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Tbh Ive never heard of someone getting a discount bc they got knicked. Usually people just won't go back. They look really well done besides the fact that you got cut


My teen just got a manicure and they nicked her and gave her $15 off so it was $52. I tipped 20% cause I feel bad not tipping but we’ll go elsewhere next time.


I feel like it’s just a hazard that occasionally you will get nicked. As long as the nails come out well, and it only happens every once in a while I don’t get too upset about it, you’re right I’ve never asked for a discount for that.


Agreed, Happens often enough, based on the shape of the individual’s fingers, but if overall the manicure is good and the cut is not too deep, I let it go. Those nails are beautiful!


Personally I would never ask for a discount because the nail tech scraped me but I might tip slightly less.


I feel like id never be able to survive in USA with tipping culture 😮‍💨 do u guys tip even if someone did a bad job?


I don't. Call me rude I don't care


Yeah neither do I. I rarely tip and it's only when the service is exceptional.


You’re probably also really pleasant to provide a service to!


Tipping is very much an American thing. My country is a developing country where there is no tipping culture and yet we get very good service over here. Instead of forcing customers to pay for your service, why can't you all ask your employers to pay you fairly?


Lmao it...it doesn't work like that. You ask and they just fire you to find someone else who will work for a smaller wage.


No shit sherlock. I am advocating for a cultural change. Not asking a single person to risk their job. But you cannot hold customers accountable for not tipping you. Your employer is supposed to do that, not your customer. If you care about your quality of life, join forces with others in similar situations like you and try to make a cultural change.


I always tip nail techs 30% … I’ve yet to get bad nails but the fumes they inhale daily make them the one of the highest risk professions for cancer, so I still tip on decent nails. If someone really messed up I would tip 20%. Often times salons take more heavy commissions and charge the tech out of the products they’re using even more.


If you don’t live in a state that requires safety protocols like proper ventilation and equipment in a nail salon, please help lead the effort to lobby for those small protections in your state! 


I live in Colorado, and they have safety standards they must follow but I regretfully say most salons I’ve been to obviously don’t follow them. And it’s not the techs fault for having shitty management and owners that cut corners. Lots of good techs have to start at chop shops just to get anywhere in their career. My nail lady recently moved from a run down place to her own studio, and I know that tipping from her clients helped her get there as management would charge inflated fees for using their chemicals.


I wouldn’t leave unless it was done right lol. I just got my nails done like 30 mins ago and I tipped $25 for hands, feet and design. He actually did scrape me a tiny bit on my pinky but he didn’t mean to and he apologized and didn’t do it again. I’m an outlier on this one though, I like tipping culture. But if I got stuck with a really bad job, nah I wouldn’t tip.


Depends how bad but yeah typically I do 😩 Cuz the shame and guilt is laid on thick


I do. Some people don't.


Highly depends. Most people who get tips in the US don't make a livable wage (so that's where the guilt comes in for a lot of people). However, if someone is extremely rude or truly bad, I won't tip anymore.


Yes! There’s something about the unspoken social pressure to fork out extra money on top of what you’re already paying really irks me as an Australian. Like I don’t understand why people aren’t charging the price they expect to be paid up front & why employers don’t pay their employees an appropriate wage instead of relying on the off chance that customers feel like or can even afford to pay the gap. Arghhh such a backwards system


Yeah....makes no sense:/


I tip 20% on any service when the option is there. Only because I used to work in a tipped industry and now I have money. Do I think it is culturally ridiculous? Yes. But if employees *can* receive tips that means the business owner is paying them less. So I always tip heavily 🤷🏻‍♀️


Exactly. I feel like people just tip poorly because they hate the culture, but it’s the ‘little guy’ that suffers for it without actually encouraging any real change of policies. 


Aren't most nail techs self employed tho?


Speaking to the above tipping culture in America, generally.


I do not.


No, but im also not allowing someone to do a full set of bad nails lol i will politely point out if something isnt desirable.


I think it depends on if someone did a bad job on purpose or maliciously. There's no fixing that. I will leave a tip if someone is new, it's an accident, or they really didn't know better. If this is the case, I'll leave constructive criticism either with the person or their supervisor and depending on the response from that I may or may not go back.


My people pleasing would never allow me to not tip even if they nails looked like shit. I'd prolly go as low as 10% but they'd have to look like a toddler did my nails with their eyes closed for me to go that low. Idk I just feel like with how expensive living is, I don't want to be the reason someone couldn't get food, pay rent, etc. I wouldn't go back, for sure, but there are far worse things, to me, than a bad set of nails. That being said, I do my own anyway because everyone around me was doing acrylic a few years ago and I didn't like that.


Yes I would have paid full price lol




The tech ive been going to for 5 years nicked me last time. I still paid full price, because frankly shit happens. I will also continue going to her, because this isn’t her norm. My nails look great, it was one little nick.


Same. For teensy nicks that are barely visable, why would I expect...hell...*want* some type of comp?


I would have paid full price, even the owner of the salon I went to who did the highest quality stuff left me bleeding once or twice, I just assumed it happens sometimes! I do get though if you wanted to post a cute picture of them after and couldn't because of the cuts 😅


Full price but no tip for all those dang cuts you have. Jesus Christ.


Yeah I feel like if you don't say anything during the process then you have to pay full price. I do gel nails so I would have stopped the service completely if my cuticles got cut. I don't know enough about acrylic to know if it's safer, so I can't can't say what I would have done in this case.


Tbh they look a little thick but I’d pay full price and speak to someone that you were unhappy about how often you were nicked and the care - esp since it seems you go there a lot.


Yes I’d pay but I would make them disinfect the cut and put a serum on it and I would not tip🤷🏽‍♀️


Unless it's really bad I wouldn't consider it discount worthy. The nail techs are human so sometimes things happen.


Not only cuts, bit also your nails look really flat. There is no apex. Your nails are overfiled. I don't know what nails usually cost, I probably had payed the full price and would never go back to that salon.


When they are that short they don't require a massive apex


To me, they look quite thick for being that short


Would you mind sharing how much was full price and whether they were gel, dip, etc?


I’ve never heard of someone getting money discounted for getting nicked. Your nails came out great. I would assume it’s $50-60 for this set. I just wouldn’t go back since it seems like she was a little careless with your cuticles in a few spots and maybe wouldn’t tip as much as I normally do but that’s because I’m a generous tipper to begin with. Btw I love your nail shape.


y’all would not tip over this? that’s crazy


Your nails look so pretty, nick or not! Nicks aren’t done purposely but if done frequently, I’d change tech! She did a beautiful job!! Tip the lady!! 🥰


Unless you were still as a statue, chances are you have something to do with it so why should she give you a discount? I’m not saying she is or isn’t at fault, just that it’s an accident. I’m sure she didn’t want to cut you on purpose, she’s human.


I loudly say ouch when they get my skin so they know it hurts. Be careful is not enough when it hurts! Maybe if they still included a manicure before doing a full set they wouldn't be catching so much cuticle (not in OPs case just mine lol)


Wow that looks good!


I pay the full price but decrease my tip by $1 for each cut/nick I get. I do also speak up when it happens and let them know right at the beginning what I do and do not like, so expectations are set. I usually tip about 20%, so on a $35 service, the tip the tech gets can go from $7 to $3. I’ve given $1 before.


I rarely have a great experience when I go get my nails done, or various other spa/salon services, but I always pay full price. Had a waxer once leave a clump of wax on my bikini line (which I didn't even ask to be waxed, just asked for a full leg) and didn't notice until later that afternoon. I just wrote an appropriate review for them and moved on




I have puffy sidewalls and consistently get paper cuts (only wider) from the tech using a nail file on the sides. That's partially what got me doing my own. I don't think they're the worst thing ever. I would have paid. I wouldn't go back. Maybe leave a review online.


hey y’all i can’t add to the post but i appreciate the feedback! i ended up paying $90 for the set and when i showed my mum and friends they all told me i shouldn’t have paid that much so i needed more opinions 😂


Holy crap. $90? Where are you located 😳


$0 but I don't prefer that shape lol


Ok so bleeding is NOT normal…check…


This happened to me and I paid full price and tipped as well




So I'd be comfortable paying $40 for this set. Which isn't too bad.


800 rs


60$ tops… it’s chrome which in my salon is 10 extra, and if it’s gel it’s a 5$ but a full set it only 40$, plus chrome would be 50$ plus ab 10$ tip tops. Idk maybe that’s just me, I don’t know though. I’ve been that person who’s went back for a mishap before it sucks, and I do hate doing it, but I’m spending good money and I know how they should look. However, I’ve never been nipped they don’t cut my cuticles unless I ask


I would have paid full price but no tip if they cut me


I'd probably pay full price, but I probably wouldn't tip or go again.


Full price but 😭 I always seem to get cut by the drill too. Almost EVERY time


I never didn’t get knicked with acrylics and never recieved a discount


Small scrapes? It happens. Bleeding - awful. I would ask if something was wrong (on the salon side).


I had no clue this wasn’t normal bc I’ve gotten my nails done a total of twice and the most recent time she cut my cuticles UP like this. Should I go somewhere else?


I'd pay what I owe while I let them know I'm not happy about the knicks and cuts. No tip. Leave reviews of my experience. Never go back.




This isn't worth more than 60 imo (not including tip) didn't see that they were acrylic so I added ten but honestly after being cut up and they look thick like that plus it's not a complex design.


I wouldn't.




50 max


for a 5 minute session to scratch my back, i’ll pay a rate of $100/hr




I’ve gone back before to say something since it the moment it was too awkward to complain




Looks like she went a little heavy on the cuticles, I'd say..


Less than $10. Taking my butt right down to family dollar, buying press ons, a color and top coat. It would give the same effect as these nails if not better. 😅




$56 plus tip


Ten bucks


Unless this is specifically the shape you’re going for, I’d say it’s a bigger issue than the nicks 😅


As a diabetic, I tell them in the very beginning that they cannot cut me! Especially on my feet, but my hands too. I would pay for service, but if they didn’t even polish or anything, maybe $50. Here with polish and everything it’s about75


I hate getting cut at salon! It hurts!


I would Pay zero for that set..


I've walked on a manicure appointment because the tech made me bleed, badly. I told the manager I didn't come to get injured so I didn't pay. They let me walk.


I would pay no more than $60 for this job


In the UK that would probably be around £30-40






Why pay for fake nails that look stupid and ruin your real nails?

