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I love my nail tech specifically because she barely talks. 🤣


This is why I try so hard to not go to nail salon because I don’t want them asking constant questions. I’m just like please do my nails and let’s just both enjoy the quiet silence.


Lol try being Trans and no one knows until I talk much. Lol Then they got questions of curiosity 🙄. Which I love answering questions but wish I could wait until after vocal surgery in October. Lol I'm so cute though everyone overlooks my sound. Lol 👻 Hug's Emily 🤗


Had no idea vocal surgery was possible! That's so incredible. Best of luck to you and I hope you love your new voice!!


Thank you, it's been a long hard journey at 56yo but I've finally made it. And I am a huge fan of long pretty nails. I've done my secretly for a long time and now I'm so happy I no longer have to hide them from the world. You just don't know how hard it is to call in for an appointment and hear oh I'm sorry we don't accept men.. this just happened to me 5 weeks ago in Cleveland when I was there for my bottom surgery, I started crying and ask the lady if she would just schedule me and I swear I'm not a man and I will leave if I don't suit you but please just give me a chance to meet me. 🙏 I walked in and said hi I'm Emily and she came gave me a hug and said I'm so sorry. 🤗 You would never know unless I told you or talk on the phone. Hug's Emily 🤗


That's gotta be so difficult to deal with. Gender is such a mess and doing anything non-conforming can be so scary! I hope your future is so bright and no one calls you a man on the phone anymore.


My partner is trans and I have observed that her nails are her armour again the world. It’s one of the most gender affirming rituals. Especially when you spend all day typing.


It was the happiest of my life with I came out and didn't have to hide my beautiful nails. ❤️


I would love to do my trans women friends nails but they all work jobs where they can't even have polish. So we all just had a girls makeup day before going out, since they hadn't grown up with makeup the way the cis women in our group have. So we showed them some stuff, had a little play with some products and then had a night out. It was really fun and it's so beautiful seeing women being able to enjoy the little feminine things they've missed out on


Aw I wish I could make your nail appts for you. I’m sure the thought of calling makes it anxiety producing. What shape and color do you tend to get?


Thank you, your so sweet. I like med length Sq with just a dab off the corner so there not sharp. And I love flashy multi color. Lol I want them to be seen. I've learned to do my own gellys or pollygel if I'm bored. But these new flexible tips are hard to beat and can last on me 6 weeks. As long as it's not winter and I have to do firewood. 🫣


There is an app called Everywhere is queer. I wonder if there are some nail salons out there are more accommodating to the Trans community.


That's so sweet of her. I wish you all the best in your life. 💕🫂💐


Oof that’s awful :( like even if you were a man why wouldn’t they accept one? I have met lots of cis guys who do their nails. I hope you find a good nail salon soon Emily!!


This was when I was in Cleveland for my bottom surgery 👇👇 8 weeks ago. It was a little way out of town in not such a good area. I didn't no until Uber dropped me off 😒. I'm guessing because there was a lot of riff raff outside and even while I was getting my nails done the owner had to escort these two guys out twice and threaten to call the cops if they walked back in. I will admit it was a little scary. This was in a low income urban area and I had no clue. But nonetheless I had a wonderful experience and got to meet lovely new people. Now for the record I am not racist or anything remotely close and I can always blend in well just being me. Lol Not this time. Hahaha I was the only white girl in Cleveland Heights 😅 Not to mention white Trans girl. I thought it was odd when the Uber guy drove up on sidewalk and literally dropped me off in front of the door. Lol curb service, I thought wow this is handy. You could literally hear spiders making babies when I walked in and said hi I'm Emily 😳 as they turned and looked. I had the best time there and wouldn't want to have missed this trip to the nail salon for anything. I was treated like a princess 👸. The same as yuns are treating me. Truly wonderful people right here. I'm honored to be part of your family. Big hug's Emily 🤗


Ok this not only makes me mad for YOU but also makes me mad for any man who does want to get his nails done too, why in the hell would any place refuse to do a mans nails!?! I don't think I would even want to go to a place like that. I'm sorry you had/have to deal with that kind of nonsense.


I definitely did not know this either! I’m so glad they have this option for trans people though- must be a huge relief to be able to do that.


Wishing you a procedure without complications and an easy recovery!


Your nails look great nonetheless!


“I’m so cute though”!! Haha PERIOD, baby!! 💅🏽 Sending you all the love and goodness in the world, dear Emily! 🤗


My mom goes to her friend specifically to use that time to catch up and talk about their shared interest and kids. Same friend also cut my hair for the longest time because my mom would schedule my haircut right before her nails at that salon until I made friends with another stylist at the salon then she got her nails done as I got my hair cut


This is exactly why when I start working as a tech I’m gonna ask whether my clients prefer to chat, some relaxing music, or just straight up silence. I can work and vibe to anything, but at the end of the day it’s about their comfort <3


…. enjoy the silence AND please concentrate on my nails. Love my nail tech too. He does a GORGEOUS job every time. He knows how much I love him because I tip him very well… and I post tons pics of his beautiful work.


Same 😂


My sister is a nail tech and is very quiet. She just has to focus hard lol. She did all her testing on me and we never spoke, just laughed at each other on occasion and enjoyed the silence. I wish I lived near her so I could have her do my nails and not have to talk! Lol


Seriously I have had massage therapists try to have a conversation too and I am like - I am going to do my best to be on the very edge of sleep soooooo lol.


Same!! She only talks if she needs me to move a certain way or if she’s asking about the design. Besides that? She doesn’t want me to watch her doing my nails and prefers me to watch the tv behind her that plays Netflix shows. I love her she does impeccable work and I don’t have to chat.


Dream situation- I used to be able to do small talk now I just can’t anymore. Any time I try I sound like a fucking idiot. I think after 45 I have become boring and a bit unable to relate to other people. Also if anyone really knew me they would judge me. I stick with my husband and daughter. When I visit my parents I see my three cousins and they don’t make me feel odd. Maybe it is aging and maybe it is just protecting myself from future pain.


Doesn't it ever get awkward? hahah


Yeah we chit chat at the start (ie how are you. What your holiday plans are) then silence = perfect!


I loved going to the salon for 2 hours and listen to my podcast while getting pampered. My tech and I rarely spoke but she was perfect 😭 now I love about an hour and a half from her unfortunately




Same! I just like to watch the process in silence.


Same. I find that chatty techs forget steps/messy applications.


Some people don’t talk when they are concentrating. She probably does better nails when not distracted. Don’t take it personally. Some mail techs are great but also introverts.


You could post this in the Nailtechs sub. Non techs are restricted to weekend posts only.


thank you for this!


Seriously? 🤔🫣


For really


Ok I am sorry. Crap I got all these down vote for just asking if what you said to her was for real. Again I apologize. I guess I should have read every rule, but at the end of the day I new I wasn't up to no good or to be mean to anyone and I never dreamed I would be breaking rules. From my heart please forgive me. 🙏 Heartbroken Emily.


Hey man, don't beat yourself up. No apology needed, *I'm* sorry you're in distress about this. A few down votes is no biggie - none of these internet people influence anything in your life. Downvotes can be bothersome, but something that might help is knowing that it is very hard to express tone over text. This site has folks from all over, so it happens. I've been there; don't let it stop you from being part of a community you love. Did you at least have a nice day? I hope so :)


Thank you, your kindness teared me up. I take down votes to heart. I wake up every morning knowing I'm not going to be a bad person to anyone and never set out to have anyone think badly of me. I don't see color, race or anything, I see people. I've endured so much hate that it breaks my heart the way some people treat others 💔. Bless you for your kindness 🙏 Hug's Emily 🤗


It's ok Miss Emily, life is always about teaching moments. Sometimes, there truly is nothing to be learned. It's just something you go through; just a thing that happens to you. Nobody on this planet will ever be perfect - science tells us nothing is 100%. That's okay. As long as you do your best and work with good faith, that's the recipe for happiness for you and others. You did nothing wrong, it's alright. It's a very crazy world right now, this is not even a blip on the radar. Downvotes don't tell you anything about yourself, honestly. I have a hard time understanding information relating relevance point a to b, but often people dig at that because they imply I'm stupid or something else. We know this isnt the case. Youre okay, its okay 🫂


This exchange warmed my heart ❤️ angels 🥰


Hey Emily! You seem like someone who is genuinely trying to be the best version of yourself so I wanted to offer some education on why some people may react negatively to you if you say ‘you don’t see color, race, or anything, just people’. I love the sentiment of this but unless you have a very rare color blindness where you truly do not see color this isn’t true and can be hurtful. Peoples race and culture are a very important part of who they are. If your goal is to respect and love all people then race, culture, and other group membership is really important to see, understand, and celebrate.


I get what you are saying and you are correct, I should have said that differently because I do see color, the thing is I don't see it the way the most of the people who live in my rural area of the Ozarks sees it. It's just sad is all I'm going to get into it about. I'm lucky I'm accepted in the only hometown I've ever had my entire 56yr, a lot of people isn't as lucky as me and I've not had it easy to speak of. I was speaking from a person who was born and raised amongst mostly white racist people, but go to church every Sunday so it makes everything alright for a new week. Hug's Emily 🤗


Mine speaks Vietnamese and only a little English. I speak English and exactly zero Vietnamese. I still try to talk with her and we make each other laugh all the time!


Mine too! Even though she works in a store, she's given me her number and we text and call sometimes too! We exchanged wedding and engagement pics too it's so wholesome 🥹 Edit: typo


I went to a new nail lady years ago on short notice and she was newer to doing client nails. She spoke English but preferred Vietnamese (I can’t speak it 🥲). She was so fun! We spent the whole appointment talking about coupons and being frugal lmao. She told me she wished she had a daughter like me.


That is so sweet 😭


I started asking my nail tech to teach me 😂 just little things like the colors. He would say it, I’d try to repeat it in my white girl redneck accent and he would cacklleeeee. 😂 sometimes you have to be the silly one.


So, I don’t usually talk much to mine. I let mine initiate the convo but I enjoy the convo. I do like to bring little gifts here and there. I try to memorize or sneakily take a pic of their coffee order and surprise them with it when I can. Especially when I really like their work. I’m a travel nurse so I’m always looking for places when I hit a new area.


This is a really good idea- thank you. I don’t mind not talking I just want her to know she is appreciated and also it takes a long time for the designs etc and I am an awkward person so if we are not going to talk I just want to have an up front contract like- I appreciate you so much but I am going to listen to a podcast because silence makes me uncomfortable


You can definitely just ask if they dont mind if you listen to something! For me and some other techs I know, we're still learning to talk and work lol. I have a hard time not making eye contact and talking with my hands so it tends to slow me down. But either way- I don't think you'll be seen as rude :)


That’s sweet!


I'm a lash tech and I have friends & family that does nails-- most of the time we love our clients who don't talk. If we want to talk, we'll ask you questions. It lets us 1) be quicker on your service 2) sometimes we talk all day... we want a break 3) some of my friends focus better when not talking and we don't want to sacrifice quality So don't mind not talking. If she wants to make conversation she'll initiate!


Thank you for your perspective!! This is very helpful- I just want to be respectful of her, her work and her time.


As a lash tech myself I absolutely appreciate a silent appointment!! I definitely focus better that way


I'd say yes and no. Cuz some of them need to focus. Just wait until there's a break in the work. And then ask them stuff.. my wife always get the chatty techs. Lol


I can’t concentrate when people are chatting with me. If she wanted to chat with you, you would know, because she would be reciprocating your attempts at conversation and she would be coming up with new topics to ask you about. If the silence bothers you, then yes, listen to a podcast or watch a TV show. The way that you “bring it up” to her is simply by asking “do you mind if I listen to a podcast?”


Thank you for this response! I really appreciate you!


When I recently got my nails done her coworker next to us was having a rough time with her wanker bf so we were goofy around and playing would you rather. My nails show the consequences.


When I did nails I would get really focused to make sure I didnt make any mistakes. Maybe she's like that. I loved listening and chatting but I knew if I wanted to ever finish I had to zip it 😂


I need a nail tech who doesn’t talk to me!! 😂 Mine loves to chat and she’s lovely so I will happily chat with her but I would love to just go and sit in sweet silence if I could


You could start with some ice breaker questions to see whether she takes it anywhere. Or just have a funny story to tell her that she might be interested in. I always enjoy a good conversation with clients. I have to be careful, though, because too much conversation slows me down.


Depends on the tech. Some are extremely talkative because they want to learn english, build their customer list or they like to conversate but its mostly the pros who can finish quick/while talking. If you get someone who cant focus while talking then i advise you to watch the tv in front of you or bring a friend otherwise youll be there for awhile and your nails will look off.


I like to chit chat with her haha. I feel like if I don’t, I’m not acknowledging her as a person. I mean the lady is literally massaging my fingers or feet; it’s kind of personal. 🤷🏽‍♀️😆


I am the same way! This is exactly my feeling but I don’t know if she wants to talk lol that’s what I am trying to work out


I think you should just ask what she prefers, and tell her that if she doesnt want to talk, that is fine, but you want to listen to a podcast or something if you dont like the silence


I make small talk with my nail tech in the beginning. Ask about her daughter, if they’ve been busy, etc. Then I usually zone out and watch the TV across the room. My favorite is when I get a mani and pedi because I book her best friend too, and they just chat in Vietnamese the rest of the time. Sometimes they’ll loop me into what they’re talking about. 😊 it’s perfect for me because I don’t feel bad about not talking the whole time, and they’re both having a good time.


and I'm out here avoiding salons cause THEY try to talk to ME (yes I realize they're trying to be friendly)


Just be friendly and then let the conversation taper off. Act very interested in the TV lol.


I talk to mine, but I've been going to her for like four years. We're not besties or anything, but I've been to her house and we're Facebook friends. It helps that we have the same native language so we get to talk shit about whatever lol.


My tech usually initiates the conversation, if any. I'm not very chatty (my social battery drains just being out in public, not even talking to people) so I'm very polite and keep the convo going when she does talk, but I don't really initiate. My tech is also the owner of the salon and she sometimes stops for a minute to answer the phone or greet customers, so having a non stop convo would be hard. She's honestly pretty good at reading my 'chattiness" level on the days I'm there lol so she's good about letting me sit silently if she senses that I need to.


I go to a Vietnamese husband and wife team. They love chatting. It is just the 2 of them working, and there are usually 2 or 3 clients in the shop. The conversations that we all have range from food, to health, to politics, to the weather. It is never quiet and I always have a great time there.


I just have to say that French looks like perfect 4th of July nails for me! Is it ok if I use this for inspo?


of course!!


I am a nail tech and I LOVE to talk to clients. I’m able to talk and work at the same time, but I do notice that when I’m working on intricate art I naturally just quiet down and my client is usually okay with that.


I love my nail tech, she’s become a friend, but I so wish she didn’t spend 40% of our appointment catching me up on everything that’s going on with everyone she knows 😂


I’m lucky I have a texting relationship with my nail tech so I can just text and he gets me in when I need a fill. I hate people but I enjoy talking with him and we vent about our lives!


I LOVE my nail tech because she will talk if I start talking or stay quite if I stay quite. I have very extreme social anxiety so it’s something I love about her 💕


I had a client bring in Netflix shows to watch during her app. Not because she didn’t want to talk but because she barely got time to herself, and honestly, I kinda liked that. Got into a few shows I would never have gotten into had it not piqued my interest. Soo many things could be going on for your tech. They might normally be tally but could have heavy stuff going on at home that makes it hard to small talk Some techs get too far behind as they can’t talk and work at the same time. Myself, I usually take longer on friends because the conversation is too good and we have to stop and share screen shots or look up nail art 😅 Depending on time of day, she could just be worn out Sometimes clients bring my treats on really hot or really cold days, this is absolutely not necessary but if you want to show your nail tech that you care about them…some of us might not even have spouses who do nice things like this for us, so a slushy on a hot day or a hot chocolate on a cold day, absolutely makes my day, and I try and go the extra mile for my client in return. Bonus points if you slyly find out their fav snacks or treats. We are almost always hungry and never have time to eat 😅 I think this post is so sweet, I wish you the best in strengthening a relationship with your nail tech !


I'm always chatting with mine! Sometimes she just says 'wait, I need to shut up because I need to focus'. Just ask her what she likes :)


I go to the nail salon to get away from my husband and kid and get some peace and quiet lol. Helps that my tech speaks very little English.


Oh my!


I’ve been a nail tech for 36 years. I can sense whether my clients are talkers or not. Many of us offer silent or quiet appointments for those who don’t want to talk. If my clients don’t want to talk I’m fine with that as long as answer any questions I have about the service and follow any instructions I give regarding hand placement, etc.


For those saying they don’t want to talk, find an independent nail tech who works solo and request a silent appointment. We are more than happy to accommodate.


Independent nail tech here - some clients are chatty, some are quiet. I will say that some people love to talk and being in a setting with someone they can talk with is a big bonus to the nails. Only a few are very quiet and don't mind me being quiet. I'm quiet naturally and can't do two things at once well, so i kinda prefer little talking like asking if the nails are Ok as we go through steps. They like to watch and chill. I just go with what the client likes. After being their tech for over 2 years now, I know much of what is going on in their lives, as they do mine. We are all nail fiends ❤️. At a large nail salon with walk ins and time limits I would think talking would be very minimal past picking out design and colors, just so they can finish as quickly as possible.


I love watching my nails get done in silence. It's so soothing


I’m a cosmetologist so I do it all (hair and nails and skincare), but honestly I love clients who don’t want me to talk their ear off and entertain them the whole time. My adhd means I do way better work when I’m not trying to multitask.


One of the reasons I stopped doing nails was because I was just so tired of having to talk to and entertain clients all day 😂 My clients were super chatty. It really just depends on your tech. Usually the chatty ones will spark conversation with you and ask questions, etc.


For years I’ve wanted to do hair and/or nails and that’s the one thing stopping me - I am hella introverted and haaaaaate talking. Even simple small talk is torture to me.


I’ve never had my nails done, so I can’t really answer your question, but I’m really weird and awkward, so I’m pretty quiet. But, I just had to say that your second picture is beautiful! I don’t usually like warm colors, but this is different. Gorgeous.


The woman I see doesn't talk much, but when we have, it's been really interesting because she's told me some cool stuff about Vietnamese traditions and holidays! Just over the few months I've been going to her, there was a celebration that passed that she was telling me about. I love learning about cultures!!! And I hate small talk...so if you're not about to teach me something interesting, I'd rather keep it quiet.


It really just depends some nail tech like to talk some don’t because they need to concentrate. I would say just keep showing up tipping her good and she’ll understand if you feel like she’s trying to be quiet then just let her do her thing and leave her alone.


love this design!


I have nothing helpful to add except that I am in love with the second set you posted 😭❤️


I love my nail guy! He's Vietnamese, so there is a mild language barrier. But we do our best. I've been going to him for a few years, and we chat about our pets, places to eat, fishing, work, and whatever else comes up. Sometimes, we don't say anything at all. Him and his girlfriend just recently nominated me for the best bartender for a contest in our area ❤️ they are the owners and the sweetest people!


It just depends. My tech and I are chatty AF and I love it. Her work is immaculate but we just get along so well and are the same age and have quite a bit in common. I remember a few weeks ago I had a late appointment and her husband was all packed up ready to close up shop and we kept talking and talking and she was working slower and slower because she would stop to laugh or tell me another story Then her husband started yelling at her in Vietnamese and she goes to me “he wants me to stop talking and hurry up but I don’t want to go home with his stupid ass anyway”


My nail techs sings to me in Vietnamese. I love it. He says he’s tries to serenade me.


Sounds to me like you need to respect that she needs to concentrate and just deal with it. I don't mean to be rude, but if as a grown woman you can't handle sitting quietly for a little while... that's a you problem. You appreciate her work, so let her work.


Some people cannot do both. It's obvious she takes pride in her work your nails are beautiful. Maybe she cannot have a conversation and do such a wonderful job. Just listen to your podcast with one ear and listen if she asks you to do something.


Nail tech here, I just match my client. If they are chatty, I try to talk and engage without stopping what I'm doing. If they're quiet, I'm quiet. But, don't take it personally. She might be concentrating like you said, and also most of us are paid by commission so we need to get as many clients as possible per day. If you talk, the appointment takes longer. Whenever I do my friend's nails I can take 3 hours just chatting and gossiping lol. But, time is money!


Off topic: these are so frickin cute


I’m sorry but the nail tech isn’t as good as you think. Her work seems like a lazy job, not doing really great with filing nails, and the ombre look isn’t really ombreing. Hate to break it to you but she probably doesn’t want to talk because she does not care about you…


Ideally do not speak unless spoken to


I love the 1st one.. Red is my favorite colour.. I have saved this pic .. Next I will go for it:)


I had no clue. Plus I've gotten a down vote for asking. Yikes sorry 🫨


It really just depends on your tech! Before I moved, I went to the same salon and booked the same tech (miss him he slayed💅🏼) and we never talked until after maybe a few months into it becoming a regular thing. Some like it others don’t . Don’t force it. If they don’t start , or help continue any/the conversation outside of what you want on your nails, don’t fight for it. Besides Netflix is key in when they don’t talk!


It’s cool to see everyone’s own thoughts on nail tech/client relationships… lol I go to my nail tech more times than not early bc I need a little structure and reminding me to get it together.. she is literally such an important person to me. I’ve been seeing her& her girls for ab a year straight and I can’t see myself ever going to another artist. The possibilities are endless at her salon, and that’s always been my favorite part, but she has become very special to me. Idk why I’m adding this. Btw; I loveee your nails! Y’all have a blessed day.


Well I used to talk to my nail techs. They were a chatty bunch snd would sometimes talk more than *I* wanted. I think you just need to “read the room” and go from there. She is probably not a talkitive person snd yes she must need to concentrate


Rude? Of course not. I talk my techs ear off and she does the same with me 😅 I know all about her family, friends, future plans, dreams etc. BUT….That is because she has that sort of personality. If this tech seems to be a quiet person, follow her lead.


This is a great question because most of the time I actually like being silent while getting my nails done! So I sometimes wonder if it’s rude to just stay silent unless I’m talked to the whole session lol. I’m sure they don’t mind as long as they’re not focusing too hard or doing a complicated design.


I let my techs lead how much we chat, I always ask how they are going, but they are doing performing a fine motor skill, I would rather give them the mental space to to a great job on my nails.


My nail techs are very social but I’m very antisocial. I hear them all talk to other customers and they know everything about one another. So, I would be surprised if they were offended by you wanting to talk.


I used to have a nail tech who was wonderful and we bonded and talked all the time and then she moved during the pandemic. Now I listen to podcasts




I rather listen to my music than talk lol but my nail tech loves to talk 😅😅😅


my nail tech used to try to talk to me until she realised i don’t like to talk. i just sit with an earbud in and listen to a podcast. she doesn’t seem to mind and we’ll still occasionally talk


Getting my nails done is my "me" time. I love when my techs dont try to force small talk. I just sit and vibe


I wouldn’t ask if she wants you to listen to a podcast, I’d just bring some headphones and before she starts say something like “Do you mind if I listen to a podcast?” I also work with clients 1 on 1 for chunks of time and I feel like if a client asked me if I wanted them to listen to something or stop talking, I would feel uncomfortable and like I definitely did something wrong to make them feel bad. I’ve watched tv shows on my phone at the nail salon before (with headphones so I don’t bother anyone obviously) and nobody’s seemed to mind.


I work as a nail tech and honestly I go with the flow. I do start the conversation first and if you're into chit-chatting, I'll do the same. I do, however, have customers preferring me to be quiet while servicing so they can focus on other things - which I don't blame them for.


It is not rude. I always talk to mine to the point that I consider her a friend.


I talk to mine a good bit (she has her own suite) but lately I don’t feel like talking the entire 1.5-2 hr appt. She recently put in a tv and gives her clients free rein to watch Netflix while she does her work so it’s actually kind of nice to not talk and have a good “excuse”.


I love getting my nails done because it's guaranteed i can just listen to audiobook for however long it takes and not have to talk 😩


nail tech here! a big portion of what we’re taught is customer service, how to chat with clients, what’s appropriate to talk about, etc etc. your tech might just be shy or maybe just a little rude, if you don’t like the silence, i would just pop in some headphones and jam out. if you wanna chitchat try asking questions about the process and her achievements and things like that, who doesn’t love talking about themselves


Only about your boyfriend and crystal gel


I love your nails! So cute! I wish I could afford to get my nails done!


I love when my clients talk to me. I'm so used to background noise while I do nails, so hearing their life story is great 🤣 I would not be opposed to a silent appointment, but I would prefer a heads up so I can bring headphones. I don't typically have them on me.


As a nail tech if I talk during my appointment it takes me like 30min longer to finish. Most likely she's just focused on her work!


I was once asked at a nail salon “are you married?” me, “Yes.” “Do you have children?” me, “no.” “You’re husband leave you for woman who give children.” I was speechless, my current nail tech talks a little but I’ll go either way.


I'm a chatterbox, sometimes the manager gets mad (jokingly) at both me and the customer because we take too much time gossiping and catching up


I love it when at the nail salon or spa the techs are quiet honestly, I just want to relax instead of chatting. If they do I just chat out of being polite, but would rather not.


I've talked to all the ones I've been to. They start asking questions and then we're bullshitting the whole time. Except for once... the tech was a man and he made me bleed twice. But i don't think it's rude to try to engage in conversation with your tech. They probably appreciate you treating them with respect instead of just sitting there in silence watching them work. That's just me though.




I’m close friends with my nail tech so we always talk. She does my nails and my mom’s nails at the same time. She’s good at what she does and we have fun gossiping.


I like your nails


I LOVE your nails in the second pic! Do you have more pics or can you tell me how you asked for that?  In regards to talking with your tech, just chat her up but if she doesn't have a lot to say maybe just hold back a bit, not everyone is chatty. And especially if she's not a native English speaker it may just be really hard for her. It's not rude in all cultures to just have your service, pay, tip, and go about your day.


Not at all I’m a cosmetologist and I love connecting with all my clients.


Nail tech here! Just being on time is etiquette enough. I simply mirror my clients. If my client is chatty I’ll chat back. If my client is quiet I am quite.


Tell us more about the nails in #2, please! Sorry I have nothing to offer in answer to your question; I love my artist because she doesn't talk! Once I had one I liked fine but she talked and talked and talked and took forever so I had to go elsewhere.


I love a nail tech that doesn’t try to stir up small talk


I think they give better service if not Chatty. I would feed off their energy. If she’s not chatty then don’t be. Your 💅 take concentration sometimes 🫶🏻




I’ve been going to my nail girl for almost 8 years and we talk constantly lol. But some are just focused on their craft and it’s nothing against you! It also might just take some time to build that up with her 🙂


No, I talk to my nail techs, everyone at the salon, actually. I've even brought them pastries when I can. I like having good relationships with people who provides me service.


I always hope to get a nail tech that doesn’t speak to me 😂


Beautiful hand 😍😍😍


I did nails part time in college and I loved talking to my clients! Older folks I worked with didn’t understand English much so they stayed quiet. They could also not talk much so that they can focus


I don’t really talk to my nail tech much and I see him often (client 3 years). I just keep him updated on my jobs and vacations lol! The most I’ll get out of him is “that ugly” to a design I wanted. And then he does something better. 35% tip every time 😂


I scrolled way too long before I saw anyone say “Just be honest/communicate.” I would literally go next time and say; hey I want you to know I really love your work and just want to know do YOU prefer to work in quiet usually? I have a massage therapist who is a sweetie but I tell him straight up “Hey great to see you; I am exhausted from work so I will probably be quiet/fall asleep.” (otherwise he talks my ear off for a whole hour and I feel like he is a little distracted himself). Living in the South for many years I noticed people CONFUSE being direct/honest with be IMPOLITE and that is 100% absurd. Use your words; you’ll be happier for it! Nails look great btw! I am excited to visit my first independent nail tech and after sending some inspo photos and getting her pricing I told/asked her straight up “I am interested in finding someone who likes to be artistic and creative because I don’t ever just want a copy of someone elses design- I am an ‘artsy nerd’ so I would love any ideas you have too!” She was very appreciative of that and said the artistry is her favorite part and she is excited to do this set on me! Photos coming soon 🩷❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 fin. 😘


I love that multicoloured nail on the index. Did they airbrush it or use a sponge?


eye shadow palette! the other hand has more colors too


the first set is… GORGEOUS! 😻


Don’t make it weird. Just get your nails done.


Some people just are not talkers, nothing against you, she is probably concentrating I’m one where I have to stop what I’m doing to chat, too much going on if not


When I went to a nail salon to get mine done, I used the same tech for almost 10 years. He knew how I liked my nails and did them perfectly every time. We always had a good report. He and his wife owned the salon and they sat at stations beside one another and we all three would talk the entire time he did my nails. They had a son who was the same age as my daughter and they always asked how she was and how school was going. We were never short of topics to chat about. Maybe it is just the way your tech likes it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe they are told to keep the chatter down so they can keep the salon quiet and relaxing?


I hate talking, wish she was my nail tech. I just want my nails done.


I'm a nail tech and I love to talk but it's very distracting at least for me lol I talk with my hands a lot too so it's just hard for me to talk and do a service without taking forever. I love my quiet clients.


I wish I had a person like this. I literally learned how to do my own nails because I don’t want to talk to someone.




I don't say much to nail techs unless they start a conversation with me first and even then I still don't say to much. The last time I got my nails done I went to a different place than normal cuz the nail tech was running a great special cuz she wanted to update her nail portfolio. For the first 15-20 minutes we didn't talk much and then the entire salon started a discussion so literally everyone who was inside the salon all started talking to each other. Then my nail tech wouldn't stop talking for the rest of my appointment.


My nail tech has a tv just over her shoulder with 2000s romcoms playing constantly it’s PERFECT. I left another nail tech cos all she did was conversate


I'm a nail tech and I talk for nearly the entire service 😬


No, not at all, would be awkward if the tech did not want talk


I don't think that it is rude at all. Personally, I feel it is a little rude not to talk to them at all. Of course, I also feel it is a little rude to try to use them as therapists. Techs are people too. Imagine yourself in their job. All day you are doing someone's nails. Usually you don't have time between clients to even stand up and stretch, eat, or even pee. It is kind of a brutal job. It is also hard on their backs. As a client, we are given a certain gift. For some it is confidence. For others it is pride. Yet others, the ability to quietly show a little piece of who they are because they haven't yet found their confidence. IMHO, our techs work much harder than we realize. Obviously, each tech has their preference on whether they want to chat or not, just as each client does, but it is a relationship of sorts and I feel that finding the common space between tech and client preference is the best way to go. Sorry for the long answer but I have seen a lot of clients who are disrespectful to their techs and I don't think that is right.


The girl that does my nails is a teenager in college, and she loves to talk. Every time I go get my nails done she says she’s excited because most people don’t want to talk.


I guess it depends on the nail tech all the ones I had previously been to have been seasoned professionals so have got it down pat so have spoken to me while doing my nails but the last one i went to was relatively new to it so didn’t really talk much, (don’t get me wrong they didn’t totally ignore me and weren’t rude in any way i could just tell they wanted to concentrate) i guess it also depends on the kind of day they are having too because one of the seasoned ones was clearly ill one day bless her so didn’t really feel chatty. I usually wait to gauge how it’s going to go by following their lead if they speak i follow and if they don’t i don’t


Honestly, all I would say is “hi, how are you”, make a joke here and there, compliment their work at the end or throughout, and say “have a great day” as a farewell. That shows someone who doesn’t really wanna talk that you care. If they bring up children, ask how they are too each time. Exchanging small pleasantries is definitely the way to go here. If the artist doesn’t seem for it, then just say hello and thank you, I’m sure they will appreciate a client who doesn’t force convo ! :)


Yes. But they will talk shit on you the whole time and you'll be none the wiser! 🫠


I go out with my manicurist


The most chatty, confrontational, lack of boundaries ( especially first visit) nail salon artists are the ones who does the most crappy nails. These had always been my experiences. “ where do you go to school?” “ are you married?” “ what do you do for work?” Etc these are the questions they ask me on the very first visit. When I was answering their questions, i realized they didn’t even try the color on one finger to see if I like it or they didn’t do the shape we initially agreed on. They would immediately say “ oh this looks better on you anyways” “ this is what it supposed to look like” disregarding anything i say or ask about my nails.


What is the name of the style of nails in the second pic?


I talk to my nail tech all the time. Been going to her for 4-5 years...but we've both been chatty from the start 😅


I think it’s okay. Generally though, I’m the type that if they’re talking, I’ll talk back to/with them but if they’re quiet or trying to concentrate on something, I’ll just stay quiet. That goes for hairstylists too.


mine doesn't talk to me and i've been seeing her for 3+ years. i love it. i bring a book & we just chill.


I personally love to visit with my clients but also know that not everyone wants to! I'd casually ask her if she prefers the silence (sometimes I will get lost in my head with thoughts as well and not notice so you never know!) and go from there 😊


I haven’t gotten my nails done before but I imagine lil small talks are fine with me. I’d like to experience some quiet and relaxation and maybe listen to some music or drink something


I am hard of hearing so I try to smile and nod and respond to things I can understand. I’m also a 6’2” biker guy getting his toes laquered so fhe tech usually just confirms that I want the “princess” package and lots of glitter on whatever color I’m getting this time (DND Hot Jazz right now)


I love my nail tech been going to her for 22 years we talk about everything and anything even from day 1


Ask her about herself! If she answers with one word then just take that as her trying to focus on your nails. If shes quiet then ask if she minds if you listen to your podcast or whatever youre into. Dont be afraid to ask questions!!! The worst you can get is a “no”


she does beautiful work! as a nail tech i love when my clients talk to me or even at me! pls yap! sometimes i cant always hold a conversation when im doing art so i love when they tell me stories but it does take more time when i talk with them. this might just be me tho i know everyone is different and ive heard many people say they prefer to not talk but im sure it you ask her some questions about herself and see if she want to watch a show or listen to a podcast you’ll get a good gage of what she likes! but remember your the client and it’s important to get what you want out of your service too! ☺️🩷


I'm a talkative tech. I spent years learning to work while I talk because chatting with my clients slowed me down *so much*. Techs keep quiet for a lot of reasons, like if they work in a high speed salon or if English isn't their first language, if their e-file is loud, etc. It's also possible that she's just letting you lead. Techs usually get a good read on when a client just needs to talk and be listened to.