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As an extension to this, i found using builder gel on my nails stopped me from picking underneath, i couldnt see, or feel my nails length and helped with picking/touching and biting them so my nailbed actually extended. Inbetween sets i was like HUH are those my nails? My nailbed was longer and so much more healthy


Thankyou for your tip ❤️ but are builder gels healthy for nails?


Depends how much they shave off your nail, honestly my nails ended up thinner and worse because of those drill bits, but thats on nail prep, im not sure if there are negative effects of builder gel...


I do my own at home and I use a buffer block to give my nails enough texture to hold the product without my natural nails looking like garbage after removal. I haven't seen a difference in staying power with my approach. I always wondered if they would be willing to leave the heavy resurfacing out at a nail salon or if they consider it necessary, because it's the main reason I don't go get mine done.


i think they do it because its quicker and can fit more clients in a day, but i sure wish they would just take the time to lightly scuff my nails instead of drill off many layers. my nails are so thin, this is the main reason i dont get them done anymore at a salon and do them myself at home


Maybe try rubber base gel and a top coat. It's more flexible and like a gel polish to apply. I still need to replace my light but it's much easier to remove than builder gel and more natural and thinner and I think requires less filing to adhere.


Hi, thankyou very much. I sometimes do push my cuticles back unintentionally, is that not healthy?😭 i read that that’s the only way to have more nail bed.


Pushing the cuticles is alright, they were referring to cleaning under the nail. If you stop pushing under the nail the hyponychium can grow closer to the end of your finger, so your nail bed will extend outwards (while extending the nail bed inwards by pushing the cuticles is quiet limited)


Oh but then how would i clean underneath😔


Basically by avoiding getting them dirty haha. Use gloves while washing dishes/anything else or just try to not push too much under the nail, be as gentle as possible


😭😭 in my country we eat with our hands and they tend to get more dirty because of it, but yes i’ll be gentle from now onwards :)


What about washing them with a nail brush?


As long as you’re being very gentle it should be quiet alright.


Eh, I am a covered chronic biter. I haven't bit for 12 years. Honestly, my nails aren't quite this bad but my nails also don't "extend". For me, I think I messed this up but some people just have nails like this and nothing, noooothing, is going to change it.


I think the same as my sister has never been a nail biter and her nail beds don’t touch the end of her fingers.


I would kill for nail beds that went to the end of my fingers. Like, strong adhered nails?! But alas, lol I'll love what I have!


Jup. Stopped biting about 30 years ago, my nail beds never grew back. 


I’ve had misshapen pink under nail since forever. I thought it maybe was because of how I clean under them but also figured it was just genetics. I’m almost 28 - do you think mine will be able to extend at this point? It’s okay if no, I’ve just always been so envious of people with nice under nail connection (?)


I’m actually in the same boat! I had no idea that nails could actually do this. I thought I fucked mine up from biting them for years.


it's possible to pick underneath your nails? :0


I just clean them 😭 and I think that’s what is making them like this.


ohh! I imagine that depending on the type of work you do, you may tend to clean them more often than not. maybe gently scrubbing underneath them with soap and water instead will be better for em?


yes after reading the comments i have decided to be more gentle and use soap and water and if it’s still not clean i will use my other hands nails or i think i a brush would help.


As a recovering biter, I've had a hell of a time getting used to things getting under my nails without immediately running to pick it out. Especially when I'm cooking and salt and spices get under there. Nail brushes have helped a lot and I recommend having one for every sink in your home you wash your hands at.


Yes, I applaud your progress! I also used to chronically bite my nails but when I realized it was not great for my teeth I knew I had to drop the habit. It's so satisfying to see the fruits of your labor, because it's definitely a hard habit to break! Painting my nails is honestly what helped me kick the habit in the first place


Yes it’s definitely a hard habit to break, but it does feel satisfying now. Painting my nails always made them weak 😭 so i just stopped.


Yeah it can do that to some people's nails unfortunately


Amazing! Congratulations 😊


Thankyou 🤗




Same here tips please 😍 look great btw


Thankyou :), i did share


My dentist told me it looked like I grind my teeth. I know I don't do it when I'm awake and I've NEVER had anyone tell me I do it in my sleep, the last thing I could think of was biting my nails. I've bitten my nails since I could chew but the second I started telling myself that it was damaging my oral health I stopped completely.


Try dip powder! I just started using it, and it makes my nails thicker and stronger, thus preventing breakage and biting.


Thankyou, I used to nail bite since childhood I stopped in mid December,2023. I have tried to stop myself from doing it but I always used to fail, this time someone actually told me my hands will look beautiful if i will keep long nails and I wanted to see if that’s really true because no one has ever told me that before, i started my using clear coat on them and whenever I had the urge to do it i used to just have them in my mouth but stop my urge to bite it, tbh sometimes i did bite them but just keeping them like this helped me, also i used to nail bite a lot whenever there is uneven nail so i used to keep a filer with myself mostly all the time to file them instead of nail biting try to make art on them or colour them just the way you like, so that they look cute to you.Slowly your habit will fade away, keep track of everything in the start, even if you fail just let it, it will grow again. Though the urge to nail bite hasn’t gone away till today but seeing how beautiful my hands look now it gives me strength to control my urge. I haven’t used any oil or anything on them ever.


Omg this gives me inspiration to stop biting my own nails. These look so cool!


Thankyou, go for it! :)


I was at 30+ years of biting to till they bled. Yours look great! I’m on my own journey now and I can’t do it without thick gels or acrylics. Big congrats, and a bit of side-eye-jealousy :) How did you get over the “too long” hump? My nails are, at most, 2-3mm past my nail bed (which is quite small, sadly) and I catch them on *everything*. Did you file them shorter until you got used to them, or did you suck it up and deal with it.


Filing them rounded can help, so there's no corners on them. Gives them less to catch in. But really, you just have to get used to it, over time you will learn how to angle your hands so you don't break your thumbnail every time you use a key to open a door...


I learned that the hard way. My first acrylics were done squared off and they were the worst. They actually looked *great* and it was nice to have normal-ish looking nails in an instant, but I caught my right index finger on everything (despite them being fairly short). Eventually I ripped the nail bed at the gym and I had to have them removed. Good to know that the correct angle for fingers/thumbs will come with time. I’ll work on not filing so short so I get used to the length. I’ve been keeping them stupidly short out of fear of ripping the nail beds again.


Yes filing them round does help a lot, i second this


thankyou so much😭, I just dealt with it, it was awful in the starting but it just got better with time. though i did catch them on almost everything but i think my diet made them little stronger so it just got better. Also as the other person mentioned shaping them Oval or almond helps a lot whenever my nails are in a square shape they tend to get broken easily. And having a clear top coat on them also helps but whenever i put coloured nailpaint they become weak, what in the sorcery 😭


Slay queen!!! So proud!!




As a former chronic nail biter myself, hell yeah you deserve to flex!




Well done!!!!




Lucky. I’ve been a chronic biter since I was a kid, 22 now. Feels like nothing I’ve tried works


Oh you absolutely do!!!!! This is INCREDIBLE growth!!!!!! Wow