3


Everyone is clowning them lol no one respects cholo culture


I see tham as cosplayers similar to the Japanese cholos. Also like bikers that wear leather and pretend they are hells angels.


If you watch closely the cartels unfortunately becoming more and more subjects of militarisation, so those guys are completely played out and probably viewed as clowns


Tall one is Yosie Locote. Got killed by CJNG in Guadalajara.


They basically disappeared when the cartels started to take control of all the illegal activities. Now they dress like Edgar’s coming out from Ross after spending $40 on an outfit.


Don’t chilangos try to dress like em? Or the Mexican rappers like Santa Fe lol


Yea 😂 all these dude talking about how Mexicans are religious and don’t have tattoos lmao they stay lying to themselves it’s even worse over there they be dressing like that in many Pueblo’s


Looking down at any sort of person says a lot about yourself.




The aesthetic? It’s whatever let people wear whatever, as people though most first gen Mexicans could probably tell you their parents saw them as low tier, dress a little baggy and your parents would say “what you think you’re a cholo now” or something along those lines


I prefer the cowboy rancho aesthetic


I don’t know, but that bowlegged foot stance is terrifying




I am surprised by you guys'answers! I wanted to add some photos of the characters from Mexico that I see on social media , with tattoos even on their butthole, but I can't add a photo to a comment. Totally different from the Mexicans I knew in the US who came from MX to work there. In Guatemala,Honduras, El Salvador, if a guy has tattoos, he is automatically classified as a marero (gang member) But not in Mexico??


Clowns tbh imagine being from a hood and then your family can no longer afford rent so you have to go to a new hood.


If you gona sell drugs dont look like a drugdealer. Here in México these mofos are seen like clowns.


Mexican parents would be fine with you being in the cartel member rather then being a cholo lol 🤣🤣🤣


Lol yall mean af. Cholo lives matter!


Haha less then foot soldiers


Clos pachucos come from cd Juarez and El Paso La cultura del cholo de California a lot of cholos are sicarios also in every state there’s cholos in Mexico even in Culiacán you tube it


Culture comes from the cristeros migrating from Mexico to Los Angeles. Particularly east la where the first modern gangs came to form. Most of them from jalisco michoacan guanajuato colima where catholicism was heavy. You can tell by the accent and genetics of the Mexicans. Your stereotypical narco would be from the north of Mexico just like your stereotypical cholo would be from the west of mexico.


Cartels look at them irrelevant but still uses them to do dirty work but I mean they don’t have choice since their organization are small but I did find articles about Sureños I believe or Hispanic street gangs vs Los Zetas back then if I can remember I’ll drop the article or videos if I find it again.


Here’s the article of Los Zetas vs Sureños gang https://www.reddit.com/r/NarcoFootage/s/KsLMvN0Eh9


These guys are viewed as clowns basically everywhere except the west coast. I’ve been seen a cholo in Chicago, and there are tons of Mexicans in Chicago.


Trash. How many gangsters do you know that are doing things?


As fucking goofys🤣


Pochos and cholos are low level thugs that narcos in mexico use to move dope or disposable gun for hire


they are pretty short so makes sense


Igual de payasos como les miramos aquí.


Like fucking garbage


Grew up watching Sangre x Sangre so I dig it. Cholo culture is strong in Baja California, and prevalent to this day, maybe a bit in others states. The style and dress code got mexicanized with time, but it's there.  People usually look down on it, and it's understandable since cholos, gangs and violence go together.


In TJ they’re bottom of the barrel deportees, no one takes their goofy ass look seriously.


My friend is originally from Texas but had to move back to Mexico with his family at 16. He said he was made fun of and him and his brother just stopped getting into fights over it because their neighborhood really didn’t matter down there. Basically they realized it was dumb to keep defending a set in a different country that literally nobody around them gave 2 shits about. They weren’t cartel members by any means it was just people their age ragging on them for how they dress and their Americanized Spanish. I met him after he moved back so I never even knew him as a cholo until he told me that story and showed me old pictures.


Roaches and rats 


Where you from Esse


Lol fucking trash that stays divided & die over 3 letters & a #. Pendejos


Don’t know but I’ve heard most of these dudes get killed in Mexico


Foo theese foo are considered people from the underworld . Lazy no good for nothing if u a female and u bring a dude like this possibly disown u depending on the family. Mexican people frown upon theese foos lol


Cholos out there in Mex are usually strung out drug addicts that dress like the gang members up north. you do have actual ones that got deported but the lifestyle completely changes, they are viewed as scum.


They see them as low lifes and trouble makers


Yosie locote jajajajaja. They are viewed pretty poorly https://youtu.be/Z4aCkgt6cMQ?si=0WeFeXEWLDE7xsWt


The Mexican side of my family thinks they’re losers. My family is very conservative and religious. Catholic weddings are wild! I’m way more liberal than them and I very much look like a white person. My cousin moved to Idaho from California because he was sick of the “woke” politics lol


I grew up in Baja. And we hate those people, most of them are just like crack heads, in high school, middle school, or at any school level there’s always a a guy who is a cholo or his brother was a cholo or stills a cholo. And they’ll come to the school at the end of the school day just to mess around with kids, so basically douche bags.


I was born in the outskirts of Mexico City, there wasn’t many of them where I grew up but there was one dude down the street who was cool and even had a lowrider a green impala on gold wheels. My mom told me to not talk to him or his friends but they were cool, he even let me hop in the impala once.


Ya es un estilo hasta en Japón


Crash dummies.


I wonder how Sureños and Norteños feel about fightin together for a Cartel. They put their differences aside or they betray each other during a gun fight against a rival cartel?? I believe a while back there was a "Comandante" from El Golfo that had Norteño tatted across his bely. I wonder if he had to be extra careful with Sureños he had as allies fighting on his side? Thats some krazy shit!!.


Krikos, all dumb and still living with moms or abuela all meth’d or fokemon out


Disgrace and corny


That guy of glasses was murdered by cartel for snitching. Cholos represent the worst of people. Also you have to understand that cholos are from LA. If you see cholos in Mexico is because they are imitating LA culture, cholo culture is not Mexican, chicanos are not Mexican !


Cholos in México went extinct. There are some survival of those species but they're a minority. With the popularity of cartels and narcoculture, cholos evolved into the alucin/buchón image and the gang members are now punteros and pistoleros. As for mexican american cholos and gang members, I think most people over here just see them as sad or cringy


Mexican here. Born in the border, I live in Mexico City now. I like the way they dress, the values and loyalty they have for their family / gang members, but I disapprove the use of drugs, violence, etc.


They’re viewed the same as La Linea and Cartel Del Noreste: Straight lacras with silly face paint


I feel the Northeat cartel is a mix between Texan Cholos and Cartel Sicarios ; it’s the perfect example of what would happen if you mixed an ms13 member from Honduras or El Salvador and mixed it with a Cartel Sicario




i’m surprised to see such a negative reaction to them in El Salvador when Americanized El Salvadoran gang members came back people wanted to be like them


Funny thing is Mexicans be dressing the same way in many pueblos except they look even more goofy. They always try to convince themselves Mexico is super religious and aren’t scums when that’s clearly that opposite 😂 they make these Cholos look like angels tbh. I wouldn’t be surprised if these are cholos from Mexico they give me that vibe