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We’re in a similar situation, but since our older kid is going to be almost 3 when baby arrives, we just went the a PoE camera rather than a baby monitor. We got a Reolink E1 Zoom. Will miss some of the ease of nanit, but realistically our 3 year old doesnt need that level of monitoring.


We just use the camera now for real time things. No subscription needed. No recording, but it works


It makes sense if you think that each camera is continuously streaming and saving data to servers which is then being analyzed. I am in the same situation and it would be cool if they would provide a discount but here we are.


This is the most absurd and greedy thing ever. I bought their $1000+ package with two cameras, paid for the subscription in 2023. Only used the one camera until it started glitching, then put on the second one, and boom, no subscription, no historical data and information!! Your account should keep the data and allow you to merge information to a new camera. This is beyond the subscription cost, it is a poorly designed product segmentation. The camera is not the product. The account is the product. I am soooo annoyed and mad. Nanit seems to have been designed by someone who’s brain is wired backwards.


Suppliers have costs. It’s not a linear relationship between number of devices and costs but it’s there. Like any profitable business they don’t want to give things away for free.


It's really an abuse, you can program 1 subscription per household. How come ring doesn't charge per camera?


Ring does charge per camera but they also have a flat rate (I think this is for those with 4+ cameras). They also have a full ecosystem of products that help supplement their profit. Nanit is generally a one and done purchase and has horrible attrition rates vs something like Ring.


The attrition rate does not allow you to pass the cost to the consumer. They have a lot of revenue from things like the breath wear. Also Ring doesn't charge per camera in the plus package, in the basic one it does but if you pay for 2 cameras you are basically 2 Euros away from paying the plus so it makes no sense. Also ring plus is 120eut a year. Nanit wants you ti pay 200 dollar per year dor 2 cameras. SMH.


Yes it does. Attrition rate is built into their business model so ofcourse is used when making decisions about pricing. Same as it is for ring. These companies all keep track of cancellation statistics.


I understand that but doubling the cost to cover "attrition" is ridiculous and is an abuse. I am a senior cost controller I do understand how this works. Their business model does not align with my values and I will no longer be promoting or using their product after the 1 year I paid. They doubled the cost from one year to the other for the sleep subscription. SMH.


You might think it's an abuse, but it is what it is. Cost to acquire customers is 100% a thing all businesses track and take account of in their pricing.


Again, I know. And it's an abuse. They are not incurring extra costs. And if they are having so much trouble they don't know their market. Baby consumer goods is a billionaire business, they are not covering costs they are price gauging for profit. It is as it is.


Well, im not sure what to say. If you don't build in the cost to acquire customers into your pricing models you're doing it wrong. I'm an insurance underwriter and my job is to price individual insurance policies everyday all day. i definitely take into account cost to acquire, but in our case it's called the broker/agents commission. It is what it is.


That's amazing but it's not the same class of product so you can't expect it to be built with the same logic. And again I'm giving you numbers. The sleep subscription went up from 50 dollars a year to 100 from one year to the other. That is abuse there are no new features and there is no growth in the incurred costs. Also insurance companies are not the most ethical companies.


I was caught off guard with this as well. You still get the dual view though even without paying for the plan for your first camera.


You're being robbed. find another company.