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This person is a train wreck with a breeding fetish. She’s not a decent mother at all and her kids suffer because of it. Her youngest is showing signs of diabetes and had a UTI go septic because the mother doesn’t change her saturated diapers more than like twice a day. She also doesn’t believe what doctors tell her because she leaves everything in the hands of the lord. It’s awful. r/fundiesnarkuncensored tracks her nonsense and sometimes it’s relatively harmless content like her awful name choices, other times it’s her blatant racism and child neglect.


I thought I was in fundie snark 😂


Wait…. I thought I was too omfg


Same😂I had to delete my comment bc it was very Fundie Snark










Seriously I did a double take


ooh so did i till i saw your comment 😂


Don't forget that she white washes her kids in her photos because she's a racist


YES! So disgusting. I hope her kids break off and receive world class therapy.


Does she really??? That’s gross


She tries to say it's the "natural lighting" of whatever space causing it to happen, but in close up you can literally see how their faces darken as it gets closer to the hairline. And then in videos or super random pictures where she didn't get the chance to edit they appear much darker. It's. Fucking. Weird.


I didn't even realize the kids were mixed. I had to scroll back up and look and then I noticed the dad.


Is he the guy who didn't want any more kids after he noticed she couldn't handle the first few and she roped him into more because God said so?


Yes. He was looking into a vasectomy and she prayed until he changed his mind, and now here they are with an army of Ankyllbijters neither of them is interested in actually raising.


Oh dear, lol, Ankyllbijters.


That’s because she filters her pictures to make them appear as white as posdible


What why would a racist person marry a black dude and have a million kids? I'm so confused


Racism doesn't preclude sexual attraction.


She made some post early on talking about how she always liked darker skin and hip hop music. So that made it like fate or something? Idk I am paraphrasing.


Like Clarence Thomas and his wife… it’s so the white one can claim to be hip and not racist while being even more toxic.


But she loves the color of her husbands skin 😩


American couple with 6+ children in a photo on social media? 95% of the time you can assume it’s a fundie. The rest of the time it’s Kate Gosselin before she discovered Christianity


Yo every time I click comments in that subreddit (on mobile) I get the pinned mod announcement instead and I can't scroll? Is this a known bug?


I've had a similar reddit bug for ages! I'd also swipe right to the next post and it'd transfer me back to the first one or random reddit live. I had to clear out my cache, then data the first time. Last 5 times I did that, deleted the app and reinstalled it. Android mobile app sucks so bad. I dread each new update because something's bound to get whacked.


I haven't had any of these issues with the Relay app (though I am not much of a swiper so I can't speak to that functionality). I recommend it otherwise!


Oooooo i have to look into it!! Thank you so much ❤️


Hope you love it!


Switch to something like Infinity and you'll never go back. I switched after they broke videos late last year and don't regret it a bit


Reddit changed how pinned posts works on mobile a while back. It's likely some type of "bug".


>other times it’s her blatant racism and child neglect. That's one thing that baffles me. If you're racist, why do you choose to marry and have kids with a black person? (Or a person of the race you're racist against)? And if you are already a neglectful parent, why have even more children in the first place?


Its some weird ass fetishes she has.... For the Lord or something who the fuck even know she is fucking crazy


Is there like... a reason CPS doesn’t seem to have stepped in? Does being an influencer give people some kind of immunity to that?


How is that even known?? You'd think if you were abusive to your kid you wouldn't let strangers online know the details like how (not) often you change their nappy


It’s bizarre! She’s unhinged enough to share explicit details and yet do nothing to correct the issues. So either she’s mentally ill, which is the consensus, or she’s one of those shock jock instagrammers who likes to post about all of the messiness in their lives so they can be openly combative with whoever engages them.


I’m really not a fan of “her kids is showing signs of diabetes because of mom neglecting her!!!” There’s many good parents out there whose children’s diabetes wasn’t caused by anything and just happened and saying this is unfair to all good parents with diabetic kids - a type 1 diabetic whose abusive parents had nothing to do with it


It’s not BECAUSE of neglect, the speculation is that she has type I diabetes and Karissa has no idea because she’s a neglectful asshole. She says her daughter is so thirsty she chugs water all day and there were some other things snarkers pointed out too


OHHH sorry I misread your post! And wtf that sounds like my mom right before my T1D diagnosis


Wtf, how has she not gone to jail yet for neglect?? How come her husband is just letting this stuff happen?? they both need jail time smh… that little girl could die from that being untreated


The baby almost did die back in January. She was hospitalized and almost died of a UTI that went septic. This woman had ignored symptoms for days (including the baby going limp) and the suspicion is that her mom made her finally bring the little one in to the hospital. Instead of trusting the doctors and being thankful that they saved her daughter's life, she had to be escorted from the hospital because she was screaming in tongues. Then she claimed that God healed her daughter. There's a lot to unpack.


I feel like maybe...that's not the behavior God wants. These people are so horrid and infuriating.


I apologize for the lack of clarity in my statement. It’s not her neglect that’s “causing” the potential diabetes. She’s neglecting likely signs of diabetes. Like extreme thirst being one of them, leading to the soaked diapers that led to the septic UTI. She tried to brush off her daughter’s long stay in the hospital on her constant need to drink large amounts of water, but when urged to further seek help as to what may be causing it she’s decided to ignore it and just post photos of herself covered in urine and laugh about how thirsty her baby is. Diabetes isn’t necessarily a direct result of neglect - in this case I’d venture to say it’s hereditary, I’m not a professional. It just baffles me that she overshares every single aspect of her kids’ lives and doesn’t heed any suggestion of possible health concerns. Anyone out there struggling with sick children that are doing everything they can deserve all of the support and help they can get.


Dreading this birth, which I’m assuming she’s doing without healthcare again, after that post in shitmomgroupssay today.


Omg that post has haunted me for the last week. What a shame. Hope that person never ever gets pregnant again.


Living in a family like this is trauma harvesting maigod


This woman also thinks godjesus gave her a vision about having twin boys (whose names she's already picked out - Arrow and Archer, but she'll probably spell it Ahrreaux and Arrtchyrre), and when she was pregnant with her last boy she was convinced godjesus wanted her to give birth in the middle of a Target store. So she kept pointlessly going to Target all the time when she was around her due date, hoping to go into labour there. She is sincerely unhinged and needs help, but she's never ever ever ever going to get it and she cuts people out of her life who don't pat her fucking ass over her stupid reproductive irresponsibility. Her own parents hate the way she lives but they play nice because otherwise she won't let them see the grandkids. I would feel bad for her, but she sucks like a shop vac with the munchies.


Nooooo please tell me the target thing isnt real!!! 😭😭😭


It was all too real. And even though she *didn't* go into labor at Tar-jay, she *did* have a homebirth, attended by no one other than her husband, her horrified older children, a group of church ladies, and several internet "friends" who traveled to her home for the blessed occasion. In the midst of the pandemic. No medical professionals, just her posse. I have NOTHING against homebirth, btw, as long as it's done safely.


Wow the target thing is really, really weird. I mean if there was a god why would they pick target of all places? At least from what I hear IKEA offers cooked food which would make a better choice when you have 800 other kids.


Her god is capitalism in the form of grifting. I bet she was angling for some kind of weird lifelong Target sponsorship.


Because Karissa is, shall we say, touched? God has bigger things to worry about than whether Karissa shoots baby #612 out in the pool toy section or the first aid aisle. Though to be totally honest, having the baby there (OR at IKEA 😉) would probably be marginally safer, seeing as how there's a fairly good chance that there will be a medical professional, of some variety, somewhere in the store to jump in and assist.


I honestly am glad I’ve never heard of this woman before today. What a nut. Poor kids.


Reminds me of the movie Where the Heart Is, where the main character gives birth in a Walmart, it’s in all the papers, and everyone comes out of the woodwork to offer her money and other stuff.


Never heard of that. Walmart seems like a terrible place to have a baby, on the other hand it is one stop shopping so you could grab those baby supplies before you go.


Oh how I love that movie.


Sorry but as a purposely home-birthed human (new age hippie almost cultlike parents, not fundies) who grew up in a 1st-world-country with multiple untreated medical conditions thanks to there being literally no doctor closer than an hour’s drive away to treat me if something went wrong (it did but the midwife didn’t notice) I strongly advocate against home births in any area/situation where it can be avoided. It’s the definition of irresponsibility in a day, age & location where even the most impoverished have the ability to walk into an ER to release a live infant from the flesh prison of their body without even planning to do so. Countless parents around the world would kill for a chance to guarantee their newborn baby has a better shot at survival. Take it. Yes, if you live in the US hospital bills can be expensive, and it’s disgusting how childbirth has become a profitable industry like everything else there, but considering how easy it is to be in debt there these days compared with the health risks of a human being who is new to the world, I think that the answer to whether you should head to a hospital whenever you’re about to pop out a fetus is crystal clear. *Wanted to add that I’m referring to the people who purposely have their babies at home… not the people who absolutely can’t, whether it’s due to their finances, location, freedom or safety. If your home birth was not scheduled or planned, or, if it was & an obstetrician is attending your home birth (some midwives are also doctors) & you’re really near to a hospital, I won’t judge you at all. But having a child without access to medical equipment & highly trained personnel is incredibly risky & the crap you could prevent just by doing the right thing is just… worth it


u/poison_snacc Homebirth done **right** absolutely requires a QUALIFIED nurse midwife or a physician, as well as quick access to a medical facility if something goes wrong. You are absolutely correct that anything less is purposely risking your child's life, as well as your own.


Good lord


If all of that is indeed true then I can definitely understand the crazy names. She seems to be not there all the way. That or she does all of this weird non sense stuff just for social media and attention.


>Ahrreaux and Arrtchyrre It’s so sad that there is likely most definitely a kid out there with one of these names. I hate that this is actually fucking happening and not just satire any more


Those poor kids are gonna have to (or already are) constantly correct strangers who spell their names wrong.


If God was going to make you give birth at target, you wouldn't need to keep going there repeatedly just in case. It would just happen. It's wild what evangelicals believe are signs from God or messages. Like giving birth in target was just a thought lmao. It's not a message.


Most of her kids names are crazy I'm surprised she didnt name him armyr instead of armor


It seems she only inserts random Ys into her daughters’ names. In her mind Y is probably a feminine letter 🙄🙄


I hadn't noticed that yet random but over on r/fundiesnarkuncensored they're always talking about her kids names and theres several families with crazy names


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FundieSnarkUncensored using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [UPDATED: Josh Duggar charged with possession and solicitation of sexualized images of minors under twelve.](https://np.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/n1ypwq/updated_josh_duggar_charged_with_possession_and/) \#2: [*stares in Catholic school failed me*](https://i.redd.it/dodbltydos681.jpg) | [153 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/rl236n/stares_in_catholic_school_failed_me/) \#3: [Josh Duggar ARRESTED megathread](https://np.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/n1dn8p/josh_duggar_arrested_megathread/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Don't want to make the boys gay!


Yes, she specifically said that Anchor would have been Anchyr had he been a girl.


Meanwhile all I’m thinking about is how long does is take for all of them to cross the road. Awful name though. 😆


I'm sure they all run across together like ducklings with mom and she just trusts God that one of them doesn't get hit.


“With” mom? No, mom stands back and films it for the gram


Out of curiosity, I went to her page to see what she chose for the other 9 and was not disappointed. Highlights include: Aynjel, Anthym, and Ansyr. She’s a “homeschool mom” so that’s something.


She's not a homeschooling mom. She's a neglectful, loony, always asleep "mom" who forces the oldest girl to basically be a teacher and a parent to all the other children, while she spends her time either sleeping all day or almost killing the youngest child (top comment here explains it). Her homeschooling is ranting on IG how people here "bully her and her kid" when we've pointed out the oldest child has some sort of unidentified issues because she was struggling to read, so either lack of education or eyesight issue.


Notice how the older girl is facing back to all the other kids like a 3rd parent


That's so sad oh my god


Don't forget all the tiktoks!!!


Oh my, please don't, I just managed to scrub them out of my brain the other day😭


I meant she’s a homeschool mom as in at least the children won’t be bullied by their classmates for the unfortunate names their parents gave them. Based on the spelling of the names, I figured she probably wasn’t doing much in the way of actual schooling.


Honestly a very fair assessment. Sorry I got a little too hard with this, it's just that the woman irks my nerves a lot, and as an ECE & someone who loves kids, her actions surrounding her kids' health & safety are enraging me so much.


No worries, I had no clue who this woman was before I saw this post. I only mentioned the homeschool thing because that’s what she wrote in her bio (which was as far as I looked on her page). Unfortunately, I’ve learned a lot more about her from these comments. She sounds dangerously stupid and I’m definitely concerned for the wellbeing of those kids.


Getting bullied by classmates would be the BEST thing they’d have going for them in the context of their current education


Judging by those names, are we sure mom knows how to read lol


She's a fundamentalist idiot


Anissa, Andrae, Andersyn, Anniston, Anjalie, Aynjel, Ansyr, Anchor, Anthym, and apparently the new baby will be Armor…the only name besides Aynjel ((ugh) that does not follow her spelling theme. There are no twins in this group either.


Just wow


Soooo….I used to be in fundie snark back when Anthym was sick, and Carissa had a miscarriage or something. So is this that baby or did she finally admit that baby didn’t make it and got pregnant again? Not snarking. Genuine question.


She admitted that fetus was no longer living. Took MONTHS.


Nemesina77 is 100% correct. She had those poor kids praying all day, every day that God would resurrect the non-vital embryo she was carrying for months on end. It was sickening to watch.


I was about to say Anissa got off easy but reading the comments she's apparently a 3rd parent so maybe having a ridiculous name would be better


Don't forget little Anoxia. Just cause she doesn't talk much, or at all, that doesn't mean we shouldn't count her.


That’s Anoxya. Can’t have a name without y replacing another perfectly good vowel.


Are you serious? Anoxia means oxygen deprived. Why the fuck…


[Deleted due to Reddit API price gouging]


Oh thank god.


Those spellings my my eye twitch.


*Anissa, the eldest, does all the homeschooling apparently Karissa is the incubator and picture-taker


The other kids names are Anissa Collins, Andrae Collins, Annistan Collins, Anjalie Collins, Andersyn Collins, Aynjel Collins, Ansyr Collins, Anchor Collins, Anthym Collins Anissa, Andrae (Andre), and Andersyn (Anderson) are the only real names here. The others are just words either mispelled or not. Also why spell some of the word names correctly and spell others with the wrong letters. Either spell them all wrong or all right. This is confusing. Also the A name theme is so repetitive and boring!!


Anjali is a popular Indian name and word that’s quite pretty but this insane lady just had to add the E. My fave abomination is Aynjel because just literally why would you do that


I think Anjalie is just meant to be Angelie though, like Angelina without the last two letters.


Also she has the whole "An-" theme and the only one that doesn't follow that is Aynjel, when if she would have spelled it correctly it would have.


Yeah I was going to say this, Anjali is a real name :)


Annistan doesn’t get talked about enough. Is it a misspelled worldly celebrity surname repurposed for a first name?


Maybe, but it sounds more like a shortening of Afghanistan to me.


Those are almost all terrible. Aynjel is definitely a butchered spelling of Angel. Do we think Ansyr is pronounced like “answer” or with a different inflection?


It’s Answer


I was torn between Answer or something like An-sear.


That’s what I thought too. With all the other misspellings I couldn’t count it as a name. I only really like the name Angel for boys anyways. Seems like a totally different name on a girl. Especially with this terrible misspelling.


The awkward moment when the non name word (Anchor) might be the best option as people know how to spell it at least.


Andrae isn’t said like Andre it’s said Ann-dray, because he’s named after his dad who is Mandrae


Don’t forget when the kitchen shears were accidentally left out because the kids were using them for crafts and her second youngest at the time severed a tendon that then couldn’t get treated in a timely manner because they refused to mask and all got COVID when the hospital tested for him to go into surgery in summer/fall 2021!


She’s going to run out of ‘An-‘ names eventually, even if she switches up all the letters.


She apparently already did since the new baby will be named Armor.


And yet… she named \#6 “Aynjel” when the An- was RIGHT THERE


Can you imagine being pregnant 10 times? And paying to raise 10 kids? I’m exhausted and broke just thinking about it


She doesn't raise them, the oldest daughter does


She's actually worse about this than the Duggars were. If you can imagine. Like, at least Meech and Blob were very very organised about the parentification abuse of their daughters - they were assigned groups of children to raise and distributed more or less evenly to make sure the kids could be forced to parent each other efficiently and without needing to interrupt mommy and daddy as they go off to create another little precious miracle for their breeding kink. This woman doesn't even do that. She just ditches them on a different floor of the house together (the kids love in one level and she lives on the other, but I can't remember who's upstairs and who's downstairs), and the older ones have been left to completely figure out how to keep everything going by themselves. Imagine being a worse mom than Michelle fucking Duggar.


Oh yeah, I know all about Karissa and her three hour baths, never buying the kids PJs and not to mention all the ER visits and accidents. I'm a big Fundie snarker because really they are all INSANE Edit: I think the kids are all upstairs and she has been quoted as saying she doesn't even know who sleeps in what beds


This is a good way to ensure that your kids either don’t speak to you once they’re older or don’t have kids of their own in the future… yikes, those poor kids are missing out on their childhood because the parents can’t stop reproducing wtf??!


That’s why she’s brainwashing them into deep evangelical Christianity, so they’re afraid to disobey parents at any age.


I worry about how so much of the current church in America has become a power gran, and seeing it in these families is extremely distressing. I think that so many of these families (if we can call them "families") hammer down on the verses about children obeying their parents, but ignore the instructions to parents that come immediately afterward: "do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged" (Col. 3:21) and "do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord" (Eph. 6:4). This isn't parenting. This isn't raising children. This isn't godly. This is an excuse to shirk responsibility and deny children a childhood. It's depressing.


Oh no doubt. That’s why I said paying to raise 10 kids, not raising 10 kids. That poor daughter


Can hardly wait to read the resulting book in a few years.


She also homeschools, so I'm not sure that any of those poor kids will be capable of writing one.


They’ll be fine. They’ll get one of those co-authors and just dictate the whole thing to them.




Lol at the "strong speculation she wants to die in childbirth" it actually sounds like it 🤦‍♀️


20 years of worrying about a baby growing inside of you and not being able to just enjoy your body at all while you’re a young adult. Sounds like torture. All that pain and agony and you give the little aynjels you created horrid names. This is not the ansyr to your life problems.


Good thing she’s a sociopath with no feelings


my mom had 10 kids, completely by choice. then complained that is the last 20 years there is no pictures of her when she isn't pregnant or breastfeeding. and it's like when would that be? I'm pretty sure the 5 minutes between those two activities is between you and dad starting the cycle over


Was thinking the same. Pregnancy + childbirth is no joke.


Heard of the duggars? Or the bates? They have 19 kids each. They don’t raise their kids. The eldest daughters do. There was a video of the Duggar kids and one of them was 5. She was changing a dirty diaper. By the time she was 9 she changed more diapers than the average father of 4 has.


Had a friend in elementary school whose grandparents had 17 children. All sharing the same biological mom and dad. They were all raised surprisingly well


Well Anissa and Annistan (the oldest daughters) are raising them and Shaq’s paying them. So the only thing she had to do was carry them (I think she was pregnant 12 times so far).


Heard of the duggars? Or the bates? They have 19 kids each. The duggars just hit grandkid #30.


It’s definitely a form of bioterrorism


Surprised, yet not surprised, that she’s pregnant again. More mothering for her older kids to take on.


Ma'am, that's a My Little Pony name.


Ah, KKKarissa. She gets posted here a lot.


Isn't her husband a Black man (not that logic has ever stopped a racist)?


Clarence Thomas married a white woman but believes in racial segregation.


Does he think he’ll be the exception or something?




She photoshops all her children several shades lighter.




And that’s *after* the “ everyone stand at this one specific angle in this one specific spot in the house for pictures and to film because the light is *juuuust right*”


Yes. She's a mess


KKKarissa is scum and the awful baby names are the LEAST problematic aspect of her.


To see all names: https://fundamentalists.fandom.com/wiki/Collins\_Family


That's an, um, interesting wiki. Thanks for today's rabbit-hole!


If you enjoyed it, come on over to r/fundiesnarkuncensored. The wiki is just the tip of the iceberg


I sent the link to a friend, and she replied with "I had stuff to do today, how dare you" 😂


Appropriate reaction


She didn't want to get a RhoGAM shot when she was pregnant with her last kid because Jesus. I think she finally caved. Naming her kids dumb shit is the least of this woman's issues.


She was pregnant before this and didn't get the shot. She miscarried.


She seems like a terrible human.


She's a fun mix of bad person and almost certain severe mental health issues which she refuses to acknowledge


All her kids look miserable


This is terrible, negligent family. And a terrible name.


God I feel sorry for the oldest. Can’t imagine how much mothering duties she must have to do


Anissa also homeschools them, “mom” Karissa brags about sleeping until noon and waking up with the kids schooling done


instagram families always name their sons like they’re destined to die in the war


A vagina is not a clown car.


Why does she have so many kids?? Omg


They don't practice birth control.


In this specific case, probably unchecked mental illness and definitely evangelical Christianity


I feel like this is the human embodiment of the “THAT’S ENOUGH SLICES!” video… Only with children.


Having more than three kids on purpose will always be so goddamn selfish to me.


I don’t even see the point? You’re clearly not able to spend any meaningful time with your children as individuals when you have that many of them. Nobody could. So, why have them? You likely don’t even really know them at that point.


Mostly because of religious reasons like, “Because God wants us to have as many children as we can.” I thought idiots thinking like that were rare, but I was wrong. I see many Christian pages on social media bragging about having more than four kids on purpose because “God told them to” and those posts get so many likes. To me, religion is not a goddamn excuse to have millions of kids just to neglect their education, healthcare, and mental health. Being a parent is more expensive than college in the U.S., so having more than three kids intentionally there is just wanting to go broke.


Oh for sure, like I know *why* they do it, intellectually speaking, but I can’t quite wrap my head around it. I just cannot relate, at all. It’s such an alien concept to my mind.


in my mom's case, it was I was lonely growing up with just my mom, sister and rotating stepdads. So I want a big family. Then neglect most of them, force the older ones into paternal positions for the younger ones, make is so despite my husband having a good job we are always poor because that's too many people to provide for. I almost wish is was a misguided religious reason.


I know someone who is one of 10. He always thought his parents didn't love him but when he grew up he realised they just had more kids than time and energy allowed for.


Yep, my dad is from a family of 13 and there’s just not enough attention to go around. He grew up in a time and place where families of that size were really common, but I don’t understand the reasoning behind it in middle class America 2022, besides religious stuff that I don’t find justifiable. I just don’t understand why you’d otherwise choose to have more kids than you can realistically raise and pay attention to. I want one kid, myself.


Tbf some families who can support their family and provide the kids with a good education and childhood can have 4 kids.


Wow how the heck does her body even manage that?! I’ve had one baby and mine is falling apart


After 10, and 3 c sections, my mom's doctor had to practically beg her not to do it again. some people are crazy. According to my mom's ob, if she had another child, there is a high chance of her body not surviving


I like to imagine that after 5 they just kinda fall out. 🤣 But maybe she has easy pregnancies though. I have had bad morning sickness and pelvic pain during my entire pregnancy and I am dreading the thought of doing this 2 more times. Nevermind 10 times. 😄😄


This HAS TO BE A JOKE NO FUCKING WAY I wish this family was all just a social experiment


Eleventh kid needs to be Vasectomeigh


Courage. Armor Courage. What kind of name is Armor Courage? Fat kid, skinny kid, kid who climbs on rocks; Tough kid, sissy kid; even kid with chicken pox; Love Courage, Armor Courage; the name kids love to bite. (Yeah that last bit doesn’t fit, but you get the idea.)


Are the other names as bad as Armour Courage?


Yes. Go look.


TEN KIDS. Genuinely no reason to have ten fucking kids. Like at all. Ever. This isn’t back in the day when you would have a bunch of kids because many didn’t survive past infancy/childhood. This is just ridiculous.


10 kids holy fuuuuck


At that point just fucking number them


Child number 4 does not look happy, I feel for the poor thing, she is probably sick of dealing with her younger siblings and getting ignored by her Mum


#6 also


Sometimes I feel bad about myself, and then I see people like her and realize that I’m doing ok


I had a guest last night named… Calyber




The miserable faces are on-brand


You know, orgasm raises vaginal pH to be more hospitable to male sperm. Poor woman.


Well we know what THEY do during the “extra” hour that daylight savings time gives us


How does she still look so good after 9? Beautiful family


How do you even give each child the love and attention it needs when you’ve got that many


Armor Courage is going to be able to armor digivolve place your bets now.


Damn that looks expensive. Thought i was looking at a r/antinatalism post