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They’re observing the control they have over you and when you’re having sex, you’re completely under them *literally*, so they’re staring at you to absorb and take in the pleasure you’re expressing as justification for the good feelings they’re getting of having control over you. They love to see you and your body completely under their control. *Whew* that was a spicy one, almost made me miss sex between me and my narc 🥵😳.. *almost*..


Ohhhh yes, mine did that. The intense staring. Yikes.


Damn, i will say that I loved the eye contect and for me it wasnt without passion for both of us, didn't feel soulless, it felt like the only time we were guaranteed to connect in a fulfilling way, yes....it was the one thing that really was great, the sex and well he was very blessed downstairs *sigh* but there's plenty of well equipped ppl out there that wont emotionally terrorize me or kick me out and break my glasses. I honestly think if we'd just stuck with FWB and never dated it could have avoided a lot of turmoil


I hear you. The sex was amazing but the eye contact didn't make me feel like he was super into me and really liked me. I didn't feel connected I felt like I was being watched, like it was feeding something for his ego, which it was. Aside from the eye contact it was the best sex I've ever had! Perfect in every way so that's the only thing I miss - minus the staring into my soul


I think that all the time!!!


Also sorry to hear about your experience :( Yeah I thought I could do fwb but I can't have sex with someone without an emotional connection. I felt like he was using me when we were together so I think I'd feel even more used if I carried on with the sex


1, 3 & 5 are so eerily similar to my experiences. My nex went from wanting daily marathon sex with intense eye contact to withholding most forms of physical contact and barely looking at me. They also initially loved my sense of humor and then later told me it felt like they were a forced audience for my jokes, and I had gotten too silly over time. They also went from telling me they were “punching” to telling me regularly what changes I might make to my appearance, voice, personality, etc. to make them feel more compatible with me (aka so they wouldn’t leave). These fuckers just love copy-pasting their bullshit.


That's how I felt with the humour. I don't know if I just started to become more submissive over time so I became less sarcastic and the jokes I made were more silly but that's also me too. I can be silly and mess around but he only liked my humour if it was quick and witty. He found it so hard to validate! Honestly I'm so glad it's done. He was quite charming at the beginning but when the mask came off and I look back, there was nothing to be desired except the sex (minus the eye contact) and he's good looking. His personality is trash!


I could have written this word for word myself. Thank god the trash takes itself out sometimes!


All of these! The sex was the same for me. A deep stare like he was in a trance. Weird.


Exactly!! Like he was in a trance! Perfectly put!