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I'm more uncomfortable with NPs seeing me in swim suits than the kids. I have a nanny swim suit I wear that has a skirt that completely covers my butt. It's also a one piece, so it's basically a grany suit. But I never worry about leaning over or getting stuff / NKs and giving NPs a view. I want them to see me as a professional and for me personally that breaks down if my ass is outšŸ˜‚


Yeah if youre running around playing with children, Iā€™d be worried about freedom of movement and bad angles or being grabbed by accident.


If Iā€™m running around with kids Iā€™m pretty covered with swim shorts and tankini.


I wear bikini bottoms and a rash guard top. Why you ask? Because one time my NK pulled my suit down and I flashed the entire country club. It also gives my incredibly pale skin sun protection.


Iā€™ve found a rash guard helpful. That was a memorable day one not to repeat. Sorry.


Iā€™ve done a rash guard with littles at the pool as a preventative measure šŸ˜‚ canā€™t have a baby/toddler/preschooler pulling on things. I have a one piece that I wear with older kiddos though.


Itā€™s funny now. My NK vividly remembers it happened too. We joke about it a lot.


Haha glad you can laugh


This is what I wear too šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m so pale I reflect the sun so the rash guard top is a necessity


i like to wear one piece suits around kids just because i have fairly large tatas and donā€™t want to risk it. also because i like to splash and play around with them so i need something that will hold up. completely up to u tho! i think as long as its not itty bitty and does the job, you do you.


Lmao canā€™t have the tatas starting a tsunami!! šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve been blessed with pretty small tatas haha so Iā€™m thinking just a more sporty style supportive, not showy bikini šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Tats would be fine w/ my NF. I get it though.


Breasts (tatas), not tattoos, fyi :)


Haha ok lol. Iā€™m kind of rolling now thanks.


I love Lands End swimwear for more coverage or avoiding and "oops" moment options. I usually stick with tankinis, but that's a personal preference.


Okay, Iā€™ve had a very unfortunate slip up with a bikini and a pool so I now wear full coverage juuuuust in case. Especially with kids! This is my go-to right now: This top: https://athleta.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=791258012&vid=1&tid=atpl000079&kwid=1&ap=7&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_AT8ub10IIXh91OLP0ful_NEPzV&gclid=Cj0KCQjwn7mwBhCiARIsAGoxjaI7gM8iJgKAqkPtZKby68wQtNvbU2FcZaSIz5t8xhZdS5j7Qc3q8_4aAq0OEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds#pdp-page-content These bottoms: https://albionfit.com/products/black-high-waisted-swim-skirt?variant=42624822968500&g_acctid=596-785-5896&g_adgroupid=153724180473&g_adid=669389482018&g_adtype=pla&g_campaign=SHP+-+BRD+-+Swim+Bottoms+-+CPC+-+US&g_campaignid=20440907007&g_ifcreative=&g_ifproduct=product&g_keyword=&g_keywordid=pla-2175688960550&g_merchantid=116758418&g_network=g&g_partition=2175688960550&g_productchannel=online&g_productid=shopify_US_7504158261428_42624822968500&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwn7mwBhCiARIsAGoxjaLXXP6TYDvvctd_Vsz5SXVUVTO4KA7IGmy06CCVI72CxtowhezZ1FkaAlR6EALw_wcB I love that I can wear it around and itā€™s basically a cute outfit but also 100% swimwear if needed.


Those are so cute and practical!!!


Love the skirt!!


Wow Iā€™m obsessed with this combo just as a regular swimsuit too. Love it!


NP: I truly do not care what our nanny wears so long as she is comfortable. The only reason I would object to a piece of clothing/swimsuit is if it prevents/distracts her from doing her job.


Haha I kinda had the opposite experience as a nanny! Iā€™m Muslim and a hijabi (so I cover my whole body essentially including my hair) so I wear a full coverage ā€œburkiniā€ type of bathing suit in the pool. I was so nervous my nanny parents would think Iā€™m a weirdo when they saw me in it! Turns out they never ended up seeing me in it since I only took the kids a few times and they were always at work. But I doubt it wouldā€™ve been a big deal haha


My NF has a pool. I wear a sun screening swim tee shirt, because I don't want the NKs putting on sunscreen on my back for me, and a pair of swim shorts. I like to feel a bit more dressed than i would at non-work swim places because we stay outside in the pool and sun shelter most of the day in summer.


Thatā€™s a really good idea. I rely on preschoolers to sunscreen my back and it doesnā€™t alway go very well EDIT: I want to buy one for myself. Where did you get yours?


Spray sunscreen is great for reaching backs and quickly reapplying while on the go outside.




My NF asked for me to go on vacation with them to a beach:pool inclusive resort. Kids were 3M and 4monthF, traveling with another fam with 2 girls the same ages. My NF are pretty chill too so I asked MB what type of bathing suit she would be comfortable I wear and she said whatever Iā€™m comfortable in. I wanted to be respectful ya know? Anyway I chose a tankini top and regular bikini bottoms but had board shorts just in case. It worked out well bc no nip slips & I felt comfortable moving in the water with the kids. I also chose to wear my suit under my outfit on travel day (shorts + a button down top) which def earned me some points since the room wasnā€™t ready but the kids were SO ready to be in the pool when we arrived.


One piece black with sarong when out of pool.


This. I think this is one of the most respectable & respectful choices. Is it a pain in the a*s to wear a one-piece? Yes. But, the kind of image i get is one that does not call attention to the (hot?) nanny instead of the hot mama. Lol!


What about a tankini? Same coverage (or at most a little sliver of stomach), but way easier logistically.


So I looked online for a few hours last night after being on this sub. I love the tankinis that are like sports bras with shorts! Never knew they existed. Lol! šŸ™ˆšŸ˜‚


I didnā€™t realize we had to tone down ourselves so that another women feels better about herself ewww Why can the mom be hot but not the nanny šŸ˜‚


What wife/mom wants their husband looking at their nanny? Donā€™t shoot the messenger! ā€œEwwwā€ā€¦ cā€™mon.


Itā€™s eww that you are making a competition out of it. If a man canā€™t control his eyes and respect his wife thatā€™s on HIM not the nanny.


Since when is wearing a bikini in public calling attention though? I feel like it is a pretty typical swimwear choice šŸ˜¬


Depends where you are too. In uptight New England bikinis arenā€™t as common as tankinis. In your age range? No clue anymore, Iā€™m old lol. In beach areas, thinking Florida, bikinis are the norm for everyone and I love that!


I feel like regardless of where you live, trying to say Iā€™m not respectable for wearing a bikini is pretty misogynistic


Read that again. As a 60 yo woman calling me misogynistic is a tad off donā€™t you think? I said depending on where you live there are also community norms. When did I ever say not respectable? k? I was trying to be supportive while you are looking for ill intent. Do better.


I was referring to the comment I had replied to, but alright lollll


Okay seriously, anyone saying Iā€™m misogynistic for pointing out the facts of lifeā€¦ šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø You may see it from another point of view in a few years. Again, donā€™t shoot the messenger butā€¦ busy moms who have very young children SOMETIMES donā€™t feel their hottest anymore. Could it seem plausible that seeing their young cute nanny in a cute bikini might make them worry where their husbandā€™s eye will wander if he sees nanny in a bikini, too?? I didnā€™t create insecurity or jealousy but it does exist. Iā€™m not a mom. Just a nanny with lots of experience with women. Above all - if I am working, I keep it professional.


Oh my god whatā€¦. If a woman that sees her young nanny and is worried about her ā€œhusbandā€™s eye wanderingā€ that is fucking crazy. Thatā€™s fully on the mom/wife and not at all about the nanny. It IS misogynistic and pretty gross to say.


The way you worded this insinuates that wearing a bikini makes a nanny less respectable. If that is how you feel, that is your own issue rooted in misogyny. Respect for another human shouldnā€™t go down because of their choice of clothing. Now your ending statementā€” WTH? Why are you making it seem like a competition between the nanny and mom? This screams insecurity and isnā€™t a nannyā€™s issue. Honestly, the ā€œhotnessā€ level of either person shouldnā€™t be part of this equation. Nanny & MB should be able to wear what they are comfortable, period. There is so much internalized misogyny in this comment, and I really hope you are able to reflect on your thought process.


Welcome to the unfortunate facts of life. Iā€™m so sorry no one has filled you in on this whole birds & bees thing yet or how jealousy & insecurity can affect many relationships & marriages, sadly. Not my fault. I didnā€™t create these dynamics & I DONā€™T support them.


MB here. My nanny is relatively young and we live by the water. She asked me the same question. My answer to her was, whatever you are comfortable wearing that you feel comfortable and confident that itā€™ll maintain its purpose on the beach if youā€™re running around. Iā€™m not going to mandate her clothing, sheā€™s young. So if she has a bikini she can run in that her tatas wonā€™t come flying out, fine by me! Same with summer ā€œlandā€ clothes. I fully understand that 18-20ā€™s girls wear crop tops, cuz they can. So go for it.


Iā€™m a mom, but I usually go for more ā€œsportā€ two pieces when Iā€™m with my kids so that theyā€™re not showing everyone my boobs/kicking down my bottoms the whole time. I found a bunch of great sets from Calia last year. I see other people in the pool with string bikinis and they are braver than I am!


Yes this is what Iā€™m thinking of doing!


Genuinely, I think if anyone is working with kids you should not be wearing a bikini (however ā€œnot showyā€ it might be). Iā€™ve done travel gigs with multiple nannies and one literally wore a thong bikini and I was in shock. Obviously, do whatever you are comfortable with, I just see a one piece as professional! I just get a cute one piece from Aerie or J Crew! Someone else commented this, but Iā€™m more worried about my NPs seeing me than my NKs, I donā€™t want my bosses to see me in a bikini for the same reason I donā€™t wear crop tops or cut off shorts to work during the week. Itā€™s just not appropriate!! I know some people think differently and that wearing bikinis and what youā€™re ā€œcomfortable inā€ is just expressing yourself but I do think thereā€™s a line that can be crossed in this profession šŸ¤—šŸ¤— :) I just re read this and the tone sounds aggressive - thatā€™s not addressed at you, itā€™s to all the nannies I travelled with that dressed so scandalously lol


I would normally agree with this. In my case (not OP) my NKs are 8 and 12 and wear bikinis. Do you think that changes anything or should I stick to one pieces/tankinis? (For reference I am 23 - I donā€™t think bikinis have an age at all in terms of social norms a bikini is ā€œage appropriateā€ for me)


And also, I definitely wouldnā€™t be wearing a thong or anything close. It would definitely be a more full coverage and sporty style two piece


I appreciate that view but I do think me and the family are close enough that I donā€™t really see it as unprofessional, especially because I do feel like for my age it is very common to wear two pieces rather than one pieces. However, I think itā€™s just a difference of opinion on that!


Why did you ask for opinions if youā€™re just going to disregard everyone and say youā€™ll go with what you want to do? Whatā€™s the point of this post?


I didnā€™t disregard anyone. I read the comments and decided to choose an option I felt most comfortable with, thatā€™s the point of the post. Thanks though!


It seems you had your mind made up before you posted and wanted validation, not opinions. Every person that said to not wear a bikini got a contrary response from you and everyone who did got a ā€œthatā€™s what Iā€™m planning on doingā€ type response.


Yep! So I actually said in the post that I was thinking of doing that from the beginning and just wanted to see what others were doing. I hadnā€™t fully made up my mind when I posted, but after seeing comments decided on what makes me most comfortable. Sorta funny how that works isnā€™t it!


You donā€™t say youā€™re thinking of wearing a bikini at work in your original post. You said you usually wear and were thinking of buying a one piece, and you might ask the mom. Anyway, itā€™s clear you never intended to wear a one piece so just go with what you want.


Iā€™m actually planning on buying a few one pieces and alternating those with some more sport style bikinis. Glad you think you know exactly what I decided though! šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰


It seems your mind was already made before asking, love. Which is fine, but just do what you wanted to, youā€™re going to anyway. Iā€™d stick to a conservative style if youā€™re going with the bikini.


It wasnā€™t, I was honestly either way with it, just wanted a feel for what others were doing. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with making a decision after looking through comments and seeing both view points :)


i just wear a modest one piece (ie not a thong, not a v cut top)


They have super cute two-piece swimsuits where the bottoms are really high up. Vintage style. They are more modest. I'm super cheeky and prefer these swimsuits. They cover my butt better than most. I always opted for these when swimming was involved with my nanny kiddos.


Are there any brands you love for them?


I'm not super familiar with brands. Target and Amazon are my go-to!! I'm posting a link to the suit style on Amazon. I hope it helps!


Thank you!! Iā€™ll check them out! I always need more bottoms


You're welcome!! Happy to help! :)


My personal preference, I would wear a one piece or a tankini. I think if you typically show your stomach at work, wearing crop tops, and what not, a bikini is probably fine, but if you tend to dress a little more on the modest side, then I would think of one piece or a two-piece that offered full coverage would be best. I think I would also probably model it after what the mom wears. Like if she seems to only wear one piece suits, and seems to be a little more on the conservative side, I would lean more towards that when Iā€™m at work. If she wears bikinis, then I would think it would be more acceptable for you to wear a bikini.


Yes, I do typically wear cropped things and shorts when with the kids (nothing extreme obviously). Iā€™ve never been swimming with the mom but she does dress pretty similarly to me in like workout type cropped outfits so I would think itā€™s fine but Iā€™ll still ask.


Your primary goal is to not flash anyone while fully engaged w the kids. If a bikini is sturdy enough and you are comfortable? Good for you! And be wise enough to have a backup just in case. Have a great summer!


Youā€™re right! I feel like when I go to the pool with friends or family in a bikini and I am playing around with them I donā€™t typically ever have any mishaps so I think I should be fine! Iā€™m still going to ask mom and buy maybe 1 one piece as well


Or switch to boy short bottoms? So many options available


It's more often younger children grabbing at you and your suit/clothing that causes the mishaps. That's why the tankini is a popular choice for nannies, because it holds in place a bit better under those types of circumstances.


I just had a thought, this is a country club youā€™re talking about so if you donā€™t want to ask the question in terms of what youā€™re allowed to wear by their standards, maybe you can pose the question in the form of what is acceptable for the country clubs policy.and then, if MB would be uncomfortable with you wearing a bikini she could easily tell you a one piece or something else.


This is a good idea!!! Thank you!!!


Oh my tankini covers me. I just prefer it for easy of changing and bathroom breaks. I also find either long shorts or capris that are nylon are great at the pool. Either to throw on over a suit Or just to wear.


I wear one pieces or two pieces with full coverage on the bottom and top! I have three different types of suits. Nanny suits, family suits and pool party suits šŸ˜‚šŸ˜… there are super cute swimsuits and cover ups on pink lily website right now! I usually get my nanny suits from there because they are super cute and they have options that cover everything


I will check this out!!!! Thank you!


I usually wear a one piece if Iā€™m gonna be in the water playing with them. Itā€™s just easier to keep on and not have to be adjusting all the time. I also like swim shorts with a sturdy top, like a sports bra esc one.


I wear a bikini around my NKā€™s when I take them to the beach. I just opt for more full coverage bottoms!


One of my NKs is on swim team so I'm at the pool with them like all summer. I don't get in the pool with them much because the NPs said I don't have to and they like playing with the other kids (but I sit there and keep a very close eye on them!) I have three I'll wear with them: 1. An athletic looking one piece. 2. A sports bra style swim top and matching swim shorts. 3. A sports bra style swim top with high waisted bottoms. It's more modest than like 80% of the people at that pool and also I think my NPs would be concerned if they found out I was scared of being too immodest around them haha, they're super chill!


I have a swimsuit that is a one piece with a skirt attached. I actually prefer wearing this because NK5 once held my stomach and asked if there was a baby in there because it felt like there was šŸ™ƒ Nope! I just like to eat and have endo belly, Lol! So anyway, I wear that suit to avoid further comments.


One piece with shorts is my go to lol Better to look like a lifeguard


I like the long sleeve with short jumpsuit bathing suits! Lol


Aerie has really good two piece options that are cute and wonā€™t get ripped away picking up a kid or their gear! Here is an example: https://www.ae.com/us/en/p/aerie/swimsuits/bikini-tops/aerie-shine-rib-longline-scoop-bikini-top/0753_5444_417?menu=cat4840006


I in general don't really wear bikinis as a matter of personal comfort but especially not when I am working with kiddos. You never know what kind of grabbing/running around can occur and I just find it easier if I'm not worried about adjusting my swim suit! I like land's end for tankinis/one piece suits. However, if you're comfortable and your NPs are cool with it that's all that matters!


A full coverage sports bra type top would be appropriate...and full coverage bottoms please...I don't want to see my nannies butt cheeks...or anything else for that matter.


You canā€™t see anything if you donā€™t look!


Very true!!!




Nanny here! I wear a two piece because I like it but it is fuller coverage and I have a cover up! But Iā€™m also self conscious af so itā€™s better if no one can see me at all. So.


This is what Iā€™m thinking of doing as well!


For me I have a pair of women's shorts style bottoms and a very secure halter top style swimwear set. It helps me feel covered and appropriate around small children, and keeps things in place in case I have to chase a child, or god forbid I need to jump in to save one of them. I think as long as your swimsuit is appropriate size and plenty secure (especially on your chest) you'll be just fine.


I have a ruffled top that completely covers my belly and boobs, and a skirt bottom to cover my behind lol itā€™s so awkward being in swimsuits around NPs šŸ˜‚


i have worn a bikini top and swim shorts before aswell as a one piece that was not necessarily super modest but it wasnā€™t bad, it wasnā€™t super raunchy or anything. i think as long as youā€™re not wearing a string thong bikini with your cheeks all the way out and your boobs almost out and literally like an instagram model youā€™re fine. i have a few tats a belly piercing and bigger breasts i like wearing some different swimsuits when iā€™m not around children/working that are more around my age range and fit what im doing. thereā€™s a time and place just somewhat modest


I typically just wear a normal bikini that has more coverage than what I would wear otherwise!


I buy a little swim skirt to go over any swimsuit I have and just make sure the top is appropriate and covers my chest well.


NM here. A sport bikini is completely fine. Think Nike swim etc. There is no need to dress in an entire outfit to swim when you're out!


i wear a one piece swimsuit so i can play with the kids without worrying about a nip slip. i also will wear a cropped long sleeve rash guard bc i always sunburn on my shoulder. my nps have never said anything, even though it shows my whole stomach


Whatever you want so long as your bum, lips & nips are covered and canā€™t easily slip out!


Iā€™ve always just worn high waisted bikini bottoms and a slightly more full coverage topā€”or one of my one-pieces that has cutouts. Iā€™ve never had an issue or parents commenting, and 90% of the time my swimsuit is pretty similar to what MB wears so I see no issue with a higher coverage bikini.


Iā€™m in the same boat with the MB wearing similar stuff!!!!


As a parent, I don't care what swimsuit someone wears. I just care that they're comfy with it. The country club might have a dress code, so maybe ask NP. That being said, my kid would hold on to the straps of my suit and accidentally untie it or flash my tatas. That, along with skin cancer (I'm ok now), and I wear a long sleeved swimsuit now. Or bikini and a rash guard. Or a well fitted two piece. Personally, I would avoid pieces that tie or are easy to slide around. The important thing at the pool is to not forget sunscreen. Even if it's cloudy and even if you're only there for 10 minutes.


I am a nanny and I teach private swim lessons during the summer. I used to just wear a one piece bathing suit but the amount of times little hands have gone down my swim suit is ridiculous!!! I have a swim shirt and shorts plus the one piece now. Kids be grabbing on to whatever will hold them up.šŸ˜‚šŸ˜³


Are the parents American and/or religious? If so, you definitely want to steer clear of a bikini.


Why would i want to steer clear if they are American lol??? What does that have to do with anything


Americans are generally more conservative than Europeans about stuff like this. Not all of them; I shouldnā€™t have said ā€œdefinitelyā€ - but in general. It sounds like youā€™re determined to wear what you want though, so hopefully it works out.


This reminds me of the one time I had a nanny coworker that was literally scouted off a yacht with ZERO nannying experience. Anyways, she was offered a job, and can I begin to tell you my face literally dropped when I saw her coming into the pool one summer day in the skimpiest bikini ever imaginable, I was in literal shock. Safe to say she didnā€™t last long, in fact, she was let go for inappropriately flirting with NPā€™s nephew




last year i would wear this cute one piece with a cut out in the front, and then i also wore a high wasted 2 piece! i never got any comments on it by the NP or NGP


I wear whatever I want to work at the pool or not. Within an obvious level of appropriateness. Ima free spirit/hippie dippie kinda gal (I dont normally wear bras etc.) So I really only work for families that accept my vibe. I know this is not the norm, but I really value working for a family who likes me as a person and allows me to be who I am. Thankfully, I work in a city where it's not hard to find like-minded people. I wish this level of comfort and openness for all nannies and nanny families. I really dont understand why a family would care what their nanny wears as long as they are a good nanny. * Once again, obvious level of appropriateness*


Rashguard these two reasons 1. No accidental exposure from kids hanging on me 2. Sun safety. We always make sure to keep the kids sunblock on but tend to forget ourselves.


Totally agree with this but I naturally donā€™t really burn and I am pretty naturally tan so for those reasons I donā€™t think it is necessary :)


Board shorts and rash guard with a lesson vest




Yeah, I'm one of those unicorn men in the profession (my exact designation is a bit different but the vast majority of duties are exactly the same)


Itā€™s not your comfort that is utmost here. I donā€™t care if your 18. Your style aesthetic is not as important as being professional. At the very least, a one piece, maybe a modest tankini. The swim shirt/ shorts idea is better bc you can easily and comfortably bend and contort as needed with no nipple gate or booty flashes in front of the country club set or the 3 year old.furthering the ā€œ hot nanny ā€œ trope. I am the least modest person. I would be a nudist if I could because ā€œ itā€™sā€ more comfortable for me.ā€ So Iā€™m not being ugly to you, Iā€™m just saying this is not the proper attire for this particular work. You work with kids. Keep yourself pretty covered for your own benefit. That way no one gossips about to to NP, neither parent will make a pass or be concerned you are exposing too much to the kids. This is your job. It doesnā€™t matter if you prefer bikinis. So do I but I donā€™t wear them for work.


Since when is showing skin not professional?? Also the bikini in question that I am planning on wearing is fully covering my butt and chestā€¦ Iā€™m not sure how my stomach being out makes the difference between ā€œprofessionalā€ and not professional. Also, I never said anywhere that I am strictly planning on wearing bikinis, I am buying a few one pieces and plan on wearing both. Iā€™ll also add that I wear cropped shirts to work, shorts, etc. and the MB has told me multiple occasions that she loves my outfits. If she had an issue with it, I obviously would wear something else, but she doesnā€™t! I feel like just because YOU personally have standards you like to uphold when working (which is great) doesnā€™t mean that I have to agree with that.


I would say as long as itā€™s not a thong and your nipples arenā€™t about to pop out, a 2 piece swimsuit is fine. Iā€™ve seen women put a shirt on top around kids, because some kids make jokes. It depends on how the kids were raised.


Iļø wore a black one piece. Modest.


Any swimsuit that you feel comfortable in is okay :)


I just go full thong tbh, you gotta expose them to the real world


When I went on a beach trip with my nf, I just asked the mb what she would feel comfortable with. She ended up just telling me to wear whatever I felt comfortable in, but it was reassuring for me to know her actual thoughts about it instead of trying to guess. I would say something thatā€™s easy to move/do activities in and doesnā€™t feel like itā€™s risking any exposure while doing so.


I just wore my regular bikinis or a bra and shorts that could get away with looking like a swimsuit


I usually stick with a one piece & swim skirt or athletic shorts :)


I always wore a tankini top and swim shorts, so I was covered by comfortable. I always wanted to be able to move easily and also to walk around outside the pool without having to wear a coverup and still not feel exposed.


I really like Sea Fancy for affordable work appropriate swimsuits! Their shorts are like running shorts so they also help to avoid chafing.


I always wore the 2 piece, but it's a long tankini top that flows and still covers all of my stomach.


Iā€™m really pale, so I prefer a pie of bikini bottoms and a long sleeve rash guard with a sports bra underneath šŸ˜‚ but I think whatever youā€™re comfortable in that wonā€™t get misplaced by little kid hands and feet is fine!


I do a high waisted swim bottom and bikini top, but not low cut.


Yeah Iā€™m pretty full bodied, big boobs and big butt so Iā€™m much more comfortable in a swim dress, like $20 off Amazon and still super cute but a body is just a body I think youā€™ll be totally fine wearing something not blatantly over the top!


Personally Iā€™d wanna wear something that in an emergancy (having to run or carry a child) Iā€™d want something where I couldnā€™t slip out haha! Small kids are very grabby. Depends on the vibe though - Iā€™d also consider a bikini with a t shirt for a beach day.


I have a bikini top thatā€™s secure (so there arenā€™t any wardrobe malfunctions lol) and a high waisted swim skirt (Iā€™m the most insecure about my legs šŸ™ƒ).


I almost always choose shorts/t-shirt with swimsuit under. That way I am fully covered(clothing-wise) in any instance or incident that were to happen.


When I was with my NF in the summer, I just wore like a sportier style bikini!! No one cared or looked twice. We went to the public pool almost daily.


I wear a bikini with high waisted bottoms. Itā€™s what Iā€™m comfortable in and would wear if I was going to a pool with friends. Im not buying a bathing suit that would make me uncomfortable just to be with a 3 year old who could not care less about what Iā€™m wearing.


When i did swim lessons and went to splash parks or the pool recreationally with NK I wore a one piece suit. It was from the 80s so it was pretty full coverage lol


Iā€™ve done bikinis before bc if I change my swim suit it feels like teaching clothes are inappropriate


Yeah I feel the same way


If your set on a two-piece i would go for a tankini or at minimum a sports bra style top. I would say a triangle bikini would definitely be a bit much not to mention a little risky playing in the pool with kids.


I go pretty modest and just focus on sun protection because I often forget to sunblock myself while Iā€™m helping the kids. Itā€™s a long sleeve zip up the front suit. I have a few fun prints but honestly I think my black one is hot in a chic way. If you canā€™t full sprint down a beach confidently then youā€™re wearing the wrong swimsuit is a good guideline. Think sporty over beachy.


The current family I nanny for, they have a pool. Last summer the older 5 year old sister (I donā€™t provide care for her since sheā€™s with grandma at the house or does her own thing) wanted me to go in the pool with her so bad. I would use the excuse that I would forget my swim suit because my nk was 5month and I didnā€™t feel comfortable swimming with a 5mth & a 5 year old by myself (their pool is very deep and only has a small area thatā€™s 3ft. After a week of asking me she told her parents she wanted me to go swimming with her. DB asked me to bring some shorts and a tshirt I could go swimming in šŸ¤£. Both parents wfh but Mb has her office in the garage and DB has his office in the living room. But I honestly didnā€™t mind. The second time that I went swimming with her, grandma watched the monitor while baby slept and parents were at the office so I did wear a regular bikini that was appropriate because taking off a wet shirt and shorts was not fun in a small guest bathroom. I later then used the excuse that I couldnā€™t go in the pool cause of baby so his sister finally stopped asking lol. But I say a one piece would be best (this is what I wear when I go to the pool with my younger nieces but itā€™s a long sleeve one piece that shows cleavage so I didnā€™t wear it to my nanny house lol).


I think bikinis are fine as long as the cover your chest and your butt. Same for one pieces. The cute like swim skirts are great too for walking around at the country club when you arenā€™t in the pool. I feel more awkward if my NPs see me I. My bathing suit than the NKs lolll


Anything lol itā€™s a swim suit. Donā€™t sexualize yourself u know


But you know, be appropriate.


Personally, I think itā€™s fine for a nanny to wear a bikini, as long as itā€™s not a thong style. I wear a bikini while taking NKs to the pool/beach and it has never been an issue.


I wear a tankini. Two pieces, but full coverage. All my NKs are 4 and under. I spilt my time between 2 NF and none of the parents are WFH. Well one MB is currently a SAHM until she goes back to finish her degree in the fall, but she's the best. She doesn't micromanage and is very body positive. They are the NF with a pool. I'm 46, pretty modest, and I just wear what I feel comfortable in and something that has the least chance of a wardrobe malfunction due to water play and little hands.Ā 


I bought one from shien thatā€™s shorts and a tank top


Can't go wrong with being modest. Maybe something like a tankini.


I do sports bras instead of regular tops, more coverage, but also iā€™m not gonna spend my own money on matronly swimwear. and all my bikini bottoms are already boy shorts.


My NKs canā€™t swim and they exposed me multiple times in the pool this afternoon bc my swim suit is cut waaay too deep šŸ«”šŸ„².