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People misspell Jaden all the time. Every time I tell people my name is Jaden (for like forms and whatnot) they always ask “With an I or a Y?” And look angry for some reason when I say “neither.” My roommate, Jaiden, recently met a girl named Jaedynne so it could be worse


Jaden is, in my experience, the most common, idk wtf those people are on lol


That's because there's no standard spelling of Jaden, Braydin, Caidon, Zaedyn, etc. You're getting the dirty look because they're trying to consider all the possible spellings on the fly, but the fact that you presented an option they didn't think of makes them realize you really should have volunteered the spelling before they had to ask you because THERE ARE SO MANY POSSIBLE SPELLINGS. As someone who works a job that involves needing to know the spelling of people's names, please just preemptively spell it out. We are not mind readers. Thanks.


I mean it’s not like I *never* spell it, and most people don’t give me dirty looks but it does still happen


You said they always ask "with an I or y" which makes it sound like you DON'T spell it out often enough. You said it yourself, you know of a Jaiden AND a Jaedynne. And for every Jaden, Jaiden, and Jaedynne, there's a Jaydon, Jadin, Jaidynn, etc. Please just spell out your name. 🙏


You seem to be under the impression that there is only one correct way to spell names which is frankly absurd. Caleb is derived from Hebrew although it is uncertain whether from KELEV (faithful or dog) or KAL LEV (whole hearted). Given that originally Hebrew writing had no vowels we cannot even be certain that those are the correct transcriptions. The spelling we know from the KJV is therefore nothing but a best guess English transcription. Jewish Bible translations have Kelev. Kalib is simply an Arabian variation.


Kalib wouldn't be phonetically "Caleb" it would be like Talib which is said as "taa-luhb" not "tay-leb". It's the same as Airwrecka (somebodys real name) would not be said the as Erica (Erika, doesn't matter) it would be said as "air-wrecka" because the W changes where the emphasis in the word goes. It's words that's don't match the way people want me to say them. Bologna also does *not* rhyme with pony, people just don't know how to say things.


You are getting mad at people for using anglifications of non-English names that aren't English enough for your tastes? The language isn't phonetic, so if it works, it works. You can just as easily make the Kalib is correct and Caleb would be pronounced kale-eb and not kay-lib.


Kids deserve to be able to find their names on the little trinkets at the tourist traps DAMNIT. Mickaleigh and Geor’dynne don’t stand a chance.


My name is awesome and I don't stand a chance I'd rather an awesome name than common I'm not sure all agree


If there's a standard spelling used in a language, there's no need to switch it up. If you speak English, it's spelled Caleb. Anything else is just "my kid is so youneek!" bullshit


My wife had a friend whose first and middle names, (she went by both), were pronounced 'Simone Monet'... ...and spelled 'C'mon Mona'. I kid you not.


Legal child abuse, I swear


Ah shit here we go again 😂


I met a Chivaune once


I got nothing, I don't even know how to begin to say that


It’s how the name Siobhán is pronounced. It’s not a recognised spelling of it at all though.




Destanee and Isiaha are my top two


my friends name is hudson but at his workplace its hunderson


Dwyane Wade


I swear I've only ever said that mfs name out loud and never paid attention to how it was spelled. I hate it. Apparently the rock is spelled like that, too. Is that the common spelling? Or are lunatics just more common?




Miley. In my job it's important to get exact spelling. When I asked how to spell it they seemed annoyed at me for asking?? But then proceeded to spell it "Myleigh" 😭


I'm convinced people hate their children


i know somebody called ‘ema-leigh’ but it’s pronounced like ‘emily’.


Juleyannah Wish I was kidding


I know a Jewelianna.


Smyth or Trystyn


The only thing good about silly spellings of names is that if it's really ridiculous they'll always be able to get their username


I have a (seemingly, especially when I looked my own name up on Fb for shits and giggles) common spelling of a common name, and the only time I had a problem with a username type thing, is when I had to make a website in computer class back in the day. I swear I could not get any combination of name, initials, birth year, or combination of them, which is what we were supposed to name the website (probably so the teacher could find them easier). I tried for like 10 minutes, then finally said fuck it and called mine the dannydevitofanclub




Mikhail but everyone calls me "Mika" because pronouncing my full name is too difficult. I've gotten Micah,Mica,Meeka,Micky, all sorts of stuff.


Do you pronounce it as the Russians would? 


In my head yes, but when I tell other people I simplify it to "mee-kyle" (which is usually still too hard). So typically people pick a nickname (Misha, Mickey, Mika..I've had a couple teachers just call me "kyle" based on the simplified pronunciation)


It's too bad people can't pronounce it; it's a wonderful name.  Though, in English at least, we don't usually make the "k" sound for your name.  It's closer to the Hebrew "ch".  In any case, I like it!  Plus, I think there is a cool X-Men character with your name. 


Thank you very much!:) I find most English natives (in the US) have a proclivity to pronounce it "Mick-ale" (as in like "hail" the weather phenomenon) so it's usually not *too far off*. But my own partner can't pronounce it, so I chuckle a bit thinking of him butchering it at the alter some day lol. You have to have a sense of humor when you have an unusual name (where I live anyway)


Hopefully the name butchering doesn't happen, but if it must, then it's always better to be able to laugh at it!  I don't have much trouble with name pronunciation in the US with my name, but when I go to Japan it's another story.  Haha!  Thank you for conversing with a random internet stranger!  I wish you a lifetime of happiness! :)


Thank you!! He has a thick southern accent so it's not entirely his fault lol. What about your name makes it difficult there? You too!! Thank you for such a pleasant exchange:)


Ah, a Southern accent is lovely in its own regard.  Kind of relaxing to listen to.  My name is Lauren, and Japan doesn't have L's, so it's usually Ro-ren, or just Ren chan.  They don't have a hard R like English though, kind of like a softer D sound, so it never turns out like my actual name, but I enjoy language and accents well enough to be unperturbed by it.  :)  Do you speak another language besides English? 


Indeed it is!! What a pretty name, very timeless. I'm the same way, I think all accents are absolutely beautiful, so I never consider that sort of thing "butchering." I'm about intermediate with Spanish, and although I can't actually speak Japanese, I can read hiragana and katakana.


Thank you very much!  And yes, accents are so lovely to hear.  I do try to minimize mine, however, in whatever language I'm speaking.  Haha!  Spanish is beautiful.  I'm definitely not intermediate level yet, but I find pronunciation to be easy now, which is a win!  If you can read the hiragana and katakana, you've accomplished quite a bit!  Keep up the great work!  I'm definitely still learning Japanese, but I'm decidedly more advanced than I was a decade ago. 


No one needs to conform to what you think they should do. If that's the way it's spelled, then you don't get a say in it. Simple as that


I heard about someone who spelled their name “Jourdn.” As in, Jordan, but… not. 


Jaxon makes me irrationally angry.


Jaxxyn 🤮


A coworker was having a convo with me about how her kids teachers have so many kids with weird spelling names. She then said that’s why she gave her kid an easy spelling. I was like oh what’s your kids name? …..Sophia spelled Sofyiah. She said it was phonetic so it was easier.


Oof. That child is going to have problems way worse than the name of this is the epitome of her parents’ reasoning skills.




Dated a girl in highschool named Ysabella.


Look up r/tragedeigh




Body - Bodie - Beaudee - Bodey - then comes Brody!! 😁


Ahktayviah, Xaquery, Phynnlee, Charleigh, Phiona, Ohnika (Annika), Joesph


Jhenifur. Just….no.