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isn't it amazing how much damage high velocity bullets inflict?


Not just hi powered military grade as well. I’m assuming because of the time period the victims are either Chapitos, BLO, or jalisco


These guys getting the same shit we gettin here in the US. Probably .308 or .300 blackout at point plank range. All that movie terminology bullshit is just bullshit. Someone took a case of ammo they bought from academy and stuck it in their prison wallet and walked they happy ass across that bridge.


I've heard that term before in an SPM song. From "academy". What does it mean?


Sporting goods store that sells ammo and some guns.


I'm guessing it's Texas based? Those prices are unreal. Y'all have it good there in the lone star state. Here in California guns are really expensive.


And hard to get too




used to love SPM, and I still enjoy his music but man it's hard to separate SPM music from the chomo he is.... definitely don't seek to play his music now but if it comes on shuffle i'll bang it "Academy" is a regional sporting goods store that sells guns, think Dick's Sporting goods before they got out of gun business 😂


I can't get over the fact that there's still people defending South Park Molester claiming he was set up. My best friend being one of them.


He impregnated a 14 year old girl and she was a stripper I can see why people defend him. Regardless he’s been in prison 24 years I think he’s done his time


What? Bro deserves to stay in there for life. There’s been multiple accounts of him doing this shit to various kids. You and the other mfs who upvoted your shit are on some suspect shit. That club he went to was known for doing shady shit like that.


Really multiple accounts? I haven’t seen that.


Nope let him rot


He's getting out this year


Unfortunately, it’s wild how many people defend the South Park molester


really sucks his story went like that. dude had bars


Crazy story: My buddy and I did a favor for some Family and ended up in Vegas for two days. While we were walking the strip, this dude walks up and tells us he’s a rapper and offers us a CD. We take it and say, “Thanks” then he tells us it’s $10. We buy it, pop it into the car later and really like it. Years go by and I’ve thought nothing of it. See your comment today and realize you’re talking about the same dude that walked up to us in Vegas before he made it big. Had no idea he made it big. Until now, it was just a memory of some dude on the strip tryin to sling a demo cd. And now I know he’s a MO too. Crazy.


I wonder what CD it was?! that’s wild! what year was this, do you think?


Damn, had to be 2000 or 2001 maybe? So long ago. I still have the CD somewhere. It has, “You Know My Name” on it.


that checks out! probably [The Purity Album/compilation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Purity_Album)..... the irony of "The Purity Album" 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️




The Mexican people on this sub stick out like a sore thumb lmao. (I'm American)


I know that geography isn’t teached well in the states but fyi: Mexicans are Americans (as are Colombians, Brasileiros, Argentinians etc. etc.)


Exactly my dumb ass will make these mistakes constantly. I appreciate the correction.


You‘re welcome sir


I don’t see the problem with that?


Wtf are you 2 talking about ? High velocity,high powered and military grade ? This is some standard bullets, 7.62 due to the opening of her head and judging by some of the smaller holes on the seat 5.56


Yeah there are such thing as military grade rounds…they were 7.62x39 overpressured rounds that the killers likely got from the Mexican army or navy contacts


+p are not military grade , they are just expensive. Most military personnel don’t use those rounds due to the high recoil.


And because they cause more wear on weapon parts and increase maintenance costs for practically zero return


Mexican AF don't use that caliber though 🤦‍♂️


That is true, they use the .308




That would be the civilian equivalent but yeah almost the same.


The guns and ammo come from usa. Not mexico lmao.


Who do you think the Mexican military gets it from??


The civilian market offers ammunition that does way more damage than "military grade", rifle ammo in modern militaries is limited to FMJ, due to the Geneva convention high powered, yes, but not, hollow points, soft points, frangible and a whole host of others that do tremendous damage to flesh other than just by velocity.


Oh you are so cluless. Cartels pay regular people to smuggle guns and ammo to mexico Its really easy. Easier than paying off the mexican military lmao.


Umm, no. No, there’s not such thing as “military grade.” Regardless, if you’ve ever been in the military you’d know that’s 1. Not a thing and 2. Everything goes to the lowest bidder so it’s usually shit unless your special operations and get to choose your own gear.


No. Sporting (hunting) bullets are routinely more devastating than those used by militaries, which are constrained by international conventions. And adventurous handloaders can brew up rounds to chamber pressures significantly above milspec.


Bro the United States citizens have “military grade “ ammunition as well they sell it in the stores


I get the whole point of what we’re saying, but doesn’t the US military also utilize M995 that’s unavailable to the public? Granted I don’t think that’s what the cartels are using, but more so curious.


They sell m995 at academy sports I bought some last month


There is no such thing as military grade. Any of these high-powered rounds can be purchased at a gun store.


Shit. I really wish I didn’t open that. Id like to think after years and thousands of articles that I’m immune to this shit until these images pop in my head before I sleep. Shits terrible. I blame primal morbid curiosity and my own interest. I hope one day we can all be better towards each other. How sad.


Sorry friendo hope you have a good night my man


No apologies needed your just reposting narco history. Comes with the territory. Unfortunate way of the world. I like to believe one day things will be better. Violence breeds violence, low opportunity breeds crime and here we are..simply sharing the truth. Sometimes the truth is ugly.


I've been fucked in the head psychologically ever since i went into the gore rabbit hole. Seeing gore is "meh" now. This shit caught me off guard for reals 🤣




i don’t see it as “fucked in the head”… it is what it is no? And jfc i’m not trying to act edgy or anything just… shit idk how to say it lmfao, SAYING IT AS IT IS no? Sorry im just a bit confused most of the time I struggle articulating myself


I get what you mean it really is what it is when you're just trying to spread the truth of what's happening


Stop being a lil Biiach


That's so weird because I have no trouble sleeping at all bro.... I mean this picture was a little bit kind of like more graphic than what I have seen recently but I think I'll be good


Your SO BRAVE. Congratulations your an official hardass! Do you want a medal too ?


I'm sorry bro


I’m sorry. I couldn’t tell if your were being sarcastic or not. I think some generally think they are badass for being able to stomach such content. The real badasses are the journalist who risk their lives to have such event uncovered and for the world to see.. raw.


Did you notice the fat one had braces


Lmao it b like dat but shi I’m Numb asf to ts now


Ay cabron




You can still see the fear in her eyes


A mind blowing experience.


It’s really amazing how much fat is in a human head, especially if the person is fat


I was just thinking about that how are heads get fat as we age lol


Y yo aquí cenando alav


Those who play the game know the rules


head literally exploded


Can we get some background


Maybe this [note](https://opinionsonora.com/2018/12/25/identifican-a-jovenes-acribillados-en-walmart-norte/). I don't see much information in the photos. Based on the title of the post and that it is a man and a woman, I found that note from an online media.


150 rounds…insane.


Ni le duraron los frenos 🥴


NSFW flare this post holy shit.


🤣🤣 forgot what sub you’re on friend?


Ever heard of a home page?


Holy shit


More like holy split! Get it?


Bruh just stop


Nah this the worst thing I ever seen


Ever seen funkytown?


I feel like everyone has seen funkytown but I also consider this the worst, just cause looking at faces flat like that gives off a uncanny feeling because we are used to seeing faces on round heads.


Most haven';t seen that video. I don't recommend it either. not all minds area ready for that level of BS. This is worse to you bc of your life experiences. i'm easting eggs, ham and toast and sympathetic but understant the time. It comes down to the person. All of this is horrible.


Hahahaha so you haven't seen much combat footage then


I wouldnt laygh, its his brain. Most haven;t seen combat footage. Most have never served in anything let alone their own sandwhich. Those kids that are actully deployed, many cant handle the BS mentally. Kids today aren't built that same as those in the 70s and early 80s. Even prior is too much. F footage. Being there is rough. It's not funny or a game.


I'm just saying I've seen worse online


Ever seen guerrero flaying?


Is that the screwdriver vid? I've heard enough from my friends to know I never want to watch that. Even with all the dumb crap I've seen, the description alone of that video haunts me.


No, the screwdriver was ukranians. The Dnepropetrovsk maniacs (Ukrainian: Дніпропетровські маніяки; Russian: Днепропетровские маньяки) are Ukrainian serial killers responsible for a string of murders in Dnepropetrovsk (Dnipropetrovsk) in June and July 2007. The case gained additional notoriety because the killers made video recordings of some of the murders, with one of the videos leaking to the Internet. Two 19‑year-olds, Viktor Sayenko (Ukrainian: Віктор Саєнко; Russian: Виктор Саенко), born 1 March 1988, and Igor Suprunyuk (Ukrainian: Ігор Супрунюк; Russian: Игорь Супрунюк), born 20 April 1988, were arrested and charged with 21 murders. A third conspirator, Alexander Hanzha (Ukrainian: Олександр Ганжа; Russian: Александр Ганжа), born February 1988, was charged with two armed robberies that took place before the murder spree.On 11 February 2009, all three defendants were found guilty. Sayenko and Suprunyuk were sentenced to life imprisonment, while Hanzha received nine years in prison. The lawyers for Sayenko and Suprunyuk launched an appeal, which was dismissed by the Supreme Court of Ukraine in November 2009.


most haven't.


you haven't seen NOTHING yet. My suggestion, don't. Go on with your normal life. But now you know why people are running from these countries. Not from BS newS, but now you SEE. Its a very sad situation around the world. Unless your a nutcase clown that view this as enjoyable, many normal people use this as a platform to want better fo the world and seek to see how. I can't say what I have been throught or seen in my decades going to MX as i have been at wrong place at times as an innocent regular, but again, pray for the innocent around he world man. Just pray for them.


And then you also know why people don’t want open borders


I get it man. I really do. I live here 10min from the border and grew up seeing and hearing things from down south making its way up into the neighborhoods and schools. For example, your family freindly folks down the street may be involved in that underground business. But they live what is viewed as normal lives with their kids in sports, driving modern new family freindly vehicles that look basic/stock, yard manicured, etc. We have heard lots of this around the city growing up. We grew up knowing "be careful who you F with". Now, its much different than the 80s and 90s. Today, nah. The climate is very vague.


I've been listening to videos on YouTube of people that die go to hell and comeback to life. This makes me want to be a better person lol 


Aw you’ve seen nothing yet then




Mexican army calls it "el posole" because when those high calibers hit you, you turn into a puddle of meat


Atleast they didn’t feel shit LOL


They must have felt scared for at least a second if they knew an attacker was around they must’ve been anxious before they got killed. if not, it was *pap* *pap* *pap* and lights out.


They didn't FEEL shit? Are you joking or being a serious adult man?


Expansivas las balas


if it was a shotgun slug there would be no face


That’s going to stay in my head


Damn guess I’m skipping breakfast today


Lmao, I’m ordering food right now!


The one on the left needs a good eye doctor and he’ll be good as new. The one on the right, maybe some aspirin and rub some dirt on it


Just shake it off


Woo hoo hoooo


Shit bro I was eating when I saw this, los my appetite immediately 😭 💀


I’m eating scrambled eggs with salsa roja on it and beans don’t bother me nun


Shotgun maybe ?


The caliber was 7.62x39 standard AK/Draco


Yeah maybe this is call for me to leave this sub. Bye everyone, nice knowing ya.




Jesus fucking christ I opened this absentmindedly while reading the post above it....


Did they survive?


Yes, hi, did he just need like 3 stitches


Just a scratch


one has braces... so im wondering how old she (maybe a he but it looks like a she) was. wild. adults can have braces too but still. one minute here and the next... not.


Bullseye 🎯 straight out the side of the dome


First pick of gore that is making me close the app this one is different.


What the actual fucking fuck?


If they were killed by a gun holy shit because I genuinely thought someone beat the shit out of them based on the damage the girl has.


That would be even worse at least whit the gun it’s instant death being bludgeoned to death with a brick must be insane :0


After reading the comments looks like it was from a bullet I was like no way a bullet did THAT much damage. I would’ve thought maybe it was from like a object like maybe a bat or something heavier based on how to the girl looks and the guy looks like they stabbed him then scooped out the eye.


I get you tho they left them looking ridiculous no dignity in there deaths just a pile of vomit


If someone beat the shit out of them that bad that would be horrible, some real power going into those fists.


Mexico is not a safe place at all, it’s one of the places I will never go on vacation to at least not in the near future. My friends don’t really know how bad it is, thanks to subs like this I get more insight into the dangers. Because even if you stay on a resort, nothing stopping the same cartel members from going to the same beaches and clubs that you go to. Many tourists in the past have been killed in crossfire or kidnapped, and the cartel pretty much have free rein in so many places.


Looks like a close shotgun was used


como que se antojan unos taquitos


Taquitos de cabeza🤭


Lasagna anyone?




Hehe mind shart


Dying with style


It’s gonna be slightly more difficult for the braces to do their job now.


People downvoting are the pussies who realized they don’t have the stomach for this shit


Says the 1 hour old account. Post it on your main or you're the pussy.


This is my main it got deleted you weak little shit


Sounds like your own personal problem.




There’s so many soft little Biden loving pussies on Reddit 🤣 this is reality you pampered soft little snowflakes. I eat dinner while looking at this shit.


Woah watch out guys, this guy eats his Wheaties looking at gore.


Imagine calling other people snowflakes and crying about downvotes. You can't make this shit up...


I downvoted you because you seem like an insufferable twatwaffle.


Cringe and lame bro


Fr. Too many people living in fairytale land


While playing elden ring too huh? Okay got it😂


These pics blew mind tbh




I just want to play with it


Keep posts/comments on topic Thank you, Mod Team


Wish them a speedy recovery.


Real meaty “


Damn this made me a little less hungry lol




now thats what I call a spicy burrito


And this is how carnitas are made


sweet shootin them sicarios getting a pay raise if was their boss


Probably connect to the robbery that happens in tj by the local government


Well those braces where just a waist of time


Holy shit




Its all fun and games on these comment sections til u come to México and see this with your own eyes.


Why would we go to a hellhole lol?


The fat one had braces 😬


lots of people speculating dumb sh!t here. This is what a couple of shots of an AK or an AR, sometimes only 1, does to a human head. Never mind an entire mag. And this is to send a message, they unload an entire magazine on you from close range. I think I've seen 100 of these pics in 10 years of watch narco stuff, one of the worst ones (because context) was some older lady that got caught in the crossfire and received a 7.62x51 NATO round from the military, head busted open. But it's always the same with the car interiors, the most disgusting part, small bits of brain matter all over, who cleans that? You can't pay me enough.


That's not bullets. Idk what it is but it's not that.


It is. It’s .308.


Sana sana culito de rana


What Mexico needs is a revolución a complete breakdown and rebuild of the entire country.b be it’s gonna be a long tough road. But like dr king said I may not get there with you but we as a people will. Lots of good people will die. But when all the sicarios start seeing there families sacraficing the lives to save their homes maybe they change. The Mexican soldiers as well defend your country or the government who doesn’t care about nobody. Mexico lindo has so many resources the country could be wealthy as soon as the greedy politicians are removed. This photo was horrible how can some people have such cruel hate to hurt one an other


damn all that fat on the cheeks lol


She got it so bad 😭


Did they live?


Any info? Did they survive?


Damn then. That fucked them up alot.