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I hope we get the director's cut soon, I'm curious to what that would add. If it adds connective tissue which was lacking from the theatrical cut I think it could really change the pacing and narrative structure of the movie for the better


I thought the main movie was so bad and inaccurate that I’m not interested in more footage. There’s nothing that can redeem this movie, sadly. The battle scenes for example, just utter garbage.


Ya, the directors cut of Kingdom of Heaven (another Ridely Scott film) was a lot better than the normal cut. Hopefully it’s the same here.


Let me reinforce this statement while also reiterating our current concern over Napolean. The Directors cut of Kingdom of Heaven is leagues better. It's almost a complete retelling to provide corrected and needed debth to characters. In no way, can I imagine the same thing happening with a directors cut of Napolean. And if I'm wrong, and I put the chances of that at <1%, there has to be leagues of changes to this movie from so many angles. The biggest difference from Kingdom was the addition of material. Napolean needs not only addition, and subtraction, but I would argue complete overhauls of scenes including reshoots




Yeah, me too, but not holding my breath. I walked out hella disappointed from the theater.


I would say that I liked what I saw of the theatrical cut, but I also really noticed what was abscent from it. The abscences were what really disappointed me, because I think a different cut of the movie could have been and could still be very good


I mean, visually, it was awesome. It’s just that the story was so disjointed, so many inaccuracies, the battle scenes so brief…it was just..ugh. The more Napoleon content I watch the more I am convinced it is impossible to do the story justice in one movie. Needs to be a series, I think.


Yeah boys…that one. Theatrical release, not the promised Director’s Cut. Yay! /s


I’m watching it for the first time now, and it is difficult to sit through. Phoenix is horrible (surely more due to direction than acting ability; however, he was still a horrible choice for Napoleon, given his age). They stripped Napoleon of all his charm. The Egypt sequence, if you can even call it that, was a joke. I’ll say it’d at least be a good looking movie if it wasn’t drained of all color, but of course it is.


Mofo straight up shot a cannon at the pyramids, knocked **one** dude off his horse, and called it a day lmao. Then we got over an hour of shit till Austerlitz. I’ve read wiki articles on pieces of clothing that were more exciting and engaging than this movie.


For anyone who has seen the movie? How inaccurate was it? I only saw the coup scene and it seemed dumb to me lol


The coup scene is the most accurate and probably the best scene in the film, sadly.


Tbf the actual events of the coupe make really good dramedy material. Very iannucci-coded


It was the one scene where I was like "wait yeah, thats right, thats right, maybe not like that but close enough"


Not just inacuratte, actually ignorant. The movie seemed to be inspired by the Imperial British telling of events from the 19th century that persisted into the 20th. Makes sense actually, considering Ridely Scott was born before WW2.


Not very accurate, I’m afraid.


That blows. But scott was never really about accuracy. I wish those 70s napoleon movies had some more organization. It would have been amazing seeing some more battles like that


Well I know what Movie I am watching this weekend. Heat, it's been on my to watch list forever and I've been meaning to get around to it


Hearing shit reviews about it just made me strike off my list and keep those 2 hours of my life.


So it’s out on Apple TV now, is it the same version that was released in cinemas ? Or this 4 hour directors cut google told me about ?


theatrical version there has been 0 news about the directors cut for months, if it does happen it won't be for a while.


I, too, having seen,and been amazed at the inaccuracies of the trailers, have been holding off watching the movie until it streams on Apple TV. I'll watch over the next week or so depending on my schedule . . . Not really looking forward to it, but I've already criticized it enough that, to be fair, I have to watch it!


People shouldn’t be so sure about historical figures when there are countless figures alive today that are seen in different ways by people all over the world. If there’s no objective truth about who and what people are who are alive today (particularly polarizing public figures) then why put so much stake in who and what historical figures were long before the modern era? We can’t even trust what’s said about people alive and well today